
Truth and dare

Meanwhile at Gray Mansion...

The cuffed couple spent the day happily as ever. Y/n made Jin experience a lot of things he never did before in his entire life.

They went and planted flowers together, she taught him how to cook her favorite recipe, and then they both washed the dishes.

Being such a painfully innocent novice, Jin was having a hard time doing the tasks at first but because of the handcuff that was keeping them stuck together as though they were a glued perfect sculptures moving as one, Y/n was able to support him well, leading their teamwork to a great result.

They also played video games as they cuddled all day, looking exactly like a newly-wed couple, inseparable and enveloped with nothing but overflowing pure and deep love.

Until the darkness was finally slowly swallowing the day The couple was quietly cuddling on the sofa as they rest for the whole day's activities they both did when Y/n pulled herself away from Jin's embrace. She looked at him shyly as she bit her lip.

Noticing the change in her expression, Jin spoke.

"What's wrong?" he asked and Y/n shifted her gaze to the vase on the table before she buried her face in the nook of his neck.

"I... I'm... I need to pee. " She hesitantly said and Jin just blinked before he held her shoulders.

"Okay, let's go. " He replied as he immediately moved to stand.

Y/n was surprised because he seemed not to mind it at all.

In no time, they entered the toilet and they were now both standing near the toilet bowl.

Y/n's face was flushing red as she stared at the man before her.

Looking at her not moving, Jin's brows knitted a bit as he spoke.

"What's wrong? Do you need help? It's not good if you hold it in. " He said with a concerned look.

Hearing his words, Y/n's face went even redder. She was wondering why Jin wasn't embarrassed at all in this situation.

"No. No. No. I don't need help. I just want you to turn your back and don't look at me. " She protested and the man just looked at her with a questioning look as though he's saying the words 'why do I need to turn back?', making Y/n even more flustered.

"Mm ." He then uttered before he obediently turned his back.

Unable to hold it in anymore, she finally put her hands on her waist. Thankfully, she was wearing a comfy shorts that could easily be pulled down.

However, the moment she started pulling her shorts and panty down as she bent her knees, due to their cuffed hands, Jin was also pulled over her.

Y/n froze and she reflexively pulled her panty up in a blink of an eye.

Jin who was pulled to bent over her didn't see Y/n's flash move. Her short was already on her feet so the moment Jin looked down, he saw her panty.

He immediately blushed a little but unlike her, there was no sign of embarrassment flashing across his eyes.

"D-d-ddon't I tell you not to look?!" she stammered loudly and Jin was stunned.

He looked at her cluelessly, however, the moment he noticed how red her face was, she finally realize that she was being embarrassed He then put his other hand on the back of his neck as he spoke.

"But . . . I already saw it last night. " He said and Y/n felt like her face was about to blaze in flame.

She never imagined this used to be so innocent husband of her to say these words one day.

"You . . . you went so shameless now, Jin I!" she replied loudly as she covers her face. Alarmed by her words, Jin could only apologize.

"Okay, I'm sorry I won't look. I won't look ." He then said and the moment he turned his face away, Y/n who just couldn't hold it anymore pulled down her panty and she finally sat on the toilet bowl scolding that someone who brought them into this embarrassing situation inside her brain.

By the time the couple finally stepped out of the toilet, Y/n was still blushing. However, the moment she saw the signal she's been waiting for from the maids, she breathed deep and looked at Jin.

She then suddenly pulled his hand and lead him towards the courtyard without saying a word.

Upon reaching the garden, Jin's eyes widen. It was because the entire garden was already surrounded by romantic yellow lights. The gazebo located in the heart of the place was decorated with white curtains and candles were shining on top of the table inside it

At one glance, Jin understood that this was a romantic dinner He gazed at his wife and the girl just smiled brightly at him.

"I can't take you out for a date but we can still have a memorable date here. "

She said and for some reason,n felt like his heart was being tugged by both pain and happiness.

"Mm. " He just uttered as he let his dear wife lead him towards the gazebo

The place and atmosphere were perfect. Everything was romantic and dreamy like a fairy tale As they both slowly walk on the pathway towards the gazebo while their hands were cuffed and their palms embraced each other, their hearts couldn't help but flutter wildly, and they don't know why.

At that moment, they felt like they were the only people in the world. They were oozing uncontrollable affection and love to the point that they look unreal if anyone could see them right now, they would probably think they were watching a romantic movie.

As soon as they reached the table, they sat. They rested their cuffed hands on top of the table, still holding each other tightly not a word came out of their mouth. They just gazed deeply at each other's eyes as though they were communicating silently. It was as though they were letting their feelings and emotions e over.

The two then quietly feed each other.

Until time passed and they were now drinking their wine. Y/n sipped a little before she moved. She stretched out her hand under the table and after a moment, a flower was already in her hand.

She reached out her hand to give the flower to her husband and Jin's eyes once again widened as he accepted it. It was a Viscaria, the flower that means

'will you dance with me?'

Jin immediately took her hand and Y/n leads him into a space circled with small lights. The couple both stood in the middle of the circle when finally, Jin broke the silence.

"But... I don't know how to dance. " He said as a disappointment himself was flashing across his eyes.

He looked like he was suddenly in a dilemma and Y/n found his reaction adorable as ever, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"You never danced before?" she asked and the man nodded.

"Mm. I have never done this before. " He answered and Y/n's eyes lit and sparkled like stars.

"So this means, I will be your first dance?!" She exclaimed and the moment he uttered an "Mm" Y/n jumped onto him and squeezed him hard.

"Ahh! You don't know how happy I am to be your first dance." She added happily before she let go of him.

"Don't worry, I will teach you. "

Y/n then held his right hand and put it around her waist before she laced her fingers into his. She then asked him to look at their feet and showed him an example.

Afterward, Y/nleadss her husband into a slow dance. She was smiling brightly because Jin was such a fast learner he didn't even need practice.

In no time their bodies were already in sync as they both swayed gracefully. Their eyes were locked onto each other as their world began to spark as though endless silent fireworks were exploding above them.

For a long while, they just stared at each other until Y/n moved closer to him as she buried her face in his chest.

"Can you hear my heartbeat?" Jin asked and Y/n smiled.

"Mm. It's loud and fast. Like mine " She answered as she held his hand and put it on her chest for him to feel her heart.

Jin felt her heartbeat and his lips curved with a beautiful smile. Of course, Y/n's eyes marveled as soon as she saw his rare gorgeous smile.

"You're right. Our hearts, they seemed strange . . . beating abnormally like this. " He said and Y/n chuckled.

Looking at her sweet and heart-stopping smile, Jin suddenly pulled her closer to him He buried her in his embrace as they were still both swaying.

"Jin... how's your first dance? Do you like it?" she asked softly as she squeezed him when the man kissed her head.

"I'm happy. I felt like my heart is about to explode I'm glad I never danced with anyone else before you came into my life. I won't dance with anyone else but you in the future as well. You are my first and my last. " He answered and Y/n almost teared up.

Hugging his wife tightly in his embrace as they both continued swaying slowly, Jin bent and spoke softly near her ears.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. " He said.

His voice was hoarse and sad but for some reason, Y/n could feel a strange intensity with his tone.

She pulled away to look at his face when to her surprise, Jin's eyes were brimming with determination and fighting spirit

Something that Y/n never saw in him before. Not knowing that it was the same look she gave him last night when she swore not to give up on him.

"Mm. I know. Just as I've said, I will wait for you no matter how long it takes. " She replied and Jin just embraced her tightly again.

"When I come back, I promise I will take you out no matter where you want to go. Not hiding anymore. We will freely roam around just like those couples in the park. " He uttered and Y/n couldn't help but tear up.

She can't deny that she was wishing she could take him out freely. She has lots of things she wanted to do with him outside like what normal couples do that just imagining them made her want to cry

However, what made her tore was the fact that Jin seemed to be envious of the freedom other people have.

At that could only grip him tightly. She was aware of his story and she was praying and wishing every single day for him to be finally freed Thinking about the years he spent in the darkness, being caged without freedom made her heart aches so bad.

"Mm. I believe you can settle everything soon. When you come back, I will bring you to the beach, to the market, to the mall, to the street, everywhere. We could even go to Mt . Everest. " She said as she chuckled before she tiptoed and held his face.

"I believe in you Jin. " She continued and she kissed him.

After their romantic date, the two then entered the house Knowing that Jin was leaving tomorrow, Y/n don't want to sleep yet. She wanted to stay with him, look at him, and hold him as long as there was still time.

She leads him towards the longue and they were about to sit on the sofa when Y/n remembered the small box that Diya gave her before she left. She said that it was a sweet game for a couple and told her to play it with her husband when they're alone at night.

"Okay, we're going to play a game. There's this game my friend gave me. " Y/n said and they both went upstairs to get the box.

They then sat on the couch near the window while Y/n opened the small box Diya gave her.

The box was filled with ad pieces of paper There was a note on top of it so Y/n took it She opened it and the words, 'Truth or Dare Rules' was written on top of it.

Y/n's brows creased a little the moment she realized it was r dare game She played it once before in high school and she thought it wasn't fun at all, but since she already asked Jin to play it, she could only shrug. Not knowing that Diya's purpose in preparing that game for her was the complete opposite of the kind of game she has in mind.

"Do you know how to play this?" She then asked and Jin shook his head.

"You can teach me, I will learn it in no time. " He replied so Y/n immediately gave him the note.

[Rule 1 Pick one rolled piece of paper in the box and read the question to your partner. If your partner says 'truth' they will the question truthfully, if they say 'dare', flip the paper and read to them the dare written on the back Do it alternately.

2 You cannot change a dare or truth once selected.

3. Do not lie when you choose the truth

4 No matter how embarrassing the dare was, you have to play it No excuses. ]

Upon reading the note, Jin looked at Y/n

"Any question?" She asked and the man shook his head.

"Okay then, let's start. Hmm, who's first? Okay let's have a rock-paper-scissor, the winner will read first. " She continued and without a warning, she raised her hand and swayed it.

"Paper, rock, scissor!" she said, and the confused man who had never done a paper-rock-scissor before just raised his hand opened.

Of course, Y/n who was an expert in it won against him as she chuckled because of his expression.

She then picked a rolled piece of paper and opened it.

"Okay, here's the question Jin. What is your partner's most... annoying habit?" Y/n asked as she anticipated Jin's answer.

"None. " He answered and Y/n's shoulders dropped

"Er... are you sure I don't have an annoying habit? " She said when Jin spoke

"I'm not lying. Your habits are not annoying at all. " He said, his eyes serious and sincere and Y/n could only cough and blush with his sweet words

"O-okay then, it's your turn to pick one. "

Jin then picked another roll of paper but instead of reading it right away, he paused for a while.

"Hm? What's wrong?" she asked but he just cleared his throat before he began reading it.

"What sexual position do you love the most?" he asked and a long silence passed before Y/n could react. She grabbed his hand to check if what he read was written and she was shocked


she yelled within her as her face started burning red. After a while, seeing Jin quietly waiting for her answer, Y/n uttered the word "Dare".

Jin then flipped the paper and once again, he fell silent for a while

"Bite your partner's lower lip. " He said and Y/n who was still blazing red could only do the dare

She then moved closer to him and bit his lower lip as quickly as she could.

"My turn. " She immediately said the moment she let go of his lips and she picked another paper.

"If you could fix one body part of your partner, which would it be? If your answer is none and I don't know, do the dare. " She said and Jin who had a sure 'none' answer could only say "Dare".

"K-kiss your favorite part of your partner. " Y/n uttered as she turned red again when Jin suddenly looked troubled.

"But... I like every part of you. " He said and Y/n coughed.

"J-just choose one. " She immediately retorted and Jin seemed to begin thinking hard.

After a while, he moved closer to her and his lips slowly landed on her eyes.

At that moment, Y/n could feel his warm lips gently kissing her eyes and she felt her heart fluttering like crazy

Thankfully, Jin pulled back and his words made Y/n snap.

"Describe your first kiss with your partner," He asked and Y/n fell silent again before saying "Dare".

Thinking that the dare might be less embarrassing than describing their first kiss.

"T-take off your partner's shirt... using your teeth. " Jin stammered as he reads while Y/n choked.