

Harry sat in his bed and read a book Hermione once had recommemded, while Ron was pacing back and forth all the time. He was unbelieve nervous about something, Harry could feel it.

" Why don't you sit down? Read a book or something?" Harry suggested.

" Harry I have to tell you something and it's not good" Ron said a bit shaky in his voice.

" Oh god you knocked up a girl!" Harry put the book down and looked at him, he was still pacing around.

" No, I've done something so much worse." " You've killed someone?!" Ron stopped in his tracks, staring into the wall. " Almost".

" What the....?" " I've used Crucio on someone. Someone I really like. And I feel horrible but it wasn't my choice, Harry you got to believe me. It was these voices and...."

" Who did you use it on?! Who Ron?!" Harry yelled. Tears started to falling down Ron's cheeks now, he looked so lost. " H-h-Hermione...... Oh my god I used C-crucio on her....."

He couldn't continue his sentence because Harry pushed him into the wall, harder than Draco, his wand was pointing at Ron's throat. " You did what!? You hurted my sister!"

" I didn't mean to, I swear! These voices was surounding my head everytime I saw her....."

" You hurted her!! For fuck sake Ron, you made her unconscious! She could've died!"

" I never wanted to hurt her!" Ron cried and his breath was heavy. Anger took over Harry totally, but he couldn't shoot any hexes at him. Not a single one.

He let Ron go and stepped away from him, so far as possible. " You...how could you...? " He sat down in his bed, his head in is hands.

" I couldn't help it Harry. I couldn't, I'm sorry."

" Voices you say?" Ron nodded.

" I promise, Harry. Voices, everytime I saw her and was with her. They told me to do horrible things." Ron told him about the day before Hogwarts started in the Burrow. And in the broom cupboard.

Harry felt disgusted, and so did Ron. Remorse filled him, and he started to cry again. This time Harry comforted him, tried to think on something that could solve this.

" Okay Ron, you need help. And I'll help you "