

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


" I have always hated large gatherings ." Sylvanas muttered as she passed through the crowds of different races that came to and from the portals in Dalaran's horde district.

Sylvanas knew she only had a few hours before returning to Silvermoon, however she had to see Anduin, surely he had to know she was with child. But her main agenda at the moment was finding Vereesa,who owned a small apartment in the North district of Dalaran. Sylvanas carefully made her way around the crowded streets of Dalaran but came to a stop as she saw something that made her blood turn cold and anger churned throughout her body.

"The remains of frostmourne…" She muttered as her eyes became fixed on the remnants of the cursed sword. The same sword that took her life and put a curse upon her that lasted for decades, her life had completely changed forever and at that time, she knew to be completely dead would be better.

" That sword has destroyed many lives, not just yours sister. " Alleria stated, coming besides Sylvanas.

" I know but many of those lives ended permanently , while others like myself were forced to serve that bastard in pain and agony. Death would be merciful compared to serving him, it's a wonder he didn't rape me in my time of service."

" Anduin had given you a new life, corrected what Arthas did, restored what was lost. I just hope you use this chance to repent of what you have done sister.' Alleria replied before hearing a scoff from Sylvanas.

" Like you are one to talk."

The elder windrunner shook her head, " I've done some questionable things in the past and I know they were wrong and I take full responsibility for them. However you sister, have a hard time doing that. Getting you to admit your wrong would be like pulling a tusk from an orcs mouth, which is nearly impossible." She chuckled.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Can we go now? I am sure our younger sister is waiting and I would hate to keep her waiting Alleria." Sylvanas spat before she turned to leave.

" lead the way sister." Alleria smiled as she followed behind, closely observing the way the wind blew her hair. Alleria was reminded of an old image just decades ago. She been following behind Sylvanas as she lead her first hunt, this sudden memory almost brought tears to her eyes. It was a nightmare to find out what happened to Sylvanas when she arrived back in Azeroth and her husband had to hold her for hours as she cried. But now things were different, she had her sister back but Alleria wondered if her mind would change also? Would she still remain vengeful and unstable or would a full change take place.

After some time they finally came upon Veressa apartment, it looked to be on the expensive side, no doubt from her time in the alliance.

" I assume this is her apartment?" Sylvanas asked as Alleria knocked on the door.

" Yes, but unfortunately she never answers the door on time. Last month I had been knocking for nearly ten minutes before she answered the door."

" I would think she would be busy caring for her boys Alleria, have patience." Sylvanas smirked.

Alleria raised an eyebrow, " Perhaps Anduin has taught you something."

" Oh shut up!" Sylvanas spat as the apartment door opened and to their surprise one of their nephews answered the door.

" Galaden, how are you?" Alleria asked as she saw her nephews bright smile.

" Aunty Alleria! " He exclaimed hugging her in a tight embrace before noticing Sylvanas.

" Aunty Sylvanas your not dead anymore!" He said before he suddenly hugged her leg.

" Yes I have noticed that Galaden.." Sylvanas sighed, returning the embrace which was strange for her. She had never been close with any of her nephews after all.

Alleria smiled, " Galaden where is your mother?" She asked.

Galaden raised an eyebrow, " She is in the back with my brother, he fell and scraped his knee so she tending to it, but please come in." Galaden said, welcoming in his aunts into the apartment.

"My mother made cookies." He happily stated, pointing to the warm batch of cookies that came out of the furnace.

" I guess I'll have one." Sylvanas replied before she placed one in her mouth and tasted the warm delicious chocolate.

" Since when do you like chocolate?" Veressa asked as she came out of her sons room.

" Since my dead body was restored! Would you mind your own business little sister. Respect your elders." Sylvanas replied, rolling her eyes and placing another cookie in her mouth.

" Must be the pregnancy." Alleria chimed in as Veressa chuckled.

" It would have to be, I have never known her to like chocolate. I distinctly remember her saying chocolate was disgusting." Veressa laughed.

Sylvanas sighed, " I think that I'm the only mature one here! Anyway did the boy king tell you what time he would be here?"

Veressa raised an eyebrow, " He told me he should be in Dalaran by the afternoon. But I would Imagine it would be somewhat difficult to escape his handlers, especially after his return. Anduin is resourceful enough sister. Don't worry, your husband that you miss so dearly will soon be in your arms."

Sylvanas huffed in annoyance before she sat on the she found out she was with child she had been suffering horrible stomach cramps and nausea. Sylvanas had sooner wanted to kill Anduin for what he had done to her rather then having this child. She suddenly caught a glimpse of her nephews playing in the other room and Sylvanas had been almost amazed to see that they resembled their father more than Veressa.

" I thought half elven children resembled the elven half more than the human half?" She asked her sisters. Knowing that they would have more information on the subject then probably any other high elf on Azeroth.

Alleria shrugged her shoulders, " It all depends on genes Sylvanas, some children resemble their elven parent while others take more after the human side. Arator takes more after me, while Galaden and Giramar take more after their father. I cannot tell you how your child will look sister."

"Point taken." Sylvanas said before all the occupants in the room heard a knock at the door. Suspicious of any activity that might reveal who her sister was Veressa decided to answer the door first.

She looked through the peephole to see a tall man with a hood on and familiar blond hair. Of course she knew it was Anduin but she had to be sure.

" Who comes to the throne to sit at the table with thieves?" She asked through the sliding part of the door.

" The little lion." Anduin said before she opened the door to reveal the alliance king who wore a large leather coat with a dark hood over his head.

" You look like a scoundrel." Veressa chuckled as Anduin removed his hood to reveal his face.

" That's was the idea Veressa, cant let anyone know." Anduin laughed, walking into the living room to see an exhausted looking Sylvanas who also wore a slight hint of annoyance on her face.

" Hello my dearest wife how are you?" Anduin chuckled as he got down on his knee to kiss her hand, which she quickly pulled away.

" You idiot shut up, you got my pregant you fool!" Sylvanas hissed but couldn't quite muster all of her usual anger because of her exhausted state.

Anduin wore a surprised look for a few minutes before he suddenly smiled, " I am happy to hear that Sylvanas, it brings me great joy."

" Your kidding right, Anduin do you know what this means?" Sylvanas said in disbelief at his relaxed attitude.

" Yes I know it could cause a big political debacle but I'm just happy you're carrying my child Sylvanas."

" I see, so your going to insist on being the fool you always have been, how did I get stuck with such an insufferable man child?"

" I see you two are playing nice." Alleria laughed.

"Nonsense Alleria, someone has to put this fool in his place." Sylvanas replied.

" Anduin how did you escape your handlers I'm sure they must be scared to death right now?" Alleria asked, noticing the need to change the subject.

Anduin gave her a small smile before sitting next to Sylvanas on the couch.

" I told them I will be taking a long nap and didn't wish to be disturbed until eight, also I placed pellows on my bed under some covers." Anduin chuckled.

" Are you sure it will work until you're back?" Veressa asked.

Anduin shrugged his shoulders, "light willing yes."

"Enough small talk Anduin, what news do you have from the war front? I hope my forces aren't putting to much pressure on your toops."

" Sylvanas this is not a game, people's lives are at risk." Anduin reprimanded her softly.

She rolled her eyes in response, " Yes including my life and your child's. It has come to my attention or rather I heard reports that kaldorei rangers have been spotted on the border of Quel'thalas, know anything about that husband?"

Anduins swallowed a lump in his throat before he spoke. " Yes Tyrande came and saw me before I left. She is quite vengeful for the burning of her people. She says she won't rest until she sees you dead. Of course this is something I cannot allow under any circumstances. But be careful Sylvanas don't do anything rash, it's not just your life that's at stake anymore." He finished, motioning towards her stomach.

Sylvanas smirked. " So the purple tree hugging queen and her underlings want my head. I almost feel flustered, don't worry Anduin I'll watch my back to protect not only myself and your stupid bloodline But do you mind answering one question?" She asked softly.

" Sure what is it…" Anduin replied but was cut short as Sylvanas held a dagger to his neck.

" Did you sleep with that wench Anduin! I could have sworn I felt something through are markings. Tell me the truth and I'll promise I'll only cut your penies off! She yelled.

" Sylvanas! By the sun well my children are near!" Vereesa's exclaimed.

" Sylvanas, calm down. He is the father of your child and the king of stormwind!" Alleria urged.

" You think I care about his kingdom, I want to see it burn to the ground if I could be honest. He has a fetish for elven women of any color and height,I'll have you all know that he is a big pervert. I have the sinking feeling she wants to screw him as well. I rather have you dead than let any women especially a kaldorei queen whore like Tyrande have you!" Sylvanas hissed.

"Sylvanas relax, I would never do anything like that to betray your trust. I made a commitment and I will honor it." Anduin said truthful and with a calmness that most would envy.

' You had better." Sylvanas replied before giving him a small cut on his cheek and putting her dagger back in her bag.

" Was that really necessary?' You could have asked me without pulling a dagger on me and I would have told you the truth." Anduin replied, rubbing the cut with some herbs Alleria gave him.

" I need to make sure Anduin, my mother always said that human men were lustful pigs ready to ravage any elven women on sight."

Anduin shook his head, " She was wrong and most certainly I am not like those men Sylvanas."

" So you say Anduin." Sylvanas said as she eyed him suspiciously.

" Moving on, Sylvanas what do you plan to do now that you are pregnant? Undercity nor Silvermoon is a proper place to raise a child." Alleira asked.

Sylvanas shook her head in response." Sister I don't know, but I do plan to give birth in Stormwind and have Anduin raise it."

" And how would that work?' Anduin asked with a raised eyebrow.

" Simple, I will request a leave of absence when I start to show or rather before, I would propose it was a time to get my mind together and develop a plan to take down the alliance. I will dye my hair black and move to stormwind under a different identity. Your good friend Bane suggested this idea, so I suggest you thank him." She replied.

" Sounds like a solid plan but that's not including the forsaken or the night elves that are bound to come for your life at a moments notice." Anduin explained.

Alleira lighty put a hand on Anduins shoulder, " Dont worry Anduin,Sylvanas can take care of herself but your right she would still need to have more protection."

"My trusted dark rangers can offer protection before I start to show, however I can't risk anyone of them knowing the truth, Nathanos influence is to deep within my ranks. But more importantly I would be highly vulnerable during the finial trimesters."

Anduin released a huge sigh, " Stay at one of my apartments in Stormwind ." Anduin suggested.

" That would be highly risky Anduin, the alliance has already went without your leadership for nearly two years and soon you would be popping in and out of the nobles meetings and plannings. How in the name of the sunwell would that work?" Alleria asked in confusion.

Anduin leaned back in the couch before he spoke, " Sylvanas would already arrive in Stormwind during the final months of her pregnancy so it wouldn't be hard for me to keep an eye on her. What better way to hide her from the Kaldorei than Sylvanas being in plain site. Stormwind has a large population of high elves so you would fit in perfectly." Anduin said, looking at Sylvanas who nodded her head in agreement.

"That seems like a fine plan Anduin." Veressa agreed.

" I just hope that everything goes well and by the light we are not even considering what they are going to do after the baby is born. It seems like the windrunner lineage is full of unexpected events." Alleria said with slight sadness.

" Whose life isn't full of unexpected circumstances sister." Vereesa replied, " And I'm sure Sylvanas knows more about that than anyone else in this room."

" That I do Veressa, I have had so many twist and turns in my life that this recent event shouldn't be so shocking to say the least." Now if you two don't mind could my husband and I have some quality time alone, it won't be long."

" Sure." Both Alleira and Veressa said in unison as they left the living room alone to Anduin and Sylvanas."

" How are you feeling Sylvanas?" Anduin asked with concern as she rubbed her stomach.

Sylvanas released a tired sigh, " I am dealing with it day by day Anduin."

" Are you sure?"

"Yes I am you idiot. Now come here." Sylvanas smirked as she embraced Anduin for the first time in weeks. He smelled of scented pine trees and sweet fragrance. Sylvanas inhaled deeply as she ran her hands through his long blond hair and his well trimmed beard. She silently thought that if she didn't have enough sense she would have sex with him right now like a wild animal. He was simply intoxicating at times.

Anduin smiled, running his hands through her platinum blond hair. " Were gonna be parents!" He exclaimed almost not believing the words that were said out of his mouth.

" Two people, who for title purposes are enemies having a child together. Seems like a true love story don't you think Anduin, I wonder what would your nobles say about the latest addition to your family?"

" They would probably accuse me of treason and want me imprisoned." Anduin said truthfully, knowing full well that this was a possibility if he didn't play his cards right.

Sylvanas chuckled, " Nathanos wouldn't know what to do, either have me killed because I am not longer forsaken or usurp my authority . Although he has been a loyal servant however I am no longer the Sylvanas who he once knew."

" A dramatic change to say the least." Anduin chimed in before he saw Galaden and Giramar run into the living room. The twins were locked in a bitter dispute over a toy before Anduin thought it best to step in.

" Now children, I'm sure you can share the toy or perhaps just wait until the other is done with it." Anduin said softly.

Suddenly the twins wore shocked expressions as they suddenly exclaimed, "Are you king Anduin!"

Anduin smiled, " Yes I am." He answered before they both embraced him.

" Your so cool, I heard that you are the best king stormwind has ever had and your powers with the light are amazing. I want to be like you one day King Anduin." Galaden said with astonishment.

" I heard how you destroyed aunty Sylvanas army with a single stretch of your arm." Giramar said.

Anduin laughed, "Now I think that's an exaggeration, but..." Anduin said as he whispered in the child's ear. " I did defeat her army and sent them back with their tails between their legs." he chuckled.

" I heard that man child and for your information nephews, he did not defeat my army with a single stretch of his arm. Whoever said that to you lied and they should be hanged for their ignorance." Sylvanas hissed.

" But Aunty Slyvanas were you defeated?" Galaden asked with a childlike look of confusion.

"Yes." Sylvanas begrudgingly said as her nephews cheered for Anduin.

" Go king Anduin!" They both shouted.

Sylvanas held a slight smile at seeing her nephews excited and smiling. She knew they had went through a lot of hardship with the loss of their father, so she shouldn't be too mad at them poking fun at her. After some time Sylvanas watched Anduin interact and play with her nephews and she knew that maybe him being a father wouldn't be such a bad thing, after all Galaden and Giramar just meet Anduin and they loved him already.

" Boys are you bothering your aunt and Anduin, you were supposed to be in your rooms playing." Vereesa said as she and Alleria came down stairs.

"They are lovely Veressa no need to reprimand them." Anduin said.

" Just making sure Anduin, I know Sylvanas wanted to have some alone time with you before you two go your separate ways."

Sylvanas snorted, " I only wanted to tell the fool of his foolish ways, nothing more."

Alleria chuckled, "Sure Sylvanas, why not just admit that you missed him and wanted to embrace your lovely husband."

"Even if that was my intention it's none of your business Alleria." Sylvanas remarked.

" Of course little sister." Alleria replied.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes as she got up from the couch knowing it was time head back to Silvermoon, she had a sinking feeling that Nathanos and the forsaken would wait her return. She had been avoiding them for too long and now was the time.

" Leaving?" Anduin said, noticing her getting her heavy coat and cloak.

" Of course, unfortunately I have to deal with a certain forsaken leader." Sylvanas explained before she said her goodbye to her nephews who hugged her legs tightly.

" Will you visit us aunt Sylvanas, I want to hear some of your stories." Galaden asked

Sylvanas smirked, "Sure if your mother allows it, some of my stories are full of violence and hardship."

" Awesome!" The twins said in unison before their mother told them to get back to their rooms.

" By the sun well they are just like there father." Vereesa remarked, "And sister you came visit as long as you don't go into too much detail." Vereesa added before she heard Sylvanas chuckle.

" We had killed are first orc by there age Vereesa." Alleria chimed in.

" I killed mine when I was eight, father let me shoot it right in between the eyes." Sylvanas replied, " But now I must take my leave sisters and man child." She said, heading towards the door.

" Light be with you Sylvanas." Anduin said as he got up and closed the distance between their lips which she happily accepted.

" When will I see you again?" Anduin asked.

" I will let you know when I have everything handled, don't worry little lion I will come to you when you least expect it."

Anduin raised an eyebrow of concern, " Don't risk your life to see me Sylvanas if it's not safe then don't try it."

".No offense Anduin but infiltration and hiding was our speciality as rangers, if anyone can pull it off it would be Sylvanas.' Veressa replied, sensing that Anduin was becoming anxious and worried.

" Fear not little lion." She said as Sylvanas gave him her signature smirk and gave him a final kiss and left.

Anduin released a heavy breath, " I have a lot more on my plate then I would like to believe. Vengeful Kaldorei, the horde and lastly a reckless and sometimes unstable Sylvanas that holds my blood line in the palm of her hand, figuratively speaking of course. So what could go wrong?" Anduin sighed.

" Don't worry Anduin the light will be with you two." Alleria said with encouragement.

" Your right Alleira, how ironic that you had to tell me to have more faith in the light." Anduin remarked.

" No one is perfect Anduin. " Veressa replied.

" Somehow perfection as a king is something that I'm chasing and hope to make true one day."