
His Love Hurts Me {DARK SECRETS}

When the eye of a famous, rich, ruthless billionaire is cut by a highschool 16 years old girl by just arguing on the street Alexander a newly appointment CEO after his fathers untimely death, he was young but mature, his stearn face showed exactly how his heart was, he was unwelcoming and uninviting. He had never felt his heart warm up and had gotten used to the coldness within untill the set eyes on a paculier girl, all she did was speak to him to feel his heart warm up, at that moment and time, he realized he had found the one, the one he was bounded to, his Mate ...... What happens when he uses every method to get her beside him, to the point of taking everything close to, to the point of breaking her soul bad turning her obedient to his rules, to the point of making her dependable on him alone, even when dark secret lays between them. ......... He loves me but why is his love hurting me, he cares for me but is this really care, why I'm I the one always getting hurt, why does he always have to be the one to hurt me, all in the name of love LOVE ? ..... Allie continued to cry in this hands as her body tembled, they were gone, her hole family was gone, all died and now she had no one, no home, she was still very young, just 16 and in highschool, how was she supposed to cater for herself, this as unfair, it wasn't right. " I have no where to go" she continued to cry out mindlessly Alexander didn't bother saying even a word, he just lend her his shoulder and tapped her back to stop her tears " Why don't you stay with me" he finally uttered with a neutral tone, the crying girl suddenly stopped as if the tears had choked and stoped in her lungs, he teary eyes slowly moved up to stare directly at him, in both shock and disbelief " you have no where to go, a place for you to go " he continued, by now she had sat right and stared at him, he moved his hands that was large compared to hers to her face and laid it there, he used his thumb to wipe the tears that kept dropping " I can be your home" ......... @All Right Reserved The cover does not belong to me, about out to pinterest

and_reni · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CHAPTER 3 heart pace

Her head was spinning vigorously and before she could process what she was saying, she had already uttered out

" I knew it, I knew something like things would happen, it was so obvious" her hands was suddenly grabbed making her to stand straight, she looked around to see the officer who had grabbed her, the sound of sirens quickly polluted the area

" we will need to take you to custody for questioning" he informed before almost pushing her out of the building, her eyes widened at the almost of officers that had surrounded the building in such a short period of time, it was as if they were already waiting right beside the buildings around

They entered into one of the cars and drove to the station, this time faster than before, although she had nothing to do with any of it, she couldn't help but feel the fear crawl into her, her heart raced on fear of the uncertain, she was scared, not only for herself but now also for the hole community.

Instead of taking her to the branch station, they took her to their headquarter in the main city, ever since her father died and they moved into that community, she had never set foot in the main city since her school and jobs were not located in the city, it would have been a bliss to see such beauty again if only she wasn't in a police car heading to the police station for interrogation.

Her heart was undeniably racing as they finally approached the police headquarter, the car stopped right infront of the building entrance, the door opened and she and the officer went out, she was lend into a back room that has glasses around and told to sit

In her mind, to his was a bit to much for just questioning, she had heard of this room and also seen it in movies, 'But why ' why would they bring her here, it was like she was some so dangerous criminal that would track down everyone she saw in here.

Her eyes moved to the mirror that reflected herself, she knew someone was there, staring at her, maybe they were many there, staring at her but she could only feel one gaze, one extremely hot gaze that was trying to burn into her

Her heart suddenly started to hammer, it's loud beats could be heard just clearly to her, as she continued to stare at the mirror, the gaze continued to become tense until her heart couldn't take it no more, she quickly looked away and to the door infront of her, her lips parted a little as she tried hard to regulate her breathing,

'what was that ?',

'what just happened ?'

Behind the glass, Alexander continued staring at the obvious breathless girl, he also moved his gaze away and looked at the head commander before stating his order.

The door open suddenly and a officer entered, he was wearing a neutral expression but from the he gave Allie knew that this would probably not go in her favour

" Good afternoon" he greeted her which she responded with a nod, a so the interrogation began, what she was being questioned and how she was being questioned was making her look like the culprit, the culprit of not only burning the shop but also murdering her boss

Allie could feel her hands start to shake slightly as the fear of being blamed slowly creep into her,a lot of stories had reached her ears of how people were unjustly blamed for crimes they didn't commit and imprisoned because the police failed to perform the investigation properly, was the same going to happen to her ?, was she going to be imprisoned and spend the rest of her life in jail.

" We are sorry but with everything found we will have to detain you untill you are finally cleared"

"Wh-what" she exclaimed in utter shock, although she had foresaw this coming, it was still a huge blow to her, she was going to be locked up, she was going to be locked up !, her brain screamed to her

Her body started to shake as the second blow of realisation hit her, her throat choked and ached, she gripped her grown hard to stop the tears that was threatening to cloud her vision and spile out

" Bu-But, i-i don't know anything about it" she managed to choke out, the thought of staying in a cold cell, all alone in the dark, scared and terrified her very being

The officer slowly stood up taking his files,he walked to the door and left but not without saying another officer was coming to get her, before she could utter another word the officer was already gone as if not interested in hearing her anymore, was this an interrogation, what the hell was happening, everything was looking weird, it was as if the officer were derlebrating and accusing her so they could detain her.

Just a second later and the door opened revealing two officers,her doubt immediately turned to the deep rooted fear that made her heart bounce

" pls stand up and we will escort you to your confinement" they meant her prison cell, with shaky legs, she stood up and followed them out of the room and though the hall, she could not help but allow her tears to fall,she was scared, extremely scared.

As they continued though the hallway with head down, she saw a couple of black shadows passed from the corner of her eyes but that wasn't what cut her utmost attention, it was the strong and spine chilling aura that wasn't with it, her eyes snapped upward and looked behind impulsively, but just as she did, she froze in her place

A pair of slate eyes that belonged to the person with bone chilling aura was staring back at her, the animosity and intensity of his gaze rooted her in place, glueing her to the ground, her heart suddenly throbbed loudly as she recognized this gaze, it held the same intensity as when she was staring at the investigation glass

Her body shivered involuntarily as the man suddenly turned and started to approach, his gaze never leaving hers even for a second, her Hans went to grab the light blue floral grown she had chosen to wear today, her tears filled eyes continued to waver with fear and shock.

Finally he stood infront of her, her breath starting to shorten due to the longitude of just staring at those life draining eyes, although still a few steps away, she had to cane her head to stare directly at him which was proof of how tall he was

" little" his first word stricked her hard to the heart, his tone alone was heavy and vibrated her heart like never before

" What are you doing here" he spoke as if familier with her but that wasn't what resonated in her, it was the simple of question of why she was here

Her breath slowly started to return and the inmated fear of being arrested returned too, her reality sank in and her heart started to drum but this time in fear , her lips parted and the already dryer up tears started to well up I. her eyes again

With the exhale of shaky breath, she parted her lips to speak but no words cane out, she had to close her lips and look down to braise herself, she had a good feeling that this man could help het, the very fact that the officers had stopped to allow him speak to her and also had not objected to his question proved it

"I--" her voice cracked, it was happening again, not being able to express herself, it had happened before too, when she was overly emotional, she couldn't speak out or up for herself, very word seem to choke get and all she could just do is cry

" She is being charged for murder and destruction of property" she heard the officer beside her answer

Alexander who had been waiting for her to speak to him directly glared at the officer who had the audacity to speak without being questioned

The officer involuntarily shivered at the response delivered to him, as a police officer although new, he had seen a lot of cruelsome scenes and cruel act, but this man, this man infront if him, he made him feel like he woul see something more worse than anything he had ever seen

"How did that happen" he used the tone that was totally different from the look he just gave the officer, his gentle tone somehow managed to smotten her wrecking nerves, it kind of shocked her that he still used the same gentle tone despite knowing full well about the crimes she was being charged with.

Her heart pace slowly decreased and she looked up shocking only herself, the pace at which her heart calmed shocked her to the very core, her lips parted to speak again and this time words came out.