
His Perfect Mate

Reid Javernick had everything that society would deem to make him happy. He had a successful business, enough women at his fingertips, a handful of really close friends and of course a house fit for a movie set. But despite everything he just wasn't happy. And then he met Sunn Carter. She was the alluring devil who turned his world upside down and rejected him more times than he could count! He knew she was meant to be his mate but how could he convince her of that? Could he trust her with a secret that not even his closest friends knew? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "That scent would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a delicious scent of crushed red petals mixed with expensive white wine. A scent that invaded his dreams night after night. And there she was sitting in his office, staring expectantly up at him with inquisitive liquid blue eyes. He moistened his lips and said the two words that would make him both the happiest and saddest man at the same time, though he was yet to know that. "You're hired.""

Saleika_Telicia · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Chapter 18: The Others

On the farm

Reid's POV

I furrowed my brows and listened intently while Camden relayed the night's happening to me. He leaned against the rickety barn door and picked the toothpick out of his mouth. "Boss, I've never seen anything like this. Me and Martha were so shocked when we opened the barns and saw them," he drawled. I frowned. I just wanted a fucking break. I didn't even catch a minute to finish up the office shenanigans when I received the eccentric phone call from Camden. If it hadn't sounded serious, I would have never broken three stoplights just to be here.

A part of me knew what it meant, but another part of me couldn't believe it. Without saying anything to Camden I entered the barn and waited until my eyes adjusted to the semi darkness before kneeling down beside the cows. They were five cows that looked exactly like this one. I examined the teeth marks on the neck of the cow, I ran my hand along the smooth texture of the animal and saw similar bite marks on the underside of the belly and the hooves were missing.

Camden came to stand behind me, scrutinizing my every move. "What do you think did it, boss?" he questioned. I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to divulge more. Burying my hands deep in my pockets, I followed the faint tracks that were left in the soil by the animal. The trail led me to the broken down fence that separated the lush forest from the barn. I bent down and rubbed my hands in the paw print. This was all the confirmation I needed.

I stood up and realized that Camden was still watching me with a puzzled look on his face. I bet, he thought I was crazy. I looked out over towards the forest but my question was directed to Camden. "Have you guys heard anything strange?" Camden raised an eyebrow at me. "Apart from the dogs barking, no. Is there something we should know, boss? I don't want to get Martha scared."

I looked at him now. "No, everything will be okay. I'll take care of it," I promised. He wore a relieved expression on his face as soon as the words left my mouth. Camden was a simple man and I knew he would have believed anything I told him. But I did plan to take care of it though. "Hey, man, I know you work hard," I started fishing around in my pocket for something. I yanked out my wallet and threw some wad up cash at him. "Take Martha out for lunch. Tell her it's my treat." Camden's wrinkled face broke out in a huge grin that showed all of his yellowed teeth. "Thank you boss," he gushed, "Me and Martha 'ppreciate it." And that was all it took for him to go scurrying up to the house. "Martha!" I heard him bellow out.

I couldn't wait to hear the front door slam shut before I hurried on with my plan. The scent had been driving me up the wall ever since I got here. I walked over to where the goats were happily chewing on the fresh blades of green grass. I selected the one that would be sure to have my pulse quickening and have blood coursing through my veins. Without much thought I sank my teeth into the animal's furry neck and bit off a chunk. The wolf in me was rejoicing at some fresh raw meat. The animal died immediately; I forgot just how good this tasted. How could I have deprived myself of this amazing goodness for so long?

I knew I didn't have much time so I quickly diminished the kid and buried the bones. Best for it to look as if nothing happened. My body thanked me for the fresh kill and I swore I felt brand new. Now on to what dragged me out here. I circled the barn trying to make sense of everything. No, it made complete sense why my farm was targeted. C'mon, it was practically an all you can eat buffet! The thought that I was no longer alone felt good. I was in a buoyant mood knowing that my kind was still around. I wondered how many were out there though.

My phone rang and I answered without looking at the caller ID. "Reid, where are you?" I heard Lyndnn ask in a worried tone. "I'm at the farm," I answered truthfully. She groaned. "You forgot didn't you?" she accused. I could just picture her right now pouting. If I was standing in front of her right now she would have no doubt given me a lethal glare. Did we have something planned for tonight?

I didn't want to let up that I had indeed forgotten so I decided to play it off. "Can't it wait for tomorrow? I'm spending the night here." "Reid!" she shouted in my ears. I pulled the phone away a little. It couldn't have been that important. Right?

"It most certainly cannot!" she said sounding exasperated. I was getting ready to say something when she cut me off. "You know what? Never mind." And that was how the call ended. I was glad she ended the call, I didn't have time for her and her theatrics. I'll probably make it up to her with some flowers or something when I got back, I thought.

I waved goodbye to Camden and Martha as I saw them pull out of the driveway in the Ford pickup truck that I had gifted them for Christmas. The vibrant smile on Martha's face as she headed into town was enough thanks for me. I loved making other people happy.

Whistling a tune under my breath I made the walk back up to my car when I caught a whiff of something rancid and stale in the air. The scent left a putrid taste on the tip of my tongue. Following my nose it led me straight to an abandoned part of the farm that was in the processing of being renovated but we somehow never got around to finishing the project.

I almost gagged when I opened the door to the shed and the foul smell enveloped me. I needed to know what was causing that awful stench. For fuck's sake, it was polluting the goddamn air. I detected a small burlap bag that was hidden in a part of the shed. I opened the bag and everything I had eaten moments ago came heaving up.

Fucking hell. That was disgusting.