

Leonardo Benjamin is a young, honest, powerful, tough, and cold-hearted businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary, he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world is a family that he has to take care of after his father's death. He also closed his heart to all feelings a long time ago, he does not trust women. He is Lucas’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Leonardo considers himself a custodian of Lucas. Ava is a young, strong, caring, beautiful girl living with her father. The life of Ava turns upside down when her sister passes away. Ava gets devastated. Her nephew becomes all alone after his parents pass away. Little Lucas is now stuck in a mansion full of vicious people and he desperately lacks affection and love. Lucas is very well protected in his uncle's care, he craves sympathy and love. But Ava has a mission of protecting her nephew. Ava tries her best to take her nephew from the mansion to her home. but her every struggle gets wasted then she realizes that it's not so easy. Leonardo is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew in Ava's hands alone. Both sides were strong as they were Lucas' uncle and aunt. Ava takes her courage from her innocence and patience. Ava has nothing to do she lives in Benjamin's house in order to protect Lucas. This adventure will arise the long-hidden secrets of the Benjamin mansion, while a whole, another beam of love will start to grow in Ava and Leonardo’s hearts. Will Leonardo and Ava give up fighting and start collaborating while raising little Lucas? Will Leonardo manage to trust Ava? Will the bridge in between hate and love reside in both?

Lubaba_Ejaz · สมจริง
55 Chs


Leonardo left the way quickly. Frank nodded his head to the guards they took Ava and throw her in the basement store of the mansion and tied up her feet with iron chains.

What you are going to do with me!! ? Ava shouted at the guards.

She listened to the roaring sound of loin and the barking of several dogs. This area was specifically for punishment to those people who did dishonesties and deceived Leonardo. The store was full of sanitation pipes, long chains, drums, and iron rods. Ava assumed that place as a torture cell of Leonardo. She had a different image of Leonardo in her mind. She always perceived him as dishonest, a gambler, and wrong things doer. That was her reason to hate Leonardo.

Leave me!! You can't stop me to fight against your boss!! I will not leave my nephew!! Ava was shouting. Due to her loud voice loin and dogs were also roaring and barking respectively. After half hour she saw a guard open the door. Leonardo was standing there. Leonardo went inside and shut the door.

How you dare to slap me girl!!?? You will regret this!! You will pay off what you have done!! Leonardo said

I will not give up on my nephew!! Do you understand!! I know how cruel you are!! How can you take revenge!! You can just use your power on poor people!!

Hold on, girl!! Let's see how stubborn and strong are you. Stay here. You will not able to get the hell out of here. Leonardo said

When my aunt will come back? She promised me to come within a week. Lucas asked Sophia

Dear don't you worry she will come soon. Keep making your block house she will come to you soon.

The phone bell rang. You should keep playing I have to talk this call. Sophia said and left the room.

Leonardo brought his best fighter dog. Stay with this girl my boy. Let us know how strong is she. Dog barked at Ava and strong jumped on her. Ava trembled with fear and stood up. Leonardo push his dog back as he attacked like a hungry dog. Meanwhile, he thought something and left the dog in the store with Ava and shut the door. The dog jumped on Ava. Her right arm got injured while he attacked her with his front limbs. Ava cried with a heart-wrenching voice. The dog step back and kept barking at Ava.

Ooo!! Shhh!! Cool boy!! Ava tried to reach her hand on the dog's neck. Dog kept barking

Lucas is constantly asking for his aunt. I don't know what to say to him. I know you are very angry on her but the fact is she is his aunt as you are his uncle. You should find out the right way brother. She has no one in her life except her nephew. Anyways I was here to inform you about Lucas. When you feel better please come and join us for dinner. Sophia said and left his room.

Ava was crying. Her feet were also getting injured because of continue moving. She tried to calm down the dog. As Ava's hands touched the dog's neck, the dog came forward. Ava rubbed the dog's neck and face with care. The dog sat down. Ava put her head on the dog's limbs. After a while, it was looking like both were friends and sleeping together so peacefully. An assistant came into Leonardo's room and reported to him that Ava's arm and hands were injured. She also didn't eat anything in the past hours. She also slept or fainted after the dog and Ava changed a token of peace with each other. Leonardo raised his eyebrows and waved a hand to his assistant. Meanwhile Frank entered the room.

It seems like this girl will not give up. But doesn't know my world and rules. Leonardo said

I agree. If she can escape herself from thousand miles away hidden beach and can come back to the mansion she may have the stamina to still face her anger. Frank said

Tell everyone at home that no one will go to the basement until I order. Leonardo said


Ava woke up in the lap of a dog. She put her hand on his neck and kissed the dog. The dog wagged its tail with happiness. Ava opened his neck chain and release him. Ava unlocked her feet' chains as well. She was feeling too much pain because of rusty chains and wounds on her arm. She managed to open the lock of the gate. Dog left the way and disappear in a second. Ava tried to find the dog but she failed to escape from there. Meanwhile, Leonardo came downstairs. He felt that dog was missing from the room. Immediately he called Frank. Ava was still finding the way to go outside instantly she hit back at Leonardo.

So you are trying to get out of here? Which is an impossible girl. You can stay here until you give up. Leonardo said.

I will not give up on my nephew!! Ava shouted.

'Milo (dog) is in the archery place' Frank said

I will see!! Leonardo said

Lucas saw his uncle and Frank coming from the basement. He was not known for the entire incident and situations that happened in the mansion. He thought for a while and went downstairs by hiding himself from everyone. Leonardo and Frank reached in archery area. Lucas went into the basement. There was no guard in the main room. He moved towards Leonardo's store room which was actually a torture cell. Ava felt someone was coming toward her room. She saw from the lock hole. She couldn't believe that Lucas was standing outside.

Lucas my sweetheart!! Ava shouted.

Aunt are you there? Lucas asked.

Yes. But I am locked!! Check the key around yourself. Ava said

I can try aunt. Lucas said. He started jumping and pressed the red button on the wall. It was a tear gas cylinder automatic stimulator that Leonardo and his man used punishment to people for the cause. Ava noticed gas was releasing from the roof holes.

Did you find the key? if you didn't then leave this site She shouted at Lucas

No, but I pressed some plug here. And I am unable to touch it again. Lucas said.

Ava became worried.

Lucas is not in the room. I checked every corner of the mansion Watson interrupted while Leonardo was targeting the arrow.

What do you mean? Where is his attendant? Leonardo asked

She went asleep. Watson said

Where is Jackson? Leonardo asked

He left the mansion an hour before. Watson said

Have you checked the basement? Leonardo asked

No sir, Should I? Watson asked

No, I will see by myself. Leonardo said

Leonardo felt gas was releasing. He quickly ran into the main store where Lucas was coughing with the smell. He quickly switch off the stimulator and handed him over to frank to send Lucas to his attendant. Leonardo opened the lock of the door. And took fainted Ava outside. Frank followed him and called a doctor in an emergency.

Good morning Ms. Ava, I hope you are feeling better now. Doctor said

Where I am? Ava asked

You are in Benjamin's Mansion. Doctor said

Who brought me here? Ava asked

I don't know. I just had a call last night to check up on your condition and give you treatment. Doctor said

When will this solution drip finish? I want to see my nephew. Ava asked

Wait for a while. It's about to finish. Doctor said

Leonardo entered the room. And give a gesture to the doctor to leave the room. Leonardo shut the door. He dragged a chair near Ava and removed the needle of drip from her hand. Ava sat on the bed.

Why did you take Lucas there? Leonardo asked

What nonsense? How can I call him to that torture cell? Why would I call him to the hell you made for your brutality?

Don't lie girl. Why you didn't call me when you were both caught in gas? Leonardo asked

Wow!! Have you left any connection menu for me there? Why would I put my nephew in danger which you have generated for implementing your cruelty on poor ones? This ruthless is your heart!! Can you see my arm? What happened to me? Just because of your revenge!! Ava was groaning due to pain.

Listen to me carefully! You should go back from where you came from. Leonardo said

I cannot leave my nephew alone here. I have to be with him. He needs me. He craves love and attention. Why you don't understand? Ava asked

Leonardo stood up and left the room. And went to Lucas's room. My aunt is so brave. She is like a superhero. she told me to leave the cabin quickly but I forget the way to come out. She was coughing so badly when I listened to her last time. Then she stopped talking to me. I called her. But she didn't reply. I love my aunt so much. She smells like my mommy. I want to be with her. I don't want to disobey my uncle. Can you please ask him to ask my aunt to stay here with me? She made so delicious cookies. Lucas asked the attendant to request his uncle. Whereas Leonardo already listened to all conversations between the attendant and Lucas. He changed his mind. And ordered his one of assistants to bring clothes and necessary things for Ava.

Ava went to Lucas's room.

Aunt!! I am so happy to see you! Please stay with me forever. Lucas said.

I will, my sweetheart!! Ava said

Why did you wrap your arm with big bandages?? Lucas asked

Nothing I just had a minor accident. It will heal soon. Ava hugged Lucas.

Will you talk to my uncle? Lucas again asked

Yes my dear I will talk to him now. Ava said

Sophia went to Leonardo's room and said; Attendant resigned because of your fear. But don't you worry I called Emma. She is coming soon.

Why Emma will come to the mansion when she has a lot to do with her dreams? Leonardo asked

Don't worry Leonardo, I told her to come to you and join your business either. She will look after our little Lucas.

But I have already taken the decision. Leonardo said

What kind of decision brother? Sophia asked

Lucas's aunt will stay in this mansion to take care of him. Ask Mrs. Rosa to prepare the room adjacent to Lucas's room for his aunt. Leonardo said

O alright, I thought you will send her back so I prepared that room for Emma. It's okay I will order Mrs. Rosa to prepare another room for Emma. Sophia was busted looking from inside because her plan to hold the mansion was getting failed but showed Leonardo that his decision was right.

Ava came back to the room to take medicines. She found some clothes and stuff on the bed.

How can this unmerciful person be so kind to me? It means I am going to stay with my nephew in this mansion.

'Anyways I should thank him for this.' Ava put hand all dresses in the wardrobe and put the rest of the stuff in the drawers. She took her medicine and left the room. Leonardo was leaving his study room he saw Ava was coming to him. He stopped there. Ava came closer to him and said; I am so thankful to you for what you have done for me.

You don't need to say thanks to me. I just did this for my beetroot. His attendant resigned that's why I took this decision. You should take care of his everything like an aunt not as an attendant. Leonardo said to her with a casual arrogant tone and went downstairs.

Ava took a deep breath. She saw him with wet eyes. I hope my all chapters of the problems have been ended now. Ava said herself with joy and went to her room.