
His Perfect Mate

Reid Javernick had everything that society would deem to make him happy. He had a successful business, enough women at his fingertips, a handful of really close friends and of course a house fit for a movie set. But despite everything he just wasn't happy. And then he met Sunn Carter. She was the alluring devil who turned his world upside down and rejected him more times than he could count! He knew she was meant to be his mate but how could he convince her of that? Could he trust her with a secret that not even his closest friends knew? ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• "That scent would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a delicious scent of crushed red petals mixed with expensive white wine. A scent that invaded his dreams night after night. And there she was sitting in his office, staring expectantly up at him with inquisitive liquid blue eyes. He moistened his lips and said the two words that would make him both the happiest and saddest man at the same time, though he was yet to know that. "You're hired.""

Saleika_Telicia · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 19: Strangers In The Barn

Reid's POV

The fork hit the plate with a loud clatter. I was stuffed.

"That was good, Martha," I praised. The elderly woman gave me a smile fit for an ad about dentures. "When Camden told me that you were staying I had to make your favorite. We barely see you anymore, Reid." She peered at me over her black stylish glasses.

Subconsciously, I touched the back of my neck. "Erm.. uh.. Work has been busy," I stammered. Martha chuckled and shook her head at me. "I'm surprised there isn't workaholic on your birth paper somewhere," she joked. "Check the fine print," I replied with a smile.

Still wearing a big smile Martha disappeared into the kitchen with Camden. Together they cleared the table, an animated conversation going on between them.

I couldn't help it. I felt a twang of jealousy as I watched them. After Raven I really hadn't given myself the opportunity to date. Sure, I would have harmless flirts, but that was where it stopped.

My mind wandered to Sunn. Everything about her aura just made perfect sense that she was my mate. Thing is, I was wondering if the forces were somehow wrong; if something had severed the connection. Images of her kissing Tsuki flashed across my mind. How could she be gay and my mate at the same time? Not even the sentence made sense.

Hell, why did everything about me have to be complicated?

I ambled upstairs with the sole purpose of getting ready for bed my only intention. The day's happening was still weighing heavily on my mind. I washed my face and stared at my reflection. Should I get security out here for Camden and Martha? Would that even be necessary? I didn't want to risk them getting hurt just because I opted to go the less expensive route.

With a heavy heart and a lot on my mind I rolled over in the spacious bed, unable to sleep. I laid there staring at the creamy white ceiling not thinking about anything in particular. I had so much going on in my life that I didn't know which problem to tackle first.

The burlap bag that I had found moments earlier entered my train of thoughts, making me feel sick all over again. I couldn't believe that someone would just leave that carelessly about. Was it a message that they were hoping to send? I didn't know what or who I was dealing with. For all I knew they could be harmed and dangerous. Having security out here for Camden and Martha's security was beginning to make more and more sense. I would never forgive myself if anything were to happen to them. They put the "good" in good people.

I rolled over to the other side of the bed thinking I would find sleep there. Releasing a huff, I grind the heels of my hands into my eyes. I was beyond frustrated.

I didn't have any books here so I couldn't find my escape in reading. Mindlessly, I walked over to the window pulling the curtains back and opening the latch. The cool night air greeted me and wrapped me in its presence. I could feel myself relax a little.

This was nice.

Something in the dark caught my attention. Why did I suddenly feel like I was in a horror movie and something bad was about to happen?

The figure shifted in the soft moonlight glow demanding me to notice it. Stealthily they moved about and it was only then that I noticed that they were heading to the cow's barn. No, no, no. I had already lost enough cows. I wasn't about to lose another ten.

Angrily, I marched out into the cool of the night being extra careful as I didn't want to awaken Camden or Martha. I didn't want to worry them.

I blended with the darkness of the night and trotted over to the barn. How was I supposed to keep my business afloat if they were killing one of the main sources?

The moon illuminated inside the barn and sure enough I could see the shadow crouching down in the dark caressing my fattest cow.

"Hey!" I called out, not sure if that was the best move to make. The figure startled and would have made a run for it, exceptp there was only one entrance and exit and I was standing there.

The boy stood up glaring his fangs at me.

Oh, boy.

"I'm not scared of you," I countered. "Why don't you leave and never come back?"

A chill ran up my spine when I heard a voice behind me give out. "We don't mean you any harm." I turned around and came face to face with a giant hairy man. What the fuck?

The senses I had long ago buried began to heighten. I knew who he was, no doubt he clearly knew who I was, too. The man went on, "My wife took sick and we had to lay here for a few days. My boy knows better than to steal so I'll compensate you for the cows you would have lost."

Hmm. Reasonable man.

I folded my arms. "That's doable for me."

The burly man extended his hand out towards me. "Hunter Jacobson." I shook his hand, wary of him. "Reid Javernick. So, how many of you are here?" I questioned. I studied the colossal man before me. So far everything seemed okay but you could never be certain. He was a stranger after all.

"Umm. Just me and my family. I'm still trying to get on my feet so I can support them."

My eyebrows shot up at that. "So you're job hunting?"

"You can call it that," he answered.

This was the most awkward conversation anyone could have at midnight.

"We could actually do with some help around here," I blurted out without thinking. Hunter looked at me as if I had just said the craziest thing ever. Which in all honesty I probably did. What was with me and blurting things out lately?

"That way you could repay me," I added since there was an air of hesitancy. Hunter's brows released their furrow. "Uh, yeah man. Sure."

I heard a gun cock and we both turned around to see a very upset Camden staring us down with a rifle in his hands. "This is private property. Get off," he said in a voice I would have never associated him with. Did he not see me standing here with the man? He was putting on a good show of pretending to be intimidating.

Something red changed in Hunter's liquid blue eyes further solidifying what I already knew.

Did I just hire this man on the spot without knowing anything about him?

Fuck me.