
History said they were friends(BL)

Two love rivals, 17 year old black hair loren and blonde nate goes on an excursion to the museum. The students looked at a 15th century painting of blonde prince and a black hair general who has the same name as loren and nate and looked alike only with different last names. After that, loren and nate woke up in a completely different environment in five year old bodies but with fragment of their memories.The love rivals soon become friends and their friendship went down in history.Are the historians right?,were they truly just friends?.

Dgirlblusky · ย้อนยุค
54 Chs

crown prince coronation

"The coronation and marriage is tommorow, I feel joyfully. You are all dismissed",the king said.

All the ministers and princes left leaving only prince nate and the king in the court.

Prince nate fell on his knees as he looked at his father, then he bowed to the ground in tears, "Father please, I do not wish to get married",he pleaded.

"Wishing not to get married is the same as saying you wish loren dead",The king said as he stood up from the throne.

Prince nate raised his head as he was bewildered, "what do you mean?".

"Drag the 7th prince out of here!",the king ordered and the imperial guards held him.

" Father please, I do not want this, father! ",He pleaded as he was dragged out of the palace court.

" Your highness, are you alright",Ivan asked as the guards left prince nate in front of the court.

" Ivan",nate called weakly." I want to see, loren".

" Your highness, I have something to tell you",ivan said as he looked worried.


Prince nate rode his horse swiftly as he recalled what ivan said.

"Loren was arrested this morning. They didn't speak of his crime but he was affixed to the stake".

The palace guards saw prince nate from afar.

"Hurry, the majesty ordered for the gates to be closed if the 7th prince wants to leave the palace!",a guard yelled to the other.

"Close the gate!, Close the gates!, Close the gates!".

Nate rode the horse out of the palace before the gates were closed and when constables saw him, they went after him as per the king orders.

" Loren I won't let you die, I promise",he said as he rode the palace to where loren was.

People gathered wondering why loren was there.Nate  saw loren from afar as he rode his horse.

Viski, loren's younger brother rushed and stood in the middle of the road,"stop!,stop!,stop!",he yelled.

Nate halted,almost hitting him,"what is it,viski",he asked impatiently.

"If you pass me,loren will be burnt to death.I was told to stop you and if you didn't stop and pass me,loren will be set on fire".

Viski went on his knees with his hands joined together,"I beg of you,your highness.My mother is already weeping nonstop  since loren was tied to the stake.Plwase return to the palace",he pleaded.

The constables caught up with prince nate.

"Forgive me your highness,but you have to return to the palace with us as per his majesty orders",the chief constable said.

"So if I don't get married, he'll kill him.He really did it this time",prince nate laughed in tears.



Prince nate and lady vanessa walked on the aisle while they wore their coronation garments.

They were many guests in the palace.

Though he held lady vanessa by her hands as he said his vows, his ring was still worn on his neck as a necklace hiding under his garments.

At night,they danced and nate couldn't wait for the day to be over.

Nate belongings were moved to the crown prince residence.He didn't smile throughout that day.

He hasn't entered the residence since prince kylis death.walking in the residence,he could remember their past.

He  later laid on his bed with his new wife but with the four court ladies standing across the bed.

"Your highness please proceed",a court lady said.

" Proceed with what?", nate asked furiously.

" You and the crown princess body should be one,your highness"the second court lady said.

"While you women are in the room?",he asked as he glanced at them.

"Your highness,if you don't want to remove your clothes,we must see you inside the crown princess and also ejaculate inside,we must see everything",the third one said.

"Your highness,even if your semen is not much,we need to hear the sound while you ejaculate and also check the crown princess",the second court lady said.

"Your highness you can do it in a turtle form,all fours,bending or legs up apart to heaven,any one you wish",the third one said.

"Legs up apart to heaven?"nate asked.

"Yes your highness.The crown princess legs will be up apart while your royal weapon handles it"the third one said.

Nate laughed in tears.



"Your majesty,it has been done.But he cried during the process",the head of court ladies said.

The king nodded,"You can go".

She left and the chief of imperial physician came in and kowtowed before him.

He sat up on his bed as he looked at the physician.

"Your majesty, after extracting  blood from the crown prince arm yesterday,I gave it to a sick beggar".

"Go on"the king said.

"The beggar became well today.His pulse is very strong like he had never been sick".

The king eyes widened,"Does anyone know this?".

"No,your majesty.Your majesty,I should look for a way to make a pill out of his blood.please grant me the permission to extract blood from the crown prince one last time",he pleaded.

The king smiled as he waved his hand,"No need for that,take blood from him,day and night and serve it to me in a food bowl,everyday".

The physician widened his eyes,"Your majesty?",he was bewildered by the words of the king.

"Finally, I will live forever.No body will take my throne.its all mine.its all mine",the king laughed hysterically.

The physician looked at him with fear,"I'll take my leave,your majesty",he said as he walked out of his bedchamber.



The king came out of his residence to go to the palace court but he saw nate who stood in front of his residence.

Grimly,nate bowed,"YOUR MAJESTY."Loren hasn't been teased yet,what is the reason?".

"Is this how you speak to the king!?",The chief of imperial guards asked aloud.

"Oh,he isn't released,get a child first and I promise to release him",the king said as he walked to his carriage.

Prince nate eyes widened as he fell on his knees"Father!,how do you want me to get a child?!" .

"You know how to,crown prince.when you're done with whatever you're doing,come to the court",he said as he entered his carriage,escorted by imperial guards.

Prince nate clenched his fist while his hand was on the ground as he hunged his head down,"I hate this place".


Weeks passed by,loren was still affixed to the stake.His mother will being food and water for him and feed him while he was on the stake.

His mother and father stayed with him day and night so their son won't be alone unless she wants to cook.

Some people also stayed with him,sleeping outside in the nights and  staying under the hot son in the day.

People wrote appeals to the king that loren was innocent of whatever crime he was accused of.

Both from the capital and other provinces.appeals to release loren came in thousands.


Weeks later

Prince nate stood outside as he gazed at the night sky, remembering his time with loren while they gazed at the night sky.

Ivan entered his residence,"Your highness",he bowed.

He turned to ivan,"have you found what my blood has been used for?".

Ivan looked at him with pity,"Your highness,I don't wish to hide the truth from you,so I'll tell you.The king...",he hesitated and exhaled.

"The king has been drinking it".

Nate froze for a moment and laughed weakly,"what more surprises awaits me?".

He sniffled,"You can go",he said as he entered his bedchamber.

He pulled loren's second dagger from his drawer,"I can't so this anymore, loren,i hate this place",he thrusted it at his chest as he whimpered.

"Your highness,great news!",ivan yelled from outside the door.

"Don't come in,what is it?",he said as the sword was still thrusted against his chest.

"Her highness is pregnant,the physician read her pulse and it's a boy.Your highness,let's celebrate!",ivan yelled happily.

Nate  put the dagger down and kept it back inside his drawer.

He heaved a sigh of relief and smiled.