

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · Video Games
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24 Chs


Anduin inhaled deeply as the ship docked in stormwind harbour, the warm air entered his lungs with a sweet smelling aroma. He was home and it felt amazing, Anduin knew he had spent enough time away from the work that needed to be done and by the light it had been such a long time since he looked at a paper, let alone sign anything. Most of the painstaking hours of hard work went towards the interfraction peace that he dreamt of since he was a child and now with recent events it didn't seem so far off.

"My king we are here." One of his guards announced as Anduin could vaguely make out crowds of people who gathered in the harbor.

" I didn't expect such a large welcoming party" Anduin smiled.

" We certainly missed our king and didn't think it wise to not throw a welcome home party, the dwarves brought there best beer and ale while the Eredar along with the worgen brought the best meat Azeroth could offer. Also, no one could forget the vast amounts of fruits and vegetables the Kaldorei gathered as well. My king it is a feast for the ages and we are all excited to have you back."

" It's good to be back." Anduin smiled as he stepped off the ship to see a huge crowd cheer in excitement. Anduin was astonished by the sheer number of people from all races in the alliance. It seemed true that he was highly missed and loved in his absence , Anduin knew he was well liked but he could never imagine this warm of a welcome.

"Anduin!" shouted a deep hollowed voice as the king turned around to feel Genn Greymane in his worgen form wrap him into a tight hug.

" Genn..to strong.' Anduin hissed before the worgen put him back down.

" Apologies my king." Genn smiled, looking at the king up and down.

" I see you have grown a beard Anduin and I must say it suits you along with the muscle I see you gained. Sooner or later you will be just a big as your father." He chuckled.

" I am trying Genn, we all must look our part as leaders, maybe with my new beard and muscle the other races will stop calling me the boy king." Anduin smiled.

Genn laughed, " I don't know about that my boy, but come and address your people, they have been waiting patiently for your return, we all have. Not once did we think you were dead nor did we give up on the battlefield. We always remembered your words of encouragement even when the battles seemed hopeless."

Anduin smiled, " I was just being used by the light nothing more or less, but I am encouraged to hear that it was able to raise moral."

' Of course Anduin, I will admit that my leadership skills for the past two years haven't been the best, but I did what I could with what we had." Genn sadly confessed looking away in slight shame.

Anduin laid a hand on Gens shoulder, " Genn you lead the only way you knew how and yes things could have gone a tad bit better but it was the best you could do."

Genn nodded in agreement before the ceremony commenced, he knew this event would be one for the ages but couldn't have ever imagine that it would bring this much of an audience. However Anduin was well loved by the people so word must of spread quickly of his rescue and arrival to Azeroth. He even managed to spot a few void elves in the crowd, who must have accompanied Alleira for the ceremony.

"My king the people await your speech." One royal guards announced as Anduin nodded and approached the podium. The large crowd suddenly stopped any sudden noise before Anduin began his speech. Light knows the only thing he wanted at the moment was to be in a warm bed with Sylvanas at his side but neither was an option at the moment, so he would have to muster as much strength as possible.

" People of the Alliance your king has returned!" Anduin exclaimed, seeing the crowd erupt with excitement.

Anduin waited for the cheers to die down before he continued, " I was told that in my absence you all fought bravely and courageously, I was told that my words of encouragement helped our troops in battle and I am very pleased to hear this. I know this war has taken a toll on us all, we have lost family and friends to the endless cycle of hatred that seems to plague Azeroth since its creation. However I promise to usher in a age of peace between both fractions, I am saying this because during my time alone on that planet I saw what war can do and its devastating, It sucks away life and leaves an empty husk in its wake. I do not know how much longer this war will go on, but I swear by my last dying breath that you all will see peace before my time has come to an end. I thank you all for your patience and commitment to your duty as citizens of the alliance. I look forward to joining our troops on the battlefield once more and lastly light be with you all! " Anduin finished as most in the crowd started clapping and cheering.

Anduin turned to see a smiling Genn greymane along with Valen, who must have snuck up on the unsuspecting king while he was speaking.

" Amazing speech Anduin, I am sure it will boost the moral of your troops even more." Valen smiled as Anduin gave the older Ereder a warm embrace like a child would a father.

" I have missed your wise words old friend, they have always had a way of motivating me in times of discouragement."

Valen gave Anduin a warm smile, " I'm glad to see that I could help Anduin but I sense you have grown in your powers. I dare to say that soon you may eclipse my own abilities with the light.

Anduin chuckled, " Oh no Valen you will always be my superior, but I had to get stronger or else I would be a valuable lamb on the battlefield."

"Most certainly prey for a mad orc." Genn laughed, "Anduin it looks as though you could use some rest. How about you go back to the royal chambers and meet with the leaders later. Light knows you need all the sleep you can get while wrestling with the nobles." he added noting that Anduin had bags under his eyes.

" You are right Genn, it's been so long since I've had the luxury of sleeping on royal silk." Anduin teased.

"Go Anduin a king needs his rest," Valen said as Anduin nodded and made his way to his chambers while of course being escorted by the royal guard. He had to admit that he didn't miss this part about being king. At least on the planet he felt normal for once, no one standing guard twenty four seven or waiting hand and foot on him. In fact he hated it, but he could understand it of sorts. Soon after he made his way to his royal chambers he dismissed his guards.

Anduin released a sigh of relief, his room was just as he left it, even the papers that dreadfully awaited him. " just a little more time." he mumbled to himself before he took of his shirt and pants. Anduin caught sight of his toned sculpted body in the mirror, he certainly had gained quite the bit of muscle since he had been away. Lifting heavy logs and running from Sylvanas would put anyone in shape.

" Must of been all that fighting in the jungle." He said to himself before he heard a loud knock at the door and quite the persistent one at that.

"By the light who could that be?" Anduin thought as he quickly answered the door to see Tyrande whisperwind along with her sentinels. She wore an almost see through white dress with Kaldorei sandles, Anduin saw that she had an angeried look on her face which was in stark contrast to her usual calm demeanor.

" Leave us." Tyrande commanded and her guards left without a word.

Anduin raised an eyebrow as he closed the door behind him. She also looked completely rigid and anxious. Something was clearly bothering the her, however why did she choose to come to him?

" Tyrande it is good to see you but why are you here if you don't mind me asking?" Anduin asked as he untied his hair and let it fall down to his shoulders.

Anduin watched the night elf pace the room before finding a seat next to the fireplace. After minutes without saying anything she finally spoke.

" You were on the ship with her?" She hissed.

" excuse me? Anduin asked, clearly confused and shocked by not only her question and her behavior.

'My apologies for coming off so brash King Anduin but my scouts have been on the hunt for Sylvanas windrunner since received word she arrived in Azeroth. We were told by the Eredar she was found on the same planet as you but that's all they would tell us." She replied.

Anduin had a feeling this would happen, of course the world stopped for them, but on Azeroth life moved forward. How could he deal with this without harm coming to both sides?

" I only saw her once when I was on the ship and it was far away." Anduin lied but continued, "Why do you ask?"

Tyrande grasped the seat with force before she relaxed.

" She needs to be brought to justice king Anduin and no matter how protected she claims to be, she wont escaped the wrath of the kaldorei !"

" I understand Tyrande, however we must strive for peace, this war has already been a tremendous cost to both sides." Anduin replied before he felt the room grow cold and he watched as her silver eyes grew angrier.

" You didn't hear the children scream as they burned to death, you didn't bury the dead corpses of the little ones as their mothers cried in agony! I once strived for peace like you Anduin, However once I saw more destruction in that one day, than I have seen in my thousands of years of living. Peace became a febel dream for the foolish!"

Anduin shook his head, meeting her gaze. " It is not a fools dream, it is a option for the future. You are right I did not watch the children burn or bury the dead, but I have seen death and know its sting. Tyrande I understand you are emotional grieving for the lives lost on that day but pursue safety for your people instead of war. Assassinating Sylvanas will not help are cause for peace, it will only fan the flames of war and continue the cycle of hatred." Anduin replied.

" You are a light wielder are you not ? We may have different beliefs but draw from the same power, as a priest of the holy light you should be moved to justice for any cause. Knowing when to act and striving for peace are two different views child." Tyrande spat standing up to her full height which clearly was at last a head over Anduin. He himself as of late had a growth spurt to six foot four however still slightly looked up at a nearly seven foot Tyrande.

" Justice is something I will always pursue, however I know when to leave things to the light Tyrande! How about you do the same with all due respect." He replied harder than he intended to.

" We will get justice child and.."

" You are not talking to a child Tyrande you are talking to the high king of stormwind and the leader of the Alliance!" He asserted, his eyes flashing into a gold hue followed by his markings flicking across his arms and chest. This caught Tyrande's eye but she choose not to say anything at the moment.

Tyrande scoffed, " I have lived for thousands of years human, to me you are a child."

Anduin shook his head, remembering that no matter the color of their skin, most elves carried a since of pride when it came to their long lifespans. " And in a moments notice it can come to an end just like mine. You're thousands of years of wisdom is being overridden at the moment by your emotion!"

Tyrande looked at Anduin up and down before turning to leave but choose to say a few words in return. " If i didn't know any better I would say that you are protecting her but to say such a thing is insanity and king Anduin next time you have unsuspecting company please be more decent." Tyrande said with a light blush on her purple cheeks before she left leaving Anduin wondering what she was talking about before he looked down.

"By the light!" Anduin exclaimed, it had been so warm in the room that he didn't know he completely forgot that he was just in his trousers briefs. He had been so lost in the argument he completely forgot to excuse himself. " Why hadn't she said anything before? Maybe she was just too emotional to notice or maybe because of the Kadlori culture regarding nakedness." Anduin thought.

Tyrande calmed herself down as she was accompanied by her guards, she had heard the king grew into quite the handsome man but this was ridiculous, images of malfurion flashed in her mind but what love did they really have? Anduin body was simply amazing even by kaldorei standards. The wild markings on his chest and arms, the scars that lined his chest and abdominal muscles. Toned muscular thighs that no doubt came from his time on that wild world. His long wild blond hair, by Elune she was lusting after the child! Most certainly it didn't help matters when she stood toe to toe with him, she could practically feel power radiating from every pore of his skin. It had started something in her that should be left closed. She even licked her fangs with her tongue when he raised his voice. So unlike her husband who never even raised his voice at her once, he had a spine when it came to protecting the peace of the wild so why not their marriage?

" My queen what did he say." Her guard asked, seeing that Tyrande was clearly lost in her thoughts.

Tyrande quickly shook her head, " As suspected he didn't exactly support are plans but it doesn't matter. I only wished to inform him of our plans for the future so he isn't exactly surprised to find that witches head on his desk! Anduin is a great king and man but at times he can be misguided by his feeble dreams of peace."

" Of course my queen, would you like us to inform your husband of the meeting as well?"

"No that not necessary, I will tell him." She lied. Tyrande and her husband barely spoke, their duties to their people kept them away for the most part. But even when they did speak there wasn't any love between them, just rehashed sweet nothings. It was empty, it was ironic that they had such long lives but spent most of it being away from one another.

" Yes my queen." The guard replied as they exited stormwind keep.

Tyrande felt a slight chill as the wind blue past her purple skin. She longed to be back in the kings quarters next to the warm fire. Something in her, deep within her heart wanted to ride the lion, although she knew it wasn't proper nor acceptable as a priest of Elune. Although at least to her knowledge the king wasn't taken or as humans called it engaged. Perhaps she could have a little fun with the lion. It would temporarily take her mind off the mourning for her people and her lack of love in her marriage.

" Perhaps indeed, talks of peace would no doubt grant his attention to me, most likely in his chambers." Tyrande smirked inwardly as she boarded her ship.

Sylvanas sat impatiently as Bane, followed by his guards entered into her chambers. She didn't know why, but her markings had been fluttering all day and she had a sense that a something was after Anduin. Not in terms of danger but in a claiming sort of way, like an animal coming upon another's territory. It bothered her to no end, however she had to focus on the task at hand, although she had plans to see her younger sister in dalaran in a few hours and then she would meet with Anduin, of course without him suspecting her,she had to always get the upper hand on him.

Bane wore a surprised look on his face, this was the first time he had seen her fully restored. However what changed most about her was her facial expression, of course she still had the same smug look on her face but she looked happier. However he wondered how will this affect her rule over there fraction, was she still unstable and overly emotional or bitter?

" Bane it is good to see you, I have called you here to discuss my new condition and rule over the horde. However I wish to tell you something that I know only you can hold secret and surely if you break my trust I will make you a pealt on my floor." She threatened.

He simply nodded his head in agreement, But he raised his eyebrow in could have the inflamed and feared Sylvanas windrunner asking him for secretly under the threat of death?

Sylvanas dismissed his guards with a simple look as they closed the doors. She quickly performed a silencing spell she learned from lor'themar to bound the room before she spoke.

" You are a friend of the boy king?" She asked.

Bane nodded, "Yes, it is unfortunate that our fractions war between each other. I want peace just like he does but what does Anduin have to do with this conversations war chief?"

Sylvanas exhaled deeply before she told Bane the true story of what happened. She needed close allies in case her secret was discovered and she could only tell people whom she could trust. Anduin put his trust in Bane and so could she. After she was done the light wielding Turian looked as though he had seen the ghost of his father. Bane was at a loss for words and after some time he said nothing but finally found the words to speak.

" In my culture is it said that love can bloom even under the most difficult and unlikely circumstances. Anduin has been known to change the most hardened of hearts,even if it seems like a loss cause to everyone else. Don't worry Sylvanas I will not tell a soul, I cannot bring myself to betray a close friend by putting his wife in danger. However your life will be in danger if the forsaken decided to rebel even most in the horde know there true feelings regarding the living of any race."

"I know that Bane, however I have already spoken with the darkspear tribe and although surprised, they believed the lies and said they would follow along without issue. As you know the goblins care not for anything but money and the pandarians also want peace. I was able to send a letter to Saurfang but I wasn't able to get a reply back, he no doubt is still upset about my so called dishonor."

" Have you spoken to the nightborne and the blood trolls?"

Sylvanas shook her head, "Not yet, although I plan to, the nightborne are a proud people but I doubt they care if I'm still cursed or not." She replied rubbing her stomach unconsciously.

Bane held a glance and instantly recognised what she was doing.

" I have heard of your people bigotry towards children with half blood, how will you hide your pregnancy?" He asked, worrying about the safety of not just her but Anduins child.

"How did you…"

"Even the females in my race rub their midsections unconditionally, most of the time without thinking, It is a sign they are expecting." Bane explained seeing her roll her eyes in annoyance.

" Yes I am expecting a little half elf, however I planned to give him or her away to Anduin when I gave birth. I don't see our little screwed up family living happily ever after. Especially after everything I've done." She replied sadly, looking down at her flat stomach that would soon became big and round.

Bane was quite for some time before he had an idea that she could pursue.

" Sylvanas you could retire and ask for complete isolation. Use it as cover up and move to stormwind with Anduin under the disguise of a high elven women who seeked refuge after the fall of Quel'thalas several years ago. Change your hair color and way of speaking, I doubt anyone would recognise your new face along with your body. If I didn't know better I wouldn't recognise you from several other high elven women."

Sylvanas pondered deeply on these things, retiring at the moment wasn't on the table but perhaps it could be in the future. It wouldn't be hard to blend into the small but thriving population of high elves in the human capital. Also there was the issue of the horde, she knew Anduin wanted peace but most of the other races of the alliance didn't hold the same feelings especially the kaldorei and she would protect her people until her last dying breath.

" I will ponder these things Bane, but I still have a lot to attend. I thank you for your loyalty and you will be rewarded."

Bane shook is head, " No need to Sylvanas, just doing what Anduin would want me to do." he finished before he left her chambers.

Sylvanas laid back as she fiddled with the hearthstone her sister gave her, tomorrow Nathanos would arrive in silvermoon and he would see her, how would he react along with the other dark rangers? Would they accept her or fall back in rejection, she didn't need their approval to rule but it would certainly help her in the long run. In was then that an image of Anduin flashed into her mind and a feeling of sadness washed over her, she missed him, even his annoyance. She released a heavy sigh looking at her desk which was full of papers she had to approve of, but that could wait she needed to see her husband. She quickly wrote a note saying she would be back by tomorrow morning knowing it would be a good enough excuse and called magic energy into the hearthstone that would take her to dalaran.