


Zachary's POV:

I know what Claire was doing today , she was trying to spend as much time as she could with me before she gives herself up to that fucker Victor Lorenzo , should've killed that fucker when he was young .

I looked at the time and it 9:30 and I was done with all the preparations for tonight that would be necessary and hopefully nothing would go wrong .

I got out of my office seat and made my way towards the bedroom in hopes of finding Claire asleep after the long stroll on the beach but it was quite the opposite , she was wide awake , staring at the ceiling and maybe I know why she is still awake , she is afraid that if she sleeps she won't be able to wake up on time and if she does wake up , she'll have to face the ugly truth that involves us separating but I won't let that happened .

/" hey , I thought you would be asleep Tesoro /" I said taking of my Rolex and Armani coat and placing them aside .