
Chapter 6 of chapter 2

He was watching when I undressed you...

Isabella Pov....

"But he was here watching when I was undressing you" she adds. Watching? He was there watching when she was undressing me! That brat! 

So, he was watching when I was getting my dress done! That's was unforgettableb act! You dirty Duke of Hastings! I was burning inside of me sliently like a mad woman getting ready to expose the  Galaxies.  "Are you terrified?" She asked looking at me. "No no no, I'm fine just fine" with smiles on my face. That's was a big fat lie. Of course I was mad, extremely mad at him for staring at me when I was getting on a dress change. 

"And also he was the one who chose the gown and pant you wore" 

What! I rise my gown up and glared at the lady sitting beside me, "you don't means it" 

"Of course, why should I lie about something like that. He make sure his all eyes were on you" 

I swallow "all through?"

"All... through...." She stretch out her words

"What?"  "Yeah, I can seen you're worried but there is nothing to worries for. Besides, he was few feets away"  But that didn't solved anything, Even though he's more feets away or not but the fact he was present all through the whole time creepy me. I wonder what his face might  have looked like when his eyes were on my naked body.  Of course, he would be extremely happy, rejoicing that he get to seen what I was hiding all these years. Oh my God, save my soul! I just want the ground to opened upand swallowed me from this nightmares. 

"I think you shouldn't be hard on yourself, he didn't plan on doing anything with you or do you want he to?" She narrowed her eyes at me.  "Of course not" I exclaimed. She giggled getting amused with my acts.

Then the words I last heard before I fell in sleeping flash back to me. The voice were just the same. Was she the one who said those words to me? I wasn't sure if it was a dream or none but the voice are just the same. What did she means by that? What are more coming? What are coming my way? I was frighten about the words but briefly bright it up with a smile.

"Please, I didn't know your name?" I asked. She stops giggled and looked at me. "My name is Charlotte" she said and smiled  briefly at me. She seem lovely and happy to chat with me. Like there's a mixed of joy on her face. I just confused at her, why all the expression on her face, like I seen to remind her of someone close to her heart. 

"My name's..." 

"No you don't have to, I know your name already Isabella, you looked just like her" 

Her? Who's her? I wanted to asked when  a shadow appears from nowhere. It was The Duke..

"Charlotte, you have to leave you work is done" he command coldly, "sure my lord" she packed all her belonging and left immediately without a thought. Suddenly, she left my mood changed when I glared at him.

That devilish prince, looking charming to resist. "My little black lamb," he said excited and walks up to me. "How are you doing" 

He dare to asked how I was doing? When he finished watching my precious naked body. 

"What wrong? Did she say something to you?" 

I hissed, this man must be funny. " If she said something to you tell me now!" He growled. Like the warm eyes have disappear into the cold ones. I swallowed up, not being terrified by his looks. "You're the one who hurt me" I boldly said. 

"Hurts you?" 

"Yes, you were watching me when she was undressing me!" 

"Oh that brat told you, it seem she didn't love her life after all"  he said and chuckled devilishly,  "how could you!" I yells, like I really yelled at him. He get furious and grabs hardly on my hand. "Now you listen to me, you belong to me and if I don't see your nakedness no man is allowed to see what mine and mine alone. Do you understand" he coldly said to me with his burning eyes and get loosen of hand. I just nodded in fear not to do anything that provoked him again. 

"Now get ready and come to the living room, dinner is ready" he alarmed before leaving the room. The hand he get loosen hurts alot

Was it night already, I peep through the window and saw the dark clouds already covered the sky with it darkness. how could it be possible, that means I have slept almost the day off. My duties and everything. Oh my God, what did Lady Charlotte added to the liquid she gave to me. I couldn't bother myself of thinking and  I just obeyed his command and get off the bed. Then I spots the gown I wore in the mirror behind the bed. It was fascinating and glamour. The first time in my life I wear a gown look like this. I do admired myself but remember that the Duke seek my presence in the living room. 

When I get there, the setting of the table was out of the world, there long candlestick light up and different kind of all dishes place on the table. I couldn't believe my eyes, it seem as a fest for two couple having the wedding ceremony before their honey moon. I gulped in confusion at him. He was sitting at the end of the table, facing opposite to the edge I stands on confusedly glancing. 

"My lord" I said, my eyes were still gulping around in amusement. "Are you expecting anyone?" 

He glared confused at me, as his eyes narrowed theirs way at me. "Can you sit down before you asked questions which ain't necessary to asked" immediately, my butt seat down on the chair opposite facing him..

He reclined back on the chair and stared lustful at me, his eyes were unmovable from me. I felt bit nerve, the man who seem my nakedness some hours ago, now I'm sitting directly facing him to eat. It was so surprisedly and shocked to me, is this really the Duke that everyone was terrified at? Was she right? Lady Charlotte, that says the Duke have it own way of showing his feeling. Is he truly showing off his true feelings to me or trying to amazed me to be one of his whore completely. 

I lifted my face and gaze at him, his eyes were still viewing on me like a lost soul, a look that could burn down a soul. His eyes seem to see through my gown I wore. The gown a lacey hands tiny and it hugged my body so tightly that brings out my hidden hips. 

"You looked stunning on that gown" he commented astonishingly, eyes still piercing on me. What so interesting by my looks that he can't keeps off his eyes off. 

"Thank you, my lord. Lady Charlotte told me you choose it for me" I said, my face were now down, I wasn't comfortable around he and that eyes which seem not to turn off it direction. 

"That lady do have a mouth full of words. So, what do you think you like it?" 

"Yeah, is amazing my lord" 

"Rise your face up when you're talking to me!" He command softly, I slowly lift my face up and my eyes catch his gaze. Those deadly beautiful eyes,  "come on eat" 

I slowly took a spoon of the meal and pass it into my mouth. It was delicious and lovely. 

"How about the taste, love it?" His hand was crossed between his jawline, as his eyes were on me with no plans of gazing off. 

"It delicious my lord"

"Then,  continue" he said, but he wasn't eating. All he was doing was feeding his eyes on me like I'm planning on running away. If that, I'm truly planning to. The night has fell and here I am been served by the master of the house. I don't know if he was going to let me go that easily. 

"My lord, why are you not eating?" 

"I'm waiting for your to finish and feed me" 

I almost coughed out my food in my mouth but quickly covered it with the support of my hands. And rush to drank on water. 

"Almost choked? Well, that one of your duties have you forgotten that you're my handmaid?" 

"No, my lord never in my life" 

"Then eat fast. come and feed me, I'm hungry" 

I keep on eating to my satisfaction, ignoring he was there's watching on me. I didn't care since his eyes have nothing to view on. I don't care unless and continue my meal. Besides, this meal is indeed delicious and can't let it go to waste. 

"It seems you're a hungry Lion, can't you eat normal like a delicate lady?"  What did he wants from me! First, he told me to eat and now, judging me from my eating habits.

"I'm sorry mliord" I position myself well and seat down to eat more normal. Then I saw a deviousness smirk curled on his lips. Sure he knows how to punished a soul.

"Come here" he command, his voice sounds cold and wild. I didn't do anything that upset him right? I stand up and meet him. I was close, standing closer to him. He garbs on my waist abruptly and place me on his laps. 

"M-my lord" I stermmer, 

"Remember, it time to feed me"