
Chapter16 of chapter 5 The Duke woman

The slience was still wear in the room, as all devour on their meal quietly with no sounds of whispering. Them were still curious, why did the Duke bought the black maid here, dress in well expensive clothes like she was one of the royal which clearly she isn't nothing but a maid! 

Isabella, who was uncomfortable with the strange slient eyes on her couldn't eat much. She was wondering why the Duke bought her here. She didn't belong to this class, and the way everyone stared at her, makes it more creepy, terrified, for her..

"Why are you not eating?" She heard the voice of the mysterious man, seated besides her. She sighed,  "I am not really that hungry" 

"Not hungry? Why?" 

Does he expects her to explain herself to him, can't he just get it, the atmosphere was too tight for her,  the grudging curious eyes on her, how can she eat in peace. She was afraid to slip a stained on her dress accidentally, just the eyes around her make her more nervous. 

Before she could look for an excuse, the man cut in. "Are them staring too much on you?" He asked with a mysterious smile on his lips glancing around to catch the idiots that makes his woman uncomfortable...

With that question, everyone that was staring at the girl immediately draws their eyes away from her... No one wants to upset the Duke. It would be better not to get into his wrath.

"No no, Milord not at all" Isabella replied hurriedly, she just can't afford anyone to be punished because of her... Or hate her more than them have already hated her..

"Then, do you want me to feed you?" 

Lady Emily turn to the Duke immediately, he wants to feed her? Right in the presence of everyone? Is the Duke being serious? The Duke had always been a disciple man in the face of the public. Never had him done anything sexual in front of others but today, he was ready to feed a woman publicly? She remembers those days she had asked him to feed her but he always refused, giving excuses to her. Now, it comes to a commoner he was willing to feed her? 

This suck!  She felt the stream of jealousy flowing through her vein. Although she had Scott now but that jealousy for Isabella being with her first love breaks her heart. This girl should have died long ago. Didn't know why lady Elsie plan never worked to kill this witch! 

The slut even dare to acted innocent! Shameless woman! 

"No, milord, I can eat by my...." 

"Milord, would you respect, she's just a maid that didn't belong to the table. Her kind are refer to slave in the society. We don't understand why she's seated in our mist like a royal which she is not! "  Henry snapped before Isabella could finish her statement.  She wasn't shock or surprise with the man opinion about her.

Well, let truth be told,  she's a slave... Sir Henry was a out spoken man who in hundred percentage despise black. He was also the first person that humiliate her on the first day the Duke came back to Wales. The man had always hate the sight of black people. He had once be taught a lesson by the Duke but that didn't sit in his head enough not to go against his word 

The Duke smirk devilishly. Of course, he was amazed, this is going to be fun at last!  he had been waiting for a fool to defy his words. He knows some of them have something to say but no one  has the courage to speaks up except this fool! 

When he was done with his suggestion, others nodded with him.  Clearly the girl isn't in their society not to say about class. If the Duke wants to have fun with her, them wouldn't mind but bringing her into the high court dress like royal was an insults to their pride! Even the late Duke would never do such a thing.. 

Them had kept slient to the  young Duke behavior because he was the head of the courtship. This time, them couldn't take more of it.! The Duke is contrary to the law! 

Due to the Duke silent to Mr Henry words, loudly mumbling started in the table, some glancing at Isabella with fiery eyes, full of hatred and disgusted.. 

Isabella feel more frighten, she stared at the Duke who was eating his meal sliently like he heard nothing that the man just said...

Lady Emily was pleased with the table mumbling and complaints. At least, all seem to hate the black slut. That lighten her mood, as she glanced joyfully at Isabella frighten face...

Everyone seem to give their own opinion about the black girl, shamelessly her like her existance is a curse!

"She's a witch! I believe she had used her power on our Duke!" 

" She's more than a witch, a slut!"

"Dirty thing!" 

" Shameless"

"she  thought even though she wear expensive clothes wouldake her look more royal. Never!" 

With all the blabbing of bad words on her, Isabella wanted to runs away but she can't, she was stuck right here, her head lower in shame. Indeed she was all them refer her to be... 

Lady Pearl sighed, feeling sorry for whosoever that was going to make a lamb for sacrifice... "Foolish people, you don't know you're leading yourselves to your grave" she muttered inwardly, glancing at them with pity and amusement

With the support of other, Mr Henry further his suggestion. "Milord, if you don't mind, I may ask for this thing should be thrown out of here!" he said authoritatively

Just then, the Duke raise his hand up and Marcus clearly understand what he meant.

Immediately, two guards men grabbed on Mr Henry abruptly out of the table, and the mumbling complaints died off instantly...