
His Infatuation

Lilith is a 17-year-old girl whose family had to move to Canada due to a problem back at home with the throne. Her mother Ishana was human until she fell in love with a certain vampire king named Emmet, Lilith’s father. They get a surrogate to carry their kids for them which are Lilith and Madeleine Lilith’s 14 year old sister. This practice has been going on from the very beginning of time by vampires since they cannot conceive kids of their own. The children are to be kept human and turned on their 18th birthday, with a ritual called the blood ritual. Lilith meets Hunter a werewolf actually born into an alpha family and is on to be married and alpha at the age of 21. Neither of them know that they are destined to be mortal enemies to each other as one is to become a vampire and the other is a werewolf. They become well-known couples and high school sweethearts but only if they knew then that their love and happiness towards one another was not going to last. Lilith finds out that Hunter is engaged to be married in the whole three months that they have been dating, their relationship has been based on lies and deceit. Hunter decides to let Lilith know whole truth on why he has to get married to the one girl even though he doesn’t love her. He was planning on letting Lilith know about his true identity on he birthday but seems like the date has been changed. He tries to tell her everything and in the process finds out that Lilith is going to turn into a vampire in her 18th birthday and go reclaim her rightful throne in Rome. He then makes her choose between him and turning into a vampire and she decides to choose turning into a vampire as choosing him would mean disappointing and going against her parents. Hunter is stunned by this and takes a few months away from everyone and travels to London. He comes back determined on getting Lilith back into his life but it’s too late as Lilith is gone to Rome to reclaim the throne. He then travels to Rome and risks his life by crashing a masquerade ball that is filled with humans and mostly vampires just to get to talk to or see Lilith. He then cuts in on a dance between Lilith and someone else and they start talking. Lilith tells him to leave as she is doing better without him and Hunter realizes that the Lilith standing before him now is not the same Lilith he knew a few months ago.

Tidimalo_Masemola · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 4

It's been a week and I still haven't been back to school yet. Ann has been coming to my house daily to give me my homework and eat dinner with me and my family. My mom appreciates Ann's company almost as much as I do.

Ann filled me in on the latest gossip and I'm it. I've been absent at school for the whole week and I just got here. Countless rumors have spread among the blabbering mouths of gossip mongers and those that are stupid enough to believe any of it.

Seems like my plans of being normal for once have burnt to the ground.

I hear a knock on my door and my dad enters.

"Hey, sweetie."

"Hey, dad."

"Your mom I ordered a new batch of blood from Italy and there have been some complications so we have to go fetch it ourselves. We will be back in three days tops so take care of your sister and you better be going back to school when I get back."

"Okay, dad no problem."

"Don't throw any ragers or whatever you kids call them these days."

"As if I would." I laugh. My dad is an extremely understanding man and has a deep British accent as he lived there most of his life until he took over the family thrown in Rome. And he went back to England for some business and that was when he met my mother. He asked her out on several occasions but her answer would always be no as she was raised by an upper-class family. She was the Duke and Duchesses, daughter, at that time and had an older brother that would carry on the family name.

"Okay, our flight leaves in 2 hours so bye." He kisses me on the forehead.

"Bye, dad.

After a while, I decided to get out of my bed and go fetch Madeline from school.

Her school is closer to home than mine, so it shouldn't take long for me to get there.

I get dressed in black sweats, a hoodie, and a funnel over it. I then put on my air force ones and take my phone and car keys and head out to Madeline's school.

Her school is as pristine as mine just in a more modern way.

Her school wasn't out yet so I decided to take her out of school earlier. I told the women there that it was a family emergency and a few minutes later Madeleine and I were on our way to the mall.

"Thanks for freeing me from hell."

"That bad huh."

"Well, it's not the students I hate it's more of the teachers." Madeleine tended to get into fights with teachers, nothing physical but always verbally mostly because she is never wrong in her eyes and when a teacher dismisses her answer she goes all crazy on her teacher. So yeah mom and dad have been to a lot of child behavioral meetings and one time she even got suspended.

"You need to tone it down a bit. Maybe instead of fighting with your teacher try and ask them to explain why your answer is wrong and theirs is right. Then explain why you think yours is correct and how you got to that answer."

"It's not that simple."

"I know but just try, now let's go get new clothes and food."

"Fine, I just can't wait to be a vampire."

"So you can do what, kill them." She goes silent. "Maddy!"

"No, maybe, yes. I just don't know sometimes the thought crosses my mind and it's hard to let it subside."

I've had the same thoughts and feelings towards people in my other schools but with Maddy, it seems to be deeper than that. "I've had the same feeling with some people but you just got to learn to keep those feelings down okay."

"I'll try. Can we get a smoothie while we are there?"

"Of course."

We've been walking around the mall for a few minutes now trying to find the food court when we bump into Hunter, Aiden, and someone else that is with them.

"Shouldn't y'all be at school?" I say looking at them.

"So should you right."

"Yes but I'm not the one in the school uniform."

"Yes, but she is." He points to my sister."

"I signed her out, what's your excuse."

"I skipped school."

"I thought you would be smart enough to bring extra clothes if you Were planning to skip school but I guessed wrong."

Aiden replies. "It was more of an in-the-moment thing."

I give him a smile and a nod. "Good to know, now please excuse us we trying to find the food court."

"We can help you with that." The other guy that I've never seen before says.

"Excuse me who are you?"

"Oh, I'm Jarred nice to meet you."

"Likewise." I smiled at him and walked passed them.

We finally found the food court and ordered some food and milkshakes in one of the restaurants.

As soon as we made our order Aiden and his friends took a seat a few tables from us.

"Are they seriously following us?"

"Seems like it."


"I have no idea."

"Jarred is kinda hot."

"And also four years passed your age limit."

"I'm just saying and besides I'll be eighteen in four years."

"Exactly in four years and he'll be twenty-two, now drink your water and stop drooling on someone way older than you."

"Your annoying, you know that."

"Thanks." The waiter comes with our food.

"Hey I'm sorry can we have this to go."

"Sure no problem."

"The waiter was making googly eyes at you."

"No, he wasn't."

"Look at your doggy bag or recite."

"I take a look and there's a phone number there."

I look toward the main area and the waiter smiles and waves at me.

"We should go."

"You don't pay attention much."

"What do you mean?"

"That Hunter guy likes you and maybe you see it but you chose to ignore him."

"Remember Jake, Mike, Andrew, and Dylan."


"They are the same type as Hunter and I do not want to get involved in such right now."

"So what you telling me is that you like him but you're afraid of getting hurt."

"Take your things and let's go."