

"my dear you have to do something for me" "what is it Dad?" "I want you to make Sebastian Rodriquez the son of Mr.Ronald Rodriquez and Mrs.Doris Rodriquez fall in love with you" "no dad I've heard he's a playboy I don't want to be here next victim" "I've heard he's from Ateneo ” “and so?'' “I already transfer you there whether you like it or not you have to do it” “What! It's a no for me Dad Im sorry Dad"

I was about to leave when someone entered Dad's mini-office here in our mansion.

I was shocked when I heard unfamiliar voices "my dear I want you to meet Mr. and Mrs. Rodriquez" "Hi Mr. Valera I thought your daughter would agree to our proposal first so that our son will grow up and change" "what do you mean?" I asked her.

"Just what I've said my dear , you can study abroad as what you want in exchange for our proposal to make Sebastian fall in love with you so that he can taste his own medicine"

"Mr. and Mrs. Rod….” he cut my words "iha just call as Tito and Tita is too formal" Mr. Rodriquez said "it's okay, Tito, Tita, anyways Dad I don't want you to make me do that kind of stuff make the boy fall inlove to me that's so insane what if karma hits me "

"That's not gonna happen we will make sure that you will be his karma we want him to change so please can you please help us" "fine but promise me Dad that I will study abroad after we succeed in this plan" " yes my dear you have my word"

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