
my women

Namjoon kissed her hard thinking that she would protest . He was just trying to give her a lesson, that she shouldn't judge the book by its cover .

He forced his tongue in her mouth as she gripped her tight closer to him . Giving her a warning of danger .

However, to NamJoon's surprise, the girl he expected to protest slipped her hands on his neck and she began returning his kisses .

Namjoon was completely caught off guard . The girl kissed him as deep and as skilled as he was . Until they both ended up kissing deeper than ever . Namjoon could tell the difference of her kisses from other girls he kissed before . It was not about her being skilled, its just that her kisses seemed to be hypnotizing him and he couldn't break away .

To him, kissing her and embracing her tight like this just felt more unfamiliar and comfortable than ever . He felt the kind of warmth he never felt before .

'damn it, Diya!'

He could only curse within him as he struggled to stop before its too late . It was because he never once struggled this hard before, he could always stop no matter how far and deep the intimacy was whenever he wants to .

But with her, the challenge was completely in a whole new level . He was overwhelmed .

However, his well trained self, and maybe because of how he was created, Namjoon still managed to stop . He was just like a programmed robot that will always follow his programmed task in the end no matter what .

Breathing hard, he pinned her down as he moved his body up away from her .

Diya on the other hand was in a complete shock . For a while now, the signal of danger coming from him was already ringing in her head so she actually tried stopping him .

However, she didn't expect that the impact of his kisses was strong enough that it simply knocked her senseless . She used to be the one always breaking the flow of every kiss first . She even kissed with her eyes wide open, but now, she couldn't even push him . And she couldn't believe it .

"You . . . little pervert, didn't you say you're not interested with my experiment? Why the he'll did you kiss back?"

The man said and she snapped . They both were still panting due to the long and deep kiss they shared .

She looked at his eyes and a wild yet elegantly controlled emotion was flooding his fierce eyes . That moment, she finally confirmed just how different this man was from all the men she met before .

Diya learned the meaning of every gesture of a man . And she was confident with her understanding about a man's thoughts, feelings and desires .

But this man, she failed to comprehend him . The more she observe him, the more she felt like he was someone from another planet . And worse was she couldn't explain why she felt that way to him .

"You . . . are you listening to me?"

He asked as he flicked her forehead and Diya immediately rose .

"Ouch! Why are you flicking me so hard? Can't you be a bit more gentler?!"

She said loudly as she rubbed her forehead while the man just simpered .

"That's what you get from being careless . Don't trust in your observations too much, you understand? There are angels that were devil in disguise . "

He said but Diya just lazily stared at him .

"I already know that long time ago . It's just that . . . well, don't blame me . What can I do? There's no way I could resist such a real beauty voluntarily throwing himself on me . Okay?"

She replied with a smug face and Namjoon couldn't help but close his eyes and take a deep breath .

'damn it, she's seriously making it sounds like I'm the girl throwing himself to her and she's the man who lost control?! This pervert really knows how to drive me insane . '

"I'm leaving . I have some important task to do . You will stay here and wait for Grandpa's people to escort you back home tomorrow . "

He said and he was about to open the door when Diya spoke .

"Wait! Are . . . are you . . . wounded?"

She asked, her eyes widened as she shifted her gaze on him and then on her hand that was stained with blood .

Namjoon just looked at her, not alarmed at all . He actually forgot that a bullet grazed his left shoulder during the chase hours ago .

He was about to shrug and tell her to just stay still when the girl suddenly ran towards him .

She hastily examined him and when she saw dried blood on his left hand, her eyes widen .

"You . . . your wounded!"

She exclaimed but the man just flicked her forehead again .

"Stop worrying about others and worry about yourself . You told me you want to be free but what is this? You're letting people drag you anywhere like you're some helpless little kid . If I didn't bump into you in that place coincidentally, what would have happened to you?"

He said and for some reason, he was suddenly angered .

Diya was shocked with his words, she didn't expect at all that he actually knows what happened to her . This was the first time she saw this man's angry look and even though she felt quite intimidated, she didn't hate it . For some reason, him, suddenly scolding her like this somehow made her felt emotional .

However, she couldn't talk back and explain, so she bit her lip to stop herself from saying a thing . She instead tugged his black jacket as she stared at his hand .

"Your wound, I think you need to go to the hospital . "

She said but the man held her hand to remove it on him .

"There's no need . This is nothing . " He said and he's about to turn when she blocked the door .

"Uhm . . . well, you saved me tonight so . . . let me treat your wound as a payback . Don't worry, I'm good in treating wounds . "

she replied but again, Namjoon just flicked her head once more .

"I told you to stop minding others . Now move . " He said coldly and stubbornly, making Diya to snap .

"So what if I mind? What's wrong if I mind? You're the one who helped me first so why won't you let me worry about you when you're wounded like this? Why are you so stubborn?! A beauty like you should just be obedient and let me treat you . It's a sin to neglect such a beautiful body like that, do you understand what I mean?!"

She yelled at him and Namjoon was a bit taken aback .

"W-why are you suddenly yelling? And do you really need to mention the beauty this beauty that?"

Namjoon stammered . He almost couldn't believe that a girl was scolding him like this .

"So what if I mention it? I'm just stating the truth so don't be stubborn . If you don't care about your body then I care!"

She yelled again and upon hearing her words, Namjoon's lips suddenly curved up .

"Ohh . . . what's this? Are you trying to confess your love with my body or something?" he asked with a teasing gaze .

"Yes I am . I am trying to confess my love to your body, not you . I can't bear to see your poor beautiful body being treated harshly like this . If you won't let me treat it, I will jump onto you and devour you until morning . "

She replied, looking serious and Namjoon choked .

'Cough, cough, cough . What the hell is this pervert saying?'

"You, have you gone mad . Do you know what you're saying?" He asked when suddenly someone knocked the door .

"Boss, I brought the first aid kit . " The voice in the other side said and Diya immediately opened the door .

"Please give it to me . I'll take care of your boss . " She said as she grabbed the kit in his hand .

Mr . Leader who was waiting at the door actually heard her yells and he immediately asked his men to bring a first aid kit . Well, he noticed his boss's wounds the moment he entered the bar but knowing him, he didn't dare to tell him to treat his wound first . It was because he knew that to their second boss, small wounds are little things that don't even bother him at all . Even though the wound he called small were wounds that needed to be treated at all cost for a normal man .

"Please take care of our boss, miss . " He then said before closing the door and Namjoon's forehead creased .

But before he could talk, Diya charged onto him and pushed him towards the bed before making him sit .

Unable to protest anymore, Namjoon gave in and he voluntarily removed his jacket .

"Do it fast . " He said and upon seeing his wound, Diya's heart raced . It was because the wound wasn't small at all and blood was still flowing out from it .

"H-hey, you said its just small . How could you ignore this?" she asked, her face began to go pale .

Noticing her expression, Namjoon realized that she was nervous . And for some reason, he remembered their mother, Hanna's pale face every time he gets wounded during their escape .

That moment, Namjoon realize that to others, this kind of wound wasn't something tolerable even though to him, it really doesn't bother him at all .

"You don't have to be nervous like that . Its not like I'll die . I'll see a doctor when I reach home so don't worry about your beloved body of mine . "

He said, still looking mischievous and Diya almost want to smack him . She really can't believe him . How could he still be smiling and energetic when he's like this? Is he not feeling any pain?

"Are you afraid now? I can treat myself so give it to me . "

He continued but Diya didn't give the kit to him . Instead, she immediately started treating his wound quietly and gently .

Namjoon was watching her doing her task seriously and his brain began to wander . He started thinking about her . He knew about her background . He knew that she was literally like a dethroned princess but she's still enjoying her life . He actually like her attitude of being in love with her freedom rather than wasting her life trying to please others .

However, knowing that she too was also fighting her own kind of war, against the people who was supposed to be the one loving her, he couldn't help but felt angered .

Reflexively, he raised his hand and pinched her nose . Diya looked at him with a knitted brows and Namjoon just laughed .

"Next time, don't ever let anyone drag you away against your will . "

He said and Diya retorted in no time .

"Next time, don't let anyone hurt your body like this . I felt really bad for your poor beautiful body to suffer like this . "

She said and Namjoon's vein could only pop because of the word 'beautiful' . Trying to get back at her, he continued talking .

"You're loving my body too much, don't you feel bad to that man you said you like?"

he asked with a smug face and Diya paused for a while before she replied while she continued treating his wound .

"Hmmm . . . now that you mention him, I haven't seen mister normal since I met you though . Oh well, he's not my boyfriend so there's no reason for me to feel bad . But yeah, I think his body is beautiful too, judging from his physique, his body might even better than yours . "

"How could you say so?"

"Just a hunch . You're treating your body like this so of course his will be better . You better take care of this body of yours more or you will regret it later . "

"Will you stop talking about bodies? How the hell is that brain of yours work?"

"What's wrong about talking about beautiful bodies?"

"Sigh . Enough, forget it . "

As the two continued their bickering, Diya finally finished wrapping his wound .

"Make sure to see the doctor . "

She said and Namjoon immediately rose .

"I'm leaving . Remember what I said . Also, about your engagement to the Kangs, don't worry about it . Grandpa will tell your parents about us . "

He said and Diya's eyes widen in disbelief .

"R-really?" she could only ask and Namjoon nodded .

"Yes . Rest assured miss pervert, I will fulfil my promise to you so be good . " He replied when suddenly, Diya hugged him .

"Ahh, what should I do? This beauty is seducing me . " She said and Namjoon almost wanted to flick her hard again .

'H-huh? Who the hell is trying to seduce a pervert girl like you?! Ugh, never mind . . . trying to reason out with this girl is taxing . . . '

After the girl let go of him, Namjoon then opened the door and steeped out . Diya also followed him outside the door .

"I'm going. Go inside now " He said before he finally turned.

He was already about ten steps away from her when suddenly someone grabbed him

Namjoon was about to scold her when suddenly the girl whispered in his ear.

"Bye, bye. Take care "

She said and then out of nowhere she bit his earlobe for three seconds before she dashed inside the room and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door while touching his earlobe, Namjoon could only bites andddndas he put his hand on his hips. He smiled with disbelief as his ears somehow turned a bit red

"Uhm . . . boss, your woman is gleeful and bold. "

Mr . Leader said and Namjoon snapped and he began to continue walking away as he spoke.

"Yes, she's my woman. "