

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin was at a loss for words, where could he start? He noticed an increasingly irritated look on Alleria's face as she glared at her younger sister. He could feel the tension in the room and it only got worse as seconds went by. However being the peacemaker, he decided to intervene before things became worse.

" I shall explain to you, however it will take a long time." Anduin said, seeing the elder windrunner cross her arms.

"Go right ahead boy, I have no intention to discuss anything with my sister!" Sylvanas spat before she moved towards the door only to be grabbed by Anduin.

" We do this together." He asserted, as blue eyes meet hers in a look of pleading.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes as she agreed,seeing an astonished look on her sister's face.

"How could this be? There interactions are not of enemies but of friendliness, like they have touched each other before. Alleria took a closer look with her eyes as Sylvanas took her seat right next to Anduin and crossed her legs,she was clearly annoyed but not with him. "In the throne room they were at each other's throats, now he was able to touch her without the threat of violence or physical harm." Alleria thought.

Anduin and Sylvanas both found there seats as Alleria was clearly confused and impatient, however Anduin found the words as he told her their journey into the wild world and how they had to work together to survive. He purposely left out their sham of a marriage and the sex, but he had the sinking feeling that soon they wouldn't be able to hide it from her.

Alleria was amazed but clearly had more questions concerning there time on the planet. " By the sunwell that is amazing, your powers restored her! My husband was right, the light has no limits, to think that my sister was a walking corpse just a few months ago and now she is restored again." Alleria exclaimed, while seeing a glare from Sylvanas at the mention of her being a corpse. However Alleria continued with a slight raise of her eyebrow. "But high king Anduin you left some things out." Alleria asserted, turning to Sylvanas.

" He told you the truth Alleria what more could you ask for! " Sylvanas replied in a angry tone. Her sister had always taken the liberty to try and assert authority over her, even when it wasn't her place.

"Sylvanas I may have been gone for decades, but I know enough about you to see that what just happened was strange,almost unbelievable. I understand that being together and being forced to depending on each other can draw even two enemies closer. But not only did your swore mortal enemy touch your hand but you actually listened to him. This is madness, now tell me what is going on!" She demanded.

Sylvanas wore a look of hatred on her face as she turned the other way, not even wishing to look her sister in the face. But Anduin thought it best to tell Alleria.

" I will tell but you only if you swear not to tell anyone else in Alliance leadership, it could cause mass panic and insertections to my rule or worse put both our lives in danger."

Alleria tilted her head to one side in confusion before sighing, " You have my word, now tell me."

Anduin nodded before he told Alleira of the current situation between himself and Sylvanas, he told her about the closeness they shared, but not going as far as to call it love, but he knew something was there even if Sylvanas wouldn't admit it. He even told her about there markings and what they meant. Sylvanas however scoffed at seeing the shocked face of her older sister, she couldn't remember the last time she looked so after Anduin was done as the two saw the elder windrunner pace the room, her head shaking while she ran her hands through her blond she stopped and turned to the couple before she spoke.

"What you two did was very irresistible and for sex of all things, Anduin you are high king of the Alliance and this could mean an end to your rule, even a trial for treason, it could shake the foundations of both fractions. However you are young, only twenty one years of age which for your race is very young just barely out of adulthood, so it's partly understandable why you would want to.."

"Screw my brains out." Sylvanas smirked, seeing her sister huff in annoyance.

" You dear sister, were acting very irrational, for all your spewing of hatred for the alliance and humans. Who would have thought at the first chance you would hop in bed with not only a human but the king of stormwind for lights sake! How do you think this would affect your rule over the forsaken not only when they see that you are no longer dead but married to Anduin!" She replied.

" We are not really married sister, I just did it to meet his ridiculous expectations or rather requirements for sex! He was the only being in the area who I could have sex with and after being alive for the first time in decades I wanted to feel something! Excuse me for wanting to feel a desire satisfied after my life was taken away from me abruptly! Once we get back to Azeroth the marriage will not longer exist and when can go back to normal, I still have plans to crush the alliance under my foot!" Sylvanas argued back.

Alleria shook her head while noticing that Anduin decided to stay back and let them talk. He knew better than to incur just one Windrunners wrath, let alone two.

" If you two have been having sex that means you may are already be with only took Turalyon and I one time to have sex before I became pregant, some even theorise that human dna and elven dna merge faster due to the curse of can't explain away a child, who would be a direct haire to the throne of Stormwind."

" We only just started screwing, how would you know that I'm.." Sylvanas paused before Alleria eyes turned dark and a shadowy mist surrounded her fingers followed by a small but clearly distinct golden light in the middle.

"Incredible!" Anduin commented as he saw the image appear before his eyes.

" What also alerted me to this location was a very powerful light source. At first I thought it was another paladin but once I discovered Anduin I soon dropped the matter. However after being in here for some time I soon discovered that it's coming from your stomach. Sylvanas you have some light power as well but it's not a strong as this little ones." Alleira waved her hands back and forth, using void magic to make the image clear. " The void can sense endless possibilities of future traces of light, like a moth to a lantern. You may not be pregant now but it's highly possible in the coming future ." Alleria said, seeing the face of Sylvanas go pale along with Anduin.

Sylvanas was at a lost for words, of course she knew it was a possibility but to have it be a reality was something she was wasn't ready for. But it wasn't a sure thing and she didn't put her faith in the void or in her insane elder sister.

" Maybe is not a yes elder sister!"

Alleria shook her head, " Through the natural progress of nature it's sure to happen especially if you two can't keep your hands off of each other."

" The same can be said for you and your human mate as well, it's none of your business what I do!"

Anduin took the time to speak up at the sight of the rising tension in the room, " If we could talk about more important things… What is the true statues of the Horde and the Alliance? The healer told us bits and pieces but you would know the most information."

Alleria paused before answering, " Both factions are fighting inch by inch for more territory, the night elfs seek to reclaim their kingdom but it is a never ending battle. While the forsaken want to retake lost land as well. Greymane is a decent leader but his brash decisions leads to mounting cadultites. While the horde leader Nathanos is cunning, but lacks experience in a leadership position." Allera replied before looking to her sister. "That tends to happen when your someone's lap dog for years." She added.

" At least my forces aren't being lead by mad worgen with the emotional issues of a child, Nathaons has proven himself before and he shall again."

" So not much has changed, It seems as though I have a lot of work to do when I get back." Anduin replied.

"That you do." Alleria commented before addressing her sister.

" I'm more curious about what your going to do sister? Now that you're alive the forsaken wont accept you as their ruler and not to mention the explantation you would have to give for your transformation."

Sylvanas huffed in annoyance, she really did grow tired of this unexpected interaction with her older sister.

"My rule is law, they would either accept my rule or die, I have a new body but I am the same Warchief and Anduin is the same high king. We will meet on the battlefield and finish this war, it will only end in one outcome." She declared before she heard Anduin chuckle.

" You can drop the whole bitter warchief act now Sylvanas,we both know we wont kill each other, fighting yes but killing each no." He explained

"He is right Sylvanas because of the lines you two crossed it would be nearly impossible to fight each other on the battlefield. No doubt you both would be concerned for each others safety." Alleria added.

Sylvanas turned her head in anger, she knew this was true, although she didnt love the man child she did care for him somewhat which was even strange hearing it from herself, was it the markings that made her feel this way? In reality she didn't how to uphold her leadership position while being in bed with the enemy both literally and figuratively. Anduin may desire peace but she wasn't as naive to think that everyone in the alliance thought the same and she herself knew that peace isn't an option.

" I think we can figure something out besides.." Anduin suddenly paused as the door opened to reveal Arator and Turalyon who apparently hadn't noticed the occupants in the room as they were involved in their own conversation.

" See son I told you I always had a way of finding your mother.." Turalyon chuckled before he turned to the occupations in the room, " By the light!" He gasped.

Alleria shook her head, "Dammit Turalyon the door was locked for a reason, I told you I would be right back. Why do you insist on poking your head in things that do not concern you!" She yelled,knowing that Anduin would have to explain his story again.

Sylvanas simply got up in anger while excusing herself past her nephew not wanting to engage in anymore conversation, she needed to be alone and finding a hot bathe would be the perfect solution.

"Is that…" Arator gasped, to which his mother nodded.

'But how.." Turalyon said, " I heard that high king Anduin was found, but I didn't know that she was here as well and why is she.."

"Alive?" Alleria added, " Anduin will explain." she replied looking towards Anduin to fill in the blanks.

Anduin wore a tired expression, he really didn't want to keep recounting the story but by the looks of it he would have to do it more often, so he might as he get used to it. After a long but not to brief explanation Turalyon and his son were floored, which surprised Anduin because Turalyon himself had become basically imortable due to the Naru and its light forged powers. So there shouldn't be much to be astonished when dealing with the light.

" Did I not tell you that the light could do incredible things Alleria. Bringing the undead back to life is no small task and to full completion as well. But High king Anduin you have made a grave mistake in linking yourself to her not just physically but spiritually as well. She may be revived but she certainly has emotional scars that can steer her hatred for humans, however I can understand how it happend. Being alone for that much time in danger, never knowing if the day you wake up will be your last, it really brings people together, no matter how they may feel about each other." Turalyon said.

" He is right Anduin, you have a lot on your plate in terms of dealing with my younger sister, she can be cut throat. However as fate would have it I didn't expect it to see Sylvanas alive again, it does bring me joy to my heart that she is free from that curse."

"Yes, however at times it seems like she hasn't thrown off the mentality of that curse. Although she has been changing and I don't believe that is by luck." Anduin chimed in.

"Mother this could be the lights hand working, she must have an important destiny to fulfill, even if she has done horrible things on Azeroth."

" That could possibly be true, but first she needs to realise that she is now Sylvanas windrunner and not the banshee queen anymore. I do not believe the undead would recognise her rule also the alliance may put her on trail and not without reason."

" You think the forsaken would kill her?" Anduin asked, adjusting himself in his seat.

Turalyon had his hand under his chin, most certainly thinking of an answer, " It's tough to say, I heard she has done many things for them but they don't take to kindly to the living."

" I can only see the undead high elven rangers following her, but as for undead humans... that's a whole other deal." Alleria added.

"Her life would certainly be in danger, so what do you propose?" Anduin added.

" I have an idea." Arator stated as the eyes in the room move to him.

" She is no longer forsaken but she is still a Quel, dorei. Let the horde leaders see her one by one and she can go from there. Also I'm sure the blood elves would accept her into their fold as long as she is not well.."

" showing yet.." Alleria stated seeing Anduin blush.

"Well we still don't know if she is or not." Arator replied.

" I can guarantee they will lay together again, It's clear as day that they won't stop even when we arrive in Azeroth. I have no doubt in my mind that a child is in your future very soon and that's without the void. However I recommend we convince Sylvanas to go to Silvermoon along with our sister to lighten the shock."

"Why can't you go?" Anduin asked out of curiosity.

Turalyon coughed, " She is banned from silvermoon due to her tampering with the void, Arator is a half elf and they don't take too kindly to them and I think my situation is self explanatory." He chuckled.

" I see" Anduin said before releasing a sigh, " I would certainly have to explain my journey to leaders of the alliance, of course leaving out many details. It almost seems like this was a vacation as twisted as it sounds."

" We all have are burdens to bear Anduin, you just have more responsibility as the high king of the Alliance." Turalyon replied, " Go find Sylvanas, I'm certain you have the best chance of making her go to silvermoon, if I know anything about Alleria is that windrunner's are very stubborn but will move for the right reasons." he laughed before Alleira punched him in the arm.

"Ignorant Human." Alleria spat, " You have never dropped those ignorant and foolish statements Turalyon. It seems that thousands of years haven't put a damper on it either."

Arator smiled at Anduin before he nudged him, " High king Anduin you better get going, once they get like this its hard stop." he laughed as Anduin smiled and said his goodbyes.

" I hate my family" Sylvanas muttered as she sunk in the hot waters of the bath. She was kindly directed to the communal baths by an eredar who ran the local inn stationed on the ship and after what seemed like an hour she finally found the private bath the Eredar told her about. The twenty four hours had been extremely taxing and exhausting and she was glad to finally obtain some rest.

" My sister was always the one to think she was better than everyone else, the hero!" she spat. Sylvanas knew she didn't hate her sister but she carried a great destian for her after she was called a monster. She didn't choose to become what Arthas created, it was forced upon her, just like her new condition now. Did her older sister somehow think she was better? Choosing to be apart of the void and taking on its powers and who was she to judge her? Suddenly Sylvanas was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a sound behind her.

"So I found you." Anduin said as he stood nude before her, no longer showing the same feelings towards nakedness. Sylvanas reasoned it was because of there technicality of marriage, it was certainly a far cry from what he was like before. They both became comfortable around each other far to quickly but Sylvanas didn't mind as long as she got something out of it.

" Yes you did little lion." she said, rolling her eyes as he came closer.

" I have come to talk about our future."

Sylvanas raised her long eyebrow, " We have no future together boy! only war and battle. Don't get used to this closeness or it could be the death of you."

Anduin raised both of their arms that held the markings to her face. " These say different! You know the forsaken won't accept you Sylvanas, not to mention the other fractions. Arator has suggested you stay in silvermoon for some time so the Horde leaders could get used to your new condition." Anduin asserted.

Sylvanas yanked her arm from Anduins, " I don't care what they mean I don't love you! What happened is over and now we are back to reality Anduin! I will go back to orgrimmar and continue to rule, I won't be pushed into Silvermoon! "

Anduin became frustrated and brought her body into his, " Be reasonable Sylvanas, bide your time in Silvermoon and see the horde leaders one by one! You're being ridiculous! "

She knew he was right but her pride wouldn't admit it and she responded the only way she knew how which was to turn her head in anger.

" And to address your other point… Look me in the eye and tell me you don't care about me." Anduin said softly as he turned her chin to look at him. Her gold tinted eyes shined bright as the water continued to pour down both their bodies. She couldn't say it...she knew she cared deeply for him, not so much as love but an acceptance of him in her life.

Anduin closed his eyes as he brought his lips to hers as passion inswed but Sylvanas briefly broke the kiss, " I will only go to silvermoon, if you let me visit stormwind with you." she smirked finally submitting in some way to reason, but she wanted something out of it

Anduin wore a shocked expression, " They would recognise you unless.."

" I will dye my hair black." Sylvanas replied.

"Why would you want to visit stormwind? It's full of humans."

" I want to see the look on your face when you explain your journey to the nobles and the dog." She smirked with a foxy grin.

Anduin relented," Fine but you better keep your word Sylvanas, it's for your safety."

Sylvanas scoft, " I don't need your protecting human I have.." Sylvanas was silenced as Anduin brought his lips to hers in a passionate kiss and soon after they made what seemed like passionate love for the first Sylvanas made sure to bite her lips together as the increasing pleasure mounted and screams of ecstasy threatened to escape her pink lips.

"Anduin!" Sylvanas screamed as they both reached a climax. She clawed into Anduins back as he grasped her hips harder. " Sylvanas." Anduin moaned as he came to a climax.

He quickly covered her mouth with his own as more expressions of pleasure echoed from her lips, "Let me remind you that this is a public place Sylvanas." Anduin smiled, breathing in and out deeply while seeing her roll her eyes in response.

" Let them hear me, it shows that you are at least halfway decent in pleasing me." Sylvanas replied before she got out of the tub. She saw a perplexed look on Anduin face which only slightly caught her interest. " What is bothering you boy?" she asked harsher than intended.

Anduin quickly raised his head, " Did that time feel different to you? More intimate."

Sylvanas briefly paused shaking her head, " I don't know what you talking about" she lied. Not willing to agree with the truth. She knew this time was different, she felt more connected with him in a way never thought of. It was more than just sex and Sylvanas was scared of that, she was frightened of vulnerability. She already revealed too much of herself when they were on that forsaken planet and now it continued.

" Most likely just me then ." Anduin replied, drying himself off with a towel and seeing her put on clothes with speed.

" Yes the hallucinations of a boy, nothing more." Sylvanas replied before quickly making her way to her quarters with Anduin quickly in tow

" I need some time alone Anduin." Sylvanas spat in a irritated tone.

" I will give you that time alone but promise me you will do what we suggest, just for a few months." Anduin almost pleaded hoping she would see reason.

" I will always do what I please but I will consider it greatly, I don't care if it's not what you want to hear." Sylvanas said, making sure her tone was low as they were in the center of the ship around wondering glances. From the corner of her eye she saw many humans, eredar and other light empowered species walking around the ship. It almost reminded her disgustingly of the alliance, which was another reason why she wanted to get to her quarters as soon as possible.

" As long as you consider it." He said lightly kissing her on the lips which she surprisingly accepted before they went their separate ways. Shortly after Anduin found Turalyon and Arator sitting in the ships tavern, they seemed to be in a deep conversation before Arator caught sight of Anduin. " High king Anduin come sit with us." Arator excamiled, pulling out a seat for the high king.

" How did it go Anduin? Did the new queen of the alliance relent in her pursuit of acceptance with the forsaken?" Turalyon chuckled.

Anduin sighed as the waiter placed a glass of eredar beer on the table, he nodded towards the waiter as a sign of thanks before he spoke. " She seems to be considering it, by my hope is that before we get back to Azeroth her mind would be set on going to Silvermoon."

"Well hopefully its soon." Arator said.

"How long before we arrive?"

" In at least eight hours." Turalyon said, seeing the Anduins face go pale.

" By the light! How?"

" Light force speed Anduin." Turalyon smiled, " We reversed engineered some of the older Eredar ships the legion had. The Eredar worked hard and eventually they found out the secrets of the old technology. Although they are hesitant to give the technology to the alliance or horde, the last thing the galaxy needs is the horrible war on azeroth being stretched into the stars."

"Eventually the technology will be available father, it's only a matter of time." Arator added.

" Hopefully when it is available it will be used for exploration and not for war. I have seen enough of it in my lifetime and I certainly don't want to see more. This is why I rather be with the light forged army instead of being on Azeroth, however with the war kicking up I will have to aid your mother. I cannot stomach her taking on all of that responsibility alone." He added

" Light help me" Anduin said aloud as the realization just hit him. He had to shoulder the alliance and a nearly insane wife that in title was his sworn enemy and could very well be the mother of his future children.

" Don't worry Anduin the light will guide you, I am certain things will work out for the best." Arator said with encouragement.

" He is right Anduin, things worked out between Alleria and I."

" Sir did Alleria every try to kill you?" Anduin asked in all seriousness as he downed his beer thinking he would need a few more to deal with his current flow of thoughts.

Turalyon chuckled, " Well once when she was pregant with Arator and the second time when I had made her highly angry. She tells me she missed on purpose but Alleria missed and that's a fact." He laughed.

" Where did she try to shoot you father?"

" In the old family jewels son."

" Well maybe I can survive." Anduin laughed along with Arator and Turalyon.