
Chapter 17 of chapter 5 Plan B

Under the dark clouds of the night, two voice whispered in slience dark, only could heard by themselves. " What are you saying?" Matthew asked, getting frustrated with Scott plans. 

"I'm saying, we have to kill that girl tomorrow night! We can't wait any longer" 

"Buy I thought you said, lady Angela have to gained her trust first,. Now she's awake from the death." 

" Yes I said that but I can't wait any longer. The black maiden had to died as soon as possible. That's the only way our mission can be done in time" 

Matthew sighed. Scott would never do anything in a hurry. Now the lady have been awake from death. It would be hard to get to her. The Duke men was always surround his chamber. Makes it impossible to get through. Now, Scott had changed the idea of plan except he had a word with his lover. He had known the news that the Duke bought the black maif into court room today which causes a lot of commotion, confusion and envious.  This would be part of lady Emily plan, he had also hear the white girl had dream to become the next  duchess but things never went as planned. 

Now, she's full of envious, hatred towards the black girl. 

"Is this part of your lover plan. To get rid of the black girl?" 

" No-no, why would you say so?" 

" Because I thinks you're blind on love. Can't you see, your girl is jealous of her? " Scott wouldn't couldn't listen to Matthew suggested his opinion. In he had to do it on time to have more time with Lady Emily. Since the black maid existance offend lady Emily, it would be better to get rid of her in time...

Matthew who can see the dead gazes in Scott eyes choose to support him. Beside, that would help him in time to get his sister out of the dungeon of hell.

"The black girl needs to died tomorrow moon . Informed lady Angela about it. She had to poison her. She didn't need to gain her trust. The black girl has foolishly trust her right from the beginning. Now, do we agree that she would have to died?" 

Matthew who have no choice nodded, who is him to agreed. The girl death would helped each of them to complete their task in the mansion. 

"Okay as you wish. It would be done. The black girl has to died. That's is plan B"


The clouds was covered with thick dark clouds, making the day dark. It was already a night. The master chamber was still occupied with lady Lily, lady Angela and lady Isabella. Laughing and giggling. She has really missed this. She had missed being with the people that makes her feel complete. But someone was missing, Emma. Her white adopted sister, the girl that had stayed with her all these years. 

Curiously, she asks lady Angela, who have lost away in the fun and time she had spend with them. Not to forget lady Charlotte eyes, glancing suspicious on her. 

"Please lady Angela, can you tell Emma to come and visit me tomorrow? Since I couldn't get out of this chamber. I want to see her, I'd miss her" she said warmly. 

" Yes, I have missed her too. Please can you bring her tomorrow?" Lady Lily added. 

Lady Angela was speechless, if the Duke never wants her to out of his chamber, that means he never wants her to know about the death of Emma. 

She looked at the side of lady Charlotte who eyes are glancing narrowed at her. What did she had to say. The was that lady was sta9 at her was simply telling her not to split out the bean. Even Lady Lily haven't know yet. 

"Okay I will" she replies with a smile. 

That set the heart of Lady Charlotte as rest. Only the Duke have the right to informed her about the death of her friend. It was kept away from her since she just recovery back from death. 

"Thank you lady Angela" Isabella smiled at her. She sure looks like an angel when she smiled innocently at people but that didn't please the heart of Lady Angela. 

She's a white and had suffer a lot from the hands of men. She couldn't believe that a black maid she knew yesterday was going to be their duchess soon. 

Looking at Isabella dress in the rich and expensive clothes, she envious her more, it was unfair. She has lost everything to the night creature, yet. They cherish a black maid over her, a commoner? Is this what the Duke wants? 

At that moment, a two men walks into the room. Immediately them were greeted. 

"Good evening milord"

"Good evening lord Marcus" 

Lady Angela heart went beating fast! The lord is back in his chamber? So fast? 

Immediately, everyone stood up in theirs seats. Lady Angela face was immediate buried to the floor. She should have left be9 the master comes back. This is not good. 

Lady Isabella felt suddenly shyness of seeing the tall figure face, standing beside him was Marcus. Why did he comes back, she asked herself inwardly. 

The tall figure ignored the presence of everyone in the room, and strode towards the woman with pale red face. While lady Lily was blushing immediately her eyes match with Marcus beautiful eyes. 

The four seen to be in their world of love. He walked passed lady Angela who heart was racing fast, she was unable to control herself. Why is she this frighten? She asked herself. This isn't the first time she had meet the Duke, or maybe because she among the rebellious who was planning to be throne him.

Just with the sound of her heart beats, the Duke stop his steps right in front of her. 

His gaze shift from the pale lady he was dying to meet to the shivering miad with her head down. 

"Who are you?" He asked coldly, he wouldn't have noticed her presence since his attention wasn't in anyone in the room except her woman he wants to seen. 

Lady Angela frozen. Did he hear her heart beats? Shit! That wouldn't have happened if she would have control herself. 

"I'm asking you a question?" He asked this time a bit harsh. Now, all eyes in the room had shifts to her. Marcus seem to recognize her very well but was curious to know why she was sitting on the dining with the ladies instead of attending to her duty. Beside, the night have fall. 

"I....I am" she stammer not able to pick her words. She was falling off point, her head was sweating. 

"She's my friend" Isabella quickly replied in her place. The Duke eyes move to the beautiful black woman. " Your friend?" He asked sarcastically. He had remember seeing her face before. When she had served him with Isabella. Yes, she's the cook that day but what happened to her face? 

"Yes, my very good friend" Isabella continue. " She came to serve me but I insist for her to eat with us" 

The Duke smile, such a bold woman. She even have the right to order someone to eat with her in his chamber without his consent. Bold steps. Not bad at all.  

He ignored lady Angela, walked up to her, his hand clenched on her thin waist, dragged her closer to himself. In the front everyone in the room? He was doing this . Isabella blush, her face was already pitch red. She felt so embarrassed and tired to push him away but she can't. The man tighten his grips on her waist. Making it impossible to redraw from.

"Mi... milord, what are you doing? Others are in the room" she whispered. 

" Really? Others are in the room? Did you want them all out first before you ride on me?" He said it loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Isabella prayed3 the ground should open and swallow her. What the hell is he doing? 

Marcus saw this, eyes went to lady Lily, who at the other hand was admiring the two lovers. He cracks his throat, drawing the attention of his woman on him. 

"Lady Lily, it late, we need to go" said Marcus. 

 " Marcus have you found out the culprit who killed the lord?" The Duke asked, eyes on the woman in front of him 

"No, not yet milord" his eyes shifts to lady Angela who heart beats increase the more. 

"But I promise we will fish out the killer soon enough" Marcus replied sincerely. 

The Duke smile wickedly, while his deadly eyes drift over to the shivering maid. 

"I wonder who the killer might be. A male or female" his voice was filled of suspicious tone. 

Makes lady Angela almost fall down on her spot. 

"Make sure you dip into this case more. I would like to have the results before the ending of this week"

" Sure milord" Marcus bowed. 

" Lady Lily, shall we?" 

Lily blushed and waved over to Isabella who was block by the Duke. Before leaving. 

"Out y'all!"