
His Love Hurts Me {DARK SECRETS}

When the eye of a famous, rich, ruthless billionaire is cut by a highschool 16 years old girl by just arguing on the street Alexander a newly appointment CEO after his fathers untimely death, he was young but mature, his stearn face showed exactly how his heart was, he was unwelcoming and uninviting. He had never felt his heart warm up and had gotten used to the coldness within untill the set eyes on a paculier girl, all she did was speak to him to feel his heart warm up, at that moment and time, he realized he had found the one, the one he was bounded to, his Mate ...... What happens when he uses every method to get her beside him, to the point of taking everything close to, to the point of breaking her soul bad turning her obedient to his rules, to the point of making her dependable on him alone, even when dark secret lays between them. ......... He loves me but why is his love hurting me, he cares for me but is this really care, why I'm I the one always getting hurt, why does he always have to be the one to hurt me, all in the name of love LOVE ? ..... Allie continued to cry in this hands as her body tembled, they were gone, her hole family was gone, all died and now she had no one, no home, she was still very young, just 16 and in highschool, how was she supposed to cater for herself, this as unfair, it wasn't right. " I have no where to go" she continued to cry out mindlessly Alexander didn't bother saying even a word, he just lend her his shoulder and tapped her back to stop her tears " Why don't you stay with me" he finally uttered with a neutral tone, the crying girl suddenly stopped as if the tears had choked and stoped in her lungs, he teary eyes slowly moved up to stare directly at him, in both shock and disbelief " you have no where to go, a place for you to go " he continued, by now she had sat right and stared at him, he moved his hands that was large compared to hers to her face and laid it there, he used his thumb to wipe the tears that kept dropping " I can be your home" ......... @All Right Reserved The cover does not belong to me, about out to pinterest

and_reni · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter one Stronger than Iron And Blood

"Mom, I'm heading to school" Allie sang out as she went to take her back pack that was placed on the couch, her brown eyes shined brightly blending well with her brown hair, her eyes wasn't large and was just the perfect size for her slightly shaped face

" In this clothes " her mom that was sitting on one of the couch addressed in confusion

" Today is Thursday mother, there's no need for me to wear the uniform " she explained before going to peck her cheek

" I will leave now " their family only comprises of only her and her mother, her father died two years ago in a car accident and since then it had been only her and her mom, this began to become really hard for them especially after they found out that her mother had been diagnosed with a illness's that was costing her to loss her memories and her body to turn weak rapidly fast.

They had to sell out a lot of there things even their house so to afford a small well priced house that wasn't too expensive and Allie too had to find work to support the family as her mother couldn't afford to work anymore, thankfully she wasn't a lazy person and was able to provide for the family till now despite her young age.

She was also able to attend school and get good enough grades, she couldn't say she was one of the smartest but she wasn't far off, her grades was as good as they could get in her book.

Her steps were very fast as she headed to school, not because she was late but because she was trying to avoid any unwanted trouble, unfortunately in this country, one could only get a cheap accommodation was in a rogued kind of community and that was her kind of law abiding family brought them trouble.

Today she was awfully fast as yesterday she ran into a group of thrives who tried to steal the little she had, not only was she able to escape from them, she also rained insult at them while running, now she was sure they would come for her if they weren't before.

It was like a cause that was bestowed to her, she couldn't seem to keep her mouth shut, she said whatever she wished and wanted without considering the situation, it had gotten her in trouble slot of times but she just couldn't stop it, she was what she would call "OUTSPOKEN"


In the only office at the last floor of the highest building in town, Alexander sat in the flourished room at the table with a deep frown, his father had just died and he had taken over of the hole empire, he had enrolled himself with work and was deeply disappointed with what he was discovering.

Alexander had always been a cold child, he always frowned and if not frowning, he kept a stern expression, every one around them kept a safe distance from this particular bit, that atmosphere around him was simply uninviting and uncomfortable

Today was even worse, the gloomy atmosphere around him was thicker and stronger and the three person except for the bodyguards who stood by the walls like statues where faced to deal with it.

They were literally sweating inside out despite the cold atmosphere, two of them was already shaking and the CEO hadn't even said a word

Alexander kept glaring at the paper in his hands, he had just came to this branch for the first time to check the progress and now he just discovered that the company was at it's losing scale and the managers wasn't doing anything about it.

" you incompetent fools " was his first words since he started reading, he couldn't understand what his father was doing all this time when he was alive, his his eyes, his father was just as incompetent as the three in front of him.

Somethings he wished he had died a lot sooner, then nothing like this would be happening, it should have been the quick one, the quick death

" What are your jobs " he finally faced the three in front with his extremely rear Ash coloured eyes, must people who had seen him didn't even believe the colour was real and believed he used leds but no one dared to voice out their opinion

"I-i managed the --"

" you are fired, you are all fired, leave my office immediately" he had no patience for them, people irritated him, except for his personal bodyguards, they weren't many who he could bear around him and those numbers were very very little.

" Sir - Sir-please" with just one hard glare at the bodyguards at the side, they immediately moved forward towards the three managers and dragged them out despite their begging and futile struggling to free themselves

Alexander was now left alone in the room in the gloomy atmosphere he had created, he rested back and stared into space with nothing in particular in his mind, it seems he would need to stay in this country to fix the damage that had been done, what a hell of a work.

" Alex" one of the boy guard came back, he removed his hood and nose and mouth cover to reveal his black coloured eyes and hair, his stance was straight and accurate, he was really handsome with his laid back hair that was a bit ruffed, Alex brought his gaze down and stared at the one who requested his attention

" What is it Ramiel" Ramiel was one of the little people who could be close to him and not be suffocated, he was the closest thing to a friend to Alexander, he had been able to stand Alex overbearing Aura and in some situation also dared to argue with Alex without having his head cut off.

" we have captured him " Ramiel stared straight into Alex intimidating eyes as if pacing a very secret information which Alex cut immediately

" We leave in five minutes" Alex stood up and went into the inner room after giving this order.

He changed from his business attire into all black clothes, his clothes were black including his long larger jacket , it as completely blending with his midnight black hair, the only thing that stood out differently was his slate coloured eyes, he was dangerously handsome.

The car ride was boring and dark as everyone kept quiet except for Ramiel who was passing out information once in a while, they were heading to the low area if the city, the place where the poor lived, it was full of people who didn't follow the law, a perfect place for questioning, questioning in the brutal foam.

They finally stopped at a abandoned store factory, the door was immediately opened by the second guard who was sitting on the shut gun seat, Alex alighted from the vihcule with his long coat caressing down behind him, his eyes wandered around in utmost boredom.

" This way Alex" the few people close to him had gotten used to calling him by his name and he didn't mind it, he cared less about such trivial things

They lend the way into the building and into a small rusty room, Alex frowned as the strong smell of rotten metal and blood invaded his nostrils

" Welcome sir" the people already there greeted , they cleared the way for him to have a clear view at the chained up person with cuts and wounds all over his body.

At the mention of sir, the chained up man turned rigid, his eye lids slightly opened to reveal his blue coloured eyes, he stared directly at Alex daring him to do his worst, their creatures were very stubborn and arrogant, it would take just torturing him for a hole night to get him to break

" he hasn't said anything " the informed Alex as he continued to stare at the man who was glaring back at him. Alex looked at the informate with his signature blank expression, he couldn't say they hadn't tortured him enough to make him break, he trusted in men in that aspect, it was the man that was too stubborn, considering the type of creature he was, that was expected

" you still don't want to talk " he addressed the man with blue eyes

" you expect me to break just because of some simply torture, I am not so weak and cowardly like your father" he spited, but his attempt was in vein as it didn't bring out any reaction from Alex

" He failed to finish the job, he brought the devil himself into this world " he completed with a heating glare

" You are right, that man was a coward , a fool to be precise, that was why he died early " Alex supported without a stutter, he turned his back readying to leave

" Bring in his family, cut off their toes and if not enough cut off every part of them, still his ready to speak, start with his eldest son," with that he moved to leave, one thing he had discovered shifters loved more than their self was their family

" No-No!, Don't do this, ALEXANDER !, get back here you DEVIL!"

"Are we going back to the company or to the house" Ramiel asked as he followed Alex, his nose masks was back on but the hood was off

" No ,we are taking a walk " he announced before opening the door.

Almost immediately something strong hit him, something stronger than the scent of blood and iron inside, something intoxicating, his head snapped to the side to see this little figure running and heading away , his eyes flashed red before turning back to normal

" Alex, are you okey ?" Ramiel asked seeing the momentary pause, he also looked at the direction Alex was looking at and saw a thin figure walking ?, Running away.

Before he could say anything more, Alex had started to pursue, he took large steps with his long legs and followed her discreetly with Ramiel on his tail

" Alex ,is there something you need from her, has she offended you " Ramiel continued to ask but got no reply

Finally he stopped his step as the girl suddenly disappeared from sight but soon he took short, careful steps and stopped infront of a alley, there the girl was, being held by two men, she was being ganged up.

"Let go of me" she shouted out in rage

" Did you really think you could get away with what you did last time " there was a moment pause before she spoke again

" okay -okay, I'm sorry for what I said last time, I really need to get back on the road or I'm going to be late for you" she addressed to have her words laughed at.

"Should I help her " Ramiel asked as Alex continued to watch the scene, it took a minute before Alex finally spoke

" NO " he answered nonchalantly before turning back and walking away, they walked back to the car and entered before Alex said another word that shocked Ramiel to the bones

" find out everything about her, where she lives, where she goes, who she's with, everything" he ordered, Ramiel continued to stare at Alex before he inhaled back the courage to ask again

" have she done something to you " he was curious as to why Alex would order that, he had never taken interest in anyone to the point of investigating about them, it was shocking, surprisingly Alex answered this time

" Yes she has, something impossible " he moved his hand to his chest, he could almost feel the warmth though his palm.



Just the start, it might get confusing at first but it's get better as you go, like and comment to share your opinion.