
The Dress

Ginny and Blaise came back after shopping presents for two hours. Secretly Ginny had bought a present to Blaise as well. She didn't care if he didn't gave her anything. She just wanted to show her appreciation for letting her come with him.

" I'm hungry!" Blaise said and sat down in the couch. It was six o'clock in the evening. " Take it easy, you sound like my brother. "

" Aren't you?" She shrugged a bit. " A little maybe. Why?" She sat down with him.

" Because I found a very nice restaurant. I did some research before I even asked you."

" You did? Where is it?" She said expectantly.

" At the Tower Bridge"

" Really?!'' Blaise nodded with a crooked smile. " So we will have view to see Tower Brigde?"

" At night, baby. So we can see how it looks like with all the lights turned on I've already made a reservation" He picked up a cloth which he had hidden inside his suitcase. It was a long and white dress.

" You don't have to wear it if you don't want to. I just thought....."

" It's bloody perfect! Thank you!" She jumped and hugged him. He lifted her off the ground and spun her around. They looked at each other for a long time, he leaned his forehead against hers and she could feel his breath on her.

He was just about to lean in for a sweet kiss when Ginny said " I'll just go and change" Blaise nodded but they stood where they were, no one didn't dare to move an inch.

Blaise let go of her and said " Me too"