

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin awoke to a crashing sound as he looked to Sylvanas cutting down a small tree, he was slightly irritated because he was never a morning person and also because he never gave her permission to use his sword for anything much less cutting down a tree.

"Piece of junk, cant even cleanly cut down a tree!" she hissed, sitting the sword down.

Anduin thought it best to let it go before he spoke to her, he didn't think it was wise to start the day with an argument.

"Morning" he yawned.

"It's not morning boy king its mid afternoon or at least from the way the shadows are casting over the tree' this planet has three moons, so who knows." she retorted before picking up his sword again and splitting the tree into smaller chunks.

" You know." he said scratching the back of his head, "Its a human custom to ask people permission before using there things." he joked while being slightly serious.

Sylvanas gave him a death glare, "Its my custom not to give a damn boy king. I need arrows to fend off whatever was stalking through here at night and I will not take another chance."

Anduin had a confused expression on his face before he looked down to see large catlike prints in the mud just ten feet away from their shelter. He slightly bent down to get a better look, waving his hand on the dirt.

"We must not have heard it due to the storm last night, thank the light it didn't attack."

" It could have killed both of us Boy king, so much for being a light sleeper as you claimed to be, your father must be proud." she smirked knowing the comment about his father would get under his skin.

Anduin's was slightly annoyed at her comment concerning his deceased father, " Well how long does your trance last? It was obviously pretty long if you didn't hear the thing ether. Also aren't you an elven ranger by nature so shouldn't you have been the first one to detect it." he reasoned only to have to throw the sword down with a loud clunk.

" You don't know when to close your mouth boy!" she hissed

"And who will teach me? You lady wind runner?"

"Maybe when I cut your tongue out it would teach you a lesson" she replied sharply.

Anduin shaking his head thought it better to change the subject, " Fine I apologize for being crass, now can we discuss something?"


"Well we need to see what's out there, we can't just stay here otherwise we will never find a way off this planet" he reasoned.

She slightly looked up at him as she carved smaller pieces of wood in long slender lines, " You're actually right for once boy king, i dont not desire to be here for long, the Horde needs me in order to crush your puny Alliance dogs."

"Well, at least we can agree on something, well just not the whole crushing the alliance part." he chuckled before he found his shirt and realised there was no point in wearing it, it had been muddied and wet to the touch.

His eyes wandered over to Sylvanas who made the choice to take off her plated armor in exchange for the leather that she wore underneath. She wasn't wearing her signature cloak and Anduin had to admit, her hair was beautiful even in death, it was a mix of bronze and white as it cascaded down her back, however she wrapped her hair in ponytail most likely to avoid it being caught in leaves or brush.

" So i assume after you get done making your arrows we can head out?"

"What do you think, I was told your a genius and I have to say I'm disappointed" she replied rolling her eye's.

" Sorry to disappoint you lady windrunner." He joked as he bowed down to her.

" I'm surprised, even a dog know it place."

"I'm pretty sure, I have many things to offer" he joked.

" You will soon find out boy king" she said noticing his blush before she held her arrows over the fire but not enough to burn them.

" It makes the arrows stronger," he said noticing a quick look of surprise enter face before she quickly replaced it with disinterest.

" I see you know some things about the skill of archery and marksmanship." she replied, tying the arrows together in roll so they could fit in her quiver.

" I went to teldrassil after you burned it, I had healed many of the night elfs there and one of the rangers had told me this important skill saved her life many times over the years." he said with a sadden expression.

Sylvanas noticing the expression snorted proudly " And I would do it again boy king."

At this confession he became angry," Do you not care for the lives lost, you didn't have to do that! Surfang had told me of your dishonor, it disgust me!"

Sylvanas who was quick to lose her temper responded the only way she knew how, "And what do you of war Boy! It was an advantage and I took it, I was happy to see them burn."

Anduin threw down the wood he was carrying and stormed up to her face, " Those people, are technically related to you! You might was well have burned down your own family helpless children died in that fire, your a coward!"

Sylvanas eyes burned bright at that word, he had not known how she put her life in harm's way many times to protect those who she loved dearly, coward was something she wasn't and never will be.

She took the chance to activate her banshee form as she charged at Anduin who had no time to react before she threw him more than a couple of yards into the forest knocking over some small trees as a result .She quickly found him near a small river getting himself to his feet on the sand.

"I don't care if I go mad for thousands of years, as long as i kill you then I'll be fine, I will just replay this memory in my mind over and over again to satisfy myself!" she hissed

"You shouldn't have done that lady windrunner," Anduin calmly said as he blue eyes turned into golden ones as light surrounded his body. He was bloody and dirt along with grim clung to his upper body, his trousers had been slightly ripped and dirty as well but his muscles contracted and began to swell as light infused power flowed into his body. Anduin had already been muscler before, however now he was on another level of strength.

"Come boy king let us play." She smirked before she charged at him again, but was taken by surprise as his fist connected with her stomach causing her to be taken back.

"His speed is incredible how was he able to.."She thought but had to react quickly as his assault began again. If she herself wasn't in her banshee form her bones would have been shattered from his assault. His form was that of a novice but his strength made up for the lack of experience.

"Surprised." he laughed as he dogged her kick only for her fist to connect with his face sending him flying into the river.

Sylvanas wore an annoyed look on her face, "More like annoyed Boy,, but make no mistake about it I will kill you." she said as she hovered above the water only be pulled down by Anduin

" You are more than welcome to try" Anduin replied as they both stood to their feet, both noticing that the river wasn't that deep as the water only came waist high.

"Prepare to die boy king!" she shouted before she again charged Anduin who expected this attack before he simply stepped out of the way and grabbed her by the waist with both hands and quickly slamming her unto the sandy shore. He took the opportunity to pin her underneath himself, Anduin knew her banche form didn't last long and couldn't be maintained for no more than a few minutes.

They both stared at each silently as he held his grip on her noticed she had a look of hate on her face as she was seething underneath him. A swell of emotions could be seen in her eyes as she bit her lips in anger.

"Don't you ever call me a coward! I gave my life for my people and I paid the ultimate price for it, I have seen my brother die at the hands of orcs, I have seen my people ravaged by the scourge. And instead of sitting in Silvermoon in comfort I went out and fought tooth and nail, all for what? For him to come and take everything from me! I am many things but a coward is not one of them boy!" She screamed as black tears could be seen falling from her face.

Anduin couldn't believe it, she was opening up and it had only been the second day, Anduin expected that with them being alone that she would open up eventually but the speed was unbelievable, the lack of her army affirming her actions left her in many ways naked . Anduin had the uncanny ability to get people to somehow open up, even the orcish monster garrosh hellscream opened up to him in the prison.

Anduin sighed deeply before thinking it safe to let go of her arms as she quickly pulled them from his grasp. He used his hands to boldly wipe the tears from her face, not as a romantic gesture but as someone who could understand when someone else was in pain.

" I apologize for calling you a coward however the acts of which you committed in teldrassil cannot be overlooked. The children had no way of defending themselves from your army. In the same way how are you no better than the orcs who slaughtered your people's children when they invaded."

"They were enemies." she hissed looking him dead in their eyes.

Anduin shook his head before he bringing his face closer to her's, their lips almost touching, he needed her to understand his point and he thought this was the best way to relate it.

" You know that's not true Sylvanas, you're justifying the horrible acts with this thinking."

Sylvanas didn't know what came over her, she was usually in control of her emotions, knowing it best to use this to her advantage, but this man, no boy had the ability to get under her skin like no one she has never meet before in all of her years of living.

"Nothing to say." he spoke as there lips nearly touched, Anduin couldn't quite pinpoint what was going on but seeing her wild and violent had done something to him. The way her eyes burned into his as she looked at him with deep angier had lit a match in him.

Sylvanas eyed him more, water dripped from his body as he hovered over her, his hair wild and untamed and the slight growth of facial hair had turned her desire. She was angry however the physical need for gratification was fastly overcoming her hatred for the boy king.

"Yes I do have an answer." she calmly replied before she caught him by surprise as their lips meet in a fierce kiss.

Anduin was taken aback, he knew Sylvanas hated him much less liked him, so why was she kissing him? Although Anduin being the young man he is allowed his body to take control as he ran his arms under the curve of her back as she deepened the kiss.

Sylvanas groaned as she ran her finger over his back almost breaking the skin, Anduin almost gasped as he to deepened the kiss. Suddenly Anduin felt smaller but slender hands slide under his waistband of his trousers, which was a much needed wake up call.

He quickly fell back in the water breathing heavily, " No not that." he said shaking his head as Sylvanas who appeared to be in a trance like state wore an annoyed expression on her face.

Sylvanas was very upset with herself, she hated this boy so why was she so close to…

" I can't believe this." she spat as she got up and headed for there camp but was quickly grabbed by anduin.

"What in the nine hells is wrong with.." she spat but quickly looked up to see what looked like ruins of a settlement just miles from where they were.

"Just down the river, looks like about two days hike depending on how fast we are going. But before that I need to get something to eat to replenish my energy."

Sylvanas quickly snatched her arm away from him, " Fine" she simply said as she gathered her belongs that were scattered across the riverside and headed back to camp.

Anduin thought it best to leave her alone for some time, now he needed to find some animal to kill or else he would starve to already made sure to make a container to catch the rainwater so he had three days worth.

Hours went by as Sylvanas sat alone at their camp, she had no choice but to go through the days events, she didn't want to divulge so much to the boy king, it wasn't his business. He had gotten to see a side that not many have not , only her sister and brother saw this side of her and that time had long past. Alleria hated her and Vereesa broke communication with her after her pitiful human husband always buried these feelings deep in her and choose to act on her anger and bitterness that is how she lived on Sylvanas mind had wondered to the encounter she had with the boy king, he had impressed her slightly with his manipulation of the light in order to augment his physical this would make it harder for her to kill him in the future.

"Perhaps poison would work" she thought before hearing a sound behind her as she notched an arrow on her bow in a matter of seconds.

Anduin who had a deer like creature on his shoulder put his hands up, "Woe it's just me!" he shouted.

Sylvanas glared at him, putting down her bow. "How do you even know that thing is edible."

"Guess I will find out, If i die please give me a farewell kiss," he joked only to see her huff in annoyance.

" So we gonna talk about it or just keep up the tension, relax I'm not going propose to you. Although that would be a good way to end the war." he said as he mimicked a thinking gesture while skinning the animal.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Although I am undead, I still have a desire to have sex, I can still feel sensations like my old life similar to death knights. I have been so focused on protecting the forsaken and crushing you alliance dogs that I can't be bothered with such a fickle useless thing." she replied hoping it would end his annoying questioning.

Anduin blushed slightly, " Fickle but the way your hands moved down my waste indicated that.."

Sylvanas quickly dismissed it, "A moment of weakness"

" So basically I'm the only hot thing west of the planet and you can't resist my charm, lady windrunner I'm honored." he chuckled, cutting the meat into smaller pieces and placing a large stone near the fire to cook the meat.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Boy." she snorted as she watched him place the large chunks of meat on the stone, "Besides I'm sure you wouldn't want it to be on your conscious that you had sex with the enemy, especially not your first time."

Anduin shrugged his shoulders, " Of course not, and then I gotta worry about life springing forth from my seed."

Sylvanas chuckled which caught him by surprise, " Your more of an idiot than I thought I'm undead Boy, I can't have children." she replied in an almost bitter laugh, knowing that the prospects of her having children were gone. That is why she secretly envied her sisters, they had children but that was taken away from her.

Anduin scratched his head, " I wouldn't be so sure."

Sylvanas had an shocked look on her face before it was quickly replaced with a skeptical one.

"What are you going on about Boy"

Anduin sighed as he sat down next to fire, night had taken over and he could see the flames dance and spark.

" I had learned recently that a paladin named Edward protlock had married his elven companion who had been turned into a death knight by arthas, she was a ranger of quel'thalas perhaps you may have known her,her name is Lulla Eagersworn. It was a shock to everyone, two people who had so many differences, two different lives. Many people had said it wouldn't have worked out and also more importantly she couldn't bare children. However one day people were shocked to see that she was clearly with child, people in the town of dawnhelm were amazed.

Sylvanas shook her head, " Impossible most likely a hoax." she replied bitterly but thought back to the name, she had heard about a ranger by that title before she died and by all accounts a good ranger at that.

Anduin shook his head, "After hearing this story i took it upon myself to see this couple with Velen the prophet for and it was true, she was eight months pregnant and was by all accounts a death knight."

Sylvanas couldn't believe it, no wouldn't believe it. "I still don't believe it!" she snorted

"I didn't as well but Velen didn't seem shocked at all, he told me that certain individuals that possess great power in the light could regenerate dead cells, if they are very powerful they could even do it without knowing it. Velen had theorized that the couple had be together so many times that his powers of the light were indirectly reviving the dead calls within her body, especially when they had lain she even had a heart beat, her hair had become alive again it was like she was."

"Being brought back to life." she gasped, she still couldn't believe it,was this possible ?Or was it just a fable. No she wouldn't be captured by this foolishness.

" Yes, but there is more I learned that the paladin had served with army of light, Valen had said that only those that were touched by a powerful Naru could have such great power of the light. Which is why Turalyon had lived for a thousand years" he answered.

" So your telling me that the all the paladin did be in close proximity to her for years, which included intimacy then she was slowly revived." she snorted while getting up to lay down in the shelter. She had enough of hearing myths and fables.

"The power of the light lady windrunner."

" You a fool to believe such tales." She spat making her way to the shelter.

Sylvanas laid down under the leaves shaking her head at the foolishness the boy believed.

"Such an idiot there is no way that he coul-" she said but was stopped as she felt something with just the faintest of sounds thumb against her made her scream so loud Anduin came rushing in to see what was wrong with sword in hand.

"By the light what happened!" he exclaimed as he could see Sylvanas holding her chest shaking almost as if she as seen something horrible.

She quickly eyed him, "No this is not possible, what trick is this!" she shouted as she thought back to the time today where she had kissed him, at the time he was still surrounded by the golden aura that radiated off of his body. It even warmed her her normally cold body, made her want more of...

Her eyes darted to Anduin who had a confused look on his face before she backed away into a corner of the tree.

"Stay away from me Anduin!" she gritted out in horrified tone.