
His Temptress

Ilham Hafiz Salam is a 20 year old professional doctor and surgeon at Princess Diana Hospital. What happens when she donates her blood to save one of her patients who unknown to her is the handsome but dangerous drug lord and Mafia king Omar Mohammed Akhir who is the crown prince of Turkey ? When Omar falls in love with the doctor who attended to him when he was injured, he decides to make her mine no matter what. Whether she likes it or not she must be his !!!! When she finally falls in love with him, he does a grave sin on her and she's already pregnant with his child. Will she forgive him and let their love lead or will their love story come to a sad end?

Layla_Sheikh · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Eleven


I've decided to ignore Omar, until he spills out whatever he's hiding from me and Amir.

The people I saw weren't ordinary people. What was his relationship to them?

And that beautiful lady? Who was she? Was he just playing me?

It's been 3 weeks since, I've given him the Silence Treatment.

He seems like he's fed up of it. I don't care anymore. He should just come clean with me, if not, he's gonna lose me and Amir.

It's not like he has me, but still, he has to come clean. He tried to invite me to dinner, I ignored him and he just walked away, without trying to convince or persuade me to come with him.

I've been sitting in my room being grumpy. I've been missing everyone, even Omar.

I've been crying for God knows how long. He goes to work really early and comes back very late.She missed him so much. His face, his breath, his everything.

I felt really bad for him.

She made up her mind, that she was going to pause her silence treatment and find out what was eating him up.

She waited all alone in her room, for evening to fall. She took some coffee, to keep her up.

She sat by the kitchen counter late into the night. She heard the main door open up, revealing a worn out Omar.

He looked surprised to see her. She felt tears in her eyes, as she rushed to hug him.

"I'm sorry Omar. Forgive me. I missed you dreadfully" she cried into his chest.

She pulled back when she smelt blood on him.

She looked closely at his side and saw that he was bleeding.

"O-Omar? " she stuttered.

He smiled at her and said

"I'm alright bae".

She quickly helped him to the couch and called Amir

He came immediately with a surgeon from her hospital.

The guards came in and helped Amir carry him to my room.

" Cynthia,he's losing a lot of blood. He needs an instant transfusion. We both have the same blood type. Start the process now." Ilham commanded Cynthia, her colleague ad the hospital.

"Ily, n-no. T-Trust me ,I'm fine" Omar tried to stop her.

She ignored him and held unto Cynthia's arm.

"I'm counting on you to save him. Even if it means death to me" Ilham instructed her.

"N-No, please d-dont" Omar wept.

Ilham kissed him gently and said

"I love you too. " before she drugged him with some sleeping drugs.

He fell asleep finally with a tear drop run down his eye.

She had to save him. She had finally admitted to the point that she loved him.

She was going to risk her all, you see him alive.

Cynthia started the process, there was no anaesthesia around, so she had to take the pain.

She watched how the bullet was taken out of Omar's rib. She dropped a tear of heartbreak.

Amir sat in the corner of the room, not knowing what to do.

After about 4 hours of operating on Omar, the surgeon was finally done.

Ilham had lost a lot of blood, so she had to take some blood pills and rest.

She looked very pale. Her lips were dry and cracked. Her bright eyes turned dim. Her skin grew pale.

She was happy to have saved her love, Omar.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep, while Amir, took instructions from the surgeon for us.

5 hours later....


I had woken up in Ilham's bed, feeling pains all over my body, especially my side.

I realised that Ilham laid beside me, with her face pale and her like cracked.

I caressed her cheek slowly. Once again, the Love Of My Life, had saved my life.

I didn't know how to tell her that, I had to let her go.

I never expected my father to be this wicked. He threatened to slaughter my mother himself if I didn't accept to marry that bitch Kanita.

You can definitely get another wife, after your first was dead, but you can never get another mother.

I had to give up Ilham, so that I could save my mom from my father.

She looked so innocent while asleep. I never thought that it would get to a point, where I had to let go of her.

Her eyes fluttered slowly as she woke up from her sleep.

She smiled meekly when she saw me.

Her eyes were very dim, unlike her usual bright ones.

"I'm sorry baby" I apologised.

She touched me on the arm and patted it slowly.

She closed her eyes once more and went back to deep slumber.

I closed my eyes too, and soon, I fell asleep.

4 more hours later...

I woke up very strong this time, but very hungry. I realised that Ilham was not in bed.

I got up suddenly and walked to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

After doing that, I walked to the kitchen and found the dining table arrayed with different types of cuisines.

Ilham and one of the maids Salma, we're making the meals. Actually Ilham was making the meals as, Salma was assisting her.

Salma saw me first and bowed before I made eye signals with her to leave. She scurried away, leaving Ilham alone Jn the kitchen.

She didn't seem to notice my presence. She continued cooking.

I cleared my throat to attract her attention, but she never looked up.

"Ilham?" I called. She still didn't look up.

I knew something was wrong. I walked to her and touched her softly. She still didn't look up.

I held her shoulders gently and turned her, to face me.

Her eyes looked down at the ground.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I asked her.

She sniffed while sobbing

"I-I t-thought I l-lost y-you "

This made my heart hurt. She didn't want to lose me and I was going to give her up very soon.

This was going to be the worst decision,I'm going to make in my life.

I hugged her like never before,while trailing kisses down her neck.

She was submissive. I knew that she wanted this.

I carried her to her room and laid her on the bed whilst kissing her.

"Omar,claim me" she craved. I was grinning like a fool.

I begun caressing all over her body and rubbing her nub through her panties.

She got up and pulled my shirt off me and started to pull off my shorts.

I held her hand and tossed her gently on the bed and whispered

"I'm in charge here hun".

She giggled, while I tore off her dress, leaving her only on her underwear.

I quickly took off my shorts and positioned myself between her legs.

" This is going to hurt like bitch. But it's worth it right?" I warned her.

She nodded and said

"Claim me"

Omar took off his shots, exposing a large dick.

Ily gulped as she stared a this

"It's gonna be alright babe" he consoled as she nodded and closed her eyes.

The period of their hot lovemaking remained indelible in Ilham's mind.

Her losing of her virginity to Omar, was the first step to her total love and submission to him.

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