

Leonardo Benjamin is a young, honest, powerful, tough, and cold-hearted businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary, he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world is a family that he has to take care of after his father's death. He also closed his heart to all feelings a long time ago, he does not trust women. He is Lucas’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Leonardo considers himself a custodian of Lucas. Ava is a young, strong, caring, beautiful girl living with her father. The life of Ava turns upside down when her sister passes away. Ava gets devastated. Her nephew becomes all alone after his parents pass away. Little Lucas is now stuck in a mansion full of vicious people and he desperately lacks affection and love. Lucas is very well protected in his uncle's care, he craves sympathy and love. But Ava has a mission of protecting her nephew. Ava tries her best to take her nephew from the mansion to her home. but her every struggle gets wasted then she realizes that it's not so easy. Leonardo is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew in Ava's hands alone. Both sides were strong as they were Lucas' uncle and aunt. Ava takes her courage from her innocence and patience. Ava has nothing to do she lives in Benjamin's house in order to protect Lucas. This adventure will arise the long-hidden secrets of the Benjamin mansion, while a whole, another beam of love will start to grow in Ava and Leonardo’s hearts. Will Leonardo and Ava give up fighting and start collaborating while raising little Lucas? Will Leonardo manage to trust Ava? Will the bridge in between hate and love reside in both?

Lubaba_Ejaz · สมจริง
55 Chs


The shipment has left the port of Singapore, it will be in London after 38 days. CEO told me that all material is in fine condition. Let's see how true their commitment is. If they get the speed of 08 to 10 knots, we may get shipment earlier. Frank told Leonardo while he was putting arrows in the quiver. He nodded his head and asked Watson for coffee, meanwhile he listened to his guard and Ava's voice. Guard was abiding her not to enter Leonardo's archery place because everyone was prohibited to come there during his workout. But Ava was shouting to meet him for conversation. Leonardo raised his hand to guard. He sent Ava to him.

'Lucas is my nephew. Give him to me. You broke down into my house without permission, you took Lucas when he was sleeping in comfort. My dad passed away just because he witnessed that incident. How cruel are you!! Give him to me. Otherwise, I'll go to court' Ava directly jumped into the main point of discussion.

'How dare you to do this mistake again? You took Lucas without my permission. you just came here to meet him. What's wrong with you girl? Stay out of my way. You don't know me. I will rip off your heart and mind and will get Lucas and his marks out of there. Don't test my patience more and get the hell out of here.' Leonardo got more arrogant toward her and gave gestures to the guard to expel her from the mansion. Guard came and hold her arm off and push her out of the mansion.

Ava broke down. She felt helpless. She didn't want to share her problem with her only aunt and cousin. She directly went to a lawyer to file a case against Benjamin's family for not giving Lucas. She reached the lawyer's office with the hope of getting custody of Lucas.

How may I help you, mam? Lawyer asked

I need to file a case for a family who is keeping my nephew without my consent. His parents have passed away. He is not safe there. Ava said.

Kindly give the family name and contact information so we can proceed with the details. Said, lawyer

The person who is keeping my nephew is also his uncle. His name is Leonardo Benjamin, said Ava.

Mam, you said 'Leonardo Benjamin', Am I right? Lawyer questioned

'Yes' Ava replied

Sorry mam I can't take any case regarding him. Personally, I suggest you don't waste your time. No one will take this case, the lawyer added with humbleness.

Ava left the office with a saddened face.

Lucas went into his mother's room. Mom when will you come back from the hospital? So long to see you. I miss you, mommy. Uncle is so harsh. He took me from my aunt's house. I was so happy there. She talked to me. She smells like you mommy. She made cookies for me. Please come back, mommy. He took a Frame of his mother's photo and went into the terrace adjutant to Olivia's room. Meanwhile, Mrs. Rosa and Sophia entered the room. Both of them didn't notice that Lucas was on the terrace.

Mrs. Rosa. Please pack up all the stuff. Change the curtains and bedsheets. As Olivia is no more, so we need to refresh the entire room. Remove her all belongings as well. I will check out after lunch room should be well prepared. Sophia ordered Mrs. Rosa to work out in the room while Lucas listened to everything. As Mrs. Rosa took all laundry for washout he ran into his room and broke down. He was crying without voice as he was frightened of his uncle's rules to be disobeyed. He tried his best to hide from everyone that he know. But a little heart was letting him get as strong as his uncle was. He was missing his aunt. Didn't eat anything. He refused attendants not to eat anything. Sophia was so worried because of his behavior. So she asked one of the attendants to get to know what happened to Lucas. The attendant told her that he listened to both of them while they were in Olivia's room.

Sir, he is not eating anything for the past six hours! Watson interrupted Frank and Leonardo's conversation.

Why is that so? Leonardo asked

Mrs. Sophia said that he is missing his aunt. Watson replied

What happened to my beetroot? Leonardo entered Lucas's room and asked him.

He told him everything that happened while he was in his mother's room. Leonardo got hyper. He called Sophia. Before this Leonardo says something, Sophia said; I don't know where he was standing because there we saw no one. But brother he would have asked us one day!!

Leonardo left the room with anger so quickly. Sophia looked at Lucas with hating eyes and went onto the balcony. She saw Leonardo leave the mansion in speed with no guard. She came to his home-based office where Frank was already doing some work. She asked Frank

Did Leonardo tell you where he is going?

No mam, he just asked to trace Lucas's aunt's location. Frank replied.

What does he want now? Sophia mumbled and left the room.

Ava was leaving the lawyer's office. Meanwhile, she saw Leonardo coming to her. He held her hand so tightly and threw her in the car. Ava shouted

Help me, someone, please!!

But she didn't know that no one could be able to listen to her or see her in black tinted mirrors.

Where are you taking me? What is this nonsense? Ava raised her tone.

Leonardo didn't reply to her. She noticed that Leonardo was taking her toward the mansion. When they reached, Leonardo again held her hand tightly and dragged her towards Lucas's room. When she reached the room door. Frank came with a trolley of meals. Leonardo nodded his head to Frank. 'Ms. Ava feed Lucas. He is hungry! After feeding him leave the mansion' said Frank to Ava.

What!! Ava stared at Frank

Ava entered the room. Lucas became so happy to see her. Ava severed his food. When she was done eating a guard came and held Ava's hand and dragged her out of the mansion.

I don't believe that you can be this kind of cruel. One day, I will take my Lucas from you, Mr. Leonardo!! Open the door! What the hell around!! Ava shouted

After a few minutes, she started walking without knowing the destination. After walking for 2 and half hours she reached a garden. She sat to take a breath. She got surprised as she saw Lucas swinging with his new attendant. She thought about to took Lucas away from there and directly ran to another city. Guards were standing near the garden. Lucas's attendant suddenly had a call and got busy on her mobile. She took benefit of no observance and waved her hand to Lucas and gave him a gesture to keep silent. She instantly ran and took him away. Meanwhile, guards noticed that Lucas was missing from the swing. They immediately informed Leonardo as well. They search but didn't find Lucas anywhere.

Ava arrived at Watford. She arrived at the station and saw Leonardo with his guards standing there. She felt helpless as she was known to have a purpose. She blamed herself for getting failed to rescue her nephew from the ruthless person again.

Lucas saw his arrogant uncle and said; Aunt are you going somewhere again so my uncle will take me from here. When will you come back? Ava looked at Leonardo whose eyes were extracting flames with redness and said; you sit in the car, my sweetheart. I will be there with you. So don't worry. Ava hugged him and cried so badly in silence.

A guard held the hand of Lucas and dragged him into the car. Leonardo came towards Ava and said; 'You testify my patience. Now you will pay dues for it. You did everything against my rules. Now see the results. If you beg so, you will find no way of mercy from Me.!!! Then he waved his hand to Frank. He nodded his head. Meanwhile, Leonardo left the track. Frank and the guards waited for Leonardo's car to disappear. Few guards moved toward Ava who was thinking about her failure and mistake. She knew that Leonardo went to Benjamin's mansion. So she decided to take a return ticket. While she was moving she felt someone holding her hand so tightly. A guard of Leonardo was holding it so tightly and threw her in the car.

Where are you going? Leave me!! Why are you acting like wild dogs!! Ava shouted at the guards.

One of them put a blindfold on her eyes and tied up her hands with rope. After one hour a guard took her out of the car. Ava was not aware that Frank was also with them. Frank waved his hand to a guard.

Where the hell I am going? Where are you dragging me? Why you don't speak?? Ava was helpless to do something except shout and cry.

Guards threw her at the old ship's rooftop and entangled her with ropes on a broken chair. It was an old scary-looking alone ship on an unknown beach. They left her alone there and went downstairs.

'Yes Frank we left her, she will never come back if she let herself free. We are coming towards you. Guard signaled through wireless.

Helpless Ava was crying badly and shouted at the guards; anyone who is a dog of Leonardo, go to him and tell him that I will never leave my nephew to a person who is so cruel and arrogant. one day I will be with my nephew. I hate Leonardo more than every bad thing in the world..!!