
Chapter 6 chapter 1 He was gentle and different

He was gentle and different

Isabella Pov.....

I can't believe I'm on his hands! The master of the house! He was the one carrying me. I was so shy and buried my face on his fabulous chest, smell his sweet arua from his body. I couldn't be bold enough to look out, As all eyes were glued at us. I cuddle on his hands like a little child carried by her father.  I couldn't believe, he was strange, very strange to understand. Why did he do it? Why did he helped me? This man was out of my legacy and understanding. He was understandable and different from all lords, how could he helped a maid like me, despite the fact I'm black.

No one knows what is in his mind or what he do thinks of. I wasn't comfortable, we walked out of the Ball hall with all eyes surprisedly staring at us. He didn't seen to cares about the glares of others. And no one could dares tried to stop him for helping me besides he was the lord and the law of the house. What's he say or do are the finals case and no one dare to objects him.

On the other hand, Marcus struggling carried Lily out of the hall despite her staggering. 

When we gets on the corridor, that was the prefect time I choose to stop him. "My lord, I can help myself from here" I said.

He gulped his fiery gaze on me, "you have no right to suggest" he said coldly, his voice was still cold as ice. The anger were still in his eyes burning as a hell flames. I don't know why he was so furious about the way Ruby's stomps on me, that wasn't the first time I was stomp on. Besides, I'm a maid and things like that do happened to maids especially the ones under wicked ladies...

"Milord, I said I could help myself from here, why don't you drop me down!" I asked again. Getting impatient with the way he was treating me. but he didn't answer and continue walking like I'm not speaking to him.

"Milord, Milord, Milord!" I repeated multiple times before he finally answered

"What little lamb?" 

"What you said to lady Pearl should do to Ruby father business, are you really going to do that?" 

"Hmm, for my point of view that man didn't taught her daughter some home lesson and I would love to help him correct that mistake"

"But Milord don't you think that too harsh?" 

Immediately he stops walking and glared fiercely at me. " Listen little lamb, my words are final and nothing you say or do can change that" he began walking again. I seen it was no used for me to argue with him on what to do to lady Ruby's, so I kept my mouth shut. 

I seen the direction he was facing, that direction wasn't to the servant quarter but his chamber. "Milord, you're going the worse way that not the way to my quarter"

He chuckled, finding what's I just said amusing. "Who told you I'm taking you to the servant quarter the first place?" 

"But that where I belong, the servant quarter"

He gets furious, extremely angry like I said something forbidden. "If you don't shut the fuck up! You'll regret all your words you just say. Just do yourself a favor and shut the fuck up" he growled. The scary part of him shows, I was terrified and choose to shut my mouth up if I truly want to live. 

We walked all the way slient until we get to his chamber. There was guards guiding the entrance of the door. Immediately,them saw him approaching, them bend down their heads. And opened up the door for he to go in. 

He walks into his fancy bedroom, and drops me gently on the massive bed. "Stay there, I'll be right back" he said and disappear. I waited patiently on the bed and didn't make a move. I don't want to do anything that would provoked him.

After 1hour of waiting, he came back with a young- looking lady. She was dress in White and I Immediately knew who she was. A doctor... The young lady cupped her face with a smile carrying a little box on her hands. Walks up to me and place the little box on the bed. Her hands were shakily while attending to me wounds, she was uncomfortable and scared. Why? The master of the house didn't moves an inch as he stood close to the bedroom entrance, looking violently at the lady. There was no emotions on his face as all seem ice and fire.

Why would the lady shriver, with that deadly gaze on her, of course she would stumbled. 

"Milord, can you please give us a little privacy?" I asked politely thinking maybe it would work but to my greatest surprise it did work. He looked harshly at me . "Hey," he called on the woman attention, and she turned at him. 

"If you didn't do your job well, you'll be dead" that word almost makes her stumble, what did he means by that. She isn't the one who wounded me but yet he gave her such a deadly warning. 

"I would failed my job Milord, I promise" she said, bend down her head shrivering, he takes a last gaze at me before leaving the room. 

I looked at the slient woman, who was doing her job quickly on me, adding some natural herbs on the wounds. It do hurt a little, as I closed my eyes to endure the pains.

"He do cares for you alot" she said, still adding the herbs on my wounded skin. I opened up my eyes and looked confusedly at the lady. What did she said? 

"Milady, I'm only his .." she didn't allow me to finish my words before cutting me short. 

"Please don't address me as Milady, you're Milady not me" she said, looking frightening. At the moment, I was really confused about the lady words. Is she not seeing I'm black or are her eyes blind? For fucking sake I'm a maid! A maid! Can't she see!

"But I'm a maid and a black woman, why would you address me as your lady. Such thing don't happen" 

"That's for you to think so. I have worked for the Duke for many years and lot of things are revealed. My dear, you're special to his heart if he didn't cares about you, do you think you still be there?" 

Now, I think this lady is mistaking me as one of his whores. " I'm his personal handmaid and nothing more is added to it. You don't have to show your loyalty to a maid like me" 

She chuckled, did I say anything that sounds so funny? She rise up her face and looked at me in the eyes. " So, you can't understand the process happening in front of you, huh? There are more to be than just a personal handmaid. You can be his queen, the woman to his heart. Like I said before you're lucky and you should be happy"

"Be happy to be his handmaid, he touched?" 

She smiled, "that just the beginning of a man feelings towards you and you should takes it. I have worked here for years and the Duke never shows any woman any affection the way he's shower on you now. The Duke is a man of few words and don't know how to express his true feelings out"

Just there, the door smashed open by the beast. Sending fears into our bodies. Of course, is the master of the house. He looked fiercely at the lady. "Are you not done yet?" His deep cold voice asked. Terrifying the young lady. " No...no Milord" she stemmered. "Then be fast!" he command and leave again. 

The lady continue her work and didn't say anything to me again. After she was done adding the herbs cream on my skin. She bought out a bottle contain a liquid medicine she gave me. " Have a spoon" she said, turning a drop into a table spoon and asked me to opened up, which I did and swallow in the liquid on the spoon .

"It will helped heal up the wound quickly," she said. 

Later told me to laid down on the bed. Which I obediently did. I was feeling sleepy instantly after I took on that liquid. It's seem it works like magic. When I laid down my head, I heard a voice whispering into my ears.

"There's are more coming, hope you're ready to face it"  Then everything went blank....

When I wake up, I found myself warped on the fancy blanket of the mattress. I think he was done by the Master of the house. I warped my hands over my eyes, the sleep were still there. And found my clothes were changed by who? Was it the Duke that change my clothes! My face turned reddish, I touched my body with my hands warped over it. This was so discomfiting, how could he do that without my permission! I hate him so so much I grumble to myself angrily. Then the Doctor lady walks in. " oh you're awaken" she mumbled, and walks closer, touched my forehead. "Your temperature seen normal now" I was confused because I couldn't remember what happened before l slept off.

"Where is the master" I asked, looking around. "Oh you mean the lord, he went out to attend to some important matters but soon be back " 

"Then, may I asked who undressed me?" I asked blinking my eyes continuously at her. She seems confused with the question but stared at me for some minutes before she finally answered. "That was done by me, why asking?" 

At least that was a relief, first I thought it was done by the Duke. But I was wrong. I sighed.

"Did you think the Duke undressed you?" She asked looking straight at me. "Well..." I couldn't speak out, my words have completely disappeared.  "Alright, the Duke didn't touch you but he was the one who asked me to change your dress that the one you wore was too dirty" 

I sighed again. "Thank goodness he wasn't the one" 

"But he was here watching when I was undressing you" she adds. Watching? He was there watching when she was undressing me! That brat!