
Super Macho Wrestler Fiance

Hours later, Country C...

Namjoon was now playing the bad criminal being chased by secret agents in the busy capital of Country C.

His eyes were ferocious and he was smiling as though he was enjoying the dangerous hide and seek. Provoking the enemy and then running away from them like a naughty kid made him feel excited.

Well, he was just enjoying the show at the moment. He didn't need to tax his brain until it runs dry since he only needs to protect himself. He was free to do what he wanted and he felt like he was experiencing an adrenaline rush.

Until time passed and he successfully ditched the enemy. It was already twilight when he reached the safe zone.

He was panting as he leaned on the wall outside a certain normal and not do prestigious barroom.

The place was the rendezvous he chose to meet their men that were based in this city.

Upon entering the place, Namjoon was immediately greeted by a tall muscular man who politely lead him towards the corner where another two men were waiting for him.

"Second boss, what drink would you prefer?"

the man asked as he sits when Namjoon just waved his hand.

"No need. " He said and the three men just sat there, looking like obedient soldiers who were afraid to move in the presence of their great superior.

After explaining lan, the men then stood to leave the place and go to their base when suddenly, someone bumped Namjoon's back.

The men immediately went fierce as they held the person who bumped onto him

Namjoon was about to ignore it but the moment he moved a single step, he halted.

"Let go of me damn it. If you won't I'll call my super macho wrestler fiance and you guys will see!"

A girl's voice rang. And as soon as that voice reached his ears, Namjoon immediately turned and his eyes turned wide with disbelief.

'What the hell is she doing here?!'

Namjoon exclaimed within him as he looked at the girl in front of him with disbelief.

"I said let go of me!" She yelled as she struggled when Namjoon finally spoke.

"Let her go." He said and the men immediately obeyed.

Namjoon was wearing a plain black baseball cap hiding his face. However, his familiar voice was enough to jolt the girl across him.

She then hesitantly moved towards the tall man wearing an all-black outfit, looking as though he was a secret agent from a movie lurking in the night.

Trying to ensure who the man was, she tilted her head to see his face when the man suddenly turned, ignoring her.

Namjoon never expected the girl to suddenly appear in a place like this, much more to this kind of situation He couldn't help but think if some bored God out there was trying to play a prank on him by making him meet her in every unexpected situation that existed.

that hatch as Namjoon wanted to ask her what the hell is she doing in this place, he could only take a deep breath and act like he didn't know her. After all, dragging her into danger is the last thing he would do.

Leaving the girl standing like a rooted tree watching him leave, Namjoon glanced at her for a while before he finally stepped out of the door.

However, his brows knitted as he walks away. It was because he noticed the girl's sorry state. She was dressed like a noble rich daughter as though she had just come from a certain ceremony. But her reflection that moment was entirely different from the Miss pervert he knew. She looked lost and devoid of her usual wild and naughty aura.

Thinking about her, Namjoon felt a strange feeling of wanting to go back and ask her what was wrong. He never felt this reluctant to ignore someone before.

Apart from Jin, he could always ignore anyone without batting an eye at times like this He was the type of human being who doesn't get swayed at all by anything especially when he's on an important mission

That was why the completely unfamiliar feeling that was bugging him at the moment made his eyes narrow with curiosity and wonder.

However, in the end, he didn't stop He went straight inside a car waiting for them and the moment he sat inside, the man leading Jin's men in this country spoke.

"Boss, your plan is a success, the enemy completely lost track of you. They're currently heading towards the pier right now. "

He said and Namjoon could only look at him nonchalantly with an expression as though saying the words 'of course it's a success, there's no way my plan would go wrong' and the man fell quiet for a while.

"Boss, shall we go?" the man asked when suddenly, Namjoon's phone vibrated. He immediately opened the message Shawn sent him and he could only sigh.

[Everything is fine here Boss was asking me to monitor you. ]

the message said and Namjoon immediately typed a reply.

[Tell him I'm still alive and kicking. Tell him to just make sure he makes a baby tonight. ]

After sending the message, Namjoon then gestured for the driver to start the car as he turned his head and looked back at the barroom they came from.

However, just as the car was about to accelerate, it suddenly screeched to a Namjoon who was sitting in the backseat looking in front then cursed.

"Shit! That girl! What is she doing?"

he hissed when NamJoon's eyes widened again as he looked at the girl absentmindedly walking in front of the car.

"Don't mind her, let's go. " The leader said but before the car could start moving, Namjoon spoke.

"Wait. " He said and he stepped out.

Diya was humming as she walks. She was a bit drunk but her mind was still clear.

It's just that her eyes were heavy and tired, maybe because of her lack of sleep for a few nights now. She didn't even notice a car that almost hit her as she continued walking.

But as she began to think where she would go, all of a sudden, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her. Her eyes widened and she felt like she was instantly awakened from her dizziness by the sudden force that grabbed her.

She immediately looked at the man holding her hand and she was about to protest when she noticed that he was the same man whom she bumped into a while ago.

Speechless, Diya tilted her head again to look at his face. The moment she heard his voice a while ago, she instantly recognized him, but she felt reluctant when he ignored her

However, now that he was holding her hand, his familiar presence didn't escape her.

"Mr . Handsome?" she asked since she still couldn't see his face due to the shadow of his cap when suddenly, the man flicked her forehead strongly.

Causing her senses to awaken all at once What the man did only confirmed that he was him.

Well, there are only two men who dared to flick her forehead like this. It's either Mr . Normal or Mr . Handsome and it's quite obvious who it was this time.

"You... how could you flicked a beautiful lady's forehead so strongly?!"

she yelled at him when the man suddenly dragged her towards the car.

He threw her inside and the moment he sat, he gestured to the driver and the car immediately accelerated Namjoon was about to turn to her when the girl was already so close to him as she quickly raised his cap.

"Ohh... so it's Mr . Handsome and not Mr . Normal, huh. "

She uttered and the moment Namjoon smelled a combined scent of mint and alcohol from her breath, he could only knit his brows.

"So you're drunk, and yet you're roaming around like a lost cub in the middle of the night huh. " Namjoon said with his veins popping out and the girl immediately protested.

"What middle of the night? It's not even passed dinner time yet. And I just drink a bit. "

She retorted and Namjoon flicked her forehead again.

Making her utter an "Ouch!"

"What the hell are you doing in this place?" he asked and Diya who was rubbing her forehead looked at him with red eyes.

"How about you? What is rich Mr . Handsome doing in a place like this?"

She question him back instead of answering and Namjoon was about to flick her again when Diya suddenly moved and out of nowhere, she bit his earlobe.

"Y-you, what are you . . . " Namjoon staggered and he didn't know what to say.

He stared at her and the usual look in her eyes finally returned, causing Namjoon to feel the surge of mischievousness within him.

"That's what you get for not being gentle at all. " She said and Namjoon suddenly pinned her down.

"Look here Miss pervert. Are you trying to provoke me like this even though I have my men watching?" he said and the girl fell speechless for a while.

"Well, I'm not trying to provoke you or anything. I'm just taking revenge. " She replied weakly.

"Revenge? You call this revenge?" Namjoon then asked and noticing her weak replies, he looked at him with a taunting gaze.

"What can I do? I'm not as strong as other girls to have the strength to even land a strong blow on you!" She answered loudly but her words still seemed to be weak and not her usual witty attack.

"Why? Are you afraid of me or something now? Do I look like a macho wrestler in your eyes?" he asked and the girl remembered what she said at the bar moments ago.

"Er . . . well . . . " She uttered and looking at her turned speechless.

Well, this girl used to retort immediately at conversation like this so it's unusual for her to just feel speechless.

"What's wrong? Are you finally becoming a good girl now?" he again asked and Diya just creased her forehead.

"Is miss pervert finally graduating from being pervert now?" he continued asking without giving her the chance to answer.

At that moment, Diya was feeling so dizzy again. She could hear what he was saying loud and clear and it somewhat annoyed her.

However, strangely enough, ever since she drank that last glass of wine in the bar, her blood seemed to be begging her to have some sleep to the point that she's been trying so hard to stay awake for a while no. She's even thinking if someone put a sleeping pill or something in her glass.

She fought her dizziness since she knew she can't just sleep without someone she trust watching her, and that's the reason why she hastily left the ba. And now that this man was in front of her, she didn't know why but she could finally relax, she badly wanted to just close her eyes and sleep, even though the man continued teasing he.

"Oh, so the perverted girl went good now, hu. It's not like I'm complaining though . . . "

Namjoon couldn't continue his word It was because suddenly, the girl grabbed his neck and she kissed him as though making him shut his mouth. Namjoon could taste the mint and wine on her tongue and he couldn't help but feel entranced by a warm kiss.

However, just as he was about to return her kisses, the girl suddenly stopped and her hands wrapped around his neck fell.

Namjoon could only look at her and he couldn't believe that she fell asleep just like that Her mouth slightly opened as she breathed steadily while Namjoon just remained there not moving at all.

'This girl  did she just kiss me to sleep on me.'