


Zachary's pov :

I wasn't angry at what Xenon told me , no not at all , I was livid . THEY DARE COME AND THREATEN HER . This explains it all , her being so depressed and the fainting but this has also given me an idea , a plan which I am very keen to put in action.

/" what ?! /" Xenon said , shock lacing his voice .

/" let me complete , I got a plan /" I said in a monotone voice and Xenon nodded.

/" tonight when she goes into the woods , we get an army ready .They might outnumber us but their army isn't strong enough or loyal , I can bribe as many as I can , in fact you are doing this job today . Today you are to sneak into Victor Lorenzo's army base and get as many as you can with your money, just be careful and don't mess up while I’ll be doing the arrangement of our army /" I said and Xenon looked at me curiously , I could tell that he really wanted to know what I was up to but I have too much to do then to tell him the whole plan.