
Chapter 3 of chapter 3 the trash you have always been

The trash you have always been....

I thought my days would be better after becoming his handmaid instead, my life turns up and down, As the hatred from others maids increased. No wants to do anything with me like I'm some kind of trash Even in the kitchen, the cooks looked at me with despising looks, the look that killed! 

I become the center of hatred, but still not get it, Emma was the only one still nice to me, and we continue ours friendship peaceful, she always talks me out of thought that all will be okay. I do believe her. 

Today I heard that are going to be a meeting for the high court members, I was relief at least I can go up and clean his chamber before the meeting closes. I went to pick my equipment for the cleaning, ignoring the gossip eyes on me. Before I was about to leave, Emma drops a letter on my nursing gown pocket, 

"It's from Sir Marcus, he told me to give it to you" she whispered, I blinks what did he wants to talked about, I wondered, nodded my head and departed. 

Still the two hour it took me again, I thinks it due to the stuff I always pack to cleans his chamber. It's wasn't simple, I had to drags on the heavy bucket water all the way to the top, that precisely it took two hours to walks up to his chamber. The next I was so much in hurry to vet the job now before his arrival, apparently I don't know what time the meeting closed, I had no choice but be faster than my strength. 

Before I could know it, I'm done within 30 minutes, I check the big fancy clock laying on the wall. It was 30 minutes after I, I breathe the breath of relief. Pack my equipment lazily and walk up to the door only to see the devil appears before me. 

"Where are you going?" He asked, glanced at me like some of a prey. "I'm ..." I quit, the words refused to come out of my mouth as fear cupped up my body, I could felt my heart beating than it normal state. 

I bought down my head, 

"Not so fast my little black lamb" he drags on my waist abruptly. I was more terrified, what going on, what do him wants to do. 

"My lord.." I struggled to get his grips off me but he was too strong, As his hard grips tightly more on me. At that moment, my soul was out of it body. I couldn't breathe either stare at his face. I closed my eyes and turned away. 

"Look at me!" He command hastily, I couldn't hesitated and open my eyes and  glared at the dangerous lightning eyes piercing at me. 

"Good girl" 

"M-my....lord, please don't" I cried, my tears was already out of my eyes, it's was hard to tell if he could listen to my voice because it was almost a whisper. 

He let go of my waist,  he went to sat down on the stool close to the table. I was stillness shivering, my curiosity had gotten to me, as I can still hear my heart beats. 

"Come here" His voice command, I shakey turns and gulped at the monster calling on to me. I'm terrified, and he wasn't still satisfied?

"I hates repeating myself" he command, I quickly walks to him. 

"Sit" he said, 

Sit? Where? I looked around, there were no stool close by, then I sat on the floor. He immediately burst into laughter, a very loud one. 

"You must be joking" he said , drags me up and sat me on his laps. " Here I was you to be" he tight his wrist around me. 

"You're mine now Isabella. I owned you" 

I was so scared to speaks, it right I'm one of his possession, when a master has a slave or maids working for them, that same way he owned them, he owned me now. 

" You're mine and no one else" his voice exotic into my ears, I couldn't help but continue my tears in slient. 

"I have being watching you, the way you sleep, the way you eat, even when you taken your bath. My eyes are always on you Bella" 

I was more frighten, he called me Bella, how did he about that name, only Marcus was the one able to call me that. Or he might....

I widened my eyes and gulped at him, 

"Ever since the day I saw you on the rain, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about you. Shit!"  He lick up my ears. " I want you now" 

"Please don't..." I begged still crying, 

His hands careless my body, slowly to my breasts, he cupped on them roughly, making me to let out a moans, I feel so hot and heat up, I was burning, for the first in life, I was burning for a man, my legs shrivers, let's orgasmic keeps me up, why I'm so moves by his touch on my skin. I tried to control myself not to fall completely to his urge. 

"I like the way your body is so sensitive to my touch, that's it baby don't hide yourself from me. Show me all," his voice was another temptation to avoid, the way he speaks drives me nuts.

"Your balls are soft, rounded just the way I want" 

I moaned again but this time loud, I couldn't believe I'm falling under his spell, 

His hands never stops there, as he slid his fingers down, stopping it on top on my thighs.  "I would like to see how there heat up" 

"Please..... Don't" I managed to speak out of the  under the orgasm I was in. 

"Why? You're mine remember,"  he deep his fingers into my lace gown. Playing his fingers between my hole. I bit on my lower lip, I couldn't take it anymore, 

"Ouch!" I moaned,

"See, you like it" 

All these while, his voice were exotics and horny, whispering seductive words into my ears. I bet almost runs crazy, the exotic were too hot to stops. 

"That it, moan to my pleasure,"  he kissed my neck slowly and calmly, driving every parts of my body to chills.

"....." I couldn't find my words out as I'm drown to his control over my body. 

"Do you want to say something, little lamb?" 

I nodded, my tears never seem to stop, but he ignored all and continue carelessly my hole.

" I would like to fuck you one day, that you'll have to admit you're mine and forever" 

He drops off, I don't know makes him drops off but I'm glad he did. 

"Get out" he said, I turned and looked at him,  he seemed angry, like my presence remind him of something terrible. 

I quickly get off his laps, pick up my equipment and head out. When I gets out, I panic for fear what have possibly happened there, was I  loosen to him, he calls me Bella and said he watched me, does that means you might have see me naked? I didn't want to waste more time there, as I struggle to get my bucket and mobbing stuff down the stairs. 

This is the path of my life... I would forever have to get used to this...any moment for now, I would soon be his whore.

I completely forget about the note send to me by Marcus, I attended to my other duties and until the day disappear into another day.



I would like to inform you if you think this book to boring or not to your liking that you should keeping on with the reading and get to the end of the story to found out how its will end..

Don't forget to invite your friends too into this because the the world of romance and blood shed would soon starts pounding up for the others chapters. 

Make sure you're up to 18 and above, and continue to read this intruding story.

It's amazing Love story between the two individuals involved in it.  Just don't stop and trash this book. Finish it if possible and rated, the last thing don't forget to invite your friends...

It's just getting started.... There're more coming and more to read.

Thank so much bitches!!!!!? Sorry I'm excited that I'm able to share this my imagination with you...