

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


"You two went through the ceremony!" Irti exclaimed, watching Sylvanas roll her eyes while Anduin shyly looked away.

Anduin lightly chuckled, "Yes we did, it was sort of unexpected. Certainly different then our customs on Azeroth." He replied.

Irti paused, she caught a glimpse of Sylvanas having an expression on her face that seemed to be annoyed with the whole conversation. Was she not happy with her mate?

" It is certainly different, we bind contracts, births and many other covenants of life with our blood. It testifies to our commitment." She replied, maneuvering around the thick jungle forest.

" How poetic." Sylvanas replied sarcastically, " Now can we move on to more important matters, what are we hunting Irti?" She said in almost fluent Erdun,Sylvanas had spent much of her private time learning the language as she refused to be left out of the loop.

Irti smiled, slightly looking back to Sylvanas who had her bow drawn incase a wild animal could tell Sylvanas was a natural hunter, always on the lookout for danger or prey.

" We are hunting a creature that is very dangerous and very cat like. It has killed many of our hunters before and likes the taste of our flesh. Today we hope to end its life and avenge our fallen brothers and sisters.

"Why not just use magic?" Anduin asked before he heard Irti laugh.

" Our culture dictates that we must hunt the creature with primitive tools, without the use of our advanced technology or magic. It makes it more honorific." She replied.

"That is very dangerous, is honor worth that much?" Sylvanas asked.

Irti snorted as she saw large paw prints leading up to a open grassland before they came out of the tree line. " To u, honor means everything, without honor what would our society be?

" We all have to stand for something, even if it means sacrifice. " Anduin added as the group of hunters sensed that they were being watched.

"It knows we are here." Sylvanas warned, readying her bow. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up as ire silence passed between the group.

"Something's not right." Anduin whispered.

Irti readied her spear, " The beast must have picked up our sent and set a trap. This open area is perfect for an attack." She replied.

Anduin could feel his blood grow cold, he knew something was behind him and it had put fear in him like never before as he quickly turned around to face the threat.

Sylvanas markings on her arm turned red hot, she could suddenly feel Anduin's fear and a foreign sense of worry overcame knew something terrible was about to happen. Her yell came to late as a large cat like creature pounced on Anduin, biting into his shoulder. Sylvanas sprung into action as she released five arrows in a matter of seconds into the beast's eye causing it to let go of Anduin.

He screamed in pain as he quickly moved to mend the wound, but he was losing blood fast. He knew the beast narrowly missed his artery, but it was enough to cause a life threating wound.

Irti let out a fearless war cry along with the other hunters as they attacked, each throwing a spear into the beast. Many of the spear tips hit home but others bounced off of its tough hide making it even more ferocious.

Sylvanas quickly ran to Anduin side, "Dammit Boy! Why didn't you pay more attention." She yelled as she frantically ripped off part of her shirt to put pressure on the wound.

Anduin coughed, " Sorry I am not used to hunting." he smiled. Anduins eyes started to feel heavy, he knew he was losing consciousness. He healed as much as he could, but without focus it was almost impossible.

" Alliance dog stay with me." she gasped, applying more pressure on the wound. "He is going into shock!" She screamed, hoping the hunters would finish the fight quickly before it was to late.

Irti knowing that time was short charged the beast and delivered the final blow atop of its head as the other hunters threw more spears. The beast let out one final howl as it succumb to its wounds.

" You have killed your beast now help him Dammit! Or so help me I will kill all of you!" Sylvanas screamed as her eye's flickered red and her markings illuminated brightly.

" Why am I acting like this? Do I actually care about his well being?" she thought.

" I will call for a evac." Irti replied, she quickly accessed her wrist pad and relayed the coordinates back to the village, within minutes a ship was sent out to the distress call.

"Keep applying pressure to the wound, he is looking ghastly pale." Irti added, she ripped out a piece of gauze from her med pack and wrapped it around Anduins wound. His hands felt cold and his heart rate had slowed down, he was close to the edge of death.

Sylvanas hands shook as she held him, why did she care if he lived or died? He didn't matter, all that mattered to her was victory and the death of the alliance so why did she feel this way, and why was she on the verge of tears?

Anduin lightly put his bloody hand on Sylvanas face. " I'll be fine lady windrunner." he said in a weak tone.

"You better be fine Boy, who else will cater to my needs." She spat, trying her hardest to say it in an acidic tone, but it was emotional, full of fear and anxiety.

After a short time the ship arrived and the Erdar quickly put him on a stretcher and the healers began there work. Sylvanas sat nervously as she watched the Eerdar mend his skin. Her heart wouldn't stop beating rapidly, every second seemed like an hour. This feeling was so new to her, she hadn't felt it in so long, much less for anyone else. Two male Erdar had held Anduin down as he struggled and fought, the pain was excruciating as they put his shoulder back into place. Soon after he stopped struggling as they put herbs under his nose and he was put to sleep.

"He had lost a lot of blood but he should be fine." Another Female Eredar said, seeing Sylvanas look of exhaustion. His blood had soaked her shirt as well as her trousers.

" How do you know he will be fine?" she asked, steadying herself as the ship flew through the sky.

"If he was anymore closer to death's door than your marriage markings would disappear, however they are still shining as bright as stars. " She smiled.

" When he was attacked I felt every emotion and pain, I can't really explain it." Sylvanas confessed.

The healer breathed in a deep breath before she answered the question.

"These markings mean that your souls are bonded for life in spiritual way and it extends into the physical world. You feel your mates pain,emotions,fears and sex drive among other things." she answered looking over to Anduin who was resting for now." I assume you just consummated the marriage as well."

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Yes we did, what does that have to do with anything?"

" You sensed that he was about to be attacked before it happened, I can tell by the look on your face." The Erdear answered as she rubbed ointment on Anduins wound.

" I am slightly interested in your point, but can you get to it quickly." Sylvanas replied sharply.

The healer smiled, " It means you two already have a strong bond and the fates have been kind to you." she revealed, " His markings are strong as well and I could tell from his aura that he is a light bearer."

Sylvanas thought it best to not say anything as she wanted the female Eredar to assumed what she wanted, the only bond she had for Anduin was sex and that was it. But she also had to face the fact that she became frantic when he was injured. But he was her comrade for now, she had to run to his aid if it meant survival but was there more to it?

Some time later the ship arrived in the village to be met with a large number of Eredar, who celebrated the killing of the beast that devoured so many of there could see Eredar of all age's gathering around the inner circle of the village. A bright fire had been light as the warriors brought the dead corpse of the beast to the middle. Many of the Eredar cheered on as it was finally settled on the fire to be cooked and cut for a huge feast.

"How odd that your people would eat the beast that killed so many of your warriors." Sylvanas said, seeing the healers bring Anduin who was still unconscious into there house.

" Its meat shall strengthen us." A healer cheerfully announced as he laid Anduin down on there couch . "It's in our culture and way of life. Do your people not eat the spoils of your hunt?'" he asked.

Sylvanas nodded, " My people often hunted game that would taste good, however if it had been a beast that killed many of my kin then we wouldn't eat it."

"How odd." The healer replied.

" To your people yes." she sighed before sitting on the couch next to Anduin.

" Is there anything else I need to know about his condition, will he be a liability?"

"No not to much, he just needs to rest up. He lost a lot of blood but it will be replenished in the days to come. Just keep an eye on him." he answered

Sylvanas nodded before they left leaving her alone with Anduin. She knew his inexperience in a hunt could be dangerous. It almost cost him is life! How much of an idiot could he be, but why did she care? What was it about him that brought up these emotions that were buried so deep for years? Even her loyal companion Nathanos couldn't bring out these feelings in her.

" You have become so much of a burden on me Anduin, I wish I still hated you ,"she could see the healed wound as it still had a decent amount of tares and the healers did amazing work at regenerating most of his torn shoulder. He was peacefully asleep so there was no need to stay by his side, but she found herself not being able to walk observed the blue markings on his arm light up along with her own as she ran her hands down his arm. Sylvanas hadn't planned for this and it would most likely be a hindrance to her future plans.

"Azeroth.." She whispered, she hadn't thought much about home today. She missed undercity, she missed her dark rangers, who had become somewhat of a family to her. They were the perfect soldiers, following her orders without question. She never once had to think about the possibility of betrayal,after all she had been responsible for their freedom. As much as she wouldn't admit it aloud, she had a deep desire to be back, but what would await her?

" I'm not dead anymore.." she sighed, feeling exhaustion which was new for her. Sylvanas looked over at Anduin, who had been slightly shaking in his sleep, most likely having a nightmare. She fought against the feeling of comforting him but eventually gave in, she quickly gathered a cover from their bedroom and had changed out of her bloody clothes into a short purple nightgown as she returned to his side.

"You're lucky your skills in the bedroom are at least halfway decent or else i wouldn't be here."she whispered, making herself comfortable before Anduin rolled over with a groan and wrapped his arm around her stomach.

Sylvanas shook her head,"Always the one to play opossum I see."

"Always the one to never give me full credit, from the way you moaned and screamed hours earlier it seemed like my skills were more than decent." Anduin chuckled, feeling slight pain in his shoulder.

Sylvanas snorted, " I saved your life today little lion so I suggest you shut your mouth."

"And I thank you for that, but something surprises me, I would take you for one to be upstairs right now not by my side. Are you showing your caring side Lady windrunner ?I saw how you were very worried about my condition."

" I'm just here because I am tired nothing more boy." she replied

" Sure." Anduin said,knowing it was best to drop the subject for now, least he lose her warmth he felt at the moment.

" How did you know that thing was behind me, some high elven trick?"

" I just felt it.." she simply replied.

Anduin let out a huge sigh before he spoke. " When it had attacked me I felt your intense worry."

" Of course, I didn't want it to attack me. Why would I not feel a little fear." She lied

" So you didn't fear the creature killing your dear husband, I am wounded lady windrunner." he joked.

" If we are to survive on this world I need you to be healthy and safe. Your knowledge is to great to allow you to die by some simple beast, I sprung into action to save your life. You are worth more alive than dead at the moment."

" Hmm so nothing more than that." he smiled, brushing hair away from her neck as he lightly kissed her, which sent shivers down her spine. " No, nothing more than that." she sharply replied.

Sylvanas noticed that ever since they first had sex he had been more bold and intentional at times. Whereby once had been timid and shy,now he was like a wild beast in she would not be easy prey

"You need to calm yourself boy, you lost a lot of blood. It's a surprise that your not as blue as my forsaken." She replied, lightly hitting him with her hip.

"Ouch." Anduin complained, " If you know I'm injured why did you hit me."

"Because I'm not in the mood for sex, to much has happened today and I grow tired."

Anduin turned over as he looked up at the ceiling, " It has been odd that ever since we crossed that line I have been feeling a bit.."

"Aroused." she blurted out.

"Ahem yes." he replied, moving his shoulder to get more had took the liberty to move her head to his chest, thinking it better to make some room for the both of them.

" The Eredar healer told me that these markings come with some sort of power, I must admit I didn't plan for this, but it does interest me."

"How so?"

" I would want to exploit it to see what kind of power it may hold.I may have lost my banchee form or at least most of it and I need an edge in battle when we get back."

Anduin shook his head, " Always the one to plan for the destruction of the alliance." he said, their eyes meeting each other in an intense glare.

"Let it go boy, I told you already what my plan was when we get back!" she spat.

" And I told you to forgot about the matter for now it's not important!"

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, "Surely you are concerned for your people's safety while you are gone."

Anduin nodded, " But I have placed generals and trusted individuals in authority. They can handle the alliance while I'm gone."

"I assure you that the generals I have can bring your alliance to dust while I am away." She challenged.

"Well you lost surfang due to your lack of honor, I wonder how many others will walk away from your new hord." he replied back softly but with a hint of challenge.

"That old orc is weak, in war sacrifices must be made, even if its so called honor!"

Anduin sighed, "You started the war Sylvanas and all because of your stupid paranoia."

Sylvanas became extremely angry,her red markings lit up the dark living room as her fist tightened, almost tearing holes in his shirt. " I did it so I could protect my people!"

"Just like when you tried to enslave the Valkyrie. You are lying you're just afraid of death! Admit it!."

"Yes I am!" She yelled and suddenly stopped as she saw Anduin pause. She had become so emotional that she revealed one of her fears, one she tried so hard to conceal from everyone. She feared the once felt it when she was on the verge of death, it felt so cold, so dark.

" I know." he replied, before she quickly tired to get up but he grabbed her arm gently.

" Don't run away, I'm not Arthas."

"Except for your blond hair and blue eyes human, your people are all the same and eventually you will show me who you really are!" She spat refusing to look at him.

"Don't say that, you know it's not true, I can feel your emotions." he revealed.

Anduin gently pulled her back to the couch as he turned to her, not missing the anger and sadness building up.

"Can we talk for once without getting into an argument Sylvanas?It's been almost two weeks and although we have made a lot of progress, it has been extremely hard for you to open up."

Sylvanas shook her head, " You are to young to understand boy, I am by human years over sixty years old which is around the time that your race starts to wither away. I had hardships and wars that your eyes have not seen. I witnessed my younger brother die in my hands. Why should I open up to you boy!"

" Because I actually care to listen." Anduin confessed, he took the initiative to set up as painful as it was and look her in the eye's.

"What is truly bothering you?" he asked.

Sylvanas fought against the feeling to open up, to be vulnerable with him, to let him see a side of her that not many of seen or heard in had held these feelings in for so long, maybe it was time to let some of them out, she was no longer undead and therefore the burden of that torture was gone.

" I don't know what awaits me, I'm afraid my people will no longer welcome me." she answered.

"Well certainly the blood elves would, Im sure they wouldn't mind you being alive again." he suggested.

Sylvanas shook her head, " If I could be realistic Anduin… We are not going to stop having sex and that means the potential for a child is very high and will most likely happen. You are still very young, even for a human and therefore have very fertile seed." she explained knowing that this was the most possible outcome. She had to admit, he had proved to be a very good lover and even the threat of pregnancy wouldn't hold off her desires or keep her away.

" The forsaken would reject me because I'm alive and the blood elves would reject me because of a half human child.'

Anduin swallowed hard, he too knew this was a possibility. He wasn't even sure if he had done the proper procedure to avoid pregnancy the last time they had sex. He knew he was being very irresponsible at the moment.

" So either way, neither of your people wouldn't accept you." He said.

"That would be the worst possible outcome, yes." she answered.

Sylvanas nodded." To be casted out by my people..It's hard enough, especially when I fought so hard for both of them." she continued. Remembering how her older sister was looked down upon because of her human mate and her people seemed to forget what she had done for them.

"Well look at the bright side you would be the first high elven queen of stormwind."Anduin chuckled.

Sylvanas snorted, " You would never allow me to rule with you, even with a child. It would be to scandalous."

" What better way to cement my legacy in the history books, King Anduin wrynn defeats Sylvanas windrunner by the power of love." he smiled, seeing her roll her eye's.

" The sayings of a child."

" You had sex with this man child, so what does that make you?" Anduin teased.

" A women who has good taste in men, after all you're a lion in the sack."She purred, feeling herself getting heated at the close proximity.

"You still haven't answered my question and flattery won't get you out of it lady windrunner." Anduin grinned.

Sylvanas glared at him for his assertion " I may grace you with the privilege of opening myself up to you eventually, but first we must get through these two years without me strangling you in your sleep."

" Yes I do often fear your violent tendencies." he laughed, "But I have worry,Ellioger told me the village still comes under attack by scavenging demons from the defeated burning legion, so we will have to be careful." He said, feeling her hands go for his trousers.

" For once I will admit that you're right, but for now lay with me Anduin. I wish for you to bring me to bliss before I go to sleep." She bluntly replied.

"Maybe later, for now I need one more answer to a question." he replied defiantly, Anduin had one last trick up his sleeve.

"What else?" she asked in an annoyed tone, he was proving to be almost as stubborn as herself.

" Do you want to eat breakfast together tomorrow? Irti had spoken to me about a nice place just down the street." he smiled, " Also we could discuss peace between the Alliance and Horde."

Sylvanas held her hand to her chin thinking about the question. " I will consider it after we make love." She replied, before she quickly closed the gap between them.

Soon after there hour long passion,Sylvanas breathed in and out as she laid atop of Anduin, there marriage markings lighting up like a fire as Anduin ran his hands through her platinum blond hair. An obvious silence came over them as the only sounds that could be heard were the creatures in the woods. The sex had been better than the last time, although the only complaint that Anduin had were the scratches all of his had done most of the work knowing that his wound was still fresh. But this did not stop her demanding side from taking over.

" What have we done?" Anduin asked aloud, not expecting to hear an answer

Sylvanas replied using a crude word in her Elven language, it was so crude that it made Anduin shake his head.

" You know its not proper for a lady to use that type of language." he asserted only for her to snort and use more crude words to address him.

"If we do have a child, I will tell them how much of prude you are, I'm sure they will be ashamed to have such a by the book father!" she retorted.

" Im sure the insane, sex crazed mother will be alot better." he replied only to receive a slight pinch.

"I'm not insane." she shot back.

" As my father said all women are crazy, just some are less crazier than others."

" And as my mother told me Human men are only good for one thing."

"How would she know?" Anduin asked with apparent shock.

Sylvanas smirked, "Lets just say in my mother's younger years she took on a human lover during the troll wars. A barbarian from a human clan that fought beside our people. She was very frank in admitting that he was animalistic in the bed room, but was awful as a person. At least according to elven standards."

"So I see it runs in the family." he smirked, bringing the covers over both of them. The couch wasn't as big as there bed but it would do for tonight.

" I guess so, however I don't love you nor do I plan to ever feel that ridiculous emotion towards you." She replied bluntly.

Anduin yawned before he gathered her into his arms. " Save it for tomorrow, for now I'm going to sleep."

She snorted,"I'm going to do more important things, try not to miss me too much boy." Sylvanas said, moving out of his embrace.

" Go ahead wife, besides you hog all the covers anyway." he snickered as he closed his eyes.

Sylvanas threw him a glare before she walked outside of the house and observed the night sky, it was breathtakingly beautiful as the three moons added to its beauty. It reminded her of the night sky that hung over Silvermoon. It had been years and she missed it all the same, being war chief came with its drawbacks. She didn't have time to go out and be normal, In undercity everyone saluted or bowed down to much was the same with Orgrimmar and other horde controlled here it was different, no one had knew her past besides Anduin and he surprisingly still treated her kind despite these things. She often saw it as weakness, but could it be strength ?

Sylvanas was caught off guard as she heard an explosion far off in the distance. An alarm sounded, alerting many Eredar who came out of there house's. Sylvanas didn't see panic but determination as they already knew what was ahead of them. She saw squads of heavily armored troops run past her with Irti as their leader.

" We are being attacked by some demons do you wish to get in on the fun!" Irti said, seeing Sylvanas who had a confused expression on her face.

" And miss out on killing demons, of course not." She smiled before she retrieved her bow.

"What's going on, are we under attack?" Anduin asked, sitting up in his bed and seeing Sylvanas putt on her leathers.

"Yes we are, but you are staying here boy, you are already injured, no need in going." She said, lightly pushing him back down.

Anduin sighed, "Fine."

" Good alliance dog,obey your queen." she teased before she left.

"Be safe out there Sylvanas." Anduin warned

" I am a Windrunner boy we are breed for battle." she replied before heading out.

Irti smirked as she saw Sylvanas run out of her house, the huntress was ready and primed for battle."Ready?" She asked.

"Of course." Sylvanas smirked, knowing her thirst for demons blood hadn't be sated in a long time.

"Let us go to war!" Itri shouted along with the other troops.