
Hollow Heroes: The Espada of Class 1A

this book belongs to MrEhero-Ultimate I like his book and want to spread this fanfiction here on Webnovel if you want it to read this on Wattpad it has the same Titel.

Vasilli_niko · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Run deku Run


Suddenly all of the lights went green as everyone started to rush through the

entryway as the Espada stood back a bit let everyone else get into the


Present Mic: And we're off to a racing start! How 'bout some color

commentary, Mummy Man?

Aizawa: How did you talk me into this? And why are you here Ichimaru?

Gin looked at Aizawa with the same smile as he sat in his chair.

Gin: I volunteer to do some guest commentary on the Espada seeing how I know more about them and their abilities.

Present Mic: What should we be paying attention to in the early stages of the race?

Aizawa: The doorway.

As everyone was crowding the doorway, a sudden chill overcame the tunnel

as ice filled the exit. Todoroki managed to trapped a large group of people in their tracks as many of the other members of Class A were able to avoid getting caught.

Yaoyorozu: Nice trick, Todoroki!

Bakugo: I won't let you get away so easily! You icy-hot bastard!

Ojiro: You froze me in place once before, it won't happen again.

Ashido: Close one!

Uraraka: Gotta wait for the right time to show off my Quirk!

As most of Class 1A managed to avoid the attack, some of the other students were making decent progress on avoiding the icy floor while the Purple- haired student was being carried by a group of students.

Purple-hair: So they are good at

using their powers, huh?

Suddenly a heavy burst of wind hits the doorway, breaking the entire entrance as multiple figures flashed through past the trapped students. Starrk, Lilynette, Barragan, Szayelapporo and Aaroneiro remained at the entrance completely unphased by the ice or explosion.

Szayelapporo: So many fascinating powers they are all displaying. All of this will be very fruitful for my research.

Lilynette: C'mon Starrk! Let's get going before we fall behind...!!

Lilynette took a step only to slip and fall face first into the ice floor while the others watched. Lilynette lifts her face with tears welling up in her eyes as her face was red from the impact. Meanwhile Todoroki was still in first place as some screams were heard behind him.

Grimmjow: Get out of my way!!

Todoroki turned around to see Yammy destroying the ice below his feet as he ran on the path, Zommari was traveling with Sonido as he was making his way towards the front, Nnoitra and Grimmjow were running through people as they were almost sadistic in their motives to get to first. While Ulquiorra and Harribel were floating in the air as they were traveling at a good distance to avoid the ground issues.

Todoroki: I didn't expect so many

people to dodge that. Especially those

from other classes.

He looks up to see Mineta surprisingly using his quirk to actually catch up to Todoroki and some of the Espada.

Mineta: You think you're so cool,

but I've outsmarted you! Ha! How pathetic, Todoroki! Eat this! My special attack! Gra...

Suddenly a robot hand came out of nowhere and knocked Mineta out of the air causing him to spin to the ground. Midoriya managed to catch up with the near front as he saw Mineta being hit.

Midoriya: Are you okay?!

Robot: Targets acquired. Terminate them.

Midoriya: It's those robots from the entrance exam!

Present Mic: Ooh! Enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a

treat here! A test of strength and cunning! It's a Robo Inferno!

Kaminari: Are those the zero-point villains from the practical test?!

Student1: Seriously?

Student2: This is what they meant by "obstacles"?

Todoroki: So this is what the other students faced in their entrance exams.

Yaoyorozu: Where's the school even get the funding for these things?

Todoroki then formed ice on his hand as he then proceeded to freeze the attacking Zero-pointer.As Todoroki was running he heard loud laughter behind him as he saw

Grimmjow standing in place cackling.

Grimmjow: Ahahahahaha!!! Don't tell me that's all you got?! Pathetic!

Grimmjow raised his hand up as he supported it with the other before a blue light started to form in his hand.

Grimmjow: This is how you take on someone bigger than you!!

Zommari: Grimmjow, don't release it! It will surely cause damage to others!

Grimmjow: They'll be fine if they're not stupid enough to get in my way! Gran Rey Cero!!

Suddenly the blue light fired, heading straight for the zero pointer that was almost about to fall over as it was now reduced to shards and pieces of machinery. Todoroki stopped for a second with wide-eyes before he quickly picked up the pace.

Present Mic: Woah! Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez destroyed a zero pointer with one blast! What kind of power does that kid have?!

Gin: Allow me to explain.

Gin stood up and was holding a pointer in his hands as he moved over to a board

Gin: The skill Grimmjow used was known as a Gran Rey Cero. A stronger more powerful form of their basic Cero. The Espada can use this ability but only due to certain circumstances.

Aizawa: That was.... very informative.

Back at the race, Grimmjow stood with his hand smoking as he smirked before seeing the other Espada and students were arriving. He said nothing as he ran forward while the others dealt with the robots.

Midoriya was making his way to the zero pointers when something caught his eye, a three pointer making it's way to attack Harribel from behind. Midoriya immediately rushed over, drawing his wooden sword before activating Full Cowling. He pushed her out of the way before Midoriya slashed the robot with the blade, managing to avoid breaking the wood but destroyed the robot.

Midoriya: W-wow, this actually does help.

Harribel: Why did you rush in like that?

Midoriya: Huh?

Midoriya turned around to see Harribel looking at him. She was hard to read as her eyes seemed to not show much expression. Midoriya still stuttered with a blush from behind close to a girl.

Midoriya: O-oh, well, I thought it would've hit you. Y-you weren't paying attention...

Harribel: Hm. I appreciate your concern Izuku Midoriya. But you don't need to worry about me...

Harribel walked forward to see a group of robots arriving as yellow aura started to rise like smoke underneath her collar, as she slowly started to unsheath her blade with a flip before catching it.She then started to unzip her jacket much to Midoriya's shock. Harribel finished unzipping her jacket to reveal a mask that covered the bottom half of her face and a major portion of her chest.

Harribel: I've had to defend myself for a long time.

Harribel then started to cut through the robots like paper, ripping them all to shreds as Midoriya watched in awe by her swordship skills. Suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder, making Midoriya jump as he looked to see Ulquiorra behind him.

Ulquiorra: You seemed intrigued by her skill.

Midoriya: W-well I guess if I'm going to be using a weapon, I have to know the other ways of using it.

Ulquiorra: I see... I believe the race is still going.

Midoriya's eyes widen as he immediately remembered what was happening as he started to run towards the other students. The rest of the Espada around were making easy work of the robots, Yammy and Nnoitra were using their hands to destroy them while Zommari and Harribel were cutting them down. Meanwhile the other students were running as fast as they could to make it.

Bakugo landed after using his explosions to boost himself up and over the remaining zero pointers, he smirked as he was about to catch up to Todoroki and Grimmjow when suddenly two figures flashed by him catching a small glimpse of Midoriya using Full Cowling and Ulquiorra as they zoomed past Bakugo who was staring with shock before gritting his teeth with anger.

Bakugo: Damn Deku...

Todoroki made it to the second part of the race as he looked out to the large canyon with several platforms.

Present Mic: For those of you who thought the first obstacle was easy. Let's see how ya feel about the second one

Present Mic: If they take a spill, they're out! If they wanna pass this test,

they'll have to get creative. It's "The Fall"!

Todoroki looked around the area wondering where Grimmjow was after seeing that blast attack of his.

Starrk: Gee, are these events always this noisy?

Todoroki's eyes widen as he looked over and saw Starrk laying down on the

ground with Lilynette trying to get him back up on his feet.

Lilynette: Get up you lazy bones! This is no time to sleep!

Todoroki: 'When? How did they get here first? I didn't see them leave the entryway!'

Suddenly more noises were heard as Grimmjow's laughter, Bakugo's explosions and others were slowly approaching. Todoroki used his ice to glide across the rope connecting the platforms together as he made it to the other side of the obstacle.

Midoriya makes it to The Fall obstacle as he looks out to see some of the other students trying to get over the obstacle. He looked around and aside from Starrk and Lilynette, Midoriya didn't see any of the other Espada around. He looked at his sword as he sheathed it back as his eyes glowed with electricity.

Present Mic: In the world of heroes, it can be hard to get popular without a flashy Quirk. Right, Eraser Head?

Aizawa: I don't know what you're talking about, idiot.

Present Mic looks back to the camera as he spots something unexpected.

Present Mic: What's this? It appears that Izuku Midoriya is zooming through the fall like it's nothing!!


Everyone on the obstacle course watches as Midoriya hops on and off of every platform with ease. This action causes everyone in Class 1A to be

shocked seeing this new technique.

Uraraka: Deku?

Kirishima: Holy crap!

Midoriya hopped off the final platform as he made it to the end of the second obstacle. One obstacle was left as he hears the sound of explosions going off.

He runs up the stairs to reach the third and final obstacle which was a minefield, where Midoriya can see Bakugo and Todoroki fighting it out more than halfway through the field with several others slowly making progress. Midoriya was about to run into it when a voice called out to him.

Grimmjow: So you're Izuku Midoriya, right?

Midoriya looked beside him to see Grimmjow with his hands in his pockets while glaring at Midoriya.

Midoriya: Yeah, and you're Grimmjow...

Grimmjow: Let's cut to the chase runt. I don't like to have my time wasted so I'll keep this quick and simple. Ulquiorra doesn't normally go out of his way to hang out with people or to obsess over them, unless he sees something worthwhile. So that must mean he sees something in you, right?

Midoriya gulped as he readied himself for whatever scenario he finds himself in. Grimmjow stepped closer as he was glaring down at Midoriya. Grimmjow: All I'm gonna say is watch yourself later on kid, cause is I end up fighting you in this tournament thing... If Ulquiorra was only spouting out crap, I'm gonna make sure you don't walk out of that arena. Give me your best or don't even bother to show up!

Grimmjow walked away as he stepped onto the minefield, managing to avoid the visible mines as Midoriya was left with a shaky stature.

Midoriya: 'That wasn't a declaration.... That was a threat. He completely serious about wanting to see the potential I have. Are all the Espada stronger than us? Would I even stand a chance against someone who's not holding back at all?....!

Midoriya's shaking stops as he looked up with no more fear as electricity sparked along his body as he knelt down before running straight through the field, setting off numerous landmines along the way. Todoroki, Bakugo and a gaining Grimmjow were just about to reach the end of the minefield when suddenly a flash of lightning rushed by them revealing Midoriya running right towards the final hurdle.

Present Mic: Holy whoa! Izuku Midoriya just ran past the competition, and passed through the minefield with one shot! Now he's taken the first place spot!

Bakugo: What the hell are you doing Deku?!

Todoroki: How'd he get so fast...

Grimmjow could only stare at Midoriya with narrow eyes before he and the other two started to run as fast as they could. The four were now racing each other for first place as Midoriya was still in a heavy lead, with Grimmjow and the others close behind.

Present Mic: In a stunning move, Midoriya has blasted past his classmates from 1-A! I don't believe it.... He cleared

that minefield in an instant! Eraser Head, your students are amazing! What the heck are you teaching them?

Aizawa: This has nothing to do with me. Each of them is powered by their own drive to succeed.

Present Mic: There ya have it, Eraser Head is a terrible teacher.

Aizawa: I'm what?

Gin: I believe he said...

Aizawa: Shut up.

Back to the race, Midoriya was rushing through as he passed the entrance of the final stretch. It was taking him everything he had to make sure no one passed him as he ran at top speed thanks to his Full Cowling. Everything was drowned out as a light shined in his eyes as he ran out of the tunnel to return to the field.

Present Mic: Izuku Midoriya is our champion!

Midoriya looked around the stadium realizing that he managed to get first place as he smiled, suddenly someone tapped his shoulder to reveal Ulquiorra standing behind him as the two started to talk while Bakugo was across the field holding his forearm as it twitched.

Bakugo: Deku... No way. Not again.

Present Mic: The contestants are pouring in one after the other! Let's hear some applause for all our competitors as we prepare the results.

Uraraka ran up to Midoriya as Ulquiorra left while.she excitedly talked about his performance while he shields his face with his arms.

Uraraka: Deku! That was amazing!

Midoriya: Oh, thank you!

Uraraka: I can't believe you got first place, I'm jealous! And that new move was awesome!

Midoriya: Uh! It was nothing! It's not like I had some big plan. I tried a few things that worked out better than I could have hoped for. Any of those gambles could've gone wrong. I was just lucky, that's all.

Harribel: Izuku Midoriya, congratulations on winning.

Midoriya turned around to thank the Espada for her words when his eyes

nearly popped out of his head before a massive blush appeared on both his and Uraraka's face.

Midoriya: W-wah!!! Harribel, y-y-y-your c-c-chest! Cover your chest!

Uraraka: Woah...

Harribel gave the two a blank stare as she looked down to reveal that her mask had disappeared, leaving a rather revealing sight as the unzipped jacket was covering the full sight from view while still showing more than enough for the green-haired student. She simply started to zip her jacket back up only to her middle chest as she spoke in a nonchalant manner.

Harribel: Oh, apologies. I must've lost focus on my mask.

Midoriya: l-i-i-it's fine...

Harribel walked away as Midoriya took a breath after taking in the sight, Uraraka looked down at herself before shaking her head.

Uraraka: Anyway, how do you think the rest of the class did?

Midoriya: I'm sure they made it, especially given how much they trained.

lida is seen downfallen in the background as he was muttering something about losing a speed-based event.

Lilynette: Dammit Starrk! We didn't get first! You lazy pile of trash, what do ya have to say for yourself?!

Some of the others look over to see Lilynette kicking the crap out of Starrk who was on the ground while Szayelapporo, Zommari, Barragan and Nnoitra stood off to the side. Yaoyorozu stumbled into the stadium winded as Mineta was seen attached to her back with a bruised cheek and a smile.

Mineta: Two birds with one stone... I'm a frickin' genius.

Yaoyorozu: Y-you're the worst!

The rest students entered the stadium one by one as the first event came to a close. Midnight stood on her platform with a smile as she announced the results of the event.

Midnight: The first game for the first-years is finally over, and what a game it was! Now, let's take a quick look

at the standings, shall we?


1st- Izuku Midoriya

2nd- Ulquiorra Cifer

3rd- Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

4-Shoto Todoroki

5- Katsuki Bakugo

6- Ibara Shiozaki

7- Juzo Honenuki

8- Tier Harribel

9- Zommari Rureaux

10- Tenya lida

11- Nnoitra Gilga

12- Fumikage Tokoyami

13- Hanta Sero

14- Coyote Starrk

15- Lilynette Gingerbuck

16- Eijiro Kirishima

17- Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu

18- Szayelapporo Granz 19- Barragan Luisenbarn

20- Tsuyu Asui

21- Mezo Shoji

22-Rikido Sato

23- Ochaco Uraraka

24-Mashiro Ojiro

25-Yosetsu Awase

26- Momo Yaoyorozu

27-Minoru Mineta

28- Aaroneiro Arruruerie

29- Mina Ashido

30- Koji Koda

31- Kyoku Jiro

32-Sen Kaibara

33- Kosei Tsuburaba

34- Denki Kaminari

35- Kojiro Bondo

36- Reiko Yanagi

37-Hitoshi Shinsou

38- Itsuka Kendo

39- Jurota Shishida 40- Shihai Kuroiro 41-Yammy Llargo

42-Yui Kodai

43- Hiryu Rin

44- Nirengeki Shoda

45- Kinoko Komori

46-Togura Kamakiri

47- Neito Monoma

48- Pony Tsunotori

49- Tooru Hagakure

50-Setsuna Tokage

51- Manga Fukidashi

52-Mei Hatsume

53-Yuga Aoyama

Midnight: Only the top 53 will advance to the next round. But don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut! We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine. Now the real fun is about to begin. The chance to fully move yourselves into the limelight! Give it your best!

The roulette starts spinning again as the competitors wait for the next game.

Midnight: Let's see what we have in store for you next. Will your wildest fantasies come to life? What could it be?

The waiting is torture. Prepare yourselves...for this!

The spinning stops to reveal the next game which happens to be...

Kaminari: Cavalry battle? I'm terrible at those.

Tsuyu: Huh, it's not an individual event. I wonder how they'll split us up.

Midnight: Allow me to explain. The participants will form teams of two-to- four people as they see fit. In theory, it's basically the same as a regular playground game. But there is one difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course.

Midoriya: I get it, a point-based system

like the entrance exams.

Uraraka: So that means each team will have a different point value based on

which students are on it.

Ashido: Uh-huh!

Midnight cracked her whip as she redirected the focus back to her.

Midnight: Maybe you should shut up

and let me explain things to you! Now, then. The point assignments go up by increments of five, starting from the bottom. For example, 53nd place

is worth five points, and 52st is worth ten. And the point value assigned to the first place contestant is...ten million!

Midoriya's blood ran cold as a sudden weight found it's way on him.

Midoriya: T-ten million?

Purple-hair: Really.

Girl: In other words, if you take down his team...

STUDENT COMPETITORS: You'll win the Cavalry Game and take the lead yourself.

Midnight: That's right. It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top!