
High School vamps✨

My name is Baby Wilson, yeah "Baby". I have a weird birthmark in the shape of a star just below my left collar bone. I'm 17 years old and the only child of my parents. Me and my family just moved to Oregon, and I guess I could say I never knew what world I was walking into....

Love_David23 · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Late on my first day

I was sleeping on my bed, enjoying the feeling of how soft and cozy it was, then suddenly I woke up and realized "I have school today" I said. I rolled to the edge of my bed and checked what time was, then i remembered that i hadn't set up my alarm clock. I rushed to where I plugged my phone and checked the time.

Baby: Shit it's 7.30am and school starts by 8.00 "God , why didn't mum wake me up". I thought to myself.

I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then went to pick out an outfit to wear, my room was so messy, i hadnt finished unpacking. I picked out a white crop top, a black jacket, a pair of ripped denim jeans and my Nike shoes to match. I took my bath and dressed up. I packed my hair up into a messy bun because I really did not have that much time anymore. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and when I was satisfied with my look, I picked up my phone and back pack and ran downstairs. Mum and Dad were already having breakfast.

Mum: Honey you're late

Baby: I know, I forgot to plug in my alarm clock. I sat down and dug into breakfast. Mum makes the best pancakes by the way.....

Dad: When you get to school, go straight to the principal's office to get your schedule and your locker key.

Baby: Like I have any other place to go. I muttered to myself.

Dad: What was that?

Baby: Nothing!

I continued eating. After eating I picked up my phone and checked what time was. It was 8.07am, I picked up my car keys and waved my parents goodbye. I entered my car and started the engine. It was the car my parents bought for me on my 17th birthday, I was so happy because I had always dreamed of having my own car. It took me 12 minutes to get to the school . I pulled up in the parking lot and got down. The school was very huge, I looked around and the parking lot was a little bit empty. I went into the school, walking through the hallway, I pulled out my phone and started checking my messages then I bumped into someone and my phone fell down. I quickly bent down to check if my phone was alright.

Jace: I'm sorry, are you alright?

Baby: Watch where you're going,you are lucky my phone didn't.... I trailled off, wow this guy was really.... Just wow. He looked so god like. I didn't know how to explain what I looking at. I was short for words.

Jace: Are you ok?

Baby: Yeah, yeah. I recollected myself. I'm alright

Jace: I'm sorry about that, is there anyway I can help?

Baby: No don't swe.....yes....yes you can....can you show me the way to the principal's office?

Jace: Yeah sure.... Are you new?

Baby: Yes

Jace: Ok, by the way my name is Jace Smith.

Baby: My name is Baby Wilson.

Jace: Baby?? Seriously....like B A B Y?

Baby: Yes

Jace: Well, that's pretty cute

Baby: Thanks

After talking for a while we finally got to the principal's office.

Jace: Well here we are

Baby: Thanks alot

Jace: No, problem, see you around. Then he strolled off.

I knocked on the door of the principal's office.

Mr. Williams: Come in.

Baby: Thank you sir. I'm a new student, I came to take my class schedule and locker keys.

Mr. Williams: Ok, take a seat. What's your name?

Baby: Baby Wilson

Mr. Williams: Hmmm..... Well Miss. Wilson you're late, I would have penalized you, but since you're new I'll let you go for today.

Baby: I'm really sorry.

Mr. Williams: Yeah sure, here is your class schedule and locker keys. Hurry up before the next period starts.

Baby: Thank you sir.

I stood up and exited the office. I checked for my locker No:206. I finally found it, I opened the locker, put my bag inside it and took out the subject i had, it was chemistry. Of all subjects in the world, it had to be chemistry. I quickly looked for the class and found it. I knocked on the door and entered into the room.

Baby: Moment of truth, I said to myself.

Mrs. Sylvia: And you are?

Baby: Umm.... My name is Baby Wilson, I passed her my form. I'm a new student, I'm really sorry that I'm lat.....

She cut me off....

Mrs. Sylvia: Baby? Hmm.... go take a seat. She gave me back my form.

Baby: Thank you.

I breathed out a sigh of relief. It could have been really awkward if I had stood there for a second more. I sat down close to a girl that looked a little snubby giving me that mean rich girl vibe from those high school movies but I still tried my luck by asking her.

Baby: Please can I see your notes?

Brittney: Umm... Please could you fuck off?

She said trying to mimic my voice.

Baby: Well that was rude.(I expected it)

Brittney: Honey if you think that's rude then you don't want to land on my bad side. She said with a snarl.

When I was about to answer back, someone tapped my shoulder and I turned around.

Mrs. Sylvia: If you would come late to my class, at least listen instead of interrupting.

Baby: Sorry. I said a bit embarrassed.

She continued teaching.

Adam: Here, you can have my notes.

I looked beside me to see a boy with curly black hair and pale skin passing me his note. There was something strange about the way he looked at me but I just shrugged the feeling off.

Baby: Thank you.

Adam: Is your name really Baby?

Baby: Yeah.

Adam: Nice.

Baby: (Blushes a little).... Thanks.

Why did I blush? I said mentally to myself. After 10 minutes of lecture from our chemistry teacher who I learnt that her name is Mrs. Sylvia from Adam the bell finally rang and everyone started leaving the class room, Mrs. Sylvia was still saying something about lab partners but nobody seemed to care about what she had to say. I gathered my books and started leaving the class then I heard my name

Adam: Baby!

Baby: Yeah? I turned and saw Adam looking a little bit nervous.

Adam: Would you like to maybe hang out with me at lunch or if you don't

want to it's still fine by....

I cut him off.....

Baby: Sure, I would love to hang. I said with a smile.

Adam: Alright, I will meet you after 5th period before break at the school entrance.

Baby: OK... bye.

Adam: Bye...

I left the class to my locker and shockingly, I saw Jace standing beside my locker.

What's he doing here? Let's find out. I told my sub conscience.

Baby: Hey, what are you doing here? You looking for me?

Jace: No it's just a coincidence, I was actually waiting for one of my friends.

Baby: Oooh... Ouch my sub conscience said.

Jace: I'm just kidding, I came to meet you.

Baby: OK... wait how did you know my locker number?

Jace: I figured that no one was using this locker and they would give it to you since it wasn't in use.

Baby: Oh ok. So what's up?

Jace: I came to give you a tour of the school since you are new. So..... How about it?

Baby: Uhhhh.... Sure but not right now I have a class.

Jace: Ohh... Ok, at least let me show you to your next class.

Baby: Sure, thanks.

I picked out the next subject I had, it was English..... At least it's better than chemistry.

Baby: Ok let's go I said to Jace as I closed my locker. The bell rang for 2nd period.

Jace: So how was your first class?

Baby: It was awkward at first but then I met this guy in chemistry class and he invited me over for lunch.

Jace: What's his name?

I was about to tell him then someone shooved me to the side harshly. I almost fell down.

Baby: Hey watch it, I said then I looked up to see that it was that mean girl from chemistry class.

Brittney: Hey babe.

She hugged him and surprisingly he hugged her back.

Jace: Hi Brittney..... Ummm sorry I haven't introduced you this is Baby, Baby this is Brittney my girlfriend.

I was dumbfounded, I didn't know what to say. How could Jace be dating this rude bitch which apparently her name is Brittney, hmmm.... Love is really blind.

Baby: We've met.

I told Jace and started walking away.

Jace: Hey Baby where are you going?

Baby: I'll find the class by myself.

I told him harshly.

Jace: But....He couldn't finish what he was saying, Brittney pulled him away.

Brittney: Jace, we've got maths now let's go to class.

That was the last word I heard before bending into the next corridor.


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