

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Video Games
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24 Chs


Anduin rolled over to see her still in a fetal position under the shelter, he wanted to check up on her but after the last episode he knew it wasn't a good idea.

"At least she called me by my name." Anduin chuckled before sleep finally took him.

Hours went by as Sylvanas tried to enter her trance,but she couldn't, the constant thumping in her chest kept her awake and there was no mistaking it. It was her heartbeat, something she hadn't felt or heard in years,It was hated the living, being alive was something forgone for her. She didn't know what to think, she hated it but it was the first time in so long that she felt alive. Sylvanas had been suddenly pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the alliance king snore.

"I hate you, why does it have to be you of all people to give me something that I lost!" She hissed as her anger took over prompting her to stalk over to the Anduin with dagger in hand.

Sylvanas kneeled over Anduin who was still clearly asleep.

" It would be so easy for me to end your life right now, I hate you so did it have to be you, I don't want anything from you. I don't want you to make me desire to chip away at the walls I have built up for years, before you were even born!" She hissed as she raised her dagger, she had done this before with no problem, but why did her hands shake this time? Why did she delay her hand, what was stopping her?

"Who gave you the right! If i wanted to feel alive again let it be by my own hand,not by the hand of some light wielder, not some alliance dog!" she whispered before she heard something that made her freeze in her tracks.

"Beautiful Sylvanas" Anduin yawned in his sleep before he turned over, his hair sprawled across the dirt,with a careless expression on his face, a small smile even.

Sylvanas body began to shake as emotion took over, "damn you!" she sighed before she quickly returned back to the shelter, not knowing what to do or say to herself.

Anduin awoke to the sound of a cool breeze filling his lungs with warm air. Sitting up he was shocked to see that Sylvanas was gone. Panic began to set in as his eyes darted all around the camp but found he did notice that her bow had been in the same place she left it in last night,so she had to be nearby.

"Sylvanas?" Anduin called as he walked through the forest, he knew they needed to start the long track to the ruins and he wanted to get going as soon as possible. He soon heard the sounds of something in the river as he quickly made his way to the sound.

" Sylvanas" Anduin called before he was given a sight that many of men would kill windrunner had been taking a bath in the river most likely scrubbing away the dirt and grime from there fight yesterday.

Anduin slightly blushed before he finally made his presence to his shock she didn't even pay him any attention. "So we should get going soon", he coughed awkwardly before her noticed an annoyed look on her face as she washed her hair. Anduin himself had to advert his eyes least his desire push him to do something stupid.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from me Boy king." she glared.

"Oh so now it's back to Boy king again, well at least we did get somewhere." He joked as he forced his eyes on the ground, not wanting to be rude to look upon her nakedness. He heard her quickly get out of the river not caring for modesty as she gathered her clothes. Most likely due to the ideas of nudity between humans and elves differing widely.

"Well now that you're finished, I might as well take a bathe to right." he chuckled turning his head the other way due to her immodesty at the moment.

"I do not care what you do as long as you stay ten feet away from me. I don't ever want you touching me again unless you want your fingers cut off one by one." she threatened as she walked past Anduin who made it a point to not look in her direction.

"So long as you do the same, I fear that I may lose my virginity at any moment." he laughed before he took off his trousers, but not before he heard her sit down on the sand.

"You aren't going to turn around? It's very improper." he asserted, blushing wildly he almost fell over out of pure shock alone.

"Like I said before, I don't not care what you do as long as you stay away from me." she stated as she began carving arrow tips from stone's she found on the rocky shore.

Anduin sighed " Fine." he said as he walked further along the river just out of eye site of Sylvanas. He didn't not thinking it proper for her to see him naked but he was pleased to say that the river was warm, washing the dirt and grim away from his face and body.

Back on the shore Sylvanas was trying her best to develop such a hate for the boy king that it would override what ever stopped her from killing him last night. She hated her weakness even the more, she had killed dozens of people before but why did she struggle to kill him?

"Such weakness is not acceptable." she grunted as she sharpened the arrow head, "When did I become so weak!"

Sylvanas sighed, she knew would give anything to go back to way things were before, she was bitter and full of hate but had servants catering to her every will and no one questioned her rule as warchief. Nathanos catered to her every need, well not the carnal desire that often plagued her at night. The lack of blood flow didn't fare to well with undead men who had their full bodies intact, it made sexual intercorse nearly impossible. As much as she would hate to admit it she would need a living breathing male for was brought out of her thoughts as she saw Anduin approach from afar, he seemed to have cleaned up well as the dirt and grim were same could be said for some of the cuts and scrapes, most likely healed by himself.

"All cleaned up." he smiled seeing the distressed look on her face as she got up, he noticed she had opted to braid her hair into a long ponytail, a tactical advantage to help with survival.

"Hmmm it suits you." Anduin commented motioning to her hair.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, "I don't are you going to understand that boy kin-" she said but was cut short as her heart began to beat again but this time it was rapid and constant. She slightly stumbled back grabbing her chest.

Anduin had a bewildered look on his face as he sprung to her side to help her up but was quickly dismissed.

"I will only warn you once boy king!" she huffed " Dont touch me." she shouted as stormed back to their camp.

"What in the world is going on?" Anduin exclaimed as he followed her.

Sylvanas who was yards away from Anduin began panicking, her heart began to pump even faster and it didn't stop which frightened her to no frantically gathered her things, ruffling through the camp like a madwoman.

"I have to get away from him! I will not be turned back into the living, especially not by him!"She hissed before she hunched over in pain and couged wildly until she did something she hasn't done in years, it had been almost foreign to her as she felt air enter and leave her lungs. It was incredible painfully as she began coughing wildly and black blood began to pour out of her mouth.

Anduin who had just entered the camp ran to her side in an instant, she was clearly losing conscious and clearly unresponsive, however she was doing something that shocked Anduin, her chest was moving up and down. Something that indicated that she was…

"Your breathing!" he exclaimed as she quickly came to and moved out of his arms quickly geting to her looked just as shocked as he was and there was no denying it now, he found out and she couldn't hide it.

"Damn you!" she almost cried as she gathered the rest of her things and ran off with anduin right behind her. He already had his things and had been prepared to go so he had no problem chasing her down.

"She is fast" Anduin thought, he could barely keep up as she jogged for what seemed like forever as he followed her through the brush.

"Sylvanas wait up, you have to be careful" he yelled hoping she would stop but to no avail. Anduin was nearly exhausted, he used most of his mana from yesterday and he had to get something to eat or else he would lose consciousness. Just as he thought she had gotten to far ahead of him he almost stumbled over Sylvanas as she came to a sudden stop.


"Great now that you stopped we can.."He said but gasped at when they both laid there eyes on a city in ruins. Anduin had seen something similar on Argus or outland the land had been completely devoid of life, nothing left.

" So much destructuction, it reminds me of what the scourge did to villages and towns when they attacked." She said as she walked among the ruins with Anduin behind her. She could see discarded skeletons of some type of she couldn't make out whether they were humanoid or not.

"By the looks of it this was a Eredar city." he commented as they saw empty and destroyed buildings larger than anything they have ever seen.

"You may be right boy," she replied slightly jumping over what looked like a small vehicle.

Anduin paused to look over at one of the Skeletons, he gently picked up the skull and showed it to Sylvanas. "This is female Eredar skull."

Sylvanas eyes moved over the skull before she shrugged her shoulders in disinterest. "I guess you're right for once boy king."

" I have seen far to much death in my short time of living to not notice it," he sighed before seeing her roll her eyes.

"Boy I have lived your life time many times over, there will be more death to come. Especially when we make it back to Azeroth." she replied.

"And that's supposed to be a good thing?" He asked before he shook his head in disappointment, "I want there to be a day in which the cycle of hate between our fractions is over, I'm not so naive to think that death would cease, but I would at least like to see all of the races on azeroth stop killing each other before I die" he stated.

"Then you are very naive to think that will ever happen, the cycle of hate will always be there." she said defiantly.

"We will see about that…" he challenge her before he heard something behind him.

"Boy watch out!" Sylvanas shouted, notching an arrow on her bow and releasing a shot.

Anduin ducked just in time to see an arrow blow past his head by mere inches and strike the creature.

"Thank you" he sighed before he turned around to see the creature still moving which prompted him to deliver the final blow with his sword.

"What is that disgusting thing!" she exclaimed, the creature had three heads and looked like the deformed rats she saw frequently in undercity. However this creature was nearly the size of a dog.

"If those things are running around this place we don't want to camp here"Anduin replied as he readied himself for a fight.

"But what could have made it deformed like that?" she wondered, bending over to examine the creature.

"Valen had told me the legion often visited planets, They used dark magic to transform the creatures to aid them in that is what happend here."Anduin said theorized

" I saw many disgusting creatures on Argus many of times.I always thought it somewhat disturbing that the legion could change a planet so drastically in just a few years" she said.

Anduin felt several raindrops on his head which signaled another storm was coming. And now that he thought about it, it did rain a lot on this have something to do with the legion damaging a planet's weather as well? Anduin suddenly saw Sylvanas ready her bow giving him signal to be prepared for a fight.

" I don't intend to protect you little lion cub." Sylvanas said as heard more creatures approach from the ruins.

"Oh lady windrunner I intend to protect you, after all it's a knight's job to protect the women in distress is it not?" he chuckled, raising his sword as five plus creatures attacked from all sides.

Anduins quick reflects served him well as he used his sword to cleave a creature in out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sylvanas with amazing quickness shoot two creatures splitting their heads in two. He had always heard the windrunner's possessed almost a Godly ability with a bow but this was ridiculous.

"Can't keep up man child?" she snorted, jumping over a creature who aimed for her legs and delivered a crushing blow with her dagger.

"The score is 3 to 5 lady windrunner, I will not be out done." he smiled before he kneed the creature in the face and swung his sword in an upward motion bisecting the deformed animal.

Anduin turned around, putting his sword over his creatures blood had splattered all over him but he was fine nonetheless." 4 to 5 Lady windrunner" he said before three arrows flew past his head.

Sylvanas smirked, " 4 to 8 boy king."

Anduin chuckled, "Well that looks like all of them." he said observing the dead creatures.

Sylvanas took the opportunity to pick her arrows out of the dead carcass of the animals and placed them back in her quiver. She knew she couldn't afford to waste any arrows and in her survival situation every shot counted.

"We should find a place to camp tonight, far away from these beast" she said.

Anduin sighed as he felt the rain began to pour down, he knew he needed to find a furry animal to make leather skins out of. He would sooner die of exposure than any arrow from Sylvanas.

'Your right" he replied, noticing her sudden struggle to stand on her feet, "You're clearly not okay!" he shouted as he came to her knew something was wrong when she didn't even have enough strength to fight him off.

"What is happening to me?" she gasped before everything went black.

"Hang on Sylvanas!" Anduin said as he carried her in his arms back to there old camp, the rain had completely soaked the two of them and Anduins legs felt like his muscles fibers were ripping apart. He ran as fast as he could and figured it had to have been a five mile track back to camp. Although he used his powers to augment his physical endurance, it came at a cost. He could barely hold Sylvanas as he placed her on the bed of leaves he made.

"I gotta start this fire!" he said, hoping that some of the coals were still hot to the touch despite the rain. Anduin silently thanked the light as he used the remaining coals and some wood to start another fire to warm himself. A loud groan caught his attention as he saw Sylvanas unconsciously intake a large breath of air, which was still new to him, he even felt her heart beat when he carried her back to camp.

" I didnt even think this was possible, although I am touched by the light I never thought I was strong enough to.." Anduin trialed off before he heard Sylvanas wake up.

Sylvanas eyes shot open to see a warm fire by her side and Anduin nearby warming himself by the embers. He had a very concerned look on his face as his eyes focused on her. Clearly much time had past as she could see the three moons on the night sky shine bright.

" I must have passed out in my ridiculous weakness!" She muttered bitterly under her breath hoping Anduin wouldn't catch it but to avail as he cleared his throat.

" You're being brought back to life aren't you Sylvanas." he said calmly as he watched the fire burn bright.

Sylvanas knew there was no point in denying it, she had always been a very intelligent sane individual. However emotionally she couldn't come to grips with this new condition, she had been dead for so long that she almost forgot what is was like to be alive again. She felt like she was betraying her kin, they didn't have anyway out of the curse that was undeath. She hated the fact that this boy held such a power over her that it could bring her body back to life and all without her permission.

" I hate you so much." she muttered as she turned to look at him in the eyes, " You didn't give me a choice, you took something from me!"

Anduin became angry at what she was saying, never and all of his years of living had he ever forced someone into something they didn't want to do not even his servants. " I didn't do it on purpose, I had no idea it would happen!"

"So your story you told was false then boy!"

"No I had just assumed it was a miracle wrought by the Light! I didn't think it was possible for everyday use, if you wanted to stay undead I wouldn't have forced you to be alive again, that's cruel" he shouted.

"Evil human, you wanted me to be alive again so you could impregnate me! Oh how glorious would it be, great Alliance king Anduin touched by the light brings the undead witch Sylvanas windrunner back to life and gives her a child out of kindness, great way to end the war! And surely something your stupid alliance races would eat up and praise you for !' She replied, nearly exhausted from yelling. It had been so long since she had used air to yell that her lungs were very weak.

Anduin suddenly got up as he brought his face mere inches from hers. " Like I said before I would never force that on if you ever did get pregnant by me it would be because I love you and you love me, not because I want the scribes to validate my achievements. Unlike you, I dont view sex as meaningless and just a way to fulfill physical desire. I follow the custom loving each other in marriage and sex as a way to express that great love and bare children!" he seethed cearly running out of patience.

"Oh how pious of you Anduin!" she glared, " The forsaken will never accept a living ruler!"

" That is not something you need to worry about right now, we have to get off this planet or at least get somewhere safer. Whatever is going on is taking a huge toll on you" Anduin sighed.

" Don't you think I know that!" she blurted out, " It feels like I'm breathing through a tube right now."

"What else has been going on?" he asked out of concern.

"Like you care!"

"Sylvanas if I didn't care I wouldn't be asking you, we are trying to survive together! I need to know what's bothering you. Whether you like it or not we are in this together, at least until we make it back home. I'm sorry that this happened to you and it should have been your choice."

Sylvanas sighed, she just didn't know what to think anymore, she hated the boy king but he was right. She knew that he was many things but a liar wasn't one of them. But what was she to do about her condition?

" Whatever" she muttered as she laid down, " I… I have a constant heart beat now, my breathing is labored" she bitterly confessed.

"What else?" he asked.

She slightly turned over to face the fire, " I can feel temperature and and pain."

"When did you start to feel temperature?" Anduin questioned.

"When I woke up, after I assumed you carried me, I felt the heat from the fire immediately."

Anduin shook his head and sighed, " I'm sorry to have caused you great pain and I mean that."

Sylvanas didn't respond as she saw him get up and place a hand on her head which caused to move back.

"Relax I'm just checking to make sure you don't have a fever."

"Fine, but make it quick I don't want your filthy hands on me." she said said.

"One more thing" Anduin said before he checked her pulse on her right arm, it was weak but consistent and her breathing although hard was very noticeable.

"It looks like your brain functions are coming back, at least the ones that make you breathe, but I have a question. How are you able to talk and such while being dead?"

She shook her head at his ignorance, " My spirit is controlling my body like a puppet on is different for a living being such as yourself, your spirit and body are one until death."

"So your spirit is being sucked back into your body and your cells and organs are being reanimated" Anduin said with interest as he moved his hand under his chin.

" unfortunately."

Anduin swallowed almost nervously as he asked her this question. " How long until you will be fully reanimated."

She glared at him with hate in her eyes before she calmed down, thinking it not wise to rile herself up in this condition, " If what you said is true, than I assume not very long.. You seemed to be very strong in the light, again to my detriment "

" Well, I will be here for you, the faster you get up on your feet the better. I think there may be survivors on this planet and hopefully they can give us the answers we need."

" Again I hat-" muttered but was cut short as Anduin gathered her in his arms, "Didn't I say don't touch me Anduin!" Sylvanas spat with little energy as she punched him in the face, but it was to weak as it barely made his face move.

"Relax lady windrunner, you can barely walk in your condition. I'm only aiding you, after all I feel responsible for this. So I will make it my aim to care for you despite your hate for me and then we can move forward and get back to azeroth." he smiled, sitting her down gently.

"Just trust me" he chuckled before he gave her a thumbs up and sat on the other side of the shelter.

Sylvanas was upset, angry, bitter she couldn't deny the fact that she couldn't walk anywhere at the moment.

"Maybe you may have some use after all Anduin." she whispered to herself before she watched Anduin yawn and let sleep take him.