
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · ย้อนยุค
21 Chs

Six kids

It was a dark and watery smelling street. The soft almost musical sound of the young rain tapping in rhythmic harmony on the concrete floor filled the air.

It was accompanied by a rich smell of obviously nice tasting delicacies.

Very few stars could be seen in the dimly lit sky.

The moon was a half crescent shaped glow which hid almost cowardly behind the snowy white clouds.

It seemed like a night with unpredictable uncertainties, A night with a double identity that could switch at any time.

The street on which a young boy dragged his feet was deprived of a large number of life.

This lone teenager walked in a weird manner, He walked with uncertainty. or rather, his steps exuded a feeling of uncertainty.

It was difficult to tell if he was doing it lazily or if he was just plain tired. He could have also been reluctant and unexcited to get to his destination.

This boy had probably had a bad day and he was out here basking in the cool breeze to help him calm himself.

He walked a bit further and suddenly stopped beside an alley. This lone teenager peeked into the dark alley and he was able to see.

There, a woman sat on the floor crying. She was clutching a small girl tightly as she prayed earnestly.

Even though there was a small distance between them, the boy still heard the woman say;

Lord please! I beg of you! Almighty! Come down and resurrect my daughter my right now…

The young boy shook his head slightly as he kept on walking forward. He pitied the woman, Yes he truly did.

He pitied her for sitting there and wasting her time, he also pitied her for the death of the small girl who was probably her daughter.


The lone teenager felt a vibration from his phone. He immediately reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone.

The phone turned on as he pressed on the power button.

He stared at the familiar words on the screen;


Asher mused a bit angrily as he turned the screen off.

Damn all these fraudulent sites!

Suddenly, Asher's phone turned back on.

There was a bold red writing on it's black background, and it read;


Before Asher could react to this strange occurrence, he felt the work around him distort and suddenly, he was in an unknown place.

Asher closed his eyes tight as the bright sun rays wafted into his eyes.

Asher opened his eyes slowly after he had gotten used to the light.


Asher was scared as well as he was confused.

Apart from his weird surroundings, he noticed something very strange.

I can't see myself?!

Yes. Asher couldn't believe it, he couldn't see his own body parts. But one thing he knew was that he was alive.

Asher looked around. He was in a dimly lit room.

In this room, six people sat round a fairly large table. The faces of this six people was blocked by a red veil.

Asher looked around his surroundings. the room had an exquisite furnishing, an exquisite ancient furnishing. Nothing of modern times could be seen in this room.

There was only one window to ventilate the room, and this window did more than enough.

Asher found it weird, the room was so airy and yet it only had one window.

Asher tried moving, and it worked. He got even more confused as he walked towards the window.

In an instant the smart boy realized. I see! Maybe it's my consciousness that's here and not my body.

Asher was stunned by what he saw out of the window. or rather, what he did not see out of the window.

Out of the window was something very similar to a desert. A layer of white sand spread across as far as Asher's eyes could see.

The room was built on a very high tower. The parts of the tower which Asher could see looked about a thousand years old.

Asher mused inwardly. A thousand years old? what sort of exaggeration is that?

Suddenly, Asher started hearing voices. It then dawned on him that his ears hadn't been functioning all this while.

His mind automatically drifted back to the six people around him.

Asher was shocked by his new discovery.

The six people were kids! Kids around his age. He estimated the oldest among them to be around fourteen years old.

Asher stared at the six kids who covered their faces with red veils and sat alone in this odd room. His mind couldn't help but come up with one thought.

Is this some cult or something??

Those old folks are getting more annoying huh?

Asher turned his attention to the speaker. Each of the six kids wore a wooden name tag on their chests.

Asher stared at the name tag of the speaker and he saw the name Cyrus Cambyses. Asher wasn't really sure untill...

Wait! Cyrus Cambyses?!!

As in, Cyrus the great! The great persian king and the founder of the Achaemenian empire!!

Hah! They get more annoying by the minute. Another voice sent Asher out of his recollection of almost forgotten information proccess. Asher stared at this kid's name tag.


Asher's jaw which he couldn't see must have surely dropped open.

Hammurabi? That is... Asher's mind quickly raced back to recllect all the information he had on Hammurabi.

That's right! Hammurabi was the sixth king of the first babylonian dynasty. Asher blinked as he thought;

The code of Hammurabi.

Only If we could come with a plan to eliminate those old folks or at least enslave them...

Asher was stunned by the ruthlessness of this innocent looking kid.

Asher subconsciously stared at his name tag. And this kid was...

Alexander The great!

If you were not familiar with the other names then you must surely know Alexander the great.

But something confused Asher. On Alexander's name tag, there was actually ''The Great'' This made Asher wonder if ''The Great'' was actually part of his name.

Alex, Anytime I see that ''The Great'' on your name I just feel like laughing out loud!

Asher heaved inwardly as he turned to the current speaker. At least he now knew that Alexander's name was just Alexander and no ''The Great''

An asian? Asher squinted as he stared at his name tag.

Quin Shi Huang.

Asher searched his mind for any information about this asian kid. His country didn't really have any business with the asians so he had very little information about this kid.

Oh, right. Quin Shi Huang was the emperor that started the construction of the great wall of china.

Asher didn't understand where he was or why he was here but he knew that this was about a thousand years into the past.

A loud and continuous tap on the table brought everyone's attention to this unsmiling kid who sat at the head of the table. You guys should really stop behaving like kids.

Quin Shin who was sitting beside him shot him a look of mockery. Huh? But Julius-Chan, We really are kids.

Asher felt a weird sensation at the mention of The name Julius. The surprise of the moment had been so much that he forgot to check the name tag of the kid who sat at the head of the table.

Asher gulped as he stared at the name tag.

Julius Caeser!!?

He was the eldest of them all;

Julius Caeser.

Julius was almost as popular as Alexander The Great. Julius had conquered and brought the enirety of france under his rule. He also built the great Roman empire.

Amongst The six kids present, Only one had not spoken. And now, this one kid thought it wise to speak. We all know we're kids, But if we behaved and thought like every other random kid on the street then we wouldn't be here now. And we certainly wouldn't be controlling the flow of the world.

Asher looked at this smart Kid's name tag. The boy was named.....


Asher was really confused. why would this boy be his namesake? what sort of coincidence was that?

Every other Kid in this room had written his name on the sand of time. All except Asher. History had zero records of a great person named Asher.

As if to confuse him more, There was no first name. The boy was called Asher.

Cyrus spoke again. Geez, guys. It's enough. let's go into the business of the day then.

Cyrus stood up as he spoke. He pulled out a bag from undenrneath the table.

Here, I made some new inventions. Cyrus pulled out six wingsuits from the bag. I call this a sky glider. It gives us the balance of a bird In the air and it would allow us to jump down from this tower instead of having to climb the annoying stairs to get down. unfortunately though, we would still have to climb the stairs to get up here.

As Cyrus spoke, He handed the wingsuits to the other kids.

Quin Shin patted his hand. Nice job Cyrus. That's why you're our technician.