
High School vamps✨

My name is Baby Wilson, yeah "Baby". I have a weird birthmark in the shape of a star just below my left collar bone. I'm 17 years old and the only child of my parents. Me and my family just moved to Oregon, and I guess I could say I never knew what world I was walking into....

Love_David23 · Teen
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Meeting the others

I pushed my way through the flood of students hurrying to one class or the other, then I saw the door labelled "English." I walked into the classroom and took my seat in the 2nd seat of the 3rd row. The teacher had not yet come so the class was a little bit rowdy. I hated that feeling of being alone, nobody to talk to, so I just rested my head on my desk and patiently awaited the arrival of the English teacher. Almost immediately, someone pulled out a seat beside me and sat down. I raised my head to see who it was; it was a girl with long, beautiful, curly, ginger hair. She had cute little freckles on her face and wore a pair of black framed glasses. Her skin was very pale. She wore a black t-shirt with a band name on it, tucked in a blue boyfriend denim jean with black heeled boots and a red leather jacket. She looked so beautiful even with the glasses on. She looked at me and noticed I was staring at her. I didn't even know that I was staring at her way too long to make things look awkward, then she finally spoke up and said:

Sky: Hey, are you new here?

Baby: Yeah.... I'm sorry for staring at you but you're really so beautiful.

I said still gawking at her.

 Sky: Awww....Thank you, you're not so bad yourself. 

She said with a wink.

Baby: Thanks

Sky: By the way, my name is Skyler Thompson but my friends call me Sky..... and you are?

Baby: My name is Baby Wilson.

Sky: What? Baby?.... Nice.

Baby: Thanks.

Sky: So you just moved from?

Baby: California.

Sky: Why did you move?

Baby: You'll have to ask my Dad that, everything was going fine, I didn't notice any problems.

Sky: Well, that's a shame, but Oregon is a great place too you know, they have awesome malls, cinemas, parks, and other cool stuff. And the beach too. You'll love it here. 

Baby: Hmmm… It sounds like a nice place.

Sky: It is…

Just then the English teacher walked into the class, we all stood up to greet then we sat down back. The English class wasn't that boring since I had Sky to chat with all through the lesson. She's actually a sweet nice girl not like Brittney..... Ewww. I can't believe I almost allowed her to ruin my day. After 35 minutes of lecture from Mr. Daniel the class was over. Me and Sky packed up our things and left the class.

Sky: Why would you ever want to talk to Brittney in the first place?

Baby: I don't know, I was naive and I'm new, I don't know anybody here remember?

I replied sky.

I told her what happened between me and Brittney this morning. It's like everybody knows about Brittney except me. But why wouldn't they know, they have been in the school way longer than you dummy. My subconscious told me.

Sky: But still you would've known from the way she looked.

Baby: Never judge a book by its cover..... That's what I tell myself anytime I meet someone new but now I see that I was wrong about Brittney.

Sky: DoOOorr.... Didn't her looks give you that mean little spoilt brat vibes?

Baby: Yes.....

Sky: And you still talked to her....

Baby: Yes....

Wow, now I realize how stupid it was for me to talk to Brittney even after all those signs, how dumb can I get?

Sky: Hmmm..... Well, you're lucky you didn't even meet the whole gang, if not you would have been in the girls toilet crying your eyes out

Baby: Really, are they that bad?

Sky: You've already met the leader, how do you think the others will be like?

Baby: Ohh yeah....

We walked to Sky's locker she put her books in her locker and followed me to my locker since she didn't have any class next, She had the period free.... As we walked to my locker, I saw somebody standing beside it and it was no other person but Jace.... Again. I stopped walking and Sky noticed it and asked me what was wrong. She had taken her glasses off, apparently she could see without the glasses but can't see written words clearly. So she wears it only during classes. She has beautiful emerald eyes. I wondered how beautiful this girl could get.

She looked forward and saw that Jace was standing beside my locker and asked me

Sky: You know Jace Smith?

Baby: Yes, unfortunately.... Let's just come back later.

Just then Jace raised up his head, and saw me then started walking towards my direction.

Baby: Sky let's go

Sky: Do you know he's dating Brittney?

She asked me as I pulled her along to God's knows where. Her hand was really cold. Maybe it's just the weather I said to myself. It was a bit chilly.....

Baby: Yes....

I hear Jace calling my name but I don't stop pushing through the crowd of students. Sky's hand slipped out of mine. Curse my tiny hands I told myself. When I turned back to look for Sky, Jace had already caught up with me and I couldn't see Sky anymore. Weird....

Jace: What the Fuck Baby? I've been calling your name through the hall way only for you to pretend you didn't hear or see me because we clearly made eye contact when I was standing by your locker. Why are you trying to avoid me? He shouted at me.

Baby: Hey, don't shout at me, I replied back.

Jace: Ok, sorry for shouting at you. He said surprisingly calm… So can you tell me the reason why I have been calling your name and you still went ahead to ignore me?

Baby: I don't know, maybe when you were introducing yourself to me this morning why didn't you just say "Hey my name is Jace Smith, I am dating the most bitchiest, yes I'mma use that word, bitchiest girl in the school named Brittany."

I said to him a little bit too harsh but you can't blame me if you met the girl you would understand why I am reacting like this.

Before I knew what was happening the whole school had already started staring at us and listening to our conversation. The last thing I want to happen is to be the hot gossip on everyone's lips in the whole school. I'm sure Jace noticed it too, so he took me by the hand and pulled me towards an empty class and locked the door behind him.

Jace: So that's what this is all about?... I know that Brittney is not the nicest girl in this school.

Baby: Hmm… You could say that…

I cut him off.

Jace: But… he continued, she's not all that bad if you get to know her. She's actually very nice and sweet.

Baby: Pass

Jace: Why are you being so mean?, you weren't like this this morning when I met you Baby…

Baby: Maybe your girlfriend might have spoilt my mood a little bit this morning.

Jace: Ok on behalf of her I apologize.

Baby: Sure.

Jace: Are you still angry at me?

Baby: I was never angry at you, I was just pissed at the fact that you didn't tell me you were dating her.

I said feeling a bit jealous.

Jace: Ok I'm sorry but you can't blame me… I can't start a conversation with hey my name is Jace Smith, and I am dating Brittany Cesera.

Baby: Well that's true. I'm sorry for ignoring you, I was just really angry this morning and needed some space to clear my head. Meeting someone like Brittney first thing in the morning wouldn't really make your day you know.

I said a bit tired.

Jace: Don't worry I will talk to her. So we're still friends right?? Please say yes…

Baby: Yeah we are still friends…

Jace: Awesome, see you at lunch.

He unlocked the door and waved me goodbye, I waved back and he left. I am not sure if I want to come out of this class, but I have to, I had maths next… hmmm.

As I exited the classroom everybody in the hallway started staring at me. Some were whispering. When I passed a group of girls I heard one of them say "Wait till Brittney hears about this". Then when I was passing 2 girls, I heard them say "they would make a cute couple", that made me blush a little, but I hid it. When I got to my locker, I saw Sky standing there waiting for me. When she saw me she smiled and walked towards me.

Sky: Where were you, I thought you got lost or something", she said as we walked back to my locker.

Baby: I was talking with Jace, we had a little misunderstanding but that's over now.

Sky: You do know he's dating Brittney right?

Baby: Yes, you've asked me already.

Sky: I was just making sure... And also are you nuts? making friends with Brittney's boyfriend! It's like you want to get yourself killed in this school.

Baby: I can make friends with anybody I want in this school and by the way she doesn't own him.

I said as I brought out my maths note. The bell rang for 3rd period...

Sky: I hope you know what you're doing; I really do hope.

She said as we walked to my math class. We exchange numbers so we could find each other after I was done with maths. It was another 35 mins of boring lectures, if I was given the chance to drop out from school I would, but my parents say high school builds the foundation to a better future. I made two new friends in maths class, Adrian, a tall boy with brown hair and blue eyes, and James, a dark skin boy with black short hair at average height. They are best friends and now they are my friends. How hot could these boys get in this school and they are also friends with Adam and Sky. Shockingly they are in a group, what a coincidence. After maths me, Adrian, and James set out to find Sky, I already called her and told her that I was with Adrian and James. She said we should meet her at the school field since Adrian and James knew how to get there, they led the way. It was a very big football field, students were on the field, some walking around, some just sitting or lying down and relaxing, while others were sitting on the bleachers.

Sky was on the top bench with her head phones on. She saw us and waved to us to come over. After climbing some steps we finally got to were Sky was, Sky stood up and gave James a hug and they kissed.

Adrian: They are dating.

He told me.

Baby: Yh, I noticed.

I said jokingly, then he laughed.

After they were done kissing which took longer than I expected, she gave Adrian a hug which didn't last up to 2 secs.

Sky: I see you've already met the guys, only Adam left for you to meet.

Baby: Ooh, don't worry we've already met, he was the third person I talked to today. The first and second were Jace and Brittney.

Adrian and James: Ewww... You talked to Brittney???

They said together with disgust. I almost burst into laughter from the way they contoured their face in disgust.

Baby: Yes and I regretted it immediately.

James: You do know Jace and Brittney are dating right?

Baby: Yup but I'm still friends with Jace. I don't care about Brittney. She can't choose his friends you know.

Adrian: Yh, that's true.

We all sat down and continued talking about Brittney and other stuff. Just then Adam arrived.

Adrian and James: Hey bro.

Adam: Hey guys.....

Then he saw me and was surprised to see me there.

Adam: Hey Baby, you guys know each other???

He said still surprised.

Baby: Yeah I know them, I met Sky in English class and the both of them in math class. And surprisingly they all knew you and said you guys were in a friend group.

Adam: Wow, that's cool, that saved time for me. I wanted to introduce you to them during lunch but since you met them yourself that still works too.

He sat down then we continued talking. We made plans that during the weekend they would show me around their favourite places that I would love in the city. I was excited and I couldn't wait till Saturday.