
Chapter 17 of chapter 6 true love.

"I'm asking you a question?" He asked this time a bit harsh. Now, all eyes in the room had shifts to her. Marcus seem to recognize her very well but was curious to know why she was sitting on the dining with the ladies instead of attending to her duty. Besides, the night have fall. 

"I....I am" she stammer not able to pick her words. She was falling off point, her head was sweating. 

"She's my friend" Isabella quickly replied in her place. The Duke eyes move to the beautiful black woman. " Your friend?" He asked sarcastically. He had remember seeing her face before. When she had served him with Isabella. Yes, she's the cook that day but what happened to her pretty face? 

"Yes, my very good friend" Isabella continue. " She came to serve me but I insist for her to eat with us" 

The Duke smile, such a bold woman. She even have the right to order someone to eat with her in his chamber without his consent. Bold steps. Not bad at all.  

He ignored lady Angela, walked up to her, his hand clenched on her thin waist, dragged her closer to himself. In the front everyone in the room? He was doing this . Isabella blush, her face was already pitch red. She felt so embarrassed and tried to push him away but she can't. The man tighten his grips on her thin waist. Making it impossible to redraw from.

"Mi... milord, what are you doing? Others are in the room" she whispered. 

" Really? Others are in the room? Did you want them all out first before you ride on me?" He said it loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Isabella prayed the ground should open and swallow her. What the hell is he doing? 

Marcus saw this, eyes went to lady Lily, who at the other hand was admiring the two lovers. He cracks his throat, drawing the attention of his woman on him. 

"Lady Lily, it late, we need to go" said Marcus. 

 " Marcus have you found out the culprit who killed the lord?" The Duke asked, eyes on the woman in front of him 

"No, not yet milord" his eyes shifts to lady Angela who heart beats increase the more. 

"But I promise we will fish out the killer soon enough" Marcus replied sincerely. 

The Duke smile wickedly, while his deadly eyes drift over to the shivering maid. 

"I wonder who the killer might be. A male or female" his voice was filled of suspicious tone, also a warning. Only a fool that would never understand what he meant. 

Makes lady Angela almost fall down on her spot. She knew the Duke might be suspecting her. She shouldn't have stayed this long if not for this pathetic black woman!  She bit nervously on her lips. 

"Make sure you dip into this case more. I would like to have the results before the ending of this week"

" Sure milord" Marcus bowed. 

" Lady Lily, shall we?" 

Lily blushed and waved over to Isabella who was block by the Duke. Before leaving. 

"Y'all out" 


Isabella Pov....

His hands was trapped around my waist firmly, make me blush continuously with no end. I believe my cheeks are all red up. He didn't even care about the other people in the room. 

I tried to pushed him away, to release myself but he tighten his grips on me. His hot breath was falling on my face, makes my legs shrivers, a strange feeling growing inside of me that I couldn't understand. What did the Duke wants to do?

The closeness between us make me feel embarrassed, ashamed to look at the others in the room. The atmosphere become awkward to breath in.

"Y'all out!" He roars. Immediately, all went out in an hurry. My heart skipped, what is he trying to do. He hold me in such an inappropriate way. Now, he's chasing everyone out? What's in his mind? 

As soon the room was empty, leaving the both of us alone. I become more frighten, scared, what if he wants to do that with me....?

"Mi.. milord, you're back" I stammer, I tried to sound stable but my voice get the best of me.. I could feel his mocking smile on his lips. 

"Is that the reason you can't look into my eyes?" He asked, mockingly.  My face was still down, I don't want to look into his eyes. His eyes are full of deceitful hints. 

"I...I. is not what's you think. I thought..." 

" You thought what? That I would come back to my room?" His voice was calm and alluring, driving me into a different world. No Isabella, you can't fall for this! 

I shook my head. " Then, why are you restless Mrs duchess?" 

I lit my face up to his. Did he just call me Mrs duchess? Was he being serious about me becoming part of his life? If he was serious about this. What will the society thinks of me a black woman become a duchess to her master she once served? I looked into his eyes deeply, they are beautiful, I wanted to touch his face but I can't lift my hand, my heart wants  this but a second thought draws me back. It's not right for a maid like me. Something like this,  can't be possible, and will never happen! Right? 

"Milord, you shouldn't joke with things like that"

" Why?" His lips lower to my ear. 

" Be... because no matter what, I'm your handmaid" 

" Isabella.." he gritted his teeth. " You never listen don't you? You're my woman and soon be my wife! Not a fucking handmaid!" 

" B-B-but.." before I could complete my words. His sexy lips dragged on my lips! 

He was kissing me, deep his tongue forcefully for my mouth to open. Granting him the access. I tried to pushed him away with all the strength I have but I couldn't. We should not being doing this, it against the society law! 

"Milord.." I said in between the kiss, trying to get his attention for him to let me go but he didn't. Instead, he increase his passion on kissing me. Tasting every cell in my mouth, feeding himself with me..

His lip free my mouth, leaving us breathless. 

"You're mine Isabella, and will always be mine. Okay?" 

I didn't know what happen but I felt that safety with him. I nodded my head and smiled. 

He touched my face lovely, and whispered erotically. "Be mine woman" 

"Then". I crossed my hands over his neck. 

" Then, be my man only" I just said that to him? I was surprised myself. I wanted to draw my hands from his neck but he stop me. 

"Are you shy, you're asking me to be your man?" 

My cheeks inch! What's happening to me. " No! Not at all! I just... I just.. want" 

Shit! I can't even defend myself! 

" You want what?" His lips lighten up into a smile. The one that finally reach his eyes. He seem so beautiful. I couldn't stop myself, and kissed him. I kissed him so passionate that I didn't believe I am the one doing this with him. 

This time, I did not stop myself but let my feeling for him be seen. I want him, I really do. 

I know he was surprised but he didn't resist not to kissed back. We kissed for almost 30 minutes. Drowning in each other hormones. Let the feeling that been hidden show out with love. 

I breaks out, looks into his fire eyes burning with hot desire.  "I love you milord" I said breathless.

He smiled, cupped my face in his powerful hands. " Did you know how long I have been waiting for you to say that to me?" 

I smiled, shook my head shyly. 

" For so long Isabella. I love you" 

"Promise" I rise up a little finger. " Pinky promise?" 

"So, childish. I love that. Yes!" 

The joy in my heart became a blossom flower. He says he love me! Before I knew it, he raised me up on his powerful hands. Leaves me thoughtless. Surprised, 

"Milord... Where are you taking me to?" I asked frighten. 

" To our bed" he whispered, his word was alluring, charming and also erotic in my ear. 

I blushed. Did he bhave to say that? 

"What? So shy?" 

"Milord... you're" 

He slammed the room door opened, I looked at the bed in the room. It was well make for couple to do their thing. I smiled. When the thought of that comes into my head. 

"Milord, do we have to do this now?" I asked blushing. Makes my cheeks red up girlish. 

" will you stop calling me milord instead of something sexy?" He urged

" But...." 

He dropped me on the bed,  and climb on me. " What are you trying to say?" He asked, unloosen my dress tie. 

" I...I am, trying to " he kissed me but I could continue my word. " Just do me a favor and shut up" his words was soft and calm just like the calm ocean. 


Hello my lovely readers. I want to use this opportunity to appreciate your lovely support on this book so far. We're achieving our goals in the love between the Duke and Isabella. 

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