
Beginning to Heal

Arya walked inside the room and gave the occupants a genuine smile. The first of its kind. Jasmine recognized it first and couldn't help it. 

She gave her youngest son to Jayden and rushed towards her sister-in-law. A little giggle escaped from Arya's lips as she felt warm arms engulf her frame. 

She was truly happy for the first time after the tragedy. "Are you okay?" Jasmine whispered into her ears. 

"I am. I feel lighter than I have for months. Thank you for being here with me."

Jasmine smiled as a stray happy tear escaped her eyes. After a long hug, the princess looked around at everyone sitting at the table. 

Her baby girl was playing with the bell on her little stroller. She gave every person present a meaningful appreciative look. 

It was time. She took a deep breath and spoke the words she should have said before.