

I am currently in school my Dad enrolled me. I already dress myself as a poor nerdy girl. I hope this plan will succeed so I will be able to study at the university I want in abroad.


"You know already the number one rule never ever fall in love with that guy instead he should be crazy in love with you" Dad told me when Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez left.

"Yes Dad I promise" "That's my girl" he kissed my forehead.


I was on my way to the classroom when someone pushed me and threw trash at me "what the hell! "I whispered. I was not informed that I would be bullied. I thought it would be easy but it not easy, when I stood up and turned around to see who pushed me and threw trash. I was shocked it was him and his friends. He was the only one I knew here because her mom and dad show me a picture of him.

It seems like I'm going to have a hard time and what I observe is the girl besides him really likes him so much more than a friend . I think he pushed me. I back to my senses when that bitch talk.

"hey nerdy girl" "who are you calling nerdy?" I asked "is it you obvious" while pushing me. "how dare you to push me do you know me?" "what are you talking about nerdy" the woman said.

I just realize what I said shoot why did I say that maybe it will be obvious my gosh earth please swallow me now.

I need to lower my pride! Why did I say such a thing. I have to say apology even though they started first. "I'm sorry for what I said" "even if it's your fault" whispered "what do you say?" "I didn't say anything about how beautiful and handsome you are, especially that one over there" I looked at the young man.

"do you like Sebastian?" "what if I say yes I like him even It's my first time seeing him" "don't you dare nerdy" I was about to leave when he suddenly pulled my hair.

"you ugly nerdy bitch" she said to me angrily "ouch" "stop" said the young man.

"don't hurt her" he said without emotion. "what!? seriously? Sev, you're going to defend that nerdy " "yes, Gabriela has a point why you defending this nerdy girl" asked by his one friend.

Is it true this man defending me from his friend or maybe it's just a show ,because according to what his parents told him, he's a bad boy/ playboy, I shouldn't tempt to his charm because I'm Amora Valera and I'm not easily attracted to a guy especially a play boy/bad boy like a Sebastian Rodriquez never over my dead body.

I was just surprised when he suddenly came to me and kissed me on my lips. Shocks it's my first kiss I was about to slap him when he immediately hold my hand. "one violent one kiss" while smirking at the same time "what are you talking about?"

"starting now your mine" "what?" "you like me right?" "I'm just kidding" "you look serious when you say it earlier "

I don't know if I made the right decision in agreeing to Daddy's wishes, I might regret it in the end.