
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 54

This young Chinese director still looks quite interesting. These words came to all the reporters' hearts, and they finally stopped laughing and looked at Zhang Dongcheng, wanting to see his reaction later.

"Okay, dear gentlemen and ladies, dear journalist friends, I, Smith, am standing here now, do you have any questions you want to ask me?" Zhang Dongcheng put away his smiling face, and said seriously Said.

   "Is it true what you said in front of the reporters two days ago that your film will compete with the Godfather?" someone shouted hoarsely.

   "Where does your confidence come from? What do you think about the media attacks these days?" Someone screamed.

   "Do you really think your movie will destroy the original gangster movie and reach a whole new level? Why?" Some impatient reporters even put the microphone in Jang Dongcheng's mouth.

   "Oh, gentlemen, please keep quiet and raise your hand to ask questions, please? Mr. Smith can't answer at all!" Boss Alston stood up, waving his arms in an attempt to calm down these excited reporters.

The venue gradually calmed down. Countless people raised their arms and stared longingly at Zhang Dongcheng, who was resting on the rostrum, maintaining a gentlemanly demeanor and smiling slightly, hoping that he would spot him and let him be the first one. question.

"Sir, this first question is up to you to ask!" Zhang Dongcheng saw that the entire venue had quieted down and restored order, so he randomly ordered someone who raised his hand high and didn't touch his buttocks on the chair. A reporter who won't stop until I point.

"Thank you, Mr. Smith. I am a reporter from the British Sun newspaper. I would like to ask Mr. Smith, is it true that your movie is about to be compared with the Godfather?" said the reporter. He stood up with a bang, spoke as fast as a machine gun, and finished speaking in one breath.

   Sure enough, this is the problem.

Zhang Dongcheng thought to himself, seeing more than 200 reporters in the audience, watching them waiting eagerly, with the pen in his hand ready in the notebook, intending to record every word he said, couldn't help but slightly Smiling, took a deep breath.

"For the Godfather, I personally have full admiration. For Mr. Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Mr. Danny Boyle, these old-timers and legendary figures in the film industry, I personally also have great respect , full of respect. However, if my new movie is compared with The Godfather, I think, in some respects, my new movie will become a classic and great movie like The Godfather."

As soon as this remark came out, it was equivalent to admitting in disguise that his film did have the ambition to compete with the godfather, which caused an uproar in the entire venue. Countless people desperately recorded in their notebooks, and yelled loudly regardless of the order .

   "May I ask Mr. Smith, why do you believe that your film can be the same as the godfather who is considered incapable of leaping by people in the global film industry?"

   "Great and classic? Mr. Smith, did I hear you right? Is this your confidence or your arrogance? Where do these arguments come from?"

   At one time, more than two hundred people were shouting questions excitedly, and today's interview will bring violent headlines, which will greatly attract attention!

   "Quiet, be quiet, gentlemen. Can Mr. Smith finish his sentence?" Alston was sweating profusely, trying to calm down the reporters who seemed to have taken aphrodisiacs.

   And Zhang Dongcheng didn't say anything, just looked at the reporters with a calm and resolute face, folded his hands on his chest, and calmed down.

  The reporters finished their mouths and finished asking questions. Seeing that Zhang Dongcheng remained silent, they silently stopped talking, waiting for him to give an explanation.

  Finally, no one spoke anymore, and the messy venue returned to its original state. Only then did Zhang Dongcheng stand up slowly, walked to the front of the stage, and spoke seriously and convincingly.

"Originally, I thought Britain was a tolerant, progressive, and open-minded country. It would not stand still, and would not be complacent in the past glory of the empire on which the sun never sets. Facing the crazy cultural invasion of Hollywood today, it would rise up to resist. British cinema will burst out with its own extraordinary beauty, reclusive and independent. But it seems, I was wrong."

  An angry light flashed in Zhang Dongcheng's eyes, and his voice was sonorous and powerful, hitting the hearts of everyone like a heavy hammer.

"The godfather's status in the global film industry is as tall as a god, exuding infinite charm, making people intoxicated by the magic of movies. I emphasize again that I admire the godfather, I respect classics, and I surrender to greatness. But I believe that Mr. Francis Ford Coppola will not let people get close because he shot this great work in the history of the movie! Nobody can make a movie that comes close to or even surpasses The Godfather in some respects!"

   These words shocked everyone, Zhang Dongcheng's roaring voice like an oriental lion left everyone speechless.

   "Don't worry, I have another question. What is a movie? Can everyone here answer me?"

   Zhang Dongcheng glanced at him, and the reporters whispered to each other, but they didn't dare to answer. The topic is so broad that it's hard to get started.

"Movies are dreams, movies are miracles, movies, in the final analysis, are a kind of leap! It is the dream of creating classics and creating great miracles. This is the attitude and awareness that we filmmakers should have. Without this quality, how can Talk about being able to produce works that impress the audience?"

   Zhang Dongcheng took over his own words, with an unquestionable feeling in his tone, and continued.

"Like the world record in the Olympic Games, what a great miracle it is to be admired and appreciated! But why, why generations of sports athletes are attacking the world record, through endless training and sweat, to the world Recording the impact of a hundred deaths without regrets? Greatness is for the sake of greater greatness. That is the goal set, and it should not be a shackle, set on others, and even ironically ridiculed at the efforts of others, you, impossible!"

   Zhang Dongcheng's words were deafening, and stirred up waves in the hearts of the reporters, making everyone bow their heads and reflect on whether it was too much to laugh at a person with a dream.

"It's not about living in the shadow of others, not blindly following in the footsteps of others, looking up at the heights of others, trembling and fearing between classics and greatness. Filmmakers in the new era should possess such qualities, bringing film and the world More works that touch the heart and soul, develop techniques and innovative thinking, and shoot more and better works."

"Like gurgling water, running towards the sea without stopping; like a little snail, climbing up step by step for one's big dream; like a brave sailor fighting hard in the wind and rain; like forever The sunflower facing the sun, facing everything with a smile. Yes, I am an ordinary person, a director who has no works to show, but makes people laugh and talk, but I am eager to surpass and struggle, just like hundreds of Just like the British in the age of great voyages years ago, they bravely raised their sails and marched towards their goals."

"Maybe, I will die on the road to Pinbo, but I believe that there must be a smile on my face. Thank you everyone!" After Zhang Dongcheng said these words, he bowed deeply to all the reporters present, and then Without looking back, he strode out the door and disappeared.

  The next day, the uproar did not subside because of Zhang Dongcheng's words, but intensified and became an event that countless big newspapers and tabloids rushed to report and discuss.

   "Transcendence and greatness, Smith won applause for his wonderful speech, and "Two Smoking Barrels" became a hot topic in the UK." - The Times of England.

   "Whether it is a big talk or a great miracle, let us try and see." - The British Sun

   "Smith Zhang is still arrogant, claiming to want to create a world record in the film industry!" - British Daily Mail

  "The right and wrong may only be known on the day the movie is released!"——British News of the World

   "Greatness is for greater greatness! Smith Zhang's words are thought-provoking!"--British Headline Entertainment