

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Video Games
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24 Chs


" This feels agonizing!" Sylvanas gasped as she stalked her way through the night elven forest. She knew she had little time before Anduin and his soldiers would walk into an ambush. Her husband's life was at great risk,along with the other soldiers as well.

Sylvanas let out another laboured breath, she knew she couldn't fight hand to hand but she could take out targets at a distance. She just had to find a vantage point in the tree line. But how much time did she have?

" Anduin." Sylvanas whispered as she pushed further into the Kaldorei forest undetected, desperately at the mercy of her pregnancy and time. " Just one more mile." Sylvanas thought quitely, or at least she hoped it was just a mile. Her ranger instincts were usually correct, however her senses had become dull lately, of course due to the new lives she was carrying and the lack of training the past two months

Suddenly she heard the faint sounds of marching in the distance, her elven ears being a blessing as she was able to hear the marching through the heavy droplets of rain.

" Almost there." She sighed, Sylvanas knew she couldn't keep this up for long. Becoming deathly sick from exposure was a huge risk along with becoming an easy target for a dark rangers stalking the forest. But strangely enough Sylvanas was slightly overcome with memories of this place. She remembered the horribly screaming coming from Kaldorei civilians as they burned alive. The soldiers begged for mercy, begged that she let the children go and all she did was laugh as she put the remaining sentinels out of their misery. Sylvanas would like to think that she had been so far detached from that life but she knew she would only be fooling herself. It had only been three years since that fateful day not decades or centuries. She may have moved on but to expect this world to move on was another thing altogether.

"Halt!" A voice boomed in the distance, alertering Sylvanas to the alliance soldiers. Through the treeline she could only get a glimpse of the alliance forces but if she could find an overlook she would be in striking distance. She quickly observed her surroundings, looking for an opportunity to find a more suitable tree to climb. Sylvanas knew she had to hurry as she heard the movements of troops and other machines of war ready their weapons around the battlefield.

" Here it is!" Sylvanas exclaimed, as she came upon a tree which held many limbs. She had a hunch they could hold her added weight but she wasnt one hundred percent sure.

" What the hells!" Sylvanas gasped,using all of her upper body strength to rise herself above the limbs. Little by little she made her way to the top as her quiver and arrows rattled behind her back. Beads of sweat dripped down her face, exhaustion taking over but she was ever the more determined to fight.

The battlefield.

"Troops hold your line! Be steady and strengthen your knees!" Anduin shouted from the top of his lungs. After a long hard march Anduin and his troops finally arrived at the battlefield,which were the decayed ruins of the night elven tree Teldrassil."If only we had been here to stop this from ever happening in the first place. If only Sylvanas hadn't made that horrible decision!" Anduin whispered under his breath.

Yes,he knew he loved her but he also hated her past decisions that wreaked havoc on Azeroth. But he knew she wasn't that woman anymore and she was his wife and the mother of his children.

" Sir all of our troops are ready for battle just give the order." The night elven sentinel said as she stood behind him.

" Good I will give the order when ready. But something feels off general" Anduin confessed. In the distance he could see a few forsaken troops along with some orcs and trolls. But by his count there weren't enough of their number to defend a garrison, let alone a battlefield.

" Perhaps they saw our overwhelming force and left a few forces to defend their retreat my king." The sentinel stated," My recon team tells me that nothing has been out of order for the last few days but they haven't been able to get closer to the horde forces."

" I understand but I believe the light is telling me something, a warning of sorts. But the light will be with us regardless of what happens." Anduin sighed knowing there wasn't a sure way to find out.

"Yes my king." The elven warrior said as she gave orders to the rest of her troops.

" Sylvanas." Anduin whispered, he wished this didn't have to happen, he longed to be with his wife in the comfort of his home. To hold her in his arms and rub his hands along her pregnant stomach. Anduin wished to hear her witty remarks and her sarcastic comments. It had only been a few hours and yet he already missed her,by the light how could he stand another half a year when she has to go back to her governing duties in the hord? In addition to giving birth to their twins. Many questions still plagued Anduins mind, frequently about their future more than anything else and he knew that sooner or later he would have to make a decision between his people or his family. He knew this decision was not anything to take lightly, he knew that whichever one he decided could have lastly consequences but at the end of the day. " I would choose the love of my life and my family." Anduin whispered to himself.

" Sir you may give the order." Anduin heard.

He inwardly sighed, Anduin hated this war and even more so taking life but it had to be done. This was a just cause and a righteous battle although he felt pity for his enemy but he felt more saddened for the Kaldorei, who were forcefully raised from the dead against their will. This was the reason why they were here in the first place, to put them to rest, bring them peace. Anduin became all the more determined at this realization.

The young king put on his helmet before he gave the order. " Charge!" Anduin shouted in an almost lion like roar as the rest of his troops did the same and the war horns released there cry in unison. Anyone within the area felt as though an earthquake was taking place as the two forces clashed and the bloody battle began. In the heat of the battle each fraction used devastating magic to destroy their foe. Fire burned through groups of men as well as arcane magic which tore bodies limb from cracked and split apart as orcs and trolls alike became consumed in the rubble. Human paladins used there holy magic to burn and turn many forsaken soldiers into dust. Aduin looked upon all of this and sighed as he knew that this war would turn everyone into monsters. However he knew this was not a good mindset to have in the thick of battle, it could be his downfall.

" Die boy king!" A voice hissed as Anduin dodged a blade aimed for his neck. He quickly parried the blade again as he finally turned to face his foe. A seven foot tall jungle troll stood against him, a warrior by the looks of his armor and axe. Anduin quickly readied his sword as he charged the troll with a series of quick strikes.

"Dammit!." Anduin shouted as the troll in turn blocked all of his strikes and sent a fury of counter attacks almost crushing Anduins blade under the trolls emise power.

" I shall present your head to my people on a stake boy king!" The troll taunted before he attacked again with a powerful kick sending Anduin tumbling across the field. Now on the ground Anduin knew he was vulnerable and a sitting duck as he quickly rolled out of the way of the trolls last attack.

" I didn't expect you to be so fast!" The troll shouted, " Why don't you give me a real fight instead of running and avoiding alliance filth!"

" Fine." Anduin smiled as he channeled holy light into the palm of his hand and launch a torrent of power into the trolls chest sending him twenty or more feet back.

" Gets them every time." Anduin chuckled as he quickly observed the battlefield. Something wasn't right, they were winning but not in the way he expected. This was to easy almost like it was...

"Ambush!" A sentinel shouted as dark rangers and forsaken archer's suddenly appeared around the battlefield forming a u position that quickly surrounded the alliance soldier's.

" They must have dug trenches around the battlefield before the battle and hide in them using the brush from the forest. Dammit must have been the mud and more debris from the storm! We would have never seen them." Another sentinel shouted before an arrow lodged itself in her shoulder. " We need to move now!" She groaned, forcefully removing the arrow from her shoulder.

A hail storm of arrows came flying down unto the battlefield as the alliance numbers began to dwindle. Anduin watched in horror as many of his comrades dropped to the ground as the arrows hit its mark. He knew the horde's plan had been perfect. "They had time to prepare around the graveyard and build this trench! We should used more information in the scouting report!" Anduin seethed, angry with not just himself but the situation at hand. But now was not the time to be angry only to lead his troops.

" Quickly get beside me!" Anduin shouted as he formed a doom of light, similar to the one he formed at the battle of lordaeron. Little by little more alliance soldiers and sentinels stumbled into the dome of light which protected them from the volley of arrows.

" You can't keep this up forever we need to retreat." The head general of the sentinels urged.

" Yes you are right, but how? Move an inch outside of the dome and were dead."Anduin asked to everyone horror.

The general sighed before answering, " My king this may be a situation where you would have to use a hearth stone while we stay." She said sadly, knowing the direct outcome.

" No a king must not leave his troops to die and become forsaken monsters! My duty is to protect my people!"

" My king you are the most important person in the alliance! Surely you would understand that, if we fall our families will mourn but the alliance will stay as one. If you die I fear that the only hope of peace will be gone." The general declared.

Anduin clenched his jaw but spoke in turn, "That is a last resort but for now I will do my duty and pray for a miracle to come while standing against evil!" Anduin shouted with determination.

The others nodded in recognition before they suddenly felt the dome shake.

" A regular arrow shouldn't be able to put a crack in a dome of holy light unless they are using…".Anduin explained.

" Shadow arrows! Brace yourselves for impact…" Another trooper shouted as the arrows pelted the dome of light.

" Light help us." Anduin groaned,strengthening the dome as more power surged through him. But he wondered how long could he protect his soldiers before time ran out.


"No it already started! Sylvanas gasped as she saw the ambush unfold. She had found her vantage point but she only had a bundle full of arrows. How could she possibly make an impact and save Anduin?

Suddenly she felt a torrent of emotions flow through her markings as they lit up bright red. She felt Anduin's fear, pain,doubt and faith all at once. Her heart beat faster as she saw the dome of light which house Anduin and the last remaining numbers of his troops. But time was short as the dark rangers and forsaken used shadow arrows to put cracks on the dome. Sylvanas knew time was short as the horde began to gain ground and surround the dome. Small and large holes began to appear as the dome began to shrink in size.

Tears began to swell around the ridges of her eyes, was this it? Would Anduin meet his death by the people she once called her allies and family. Would she again loose everything she held dear to her. Was this her punishment for her crimes? "Use your power young windrunner, do not become weak, stretch your arms and rain down death and righteousness upon your enemies. " She suddenly heard as a voice echoed from her quickly exhald, determination running through her veins as power engulfed her body and her eyes became bright gold.

" If we are to die today than it will be as a family and not me hiding away like a coward lost in despair. I am Sylvanas windrunner wrynn and I will not cower away in fear!" She said as she channeled the light from her fingertips into her bow, miraculously the bow and arrows became lightforged as she notched her arrow and fire powerful beams of light from her vantage point.

" You will not touch my husband!" She shouted as the arrows hit their targets and large explosions of holy light erupted around the battlefield. The hords force's became disorganized as chaos ensued and there trenches burned in holy fire. Forsaken and dark rangers alike disintegrated into dusk as arrow after arrow penetrated there bodies.

"What the hells is going on!"Nathanos gasped as his troops began to drop like flies and run away in fear. " Where are you bastards going?" He shouted as the forsaken forces took off running but didn't get far as most of them were killed shortly after. Nathanos quickly looked for a mount to escape but they had all been either destroyed or ran away in the mayhem. His dark rangers had all but scattered or died as he desperately looked for an escape. For the first time in decades Nathanos was truly alone.

Anduin released a sigh of relief and thanked the light. He was left astonished as beams of light bolted and shot across the battlefield. The lights terrifying power was on full display as most of the forsaken forces became dust before Anduins eyes.

" What's happening sir." A soldier asked in astonishment.

" A miracle." Anduin smiled as his troops moved further up the battlefield, the beams of light making a way for them as they moved to heal the injured or raise the dying.

" Not so fast boy king!" Nathanos snarled as he lassowed a rope around Anduin neck and rug him in. " Touch me and he dies alliance dogs!" Nathanos spat as he held a knife to Anduin throat, the alliance troops quickly lowered there weapons in turn not wanting to test the blightcallers word.

" Call off what your doing now boy king! The light burns my troops!" He shouted into Anduin ear.

" I am not the one who is doing this Blightcaller! Surrender, your troops are all but dead or have ran away. You are the only one left, you have my word that you will be treated fairly." Anduin replied only to fell the blade cut slightly into his skin.

" I rather die than rot in the stockades awaiting family helped build those stockades before you were even born boy! I will take your life before I even see…"

" Put him down now Nathanos!" Sylvanas declared as she floated down from her vantage point, golden wings sprouting from her back. Her cloak flying back, revealing her bright crimson markings along her body and platinum blond hair that seemed to defy gravity,leaving onlookers astonished. To everyone watching she was akin to a valkyrie with an angelic bow. But Sylvanas bright golden eyes had an almost blinding effect to them.

" What are you doing here? I told you to stay the light she is using avengers angel!" Anduin gasped, as he felt Nathanos grip grow weak.

" Sly…" Nathonos muttered before hs suddenly found himself and Anduin in a clearing away from the battlefield.

Anduin couldn't believe his eyes," She used transcendence light to get us away from the battlefield, I have only known Valen to use this spell!" Anduin exclaimed, " Perhaps she did this so the onlookers wouldn't know her identity." Anduin thought.

" I will not ask again! " Sylvanas voice boomed in a tone not her own, it almost sounded godly and raspey.

Nathanos quickly shed Anduin away before he tried to run but was caught by Sylvanas as she held him by the throat.

" I served you for years War chief!" He shouted only to feel his throat burn under her power.

" My name is Sylvanas Windrunner Wrynn and I'm not that monstrosity who became the war chief." Her voice enoched.

" But with him? The leader of the alliance,how? He is the enemy of the forsaken, a dirty alliance dog!" He cried out as she tightened her grip.

" He is far more of a leader than you will ever be Nathanos, I have heard of the forsakens attempts at raising Kaldorei servants of the undead. I am disgusted!"

Nathanos mouth hung open, clearly bewildered by her statements." But Sylvanas it was you who ordered it years ago. You outlined the plan in your orders!"

" I am not the same being anymore Nathanos and you will pay for your crimes!" She retorted.

Nathanos shook his head, " And what about you dark lady? Will you pay for crimes? After all you have more blood on your hands than me! You made me what I am today, I was dead before you raised me for your own selfish purposes. You made me like this!" Nathanos sethed as tears feel from his eyes.

Sylvanas slowly exhalled, of course this would finally come to the surface. Eventually Anduin would have found out but she didn't want to tell him for the fear that he wouldn't see her in the same light.

" Sylvanas is this true? Did you order the fallen Kaldorei to be raised as undead?" Anduin gasped.

Tears began to fall from her eyes, " Before we were transported to that world, even before lordaeron, I did order my forces to do unspeakable things Anduin. I'm not proud of what I've done and my sins of the past have come back to haunt me. Nathanos I did have a part in your maling but you choose to serve me in darkness."

Nathanos chuckled sadly, " Like I had a choice in the matter, you would have killed me if I didn't serve you! What makes you so special? Why do you get to have a new life while the rest of us forsaken await eternal damnation! You get to live the rest of your thousand year life span and have a wonderful family, like you never wrought horror on this world! Like you never had a part in these dark deeds. Like you never burned children even when I didn't want to do it! Hell's I even questioned your orders! You will always be the dark lady Sylvanas, no matter if you have a new body. Now you're on a high horse of virtue and morality and of course with your powers of the so called holy light!" He seethed, feeling the grip on his throat tightening." How can you ever amind for your sins Sylvanas Windrunner? I reckon you have more blood on your hands than anyone on Azeroth. Your just like Arthas and even in death he has made you the perfect apprentice."

Sylvanas suddenly became weak at his words,part of what Nathanos was saying was true. How could she possibly amid for her sins of the past? Would she always be a monster? She made Nathanos what he is today and even she would have to admit that there were few differences between Arthas and herself before her change. But as doubt crept in she heard Anduin voice speak through the chaos.

" I understand that you have done horrible things Sylvanas but you are not that person anymore. You see the good in humanity and no longer hold any bitterness or hatred. You stopped making life your enemy and instead have embraced it fully. I don't have the answers on how you will move forward but I think I know where to start and that's to have a some faith in what you are now" Anduin smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Life will always be your enemy Sylvanas! Your sins are as deep as the ocean, Banshee queen!" Nathanos choked, attempting to claw at her fingers that held a vice like grip around his neck. The storm had suddenly picked up as thunder cracked across the sky and rain pelted them under its force. Sylvanas in all of her might looked like a divine Valkyrie as the wind blew past her hair.

She gave Nathanos a sad look which seemingly penetrated his very soul.

" Than I shall start repenting for my sins at once. I am deeply sorry for what I've done to you Nathanos and I hope that you find peace." Sylvanas cried, in the end she knew she had love for him. At least somewhere in the past but she used his love and devotion to twist him into what she was and is that really love?

" What do you mea…" Nathanos gasped as his body started to turn to dust little by little and he felt his body suddenly burn.

" Forgive me." She sobbed as her hand turned brighter and Nathanos body became engulfed in a bright light.

"No Dark lady! I lived to serve you!" He screamed before his body disintegrated and light exploded, causing Anduin to fly back.

Exhausted,Sylvanas dropped to her knees, her eyes catching a glimpse of Nathanos remains being carried away by the wind. Her lightforged form suddenly disappeared as she became normal again. However she fought to keep her eyes open as the last thing she saw was Anduin running to her side before she lost consciousness.