
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · สมัยใหม่
161 Chs

Chapter 55

Obviously, Zhang Dongcheng's speech moved most of the reporters. They put away their prejudice against the young Chinese director, recorded the whole process of the incident impartially, and told their opinions. It is generally felt that only after reading the final verdict can one truly understand the truth of the matter.

However, a small group of British tabloids headlined by the Daily Mail still distorted the meaning of Zhang Dongcheng with large-scale headlines, mocked a film director who only had a 13-minute short film, and laughed at his whimsical dream .

Everything may be because of his yellow skin and black eyes. After the United Kingdom slipped from the world's number one throne, it followed the original younger brother's buttocks and was full of enthusiasm for the country that was gradually waking up and about to stand on the top of the world. Fear, jealousy and hatred.

The inexplicable mentality of the Daily Mail actually represents the worries of some people in the UK towards China. They are still immersed in the glorious past when tens of thousands of people conquered this empire, and they are extremely disgusted with any progress in this country. Any little challenge.

They transferred all these emotions to Zhang Dongcheng, a rising star in the film industry, clamoring, accusing, cursing beside him, trying to use their dark hearts to create various states, making Zhang Dongcheng exhausted , and then after the failure at the box office, it will be worse.

If, like the original time and space, this movie is shot by an authentic British director, then the British media will definitely sing its praises. No matter how arrogant and defiant it is to declare that the Godfather is a fart, those reporters will still write flowers. Portray it as a fighter who dares to challenge the classics.

According to the reader survey of The Times, only 15% of those who support Jang Dong-seong's words accounted for 34% who thought it was just a gimmick made by young directors to promote the movie, and 23% who didn't care at all, or even 28% of Britons believe that they will not go to the cinema for this film, which means that they have been affected by the negative press and may boycott the film!

  The situation was so bad that the entire film crew felt depressed. They made mistakes repeatedly during the shooting, and the joy was no longer the same as before. Shooting is no longer a kind of enjoyment, but a kind of torture.

   "CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng paused, with a smile on his pale face, but restrained anger.

   "What's the matter with you? Didn't eat in the morning or something? Everyone is listless, cheer up, okay?" Zhang Dongcheng's words were not accusations against the actors, but against certain staff members.

  Then, the lights are all crooked, don't they know?

The mentality of the actors is okay. After all, this is their first movie. They have worked so hard and only want to keep every minute and every second of themselves on the camera. Will this movie continue to be a movie actor? There are two more things to say about your identity.

The crew members are different. After a good movie is successfully launched, their qualifications will increase, and their salary will definitely increase. But if a bad movie is made, when the director of the next movie asks: "Hey, Dude, what was your last movie? What! The one that flopped at the box office and got bad reviews?"

   Well, I will definitely be kicked out, maybe, it will be difficult to find a job.

  So this kind of worry naturally affects their mentality, and it is inevitable to be distracted and make mistakes at work.

"Hey, guys, can you cheer up? Are you just giving up on yourself and letting those boring topics become facts?" Adaman, as Zhang Dongcheng's best friend, was the first to jump out, emotionally He even contorted his face.

   "Adaman, don't blame them. Humans have their own ideas." Zhang Dongcheng shook his head lightly, signaling Adaman not to speak like this.

  "Mr. Smith, can I ask for a leave of absence? I have something to do at home." Someone whispered, with evasive eyes.

   Zhang Dongcheng looked towards the place where he was speaking, and saw that it was a lighting engineer in the crew, named Rick. It was his mistake just now, which ruined the entire scene.

  His words caused the crew to panic, and several staff members dared to make similar requests.

   "Yes, but before you leave, I want to say a few words." Zhang Dongcheng nodded, still smiling confidently.

  The lighting engineer Rick stood timidly in the face of Adaman's angry eyes as he was patiently going away.

"I understand the meaning of a good movie to everyone and the impact on everyone's future life. Not long ago, we were united as one, like brothers, working together for our goals and dreams. Soon, there will be A few sets of shots, our shooting will be finished perfectly, and all the gains will be fruitful immediately. And it is really unwise for you to fall down in this place only a few steps away from the light." Zhang Dongcheng said slowly, with a smile in his eyes. His perseverance made him stand upright like a javelin.

"I believe in everyone's judgment. After a month of filming, everyone will know about my work, whether he has great qualities, and whether he has the conditions to occupy a place in the film industry. I believe, I believe in myself, and I believe that I will not let everyone Disappointed."

"Anyone who wants to leave can leave. I will not stop everyone. Those who stay are all my friends and brothers of Zhang Dongcheng. I will let them know the true meaning of friends and brothers!" Zhang Dongcheng Taking a deep breath, he said firmly.

"Hey, man, my dream is to see you succeed, I will never go! If the lighting man is gone, I will be on top. If the prop man is gone, I will be on the top! I can't believe that these British tabloids can only cover you God, classics are classics, and no kind of slander can be covered up!" Adaman was the first to stand up and support Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Smith, I'm with you!" Orlando, the future elf prince, just smiled faintly, and stretched out his fist in front of Zhang Dongcheng, expecting to collide with him.

"I used to be a pizza waiter, and Smith made my dream come true. Hey guys, you know, the director is the soul of the whole movie, he guides us, his dreams are shattered, and ours is ours." Shattered, our dreams can only succeed if his dream succeeds. Smith, let us be together!" Fatty Andy stood up, and just like Orlando, he stretched out his fist and stretched it out in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

"What else is there to say? It's more embarrassing than when I pinched Gascoigne's little brother! I always thought I was a movie star material, but no movie director ever came to me and offered me a role." .Smith made my dream come true, and as I said, I will repay him!" Vinnie Jones, who was full of flesh and looked like a bad guy, grinned, and stretched out his sandy fists in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

"Let me tell the difference between those who stay and those who want to go, those who believe in me and those who don't, come on, Smith, let's make classics and greatness, and to **** with the **** tabloids!" Jason Statham wrote His thick fingers scratched his short hair, said the lines in the movie, and then stretched out his hand in front of Zhang Dongcheng.

"There's me, there's me! Smith, don't be defeated by those tabloids' words, let's create classics and greatness together!" Suddenly, countless actors, extras, and crew members stretched out their hands in front of Zhang Dongcheng , Shouting slogans, a huge sound wave instantly rolled up throughout the set.

  Rick the lighting engineer and a few people who were about to leave stood awkwardly at this moment, looking at the passionate people, reflecting on their own right and wrong.

   And Zhang Dongcheng looked at the forest-like arms in front of him, countless firm fists, and the light of trust and support in their eyes, and a wave of heat surged in his heart, as irresistible as a volcano.

  Those excited smiling faces, those words of encouragement, those acknowledgments without complaint or regret, made Zhang Dongcheng's eyes gradually moist.

Suppressing his sore nose, Zhang Dongcheng stood up and collided with countless fists: "Together, we declare war on the impossible! When the movie is finished, those tabloid reporters who only know how to distort and slander will know their own insignificance and ignorance .We will be unstoppable!"