
Getting Deep Into The Hot Tub

Jakov's Pov

"Alina?" I mumbled into her ear, and I saw her shudder when I did it. "Yes?" She whispers back, "I really, really want to kiss you."


"Yes?" I mumbled, "I've never kissed anyone before..." Alina whispered, surprising me again.

I saw that she was getting nervous, and I decided to just go with it. I leaned forward, grabbed her chin, and kissed her gently on her lips, and then I allowed my lips to rest on hers.

Alina was tense initially, but soon I felt her melt into my arms, and she pressed her lips against mine. I didn't need more encouragement: I answered her kiss, and soon our tongues dance together, and I felt her hands around my neck as she pressed her body tighter against mine.

I held her tight and lifted her before I wrapped her legs around my waist without breaking the kiss. We were both panting for air between the kisses.

But it came to an abrupt halt. "Put me down," She demanded, and I did. "What's wrong?"

Alina's Pov

I was caught up in the moment, but then my mind started to turn, and the whispers in the back of my head started to scare me.

"What's the matter?" asked Jakov, but I was afraid to tell him. The constant noise at the back of my head was starting to get louder every day.

"What if somebody sees us here?" I responded, avoiding the real cause of the problem.

"We're recently married?" Jakov said and smiled, "People love newlyweds in love."

"Love?" I asked and frowned. Was he in love with me? He doesn't even know me.

"I know it's hard to understand, but the moment our eyes locked. I knew, Alina. I could feel my heart stop, but then it started beating for you."

This was crazy. Jakov can't be truthful. No one can feel like that for someone they just met.

"No, it's hard to believe, Jakov. No one feels that way about someone they've just met."

"I couldn't believe it either. But that is the truth. And I know you're going to feel the same way one day."

Would I? Could I? I wasn't too sure.

We went back to the resort for lunch, and I was constantly in conflict with myself.

Part of me wanted to believe in this and have my happiness forever. But the other side of me was screaming not to give in to him.

The people I cared about ended up dying or abandoning me.

The day continued, and we ended up at the spa, and I got the best massage I've ever had. The masseuse released many knots along my neck, and I could feel the strain leaving my body with it. After a facial that came with a massage as well, I was fully satisfied, and I sunk into the hot tub in the bathroom. "Oh, I didn't hear you in here," Jakov said on entering the bathroom. "It's okay. You want to join me?" I asked, and I regretted that at the exact time.

"All right, I'll change first." Then he went away. Fuck. I took a sip of the champagne I brought with me into the tub. Drinking was a bad idea. But I wasn't about to drink as much as I did last night.

And I enjoyed how it made me relax.

Jakov's Pov

I changed into my swimsuit and had a glass of whiskey with me before going to the bathroom. Alina smiled when I came up in the hot tub. "Wow. That was exactly what I needed after that massage." I sighed and sipped my whiskey.

"Jakov?" Alina asked, "Yes Alina?"

"What's your family like? Do you have any siblings?"

I smiled. "Yes. I have two older sisters. They are both married. My first sister's name is Sophia, and she's married to Kelian. They have two daughters together. And my other sister is called Jasna, and she's married to Ratko, he's the leader of a gang that used to be our rivals. He abducted my sister and was going to use her as bait to kill my dad. But they fell in love during the process and married to bring our families together.

They both welcomed their first child yesterday. A girl."

"Oh my God. That's crazy. And you wouldn't want to be there and meet your niece?"

Alina said, and I sighed, "Don't worry about that. I will meet with her later." Alina nodded and took a sip of her champagne.

"Your parents then? I met your dad and his... I'm not going to lie; he was scary." Alina was mumbling and emptying her drink. "Yeah. He can be kind of intimidating. But he's a great guy, to be honest. And my mother, Ivanna." I chuckled.

"She's very dramatic and a little hot-headed. But she's the kindest person I know. She carries her heart on her sleeve, is very caring, and wants everybody to be healthy and cared for. And she enjoys shopping and is very demanding in terms of products. She wants the best and cleanest products out there."

Alina nodded, "Okay. And your sisters? How are they?"

"Oh, God. They are very energetic and interfere in whatever they can do. They enjoy drama and have a solution for everything, but believe me: their solutions are crazy! Take them with a grain of salt. But they care about their family and are very loyal. They will accept you with open arms. You are one of us now: a Kostic."

I barely had time to finish the sentence before Alina threw herself on me and started kissing me with force.