

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Anduin cradled Sylvanas head in between his lap, silently thanking the light for not only her well being but also the lives of their children.

" Thank you Sylvanas, you saved many lives today." He whispered, moving a strand of hair from her face before he suddenly saw her eyes flicker open.

Sylvanas gasped for air, reaching for Anduin, slowly but surely remembering what happened. As tears started to form in her eyes, almost every bit of emotion flooding her mind. She knew she had to take Nathanos life but she also acknowledged her wrongdoing in his creation. How many more lives would she have to take in atonement for her past sins?

Almost reading her thoughts, Anduin brought her closer. " Its okay, I understand Slyvanas you had to."

" But I killed him Anduin!" She cried, bringing her hands to her face in agony.

" You knew he wouldn't stop his quest for vengeance. It had to be done Sylvanas!" He reassured her.

Sylvanas shook her head, " Anduin after I saved you he was no longer a threat! Maybe I could have talked to him or perhaps…" she cried.

He put his arm on her shoulder, kissing her on the cheek. " Sometimes people can't be reasoned with Slyvanas. My job as a light wielder is to preserve life as much as I can but even I know when the time comes to end it. Especially when it's a threat to you or our children in your whom."

" How many more Anduin? How many more of my old comrades will not listen and I'm forced to use this devastating power." She whispered, scared of what laid dormant in her soul.

Anduin slowly moved his fingers to catch a tear falling from her face. " Whatever it takes to protect what you love and to uphold peace." He smiled.

Slyvanas looked to meet his eyes and then smiled." Your right."She said, wiping the tears from her face.

Anduin nodded in agreement but then paused as a realization set upon him. "What are you going to do now?"He asked.

Slyvanas paused for some moments,gathering her thoughts before she answered.

"Well I have to get back to silvermoon by now and my presence is needed, I feel as though my actions will have a rippling effect. Especially with Thandor leading the forsaken, Nathanos was rash but Thandor is sick and he has to be stopped." She answered.

Anduin helped Slyvanas to her feet upon hearing her declaration. " Sounds like a plan but you must be wary of my love. Soon you will be showing more and weight gain cannot be blamed."

Sylvanas sighed, she knew that soon enough her leadership position would be taken away from her one way or another but who could stop Thandor? Or rather had the confidence to stand against him? She doubted Lor'themar's willingness to confront the new leader of the forsaken and as long as he didn't outright attack the blood elves why should he interfere.

" I understand Anduin, but what about when it's time for me to have the children! Where would we go?" She sighed.

Anduin pondered upon hearing her question and then an idea suddenly hit him. " We will go to away my dear or specifically outland, spend a year taking care of our children. Then we will come back stronger and more prepared to end this war once and for all."

" Are you sure this will work Anduin, where will our children stay, who will care for them?" She asked, dreading even thinking about having to leave her unborn babies behind.

" Your younger sister can take care of them Sylvanas, she will understand. It has to be done if not for the safety of our family but for the good of Azeroth." He assured her.

She relented her worries but she still had her doubts,she would have some very hard decisions to make. Sylvanas knew her love for the forsaken people did waver or fade despite her transformation. Even with her new life, she yearned to lead them to safety and not destruction. However she knew it may be in vein as many forsaken still held a deep seated hatred of living beings or perhaps was it jealousy and envy? No one wanted to be undead, it's a horrible experience and she wouldn't wish upon anyone nor would she inflict it upon the living as she did in the past. But once an individual was raised and no longer able to live the life they knew or experience the sensations of life it would make most bitter and hateful.

" It seems as though we are hitting treacherous waters Anduin. I can only hope the forsaken will listen to reason or else I would have to raise my bow against them." She feared but was embraced by her husband who seemed to melt her anxiety away if only for a few seconds.

" Nothing we can't handle my love, you were a capable leader in the past and will be in the future. You even gave me trouble several times when you were of the Queen of forsaken people. Often leaving me staying up late past midnight seeking a way to decrypt your battle plans or simply guessing to the best of my ability."

" Well little lion, I had to make it hard for you and your alliance dogs." She laughed before reaching into her pocket to get a hearthstone.

Anduin shook his head. "You drive me mad woman." He smiled.

" It was my job before we were together and don't expect that to change now that we're a family little lion." She said, using her hands to caress his face. " I love you Anduin, never forget that."

" As do I my dear windrunner." Anduin said as he was saddened by the fact that they had to part ways but they knew it was for the best. He would painfully miss her, this he knew but it would be worth the wait.

Slyvanas kissed Anduin passionately before they broke apart. Giving each other one last look of understanding before she ported away using the hearthstone.

" I love that woman." Anduin sighed as he suddenly heard many alliance troops calling his name. He silently thanked the light when Sylvanas had left when she did,it would certainly be hard to explain a situation like that to his troops.


" By the sunwell it feels like my insides are doing jumping jacks." She complained as she observed her surroundings to see that she was in her room. By her estimates everything had been left in place since a week ago, however, she needed to be thorough. To trust anyone in this city would be a dangerous mistake as some Quel dori were loyal to the dark rangers due to there kin being raised as undead.

" I'll have to check the…" She said before she staggered to the urn to empty out her stomach. "Morning sickness." She said, wiping her mouth.

" These half elves need to come already," She mumbled, thinking it better to lay on her bed to get some much needed rest.

Slyvanas was more than exhausted, she didn't expect her visit to Anduin to cause so much stress in her life. How could they even manage a family let alone the weight of both fractions?

"My life has become more complicated and stressful but I wouldn't change anything." She thought to herself as sleep finally took her.


" We shall write fables of your legends king Anduin!When even the light brings an avenging angel to save you, we must know that you a blessed!" Genn Greymane exclaimed giving Anduin a much needed pat on the back.

After the soldiers had found Anduin they ported him back to the base camp which overlooked the ruins of Darnassus. He didn't have any injuries besides some bumps and bruises but overall he was fine. Although he didn't expect Genn to meet him there and much less did he expect Tyrande to thank him in person despite their disagreements.

" You did well Anduin, you risked your life for my people like a true king and for that you have my thanks." She said, giving Anduin a nod of approval.

" No need Tyrande, it's my duty as king to aid those in need no matter what race they are or where they come from." He replied.

" And the blightcaller is dead?" She asked.

" I must know as well Anduin, did he pay for his crimes?" Genn said, sitting on the edge of his seat in anticipation.

Anduin paused for a few brief moments before answering. He knew that he could not tell the whole truth but perhaps without mentioning a certain name he could answer their question.

" Yes the avenging angel consumed him to dust." He answered to Genn and Tyrande's delight.

" When you have made life itself your enemy, it will consume you! I may not know much about your haman light but I know it has a holy will. Nathanos paid for his crimes in full, now it's time for the Queen of the undead to pay as well." Tyrande declared.

" Let it be so." Genn added on.

Anduin could only nod his head, knowing that he could not speak ill of his wife and the mother of his children. Although they were right about Nathanos he needed to die but would he have felt the same way i f was Slyvanas if she was still in her crazed state? Perhaps he himself was very partial and biased in the lights will and order of things.

" But more importantly all of the Kaldori who were under the control of the forsaken have been set free and passed on to the after life. Thank you king Anduin." She smiled, before giving him a kiss on both cheeks before saying her goodbyes leaving both Genn and Anduin surprised.

" I think she fancies you my boy, she may be a little bit older than you but still looks quite beautiful and a little on the tall side but go at it Anduin!" Genn chuckled.

Anduin shook his head laughing." Number one she is married, two she is much older than I am, like thousands of years and last but not least i'm not interested."

" Oh Anduin her and Malfurion havent had sex in a thousand years, trust me a worgan knows. Besides,word goes around that he fancy tress more than his own wife." Genn laughed, kneeling over in his seat

" I am a holy priest of the light and will not commit adultery and Genn…"

" I'm married to Sylvanas windrunner!" he wanted to say out loud but couldn't. By the light! Anduin could smell alcohol on his father figure, was he drunk? Perhaps celebrating the death of Nathanos to much.

" Oh no Anduin are the rumours true,are you.."

" No genn i'm not a homosexual." Anduin said slightly annoyed at Genn's immature behavior for a man in his eighties.

" I'm only joking dear boy I know you're not into that stuff but I do know that you fancy elven women. Now I'm not saying you commit adultery but be on the lookout in incase things go south between Tyrande and malfurion. Hopefully you won't be an old man by then." He smiled, giving anduin a light nudge in his ribs before he left the young king alone in his tent.

" Genn is too much to deal with sometimes." Anduin sighed as he turned over in his bed. However before he went to sleep he had to look at the report Genn left on his table.

"Looks like trouble in Kul tres." He mumbled, reading the report which told him that much work was ahead of him. But for now he needed rest.


"Slyvanas wake up! We have a situation on our hands. " a voice said from behind her door as the windrunner was raised from her sleep.

" What in the hells, I haven't even gotten eight hours of sleep and already something needs my attention!" She hissed as she got up to answer the door.

" What is it Lor'themar?" She asked in annoyance, seeing the leader of the blood elves wearing a very concerned and worried look on his face.

" Thandor has announced independence from the Horde and is launching an attack on Kul tres." He said, having his answer only confuse her all the more.

" Let the fool bring himself to destruction, why should we care?"

" He has taken many of our vessels, demanding that you and other high ranking Quel dori leaders aid him in battle or he will burn our navy to the ground!"

Sylvanas jaw grew tighter, anger seeping through her face. What right did he have to leave Sivlermoon defenseless and how did he even acquire the Silvermoon navy in the first place? Did they not know that he was an enemy or did.."

" He is lying they are not being held hostage, but I do fear that there loyalty lies elsewhere Lor' themar."

" What do you mean?" He asked, fearing the worst.

" I mean that you lose most of your navy due to his former ties with high ranking admirals that lead the navy. He may be a pain in the side but he certainly is charismatic. Lor'themar it's a trap to challenge our position and a chance for him to dethrone us without spilling a single drop of blood."

" By the sun! How did you know?"

Slyvanas smirked, almost proud of Thandor, after all impersonation was the best form of flattery. " Because it's something that I would do Lor'themar, if you win the people you don't have to kill their leaders, especially when the people lose confidence in them." She said.

" So what do we do?"

" Let's just see who can be more charismatic my old friend, my guess is that he convinced them of the inaction of your leadership will be there downfall in the future. We already have low population rates and that would be enough to scare anyone into believing whatever that fool says."

" How we do stop that bastard." He asked in confusion, knowing that violence would only help Thandor.

" Simple my old Friend, we meet Thander and beat him at his own game."She smirked.

" Will it work Sylvanas? It could be our end." He replied.

" No one can beat me in igniting a crowd, it's about winning the hearts and minds of the people ." She replied but did she still have it in her? Sylvanas knew she wasn't the same person as she was three years ago but that edge and aggressiveness was still there, she just had to harness it.

" When do we leave?" Lor'themar asked, but also inwardly hoping that her plan worked. The horde was already divided and he didn't need his own people doing the same thing. It would most certainly bring destruction upon Silvermoon.

" First and foremost I have to get some sleep. I can't go before our people looking exhausted as it will only help his twisted cause. Wake me in eight hours and where are we to meet Thandor?" She asked.

" Tirisfal Glades."

" Very wise of Thandor but it will be his undoing, leave me Lor'themar I have much to think about and prepare." She said before he said his goodbyes. Sylvanas quickly began to think of what to say but something kept bothering her and Anduin choose not to say anything about it, maybe perhaps because it's not anything he had seen before.

Sylvanas brought her eyes back to the eredar markings on her arm and hand, they looked different now and were in the shape of strange looking angelic wings. This was the same power she had used to destroy Nathanos, the power was heavy and like her old banshee queen form, this power was awe inspiring but certainly scared her. She acquired this power from the Eredar who worshiped the naru, who at times had a small tyrannical like complex when it came to the darker side of things as Anduin confessed to her. She didn't like it, being used as a conduct for their will.

"Perhaps, I could use this power for the good of Azeroth." She whispered, letting exhaustion bring her to slumber.


Hey guys were are going into the final arc it's been a good ride but don't worry at least 5 more long chapters before it ends and then I will write a new story about Anduin and Sylvanas. Until next time and happy 4th. have a safe and graceful weekend.