

once again - disclaimer this is not my story purely uploaded so i can listen to it. Original title is: Bitter Enemies by seryon

supahsanic6969 · วิดีโอเกม
24 Chs


Sylvanas gripped the rails tightly as the detachment ship landed just outside Silvermoon. She felt a bone chilling breeze blow past her platinum blood hair which happily reminded her of Quel 'Thalas harsh winter season.

"Home" She mumbled softly.

She thought it was ironic, the ship placing itself next to the ruins of windrunner spire, it was certainly unexpected. But It brought back so many memories both good and bad to her mind. In a way this was a homecoming of sorts and she was hopeful for the future, no matter how difficult it proved to be.

" Welcome home lady windrunner," Anduin said as he came beside her. She noticed his beard had grown to full form along with his hair, which was held in place by a small blue cloth. "Anduin you show alliance pride in even the smallest things." she said, motioning towards the blue cloth to which Anduin smiled in response. He also wore a heavy Gilnean coat, recognized by its impressive leather work and color. However not exactly her taste, as she fancied purple or gray but it did its job. She wouldn't admit it a loud as it would wound her pride, but he looked very handsome.

Sylvanas inhaled deeply, smelling the cold winter weather of Quel'thalas along with the slight scent of dead leaves which clung to the trees bellow.

" It's good to be back Anduin," Sylvanas replied.

" Did your trusted associates send the letters already?" He asked.

" After spending five days in orbit they better! I specifically wrote the letters to the leaders of the horde with the intent that they should arrive in Silvermoon next week. Despite there feelings against war, the Eredar still delivered the letters promptly and for that they have my thanks."

" Well I have noticed that you haven't called them the goat people in a long time, so you have gotten better." He chuckled.

" Oh hush Boy." Sylvanas smirked as she turned to him, " Soon we will be parting and once again we will be enemies." she voiced in a serious tone.

Anduin released a heavy breath as he overlooked the snow that blanketed the fields of Quel'thalas. His eyes caught site of bright lanterns which lined the streets and roads of the countryside below the ship. Dusk had taken took over and now the scenery looked simply beautiful.

" You know we're not enemies Sylvanas." he said, sending a side glance in her direction as she adjusted her heavy gray coat.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Yes we are."

Anduin shook his head and smiled, " I'm not going to go back and forth with you my lovely wife."

" You won't have to, I already made the decision." She smirked, " Besides human who are you to tell me what to do?" she asked, getting closer and wrapping her hands around his sides.

" Your king." Anduin smiled, before he did the same. " And you have to obey your king." he chuckled.

" Humph, the war chief obeying the king of the alliance, how ridiculous." She mocked.

" Well you did follow my directions this time, are you not meeting with the members of the horde to discuss your new condition like I asked?" He smiled.

Sylvanas turned her head, " It's only because I thought it was best to do so Anduin, I only listened to the information and made my own decision." She said proudly.

Anduin threw his head back in laughter, " Why are you high elves so prideful?"

" It's just the way we are." Sylvanas asserted, " I would dare to say that humans are very prideful for such a short lived race." She blurted out, suddenly catching the hurt look in Anduins eye. Something that both of them had not come to terms with was that even if things ended up happily ever after she would live out the rest of her life span of thousands of years, while Anduin would live until about eighty. Why did she care, this fling was over? But something in her wanted more, she didn't want this to be the end of them. Sylvanas knew she had grown attached to him and she couldn't separate her feelings from the intimacy they often engaged in.

" I apologize I misspoke." She corrected.

" No.. it's just that whenever I think about death it reminds me of my father and the so called curse of my family." he said

Sylvanas raised her eyebrows in confusion, she thought he had been her by her comment regarding human life span. "What do you mean?" She asked.

" Most of the men in my family have a habit of dying young and leaving our children alone." He explained, " But I trust in the light in whatever fate it has for me, even if it means being with you for years, which by the way is not so bad." He grinned.

" Well I certainly don't want to raise a child alone Anduin." she blurted out before regretting it.

Anduin had a confused look on his face, " Are you?"

" I don't know yet, I threw up this morning and unfortunately it's a possibility. Its odd it isn't it, I envied my sisters for having children when I couldn't, angry at Arthas for taking away that ability from me. I almost hated my sisters for a long time, jealousy has a way off spawning that kind of emotion. But now something that was so far out of reach is as close as my next breath."

" Fate has a way of doing that Sylvanas." Anduin replied, taking her chin into his hand. Her golden eyes had a look of emotional turmoil, her face contorted into a somewhat of an angry expression.

" Fate or destiny hasn't been kind to me for most of my adult life, why now Anduin ? I hated you at first but I grew attached to you against my better judgement. You unknowingly regenerated my dead body and allowed me to manipulate you into marrying me which was how we got this!" Sylvanas spat motioning towards their markings. " My whole purpose was to just use you for sex and now we have made a mess of things! What's worst of all is that I can't even bring myself to kill you anymore!" She cried as she finally released most of her pent up emotions that had been buried for so long.

Anduin thought it best not to saying anything but to just hold her into a tight embrace as she cried into his chest. They stood there for an hour, both feeling the light fall of snowflakes on their heads. Sylvanas for the most part had calmed down but still held on tightly to his coat, almost tearing pieces of cloth in the process. They both suddenly heard footsteps behind them as they turned to see Alleria and Arator.

" Sister they are ready to see you and all the preparations have been made, your old friend Lor'themar will guide you into the meeting. He has been told a brief recount of the story with many parts being left out, I suggest you fabricate most of it."

" I understand." Sylvanas replied before Alleria and her son left the couple.

" Well this is goodbye for now, but promise you will at least write me under a different name, don't forget a king can get lonely." Anduin smiled.

Sylvanas quickly wiped the tears from her face, " I may grace you with a letter and maybe even a visit boy." she smirked, before she turned to go but not before Anduin grabbed her and gave the most passionate kiss he could muster. Sylvanas wrapped her arms around Anduins back as the kiss deepened, but soon the kiss ended as both parties knew they had to get back to their duties as both respecting rulers of their fraction.

Sylvanas turned her head in slight sadness, " Thank you Anduin."

Anduin gave her a smile, " Don't worry about it but please be safe and if you need anything just write and if we see each other on the battlefield i'll watch your back."

" I may watch your back if you promise to bring me to ecstasy before the battle, let us escape in secret." She smirked as she turned to leave.

" And get us both killed?" Anduin chuckled before they said their goodbyes, officially leaving Anduin alone for the first time in months


" I think I love her Father, but a king must rule for his people." Anduin confessed, seeing his breath turn into mist due to the cold.

Anduin knew he had just as much responsibility on his shoulders as Sylvanas and he wasn't looking forward to it, but his people awaited his return anxiously. Through his experience he was only gone for five months but on Azeroth it had been two years. What would his father have done in a situation like this? Tell the truth or lie, these thoughts plagued Anduins mind as of late and wouldn't leave anytime soon. He was quickly brought out of his thoughts as Turalyon came beside him.

" Are you ready Anduin?" The older paladin asked.

Anduin nodded his head in agreement before they both left.

Veressea never acted as high and mighty as Alleria but Sylvanas had always considered her somewhat of an annoyance. She would remember seeing her baby sister follow her around everywhere mimicking her movements or speech. It wasn't until they reached their teenage years that Veressea branched out and became her own women, much to Sylvanas relief. Although with the recent events to say that Veressea had been shocked was an understatement. Upon seeing her older sister alive for the first time in years she was meet with an astonished look and then a hug which Sylvanas didn't expect.

"Alleria had told me what happened but to see it with my own two eyes, I can't believe it,your.."

"Alive, yes I know, I have heard it much in the past four months. It had been quite irritating Vereesa. Now can we get on with this journey to Silvermoon." Sylvanas sighed, knowing her sister would ask hundreds of questions on there way to Lor thermars greeting party.

" You have to tell me Sylvanas! Alleria wouldn't divulge everything I wanted to know, especially about you and the king. How did such a thing happen? I thought you hated humans." Vereesa asked in disbelief.

Sylvanas shook her head as they made there way past the hedges of snow that laid upon the beaten path. Veressa had said the journey would be an hour long walk but this was ridiculous, her feet felt very cold and she had worn leather boots! She certainly didn't miss this aspect of being alive, she had hated the cold, mostly likely a grim reminder of Arthas and his chilling grip.

After answering most of her younger sisters questions, Sylvanas was drained but she pushed on into the conversation. " Things are complicated between us " Sylvanas replied, glancing at the red markings on her arm.

" Sex can do that sort of thing sister." Veressa laughed, jumping over a down tree.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes, " Yes it can, but he has shown me a side of humans that I have never seen before."

Veressa smiled, " Alleria was right you have changed."

" Be quite! I am still the same war chief that will bring the alliance to its knees." Sylvanas spat to which Veressa laughed.

" No your not Sylvanas, must I remind you that we meet shortly after the bombing that killed my husband, you were cold and distant, so much so that it had rubbed off on me. When he died all I felt was hate and outrage. For once I finally knew how you felt to have something you love ripped away from you in an instant, I admired and hated you for acquiring power and getting revenge on those who did wrong unto you but.."

Sylvanas paused, moving her eyes to the bright moon that hung over the Quel thalas, " But what?"

Veressa turned to look at her sister with slight tears in her eyes, " I knew that it wouldn't bring him back and it would paint a horrible picture to my children. I didn't want them to be consumed by hatred, so I took time away from everything. The horde and Alliance, I spent a great deal of time with my children and allowed it heal some of our wounds and for the first time in years since my husband died I had peace. I could finally sleep at night and not have nightmares or wake up with depression and anger."

Sylvanas gave a brief smile towards her sister, " That is good to hear Veressa but what does that have to do with my supposed change in behavior?"

Veressia looked Sylvanas dead in the eyes, " I can tell the anger and hate you had is seeping away from you. Sister you clearly have peace with you, your no longer at war with life itself." She stated, reminding Slyvanans of the words the night elven ranger had spoke to her before she passed.

" Perhaps." she replied, seeing the familiar signs above the should be arriving at their destination soon.

" It's not perhaps you have a new life and opportunity, Arthas has not won this day sister, you are free from his curse,married and may be with child. I even envy you somewhat, Anduin certainly has an eye for you, unfortunately this can turn into a huge political disaster."

" I understand that Veressia, most of the horde would disown me if they knew the truth and Anduins precious people want my head on a platter."

" You know he wouldn't let that happen Sylvanas, although to be truthful you have committed horrible atrocities. It's not insane to think that they would trail you for war crimes."

Sylvanas only shrugged her shoulders, she knew in the deepest regions of her heart that she did what she did out of hate and malice but she couldn't go back in time and change events. Yes she knew the burning of teldrassil was both unnecessary and unjustified but it satisfied her blood lust and anger. She could distinctly remember the ghostly cries of children burning, as the tree collapsed upon itself. For that one moment she didn't think she was any better than Arthas. But, like many others thoughts she pushed them back to the deepest regions of her mind.

" Anduin's forgiveness most certainly has its depths but the same cannot be said for the rest of the alliance leaders and to be honest I don't need there forgiveness, it's not like they have clean hands either."

" Yes but you are public enemy number one." Verressa added.

" And despite that I will continue to rule the horde with an iron fist, But perhaps I won't antagonize my husband for a while, after all I have need of him."

" So the sex must be amazing I take it." her sister chuckled much to Sylvanas embarrassment.

" He is a good lover, we must have made love more times than I can count. That damned fool knows my body so well now. He most certainly isn't as pious as he claims to be." She replied seeing the silvermoon guard approach.

" Finally we are here." Verressa stated as the guards nodded in there direction,"Welcome home sister." Vereesa announced as they were meet with more elven soldiers along with Lor'themar who wore an expression of shock.

"So the rumor was true! By the sunwell you are restored Sylvanas!" Lor themar gasped.

" Unfortunately, however must we discuss the details outside in the cold! Your war chief requires heat Lor themar, I am no longer undead." Sylvanas spat, absolutely tired of the cold weather.

" Oh but of course Lady windrunner, we will have one of our mages port you immediately." he said and soon after Sylvanas found herself in the presence of a warm fire inside of silvermoon's ruling palace. She had been meet with many blood elfs who shouted in excitement upon seeing her return.

" A welcome befitting of war chief, sister." Veressa announced, standing alongside her.

Sylvanas raised her eyebrows in confusion, " Are you staying?"

" Oh by the sunwell no, I only wanted to escort you to silvermoon, I have other duties to attend to such as checking up on my sons. But if you need anything I am only a portal away in dalaran." Veressia replied before she hugged her sister and hearted away. " We did she become so physical?" Sylvanas pondered.

It was a short time before Sylvanas sat at a table along with Lor themar and many of his advisors who eagerly awaited her answers. She recognised some of the faces that seemed to exploded with anticipation However she knew she couldn't tell them the truth so she would craft a believable lie that would cease any questions that may give away to much. Sylvanas had simply opted to tell them that a rogue Naru had discovered her on the forsaken planet and used its powers to restore her against her own will. Most had known the Naru had a tendency to play there hand in fate, so it had been a believable lie for the most part.

" I woke up and discovered that I was no longer forsaken, the wretched Naru had essentially forced its hand!" Sylvanas lied.

" How horrible and disgusting, to think the Erdar worship such creatures that sit on their moral high ground!" Grand magister Rommath spat.

" Yes it was quite unpleasant, however I must move on and continue to push forward with my plans to crush the alliance, I'm no longer forsaken but I still would do anything for my people."

" I assume the army of light found you after some time ?" Lor'themar asked.

" Yes I survived in the jungle for some time and was discovered by the army of light after they had defeated some remnants of the legion, many of the elven people aboard the ship recognised me despite my transformation and quickly informed the captain."

" To survive on a forsaken planet inhabited by savages and demons! By the sunwell Sylvanas you most certainly earned the name high huntress ranger general for a reason." Lore themar chimed in.

" Yes it was certainly a hard journey but I forced myself to fight regardless of the mounting obstacles and challenges. My people were my soul driving force and I certainly wasn't going to give the alliance dogs the saitfiscation in watching my horde fight without me for long" Sylvanas smirked. " Now to discuss more important matters how has the war been coming along in my absence, I expect my champion Nathanos has led the forces brilliantly."

" Yes lady windrunner he has been brilliant however, there hasn't been a major victory in months. It seems as though the alliance is persistent in not giving up a single inch of land." Lor'themar answered.

" There pig of a king had given them inspiration before he left, such a shame, I heard they found the bastard on the planet as well, did you ever see him lady windrunner? Would have certainly ended the war with a well placed arrow." Halduron Brightwing said as many other elves agreed.

" After are disappearance in Lordaeron I didn't see him on the planet, however I briefly saw him on the ship, his presence disgusted me." Sylvanas said, almost laughing at the elves who believed what she was saying.

" I am sorry to hear that you didn't have the chance to kill that disgusting human bastard! I say all the humans must die, dirty mongrels and to think that some of our own would interbreed with the race is even more disgusting, they must be mentally ill." Grand magister Rommath remarked which earned him a glare from Sylvanas as the room grew cold.

" I suggest you watch your mouth Magister, my sisters married human men and although I may not agree, they are certainly not mentally ill and are more than capable to lead any force efficiently. " Sylvanas spat as her temper flared.

Rommath studdard before he spoke, " Apologies lady windrunner, but alas the human king is a disgusting piece of.."

" I said shut your mouth Rommath!" Sylvanas yelled not releasing she broke the table in half when she banged her hand against the surfance, leaveing a small crater in the floor. She suddenly looked to see the markings on her arm light up bright knew what caused this outburst, she couldn't stand the remarks about her sisters nor Anduin and she wouldn't stand for it. Anduin was husband and if anything bad was going to be said about him it would come from her mouth. Not some scum like Rommath!

Rommath saw a side glance form lady liadrin before he blinked away, thinking it best for his safety.

Sylvanas released a large breath before she sat back down ignoring the surprised looks.

" I think I speak for all of us when I say that we are happy to have you back Sylvanas, we understand that you want to meet with the Horde leaders separately next week?" Lady Liadrin asked, being the bravest one among the others to break the tension in the room.

Sylvanas sipped her tea, slightly enjoying the taste before answering, " Yes I would, I thought it best that they see my new appearance one by one and I answer any questions they might have. Also I don't know how the the forsaken would take my new condition so we will have to see.

" Well only time will tell but I think it best you get some rest Sylvanas,you most certainly need it after the long journey." Lore themar said.

" Yes that is a wonderful idea, can you show me to my quarters." Sylvanas asked before he nodded towards lady liadrin.

" Yes sir," she replied before she lead Sylvanas to her room, they walked in silence for some time before lady liadrin decided to break the tension.

" Lady windrunner if I may ask a question?"

" Be quick about it." Sylvanas replied with a bored expression, hating the endless questions that preceded to come forth ever since she got off the ship.

" When did you and the king fall in love." She asked plainly before Sylvanas quickly grabbed her by the arm and moved her into the room, closing the door behind her.

" What are you getting at? Your answer will decide your fate so speak wisely," Sylvanas threatened, meaning every last word of it.

Lady liadrin shook her head before raising her hands and sitting down on the bed " I served on the ship that rescued you lady windrunner. I got tired of the endless waring between the fractions and wanted to serve elsewhere. I don't care for endless fighting and my one and only desire is that the light guides my life in the right direction. However last week I took a bath in the communal part of the ship and observed you and the king…" she said blushing bright red.

" What! How? We were alone for some time." Sylvanas gasped. Faintly remembering sounds behind them as they made love but later dismissed it.

" Not until I arrived, at first i didn't recognise you two with the high king sporting a handsome beard and well your new body, but once I checked twice there was no mistaking it." She confessed.

" I should kill you now paladin! I don't care if you are a light wielder, if even a word of this escapes your mouth to others it could lead to horrible consequences!'

"Lady windrunner I won't tell a soul, I am sorry for intruding but I genuinely want to know, I did observe you two for some time and the way you made love was amazing, it couldn't have been just a one night stand, it was passionate, an erotic dance." Lady liadrin confessed before Sylvanas rolled her eyes sensing that she was telling the truth.

" I have a human mate as well, I meet him when the vindicar traveled to argus, he had been a human paladin who served in the army of light. I know he loves me but he keeps saying it wont work but after I saw you and High king Anduin wrynn It gave me hope." Lady liadrin sighed as she turned her head, almost in tears. " I apologise again but I just want answers because I love him so much and I want a future."

Sylvanas raised an eyebrow, her relationship with Anduin was complicated at best, what advice would she give?

" Just plan for the future and don't let him impregnate you unexpectedly! My advice would be to leave Silvermoon and serve with him in the army of light, screw to your heart's content, drink and be merry. Anduin and I have a long way to go and I wouldn't even wish our situation on anyone. Now leave, I am going to bed Liadrin!" Sylvanas replied, seeing a large smile on her face. She quickly thanked Sylvanas and turned to leave, but not before she swore secrecy on her life which was the most sacred thing she could swear on.

Sylvanas dug herself into the beds covers as her thoughts drifted, how in the world had they been discovered? Had she been to loud or passionate, dame Anduin! How did he get so good in just a short amount of time. It was then that Sylvanas missed him, not just for the sex but for his comfort and that stupid smile and idiotic grin along with his blue eyes. Was she falling in love with him... no did she already love him? She would see him next week when he speaks to the alliance leaders, she knew he would be about his word however she needed to make sure her disguise worked. It would prove to be some amusement in there hectic lives and a much needed rest after her meeting with the horde faction leaders. But until then she needed to deal with the Lor'themar and the rest of the blood elves.

" Bain would be the most reasonable, Anduin often spoke of him during our time on the planet. Apparently he was good friends with the Turian so maybe I could tell him the truth." Sylvanas pondered.

"Nathanos, my loyal champion how would you react if you knew the truth." Sylvanas said aloud as she suddenly felt her stomach jump. She quickly got up and threw up into a urn as she felt herself becoming sick. That was the fourth time that night it happened and sooner or later Sylvanas knew she would have to go see a healer. It wasn't exactly a good idea for her to jump right into sex after she was regenerated, she couldn't even remember the last time she was on her cycle for obvious reasons.

"Great." Sylvanas sighed, in truth she knew she was pregnant but denied it with all of her being. All of her teasing of half elf children had become a reality, she was going to have one and with her sworn mortal enemy.

"Damn you Alleria." Sylvanas cursed remembering her sister words on the ship, although she would tell Anduin later, now was not the time.