

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Video Games
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24 Chs


"Retreat! The forces are bigger than we imagined! "

"We cant let them know where the village is! "

"Cursed demons even when there leader is in chains they fight like hell. "

" Sylvanas get up! We have to move now! " Irti yelled, pulling the elf to her feet.

Sylvanas had always thought she had bad luck or fortune, all her life she had unexpected things come at the worst times. However this was extremely unfortunate, at first she thought it was a simple round up of demons,but just like the others in her group she couldn't have imagined the force they were up against. It had been an ambush,carefully designed to lead the demons back to the village. Irti had led two hundred soldiers into battle and now there had only been twenty left, the demons had been cunning and intelligent, most likely knowing that if they died they would stay dead. No longer having the twisting nether at their disposal, which allowed them to resurrect the dead. They were careful, not taking huge risk and it showed. Irit called for a retreat into the forest as they planned for another attack. However the demons sent scouts ahead of the main force to weaken the Eredar.

"We have to divert their attention away from the group." Sylvanas shouted, dodging an arrow aimed for her head and firing a counter shot at a demonic Eredar scout.

Iriti shook her head, "Sylvanas I want you to take this." she said, sliding a necklace from around her neck and handing it to her.

" What are you..?"

" Sylvanas I have been alive for over two thousand years I know a last stand when I see it, you get back to your mate and tell the villagers. We will fight until our dying breath. "

Sylvanas simply nodded, she saw many of the determined looks on the soldiers. They were buying her time and hopefully the elders of the village could come up with a plan to stop the demons.

"Take this hover cycle, it knows the way back." Irti finished as she turned to her troops.

" To bad we couldn't make it to see Valen's old face, I would have loved to see his smile" she chuckled as she saw the other troops do the same, " Brothers and Sisters we must stand as a last defense for our village, we have families that are depending on us. I say we send many demons to hell! For everyone one of us they kill we take out three hundred of their own!"

The twenty Eredar shouted in excitement as they held up there weapons. They were ready to die and were more than willing to let the demons know.

" Mame they are approaching from the treeline!"

Irit smiled, " I say we walk into the lights embrace drenched in demon blood!"

" We are ready commander!"

" We fight until are last breath!"

" We welcome death's embrace into the light!"

Sylvanas almost smiled at there resolve in the face of sure death, they reminded her of the orcs. The bravery the Erder showed was amazing and even rivaled her own soldiers. But she didn't have time to stand around and admire there bravery, she had to get on the move and tell the village or else they would all made her way to the cycle as she revved up the engine.

Iriti looked at Sylvanas for surely the last time, " You two have an incredible destiny ahead of you,one full of hardship and pain but not lacking happiness and joy. Those markings are one of a kind and haven't been seen by our culture in thousands of years. It was not a mistake that the light chose you to have these markings, love each other to the best of your ability."

Sylvanas was at a loss for words as she quickly nodded in recognition, escaping the coming battle. As she looked back one final time she heard one last war cry before the Eredar attacked.

Anduin yawed as he woke up and looked around the living room. The last thing he remembered was Sylvanas going out on some hunt and now it had been morning.

"She should have been back by now." He said to himself, getting off of the couch and putting on his boots.

"Maybe Irti can tell me where she is." he said, making his way outside to see many Eredar standing on the streets with worried looks on there face. Anduin had made his way through the crowd seeing Elliongir standing in the middle.

"Did something happen?" he asked, seeing the older Eredar look his way.

" The alarm sounded last night for a demonic attack, however the hunting party still hasn't returned. We sent out scouts hours ago but they haven't returned our calls either, as you can image we are really worried."

"What do you think it could be?'

Elliongir breathed in a heavy breath , " The worst outcome would be that they were all killed and there were no survivors or the storm has interrupted the communication and movement of the hunting party."

Anduins heart skipped a beat, Sylvanas was apart of that hunting party to think that she could be..

" No I will trust in the light, she can't be dead, Sylvanas is a survivor. But it could also be the storm." he said to himself as everyone suddenly heard a commotion from behind the group.

Sylvanas quickly made her way through the crowd as she tried to get everyone's attention. She looked battered and bruised, almost struggling to get the words out of her mouth. A female Eredar came to her aid and gave her some water before Sylvanas quickly spoke. " Itri and her troops made a last stand... The demonic forces were larger than expected, they wanted me to tell the village elders and we need to hurry because…" She was stopped as a large explosion was heard at the village gates.

"By the light!" Anduin gasped as he saw a large incoming army descending upon the village. Ship after ship flew toward the village as green fel fire rained down from the sky.

"No! I'm too late." Sylvanas screamed, a flashback suddenly came to mind reminding her of the invasion that took place when Arthas descended upon the high elven homeland.

A loud alarm sounded as chaos broke out among the Eredar, most of them seeking to get there children to safety as the fel fire destroyed buildings in its wake.

"We have to do something Anduin." Sylvanas said before he unsheathed his father's sword.

" There are so many of them." Anduin said in amazement at seeing the many demons surround the village.

" We will give the villagers time to get to safety,you two can go if you want this is our fight." Ellongir said as others soldiers joined him.

" We stopped these demons on Azeroth, this is no different, they obviously need another lesson in defeat." Sylvanas smirked.

" You mean the alliance defeated them my lovely wife." Anduin smiled before he activated his light powers to augment his strength. His flowing blond hair whipped around him as the light enveloped his body. Avenging wrath as on full display as the golden wings sprouted from his back.

"You mean the horde defeated them you buffoon of a husband." she scoffed, readying her bow and arrow as the demons howled. " Are you sure you are able to handle that form. Are you not still injured?" she said with slight concern which even shocked herself.

" What else am I to do? Wait in the back like a helpless child while you have all the fun." Anduin laughed. " I love getting into trouble."

" Oh shut up Boy! Enough of your mouth the demons await there death and I would be a bad host to give them there wish."

" You two are a very funny couple." Elliongir chuckled as the rest of his comrades joined the battle.

"Well we have to keep you entertained while the battle is going on or else it will be quite boring." Anduin chuckled as he caught sight of the legion commander.

The large pit lord made his way to face the group with his army of demons behind him. He wore an evil grin on his face before he spoke with certainty. " When my scout told me that Anduin wrynn and Sylvanas windrunner were on this planet, I had him killed for ridiculous stories. But after many more scouts reported the same thing I decided to take a look for myself. How fortunate it must be for me to have both the leaders of the horde and alliance at my mercy." He laughed.

" If you think we will roll over in fear then think again. I will not show fear to demons." Anduin said defiantly."

" The war chief of the horde will not bow down either fool, now prepare for your death demonic filth." Sylvanas spat, knocking an arrow on her bow.

The pit lord simply chuckled, " I have many demons in my army, all I need to do is keep throwing them at you until you crumble like ash and then we will capture you and use you as our bargaining chip. Oh yes and many of my soldiers would like to have a taste of your flesh lady windrunner. Rumor of your beatify has made it's way into our ranks and I have to say,you do not disappoint." he smiled, licking his lips in perversion.

Suddenly some of the demons around the pit Lord disintegrated into ash as light radiated from Anduins sword. " You will not touch her demon!" He yelled in a tone that remind Sylvanas a lot of his father. His markings turned bright gold as he led the attack upon the demons.

"Kill them all!" the pit lord commanded before demons attacked..

Sylvanas herself felt power radiated from her marks as her marks to turned a light golden this what it felt like to be a light wilder? She was able to knock arrows on her bow in a matter of milliseconds as the demons fell before her and once she ran out of arrows she used her two daggers to reek havoc on their front lines.

"We will not bow down!" Anduin shouted as he killed demon after demon, he knew they were up against opposing odds but had to fight for Sylvanas, the Eredar and his people back home. He needed to make it back in one piece. Especially if it meant serving peace for Azeroth and his people and nothing was going to stop him.

"Sylvanas to your left" he shouted, seeing her dodge an incoming attack and cut the demons throat.

" How long do you think we can keep this up Anduin?" Sylvanas said as they were back to back fighting off the demons.

" As long as we need to, don't you want to make it back to Azeroth?" Anduin smiled, swinging his sword to block an attack.

"Of course, I must crush your alliance under my foot." she said, narrowly avoiding a magic blast.

"Well then keep fighting lady windrunner, we must win this battle, I have a lot to fight for!"

" Like what Anduin!" she replied, throwing a dagger into a demon and watching it disappear into ash.

Anduin and a fellow Erdar stabbed a large demon in the stomach before he answered, " For the alliance and for you." He answered truthfully, moving his hair from his eyes. He resembled a holy berserker warrior as his beard had grown to full form and his hair hung widely from his face. Sylvanas even in the thickness of battle had become almost weak in the knees at this site. Although an incoming arrow brought her back to reality as she replied to his statement

"Why me? When we get back to Azeroth I will be your enemy not your wife." she said,stabbing a demon in the back and hearing it scream in agony.

" So no more sex when we get back?" Anduin chuckled before he saw more demons approaching the gate.

Sylvanas blushed and looked away, " I didn't say that.. I mean.. Just focus on the battle at hand Boy!"

Anduin sighed, the demons seemed everlasting. No matter if they killed a hundred, a hundred more would replace had past and many Eredar had fallen, Anduin had no idea where the villagers went, but he hoped they got out safely. It seemed like the weather itself was against them as the rain pelted his back and the thunder crackled all around the village.

"Aduin look out!" Elliongir yelled as a fel fire beam raced towards Anduin. The older Eredar shoved Anduin out of the way before he took the full force of the attack.

"No!" Anduin screamed, watching helplessly as the Eredar fell down at his feet.

"Anduin keep your eyes on the demons, there is nothing we can do for him now. "Sylvanas yelled.

Anduin nodded his head begrudgingly, a proper burial would have to come later as it dawn on him that he and Sylvanas were the only ones left alive in the ruined village. The pit lord let off a large laugh he knew victory was within his grasp.

" The two of you proved harder to capture than I now I have no need for your lives, we shall bring your ashes to the doors of Azeroth and well shall free Sargeras from his prison and soon the burning legion shall destroy Azeroth once and for all !" the demon declared, shooting a fel beam at the two.

"Not today Demon!" Anduin yelled as he stretched out his hands out wide and created a dome of light around Sylvanas and himself. The doom protected the couple but how long could he keep this up?

Minutes had past by and Anduin struggled to hold the demons magic pit lord took the liberty to let his underlings release beams of magic at the dome while he sat back and gloated.

"Just let go Boy you have lost, it will all be over in a second. Just a burning sensation and then obliteration!" He laughed.

Sylvanas watched with intense worry as blood poured from Anduins nose, he was clearly reaching his limits along with his shoulder which had turned purple from the swelling.

"Anduin we have done all that we could do,I would not blame you for letting have been kind to me and at first I hated you for it, but I grew fond of have shown me a different side of humans and I can go into eternity thanking you for that " she lamented sensing that the end was she was honest with herself the past two months on this strange world...she actually felt normal for once. She wouldn't admit it out loud but she was happy for once in her life. Anduin annoyed her to no end with his insufferable morals and chivalry but it grew on her.

Anduin turned and smiled before he looked at the demon, "I am Anduin Wrynn High king of the Alliance and I will prevail against you demon! For my people and for her, I have suffered too much to die before a filthy wretch like you!"

"Fool I will watch you pass out as your body is blown into ashes!"

Anduin released a blood curdling scream as he felt his muscle rip from the stress of holding up the dome. " Light give me strength!" he shouted, " I will not give up on the light, I will not stop fighting against you. You bastards killed my father and I will certainly not be liable to the same fate."

" He still has hope, how?" She thought to herself before she shook her head "I am Sylvanas windrunner and I will face my death with honor and I certainly won't let this lion cub show me up in anything, even if its hope." she concluded.

Sylvanas suddenly felt her markings light up with unimaginable power as she was filled with determination." If we are to die, It will certainly be together and as one alliance dog and I for one wont let you go out alone." She declared with power flowing through her. Sylvanas reached out with her hand and put it on his face has Anduin felt his muscles heal and his power expanded. His marking flowed with a new power as they stood as one and faced the pit lord with strength and zeal.

" You mean that." Anduin smirked as he took her hand in his.

" Maybe.. I do not make promises." She snorted but smiled shortly after.

Anduin gave her a huge hug which now that he thought about it was inappropriate for the moment, but he couldn't help himself. " Of course" he said before there power formed into one.

"What is this!" the pit lord shouted as the light dome grew bigger and started to disintegrate the demons who were caught in its grasp.

Anduin let out a sigh of relief,he felt a new power overcome him and it came in the time of a need not a want, " This new power feels amazing will you test it out with me ?" he asked, seeing her platinum blond hair blow in the wind. He thought she looked beautiful especially with her golden eyes but was this quite the time?

" What else am I do boy?" She smirked before they let out one final push of light energy to obliterate the demons.

"Impossible, how?" the pit lord shouted as his forces slowly turned to dust.

"Nothing is impossible with the light demon!" Anduin shouted.

A large mass of light engulfed nearly whole forest nearby destroying demonic forces all but in the blink of an eye.

"Always trust in the light" Anduin groaned, suddenly feeling his body collapse only to be caught by the one and only Sylvanas windrunner.

" Don't go dying on me yet boy, I still have need of you." she said, holding him in her arms as she kneed down on the ground.

" I thought I was finally getting my rest lady windrunner." he chuckled before he suddenly heard a large beneath the rubble and ash. The injured pit lord had quickly burst from the ruins as green blood had poured from every wound it had received, it was clearly dying but still alive.

"By the sunwell! Dammit this thing is hard to kill." Sylvanas gasped as it charged them.

" Get behind me." Anduin said, coughing up blood, " I'll stall while you escape, it's almost dead, all I have to do is deliver the final blow."

"Fool! You wouldn't stand a chance, your almost dead yourself." She screamed.

'Dammit Sylvanas movie!" he yelled before he pushed her out of the way as the pit lord smacked Anduin into a building.

"Anduin!" she yelled as the pit lord came upon her.

" You will die here demon." She said, pulling out her dagger with a slight glance at the bright markings on her arm

"Anduin is still alive!" She thought.

The pit lord smiled with its broken teeth. "You will die here along with him little elf." He laughed but not before he felt extreme pain in his back courtesy of Anduin, who repeatedly stabbed the beast with everything he had.

"Sylvanas! Help me kill this thing!" Anduin yelled before he was thrown off the pit lord and fell against the ground.

Sylvanas quickly knocked two arrows on her bow and shot the demon square in the eyes.

"Cure you elf!' It screamed as he fell back in agony.

She quickly ran to Anduins aid as she watch the pit lord hopelessly destroy buildings and houses in its blindness. It was attempting and failing to find the couple, which of course was nearly impossible in its current condition.

" What can we do?" Anduin asked, feeling Sylvanas beside him. His eyes were so swollen he could barely see and Anduin thanked the light the demon was weakened when it threw him into the house. Otherwise he would most likely be dead.

The couple suddenly heard an engine roar as a ship appeared out of the sky. A beam of light shot down from the ship killing the pit lord instantly and reducing it to soldering ashes.

"The army of light!" Sylvanas exclaimed, seeing the ship land nearby along with soldiers filling out one by one to secure the area. She along with Anduin hobbled over to the soldiers as they caught the attention of a large light forged Eredar.

" Survivor's " one of them shouted.

Sylvanas was thankful as they were escorted along the ship into the healing room where the healers worked there magic. She had seen many of these soldiers before on Argus but they didn't recognise her, clearly her new condition allowed her to blend in so no one could see her as the war chief. It would certainly raise some suspicious eyebrows if they did discover her true identity. Suddenly she heard one of the healers gasp as Anduin woke up and looked around.

"Your Anduin wrynn High king of the alliance, we have been searching for you for a long time!"

Anduin turned and smirked. " The one and only, by the way what do you mean a long time?" he asked with amazement noticing the same with Sylvanas.

" For about a year or two." the light forged human answered.

" But I have been only gone for.." he trailed off, suddenly not being so sure how much time they spent on the planet.

"Last we heard you were battling the windrunner before you along with the warchief disappeared." The healer answered.

"How is the war effort at the moment?" Anduin asked noticing a slight glare from Sylvanas.

" The horde and Alliance are at a standstill, Genn greymane leads the alliance forces while a guy called Nathons leads the assumed you were dead along with the Windrunner."

" How did you find us?" Sylvanas chimed in as a look of shook came over the healer.

" Who is she king Wrynn?" the healer asked in attonstiment at seeing a high elf accompany the king, to his knowledge the king was alone during his disappearance.

Anduin looked at the healer, " This is benesiisa sunstrider, I found her in the jungle when I ported to this world. She was a high elf ranger under the alliance command during the siege of Lordaeron. She too was caught in the portal during the battle. Now please answer the question." Anduin said.

" He almost didn't sound like he was lying, he can be very convincing when he wants to be." she thought before the healer nodded and answered the question.

" Are ship was detached to handle the remaining forces of the legion, we caught wind of a large army of demons taking refuge on this planet, which already had Eredar on it from the civil war that took place on Argus thousands of years we just made contact with them recently. Originally, our plan was to send an e vac team to the planet two years from now but for obvious reasons the demonic presence led us to make a more, safety inclined decision."

" Are we the only survivors?" Anduin asked.

"No we recovered most the civilians from the forest, although some did not make it but it was still a good outcome overall."

" Good" Anduin said, noticing a disturbed look on Slyvanas face.

"What is wrong.." he asked as he turned to look at what she was looking at and it turned out to be none other than Alleria windrunner in the flesh, who looked as though she had seen a ghost. Anduin acted quickly by telling the healer that they needed some alone time before Alleria stormed into the room and closed the breach.

"How can this be!" she gasped, her sister was not only standing before her but alive as the day she had last seen her breathing,with blood flowing through her veins. Sylvanas however wore an irritated look on her face, she greatly disliked her sister and with her new condition she didn't know how to react. On one hand she could spit in her face or she could be decent despite their misgivings.

" Hello elder Sister." Sylvanas growled.

"What is the meaning of this Anduin? Explain, why is she here and why is she.. alive?" Alleria glared as she ignored her sisters look of hate and focused her attention on Anduin.