
High school dreams:The Rule of the Elite

it’s a sensation to read, I can assure you. An elite is reincarnated as a low class with dissociative identity disorder and is forced to live under the class and social stratifications he and the other past elites created. his second identity faces a hard time in school as he passes through love and friendships. this innocent boy would find that he would keep reincarnating until he can bring the world to order and stop the rule of the elite. how else to do this than to become an elite again? he later has an encounter with the current elites and he falls into another conspiracy. the new elites are even more cruel than their predecessors. they plan to unite the world under one dangerous religion; THE ELITE RELIGION

Krystal_george · History
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21 Chs

A cult?

Is that all? Hammurabi asked.

Cyrus dipped his hand into the bag again.

This time, he brought out a hammer with a stone edge and a wooden handle. He also brought out a key and a key hole.

I call this a key. Cyrus moved towards the door as he spoke.

With this, I can easily lock the door and prevent anyone from entering into the room.

Cyrus started hammering the wall beside the door where he inserted the keyhole. After that, he inserted the key into the keyhole.

He performed some other actions on the door and the wall.

After that, he twisted the key and the door made a creaking sound.

Cyrus tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge.

Woah…Hammurabi was speechless.

Cyrus turned the key again and the door made another sound. This time, the door unlocked.

Woah! That's some pretty cool tech.

Julius nodded a bit. At least this would save us the time and trouble of using that damned ancient bolt.

Quin Shin snorted. Yeah…how old is that thing? Like a thousand years?

Cyrus nodded his head before he spoke. Since we're are handing down this positions once we turn 15, I am working on a new instrument that would be particularly useful to you, Alex.

At the mention of his name, Alexander's interest was piqued. What is it?

Cyrus smiled. Since you want to take over the world once you're out of here, I'm working on a new weapon.

It is called; The Gun.

Alexander raised his brows on hearing the weird name. Gun? What is Mr Gun used for?

Cyrus scratched his head a bit. It isn't exactly a mister…but it is like an arrow.

It uses a fuel called gunpowder.

bamboo tubes containing gunpowder and pellet projectiles are mounted on spears to make portable fire lances, operable by one person. If I can mass produce this, then it would be so hard for you to start on your plan. Instead of fighting close range battles using swords and fists, your soldiers would easily win if they shoot their opponents from a distance.

Alexander nodded. He trusted Cyrus to always wow him.

Even though your Gun sounds pretty amazing, it's probably not enough to subdue all the world powers.

Cyrus nodded reflectively. I know, That's why I created something else. It's called a bomb.

Alexander smiled, He liked the sound of this. Bomb? What does this do?

Cyrus brought out a scaly round object from his bag. See for yourself.

Asher noticed Cyrus walk towards him so he immediately ducked out of the way.

Not that Cyrus could bump into him though.

Cyrus walked to the window with the other five kids following him. On Getting to the window, Cyrus threw the bomb out of the window into the later of white sand below.

The team which Asher was yet to understand was comprised of kids which performed different functions.

Asher now knew that Cyrus was their scientist. He created gadgets that helped Alexander take over the world.

Thinking back, Asher found it weird that Alexander was actually able to subdue all the world powers of his time, and at such a young age?

Turns out he was actually part of a seemingly powerful cult and he used technology to beat them.

There was no way the primal Anatolia, Syria, Egypt and other countries he conquered would have ever been able to fight against a bomb.

His gadgets were created by Cyrus the great.

How come this news never spread!!?

Boom! The ancient tower shook violently as a huge fire broke out on the sand below.

Now that's some powerful tremor…Alexander stared at the beautiful blistering fire below. Mouth agape.

That's some crazy heat down there, I can feel the oxygen burning up.

This made Asher a bit surprised. If these were random kids, Then they shouldn't have such information during this age.

This six children spoke in a language that was a little too modernistic for their time.

The sand burned for about a minute before another beautiful sight began it's reign.

The sand suddenly turned into tiny crystalline particles that spread across the fire.

Cyrus smiled as he stared at the boys.

Now, A bomb is an explosive weapon that uses the exothermic reaction of an explosive material to provide an extremely sudden and violent release of energy. Detonations inflict damage principally through ground- and atmosphere-transmitted mechanical stress, the impact and penetration of pressure-driven projectiles, pressure damage, and explosion-generated effects.

After his explanation, Julius tapped the table softly. If that's all from you, tech-head, can we hear from the brains?

The kid who had the name "Asher" on his name tag reached into his bag and brought out a stone tablet and a feather.

Asher was surprised as he saw the writing on the tablet.

Damn! These kids can write too?

Just then, Asher's eyes fell on the boy's name tag and it suddenly reoccurred to him.


His name is Asher!!

Asher…That's my name!

Asher tried to take a good look at this kid whose name was the same as his, but it wasn't working since his namesake's face was covered by a red veil.

Nevertheless, Asher still moved closer to him.


Asher's pupils constricted as he saw the exact same scar that he had on his chin on his namesake's chin.

Asher had gotten that scar on his chin from a fall when he was ten years old. So it baffled him that a boy who bore his name had the exact same scar on his chin.

If I can't see his face…then that means no one here can see their faces.

So these kids don't know each other beyond this room.

What a cult!