
His Love Hurts Me {DARK SECRETS}

When the eye of a famous, rich, ruthless billionaire is cut by a highschool 16 years old girl by just arguing on the street Alexander a newly appointment CEO after his fathers untimely death, he was young but mature, his stearn face showed exactly how his heart was, he was unwelcoming and uninviting. He had never felt his heart warm up and had gotten used to the coldness within untill the set eyes on a paculier girl, all she did was speak to him to feel his heart warm up, at that moment and time, he realized he had found the one, the one he was bounded to, his Mate ...... What happens when he uses every method to get her beside him, to the point of taking everything close to, to the point of breaking her soul bad turning her obedient to his rules, to the point of making her dependable on him alone, even when dark secret lays between them. ......... He loves me but why is his love hurting me, he cares for me but is this really care, why I'm I the one always getting hurt, why does he always have to be the one to hurt me, all in the name of love LOVE ? ..... Allie continued to cry in this hands as her body tembled, they were gone, her hole family was gone, all died and now she had no one, no home, she was still very young, just 16 and in highschool, how was she supposed to cater for herself, this as unfair, it wasn't right. " I have no where to go" she continued to cry out mindlessly Alexander didn't bother saying even a word, he just lend her his shoulder and tapped her back to stop her tears " Why don't you stay with me" he finally uttered with a neutral tone, the crying girl suddenly stopped as if the tears had choked and stoped in her lungs, he teary eyes slowly moved up to stare directly at him, in both shock and disbelief " you have no where to go, a place for you to go " he continued, by now she had sat right and stared at him, he moved his hands that was large compared to hers to her face and laid it there, he used his thumb to wipe the tears that kept dropping " I can be your home" ......... @All Right Reserved The cover does not belong to me, about out to pinterest

and_reni · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CHAPTER 2 Blood splatter

Allie continued to struggle to be free as two guys held her from each side, she kept struggling despite knowing it was a futile attempt but again she wasn't the one to just give up without a fight.

From the corner of her eyes , she could see two shadows, just standing there and watching, she didn't bother wasting he energy on asking for help as she knew they wouldn't.

In this place, it wasn't a new thing for people to watch as others were, mistreated, hurt or abused, so now she expected no less from the two watchers, in a town like this, everyone here had their own problems and misery, pains and trouble, some better than others, most people had grown the habit of hurting people to make their self feel and look better and that included watching as people got hurt without a care .

The shadows suddenly moved as if wanting to come forward but they didn't, instead they left the scene as if they were already bored of it.

" I am serious, my grades are degrading, I'm missing a lot of classes, please just let me go " She continued to say it despite knowing it would annoy them, in a place like this, not many could afford school, those who couldn't most likely ended up being thief and spiteful to educated people that lived in the same place as them

" We are going to hurt you " One of them declared as he stopped laughing, Allie closed her parted lips to swallow, she could see she couldn't get out of this situation unlike last time

" The cops are coming " she suddenly busted, remembering that today was Thursday,

" they are coming today, do you think if they see a wounded sixteen year old girl on the street they wouldn't raid the place, they will chase everyone " she started to state her point trying to talk some sense into them but also trying to safe get ass

" I'm sure not all you are ophans, you have families here, the cops would cause them out and kick them to the street, do you want that "

" She had a point " They whispered to themselves before the guy who had been threatening all along announced

" It is not over " he ended before taking himself and his people with him.

She might be sixteen but she was way smarter than her age, she had a mature looking body, so mature that one would assume she was eighteen or nineteen years of age which came as an advantage to her, especially when she needed to lie about her age to her bosses.

Allie wanted for them to completely gone before heading back to the direction she wanted to go, her school.


After school, Alie was quick to head home, normally she would head to work but today was the day when the city cops come t o raid, the government has been looking for a reasonable reason to destroy this place and any little reason would be okey, that was why today, all the places she worked closed.

In a community like this, it was inevitable that every shop was bound to have something illegal in their possession, that was why every shop in this district close every Thursday, even the foamed Gangs stayed home today as no one wanted to be cut, most of them had foamed a home here and wouldn't like to lose it.

" Mother, I'm home" she announced as she entered

" Quick, lock the door " Although they had nothing to hide, one can never be too careful in such situations

" Have you eaten ma " she questioned after locking the door and going to sit

" Yes my love, I prepared yours too"

" Okey, I will take a quick bath and then eat "


Away from the brustly city, a huge mansion sat in the heart of the land, surrounded by thick woods, the house was painted white but there was nothing pure about it, every worker moved about, doing one thing or the other, at the heart of the building, Alex sat in his grey painted office on the porch couch, his expression was neutral as he waited for Ramiel to bring him the information he had requested for two days ago.

His jaw kept clinching in impatient, ever since he had found her, he couldn't bring himself to do anything, to even think anything but her, all the devil inside of him wanted to do was head to her and bring her to his territory, all his heart and body wanted was to take her away from everything and everyone and lock her up in a place where only him could have her and see her and --- feel her.

A knock finally came from the door, the long awaited information was finally here

" come in " Ramiel answered immediately to the order and entered with his head bowed down as a foam of greeting

" I have gotten the full report of the girl" Ramiel informed going to pass the file to Alex whose long legs were crossed

" Her name is Allie Crabb, she is sixteen years--"

" Sixteen" Alex for a short second expressed shock,the girl was young, she was young, she wasn't even off aged, if she was that young he could her scent be so reap and intoxicating, she wasn't even up to the age that was told to him that he would find her, so why did he find her so soon

" Yes Alex, she's sixteen, she lost her father two years ago and her mother was diagnosed with a illness that is slowly but surely eating up her life, in a few months her heart will get worse and the girl will be an orphan, now the are leaving in that area in a small apartment, the home address is there" he stoped for a second before continuing

" She now goes to work and still attends school, she is repeatedly bullied but the girl appears to be smart, she works in three local shops around the area with fake ages of eighteen and nineteen which is easily believed because of her figure" He ended looking at Alexander

" What do you want us to do" A few minutes passed by before Alex looked up from the paper

" she appears to be a strong, independent girl" Alex praised looking past Ramiel, his eyes turned Misty for a second before he looked back at Ramiel with his signature poker face

" Tell me about her mother"


The next one week went by uneventful just as she liked it, Allie had managed to evade the bullies for days now, but for the past two days, they had suddenly disappeared, she hasn't even seen even one of them, it was really weird but she decided not to care about it as the more she stopped seeing them, the lesser she had to worry about her safety.

Now she was going to work as today was Saturday, her mood was delightful as she had been faced with no difficulties for two days straight, a record, yesterday her mother suddenly fell and lost consciousness but recovered soon enough like she always does.

Immediately she entered she was greeted by two men in front of her boss, she didn't bother heading to her because she knew what ever they were saying, it was something that concerned only them and the wouldn't like it if someone came and interrupted or tried to interject into it.

She immediately went to cleaning as it was her job here, she would clean the floors and table, sometimes the kitchen if she was ordered to and then she would head to her second job, were she worked as a waitress there

As usual she did her job in the most limited amount of time before heading to the boss, her job was a do and pay kind so she had to collect her pay immediately she was done.

She wanted behind to collect the money as the guys she had been talking to haven't left, her boss looked a little troubled as they continued to converse, the atmosphere around them was tense and screaming danger, that was somewhere Allie didn't like to be in.

" Ha mam, I will come back for the pay" she yelled out before immediately running out of the shop, if her hunch was right, something might happen in there today.

She headed straight to her second job that was a little far from there, she had to pass a lot of alleys as a foam of shortcuts.

Getting to the last alley that lead directly to her workplace, she was greeted with severe heat, the place was normally hurt but today was different, the smell of smoke completely covered the strench of the garbages that was thrown here, from a distance she could hear screams making her heart skip beats

Her footsteps slowly slowed as she approached the scene, she finally reached the end of the alley, with drumming heart she went out only to see people running away and towards the right direction, her head snapped right and there she saw, the shop, her workplace, it was on fire, burning ferociously like the fire was from hell, her lips parted in shock as she ran toward the burning shop

"Allie , what are you doing" she was pulled aside by her co-waitress, stopping her from heading to the blazing fire

" What-What happened" she asked obviously in shock

" We don't know, the fire suddenly started out of nowhere, we tried to put it out but instead it spredded to the entire shop"

" Started from no where, how is that ever possible" Allie expressed as she stared back the burning shop

From a distance, two men stood on the roof far away from the burning fire but still watching the scene very clearly like it was right in front of their eyes, both were wearing all black and not in any way trying to blend in as they cared less if someone saw them

One of them had black hair and back eyes, but the second had a different colour of eyes from the one everyone was used to, his eyes was a mix of black and red, a totally different colour he was known to have

" It is done Alex, she is gone and cops are in place" Alex finally averted his eyes from a particular person he had been watching since she came to his sight, he looked back at Ramiel with his bloodshot eyes before finally speaking

"Good, let go" Both Black statues finally left the roof, away from the scene and from the sight of anyone.


The fire took a while to stop and when it finally stopped, nothing was left of the shop, even the bricks had turned to Ash which surprised most, the cops where quick to arrive t the scene and soon was investigating how the fire started

To must surprise, Allie that wasn't there was dragged into the investigation and for some reason hers seem to be the longest, it turns out that she was put under the main suspect as she and the owner have had a few disagreements and petty quarrels in the past which had brought up the topic of diappointing her and to them it was so convenient than she wasn't around when the fire started

" We heard your ship starts at seven, how is it that you arrived few minutes after the firwe started which is later than your resumption time" The officer in charge of her didn't even bother to take her aside and was just asking in front of everyone

In a situation where most people were affected by an incident, questioning the most likely suspect infront of the victims wasn't the wisest idea

" I went to my other job, I work there before coming here"

" You never told us you work somewhere else before coming here " one of the co-employees voiced out, the officer broke eye contact with her to stare at the person who had spoken without permission

" I didn't but I do" Allie was quick to defend herself

" What do you do there" the officer asked

" I-i clean, I clean before it's opens" Allie answered almost panicking, as it seems everyone was starting to see her as the culprit, even the ones who saw her run to the burning shop and filled her aside was now looking at her, eyes full of distain

" How far is that work place from here"

" A little far "

" Mam, I will have to ask you to take us there" the officer requested as two more officers entered the picture

" o-okey" With that two officers followed her

" I-i take alleys to make the journey faster " she explained

" we cannot take that risk, we will take the main road" Both started to move dragging her to the car.

The journey there took longer than she expected, although there were passing the main road, they still arrived there late and it was only because the driver was going unusually slow, which was weird.

But that wasn't the only weird thing today , when they arrived at the shop, the shop was closed, she stole glances at the officer to see their reactions and it was as expected , they thought she was lying

" I will go in, it seems she hasn't opened " Allie uttered before heading inside, again the officer followed immediately, they looked around around the oddly dark shop but the owner came out, even after calling and calling out her name

" Maybe , she's not here--"

" Check the back, I will check the odd corner, Allie right" she nodded

" pls stay here" He was very clear with the order, Allie started to feel the tense atmosphere around, every where was eerie quiet, it was as if one wax in a graveyard

It didn't take long for the second officer to tell out for them, both she and the latter ran into the kitchen area to be shocked by the blood bath the kitchen was given, her stomach turned and her food came rushing out of her mouth

The owner, her boss was laying there in her own pool of blood but that was all, blood was splattered all around the kitchen, though her ears she could hear one of the officers calling for backup and the other one was saying things she could not understand or try to comprehend.


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