
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · แฟนตาซี
34 Chs

Chapter Ten

"Hey Bruh , how are you doing ?" Ilham asked Amir , as he walked into her room.

He looked tired and depressed.

It bothered her , afterall he was her stepbrother and was a loving one too.

"What's wrong hun ?" She asked him.

He just stared at her and looked away.

She got up from the bed and paced towards him. Her menstrual cramps had gone down a bit.

She hugged him lightly and asked

"Should I prepare you some food ?"

His face suddenly lit up and a huge smile appeared on his face.

He hugged and said

"Thanks sis"

She giggled a little and pulled away from him lightly.

"Now c'mon brody , we have a mission to complete" she teased.

She pulled him downstairs to the kitchen and got to work.

She started her quest to prepare a delicious meal of Broasted rice with coleslaw and sausages.

He prepared the coleslaw salad , while she did the rest of the work.

After 30 minutes, the food was ready.

This was the very first meal she made for Amir and she was super excited.

She served him and glanced at him as he begun eating.

His eyes opened wide as a saucer. He looked at her with happy eyes.

"This is the best meal ever !!! You're the best cook ever!!!" He screamed as he hugged her and carried her and gave her kisses all over her face.

All she could do was to laugh.

They both suddenly heard a clearing of  the throat.

It was Omar. He looked jealous. He had plastered a fake smile on his face.

Amir let go of me gently and raised his palms up in surrender.

Omar smirked at me and held his hand out for me to take.

I signalled Amir , that I was leaving , so he nodded and continued eating.

I took Omar's hand and he led me to his office.

He sat me down and knelt before me.

"Hey girl ? What do you feel about me ?" He asked.

I sighed and replied

"You're cute and nice to me , sometimes. " I said.

He looked disappointed.

I knew he wanted to know if I loved him.

He just nodded and kissed me on the tummy .

I didn't really understand why he liked to kiss me on the tummy.

"Why do you kiss me on the tummy ?" I asked him

He smiled and said

"To let my future babies , get to know their future daddy and love him "

What? So he really wanted to make babies with me ?

"You want a baby with me ?" I asked

He looked at me and didn't answer.

"Is that why you're keeping me here ?" I asked him again.

He shook his head and said

"I love you, that's why"

What ? He loved me ? I thought he just liked me ?

I looked at him with a puzzled face and sighed.

I shook my head and just dug my head into his neck.

"I'm sorry Omar. I'm not ready to fall in love" I said.

He sighed and kissed my head.

"It's alright baby, I understand you. But I'll always be here for you okay ?" He assured me.

I felt bad for him , but I couldn't possibly risk , getting my heart broken again.

He hugged me and walked with me out of his office.

Amir had taken a second helping of the food I prepared. I offered some to Omar.

He gladly accepted. He ate everything within 7 minutes and when I offered him some more , he gladly accepted and ate everything.

"Woww you've got a very big appetite " I commented. He looked at me mischievously and smirked.

"Yep , that's how I have a huge appetite when it comes to s.." he wasn't able to complete the sentence , when we heard the doorbell ring.

A maid walked to the door and shortly came back to us.

"Mister Omar ? You have some guests" she said to us.

He looked at her with puzzled expression and nodded.

"Excuse me for a sec " he excused himself.

We both nodded. I mean Amir and I.

He walked away towards the door.

I felt like all wasn't right but I didn't know what to do.

"Hey wanna go to the garden ?" Amir offered.

I gladly nodded and we walked towards the garden.

I still had a feeling that Omar was hiding something from us.


When I finally got to the door , I saw some people who looked like royalty.

"Who are you people ?" I asked them.

A beautiful looking lady walked from behind a guard and paced towards me with a cute smile.

"My name is Kanita . Princess of the Moroccan Kingdom " she introduced herself.

So she's the one my father wants me to marry ?

She was cute but she wasn't my type.

"Okay ? What do you want ?" I asked her.

She looked puzzled.

"Aren't you going to offer us a seat for us to talk ?" An elderly looking man said.

I glared at him with hate in my eyes.

"Look here girl! I'm not interested in you or this marriage so please stay out of my life and never come back to my house " I spat at her , while I slammed the door at her face.

"Uncle , I told you that he didn't want me . How am I s'pposed to marry someone who doesn't want me" I heard her say.

I didn't give a fuck about her , I wouldn't marry her. Not now , not ever !

I walked to the dining table but Amir and Ilham weren't there.

"Where is Amir and Ilham?" I asked one maid.

"I saw them in the garden Master " she answered with fear in her tone.

I walked to the garden and met them sitting down talking.

When Ilham saw me , her smile dropped.

What happened ?

I paced towards her. She got up and walked away. Amir glared at me when I tried to talk to him

What's eating them up ?

Had they perhaps seen the royals ?

I walked to Ily's room. It was unlocked.

I walked in to find her sitting on the balcony Facetiming someone.

It was Hayat.

I tapped her softly , she turned slowly towards me and sighed.

She returned her gaze to Hayat , who could now see me.

"Ily , you never told me that you were living with him !" Hayat scolded her.

She giggled and said

"If I told you , you would start asking to be an aunt"

I smirked at that.

I knelt beside her and said

"It's not a crime to give your best friend a niece , you know".

Hayat and Ilham both looked stunned. She blushed and rolled her eyes at me.

"Don't mind him.How is work tho' ?" She tried to divert the question, but Hayat was still bound on bombarding her with her own taste of questions.

"So y'all are planning on giving me nieces ?" Hayat asked.

I nodded and she giggled.

Ilham looked mad at me.

"I've gotta go Hayat. I'm busy" she said.

"Ohhh okay ? Busy going to give me nieces eyy ?" Hayat teased.

Ilham just rolled her eyes and ended the call.

She glared at me and tried to walk away.

I held her waist and whispered "Why are you and Amir ignoring me ?"

She sighed and just shook her head.

She wriggled herself out of my hold and walked away.

What was bothering her ?

Find out in the next chapter...