
together forever

4 AM at Gray Mansion...


The sound of an uncuffing handcuff awakened Y/n . She slowly opened her eyes and what appeared before her was her half naked husband, looking at her deeply .

"Jin..." she called out his name and she was about to rise when Jin leaned towards her and kissed her forehead .

"I'll go get change . I'll be back later . " He said as he uncuffed her hand .

"Mm . " She replied and Jin immediately left the room .

Her gaze was locked onto the closed door for a while before she finally rose . Her knees were a bit weak so she slowly walked towards her closet and dressed herself up .

By the time she returned on the bed, she laid back again and she stared at the ceiling with her arms spread like wings for a long while until Jin finally entered the room .

He was already dressed and he already seemed ready to leave . As she looked at him, something seemed to tugged her heart but she rose and looked at him as she smiled .

"Are you going now?" She asked .

She was smiling but deep within her, she felt like her heart was getting heavier .

"Mm . " He uttered and as she looked at his eyes, he seemed to be feeling the same way as her .

There was sadness in his eyes and she could feel it .

Looking at him, Y/n continued smiling as she stood . She embraced him before she held his face closer to her .

"Don't be so sad, we maybe parting this time but its temporary right?"

She said, trying to ease the sadness brimming in his eyes .

Hearing her, Jin gently bumped his forehead into hers .

"Y/n ... I... I might take a long while this time . "

He said, his voice was hoarse and still sad .

"Mm . I understand . I'll wait no matter how long you take . That's a promise . "

She replied as she caressed the back of his head .

That moment, the two just held each other like they don't want to be parted at all . They never want to . But they both know that the circumstances won't let them until his war is over .

"For your safety, you can't contact me either . " He continued and Y/n simply uttered an "Mm" .

Mr . Min actually talked to her about it before he left so she wasn't shocked anymore . She fully understands what kind of battlefield is waiting for him and she knew the extreme caution they need to follow for the sake of their safety .

"I'm going to end this all, I promise . When I come back, we will be together, forever . "

He said as he gently caressed her cheeks with his thumbs . The sadness in his eyes were overshadowed with another great intensity of emotion, an overflowing determination and fighting spirits .

"Mm . We will be together, forever . I will be waiting for your return . " She replied and they kissed .

They shared a long passionate kiss that sealed their promises .

Just after their lips parted, they heard a soft knock on the door as they both catch up with their breaths . Jin then held her hand and they both stepped out of the room .

"Everything is ready boss . " Shawn said and Jin's grip in her hand tightened .

"Mm . " He uttered as they both slowly followed the man .

For the past four months, they both parted many times, however, this is the first time they ever felt like this . They felt like they just wanted to stay together, they don't want to let go of each other's hand . And it's making their hearts feeling a new kind of ache for being apart .

That moment, they both counted every steps they took, quietly inside their hearts until they finally stepped out of the house . They both then faced each other and when the man in black opened the car's door, they suddenly buried themselves into each other's arms .

The sky was still dark and the breeze was cold, but to them, their hearts are burning wildly .

"Y/n ... I love you . " He uttered as he kissed her eyes .

"I love you too Jin ... I love you so much . " She replied and they kissed once again .

Not minding the guards around waiting for him .

"Wait for me . " He again said

and Y/n nodded .

"Mm . I'll wait for you . Promise me you'll comeback safe . "

She said and after another long tight hugs and deep kisses, the two finally let go of each other .

Y/n smiled brightly as she waved her hand as the man stood before the car's door .

Seeing his wife waving at him, he too slowly raised his hand imitating her gesture .

He waved at her and that little thing he does made Y/n chuckle . It was because she finally saw her chibi Jin waving cutely at her . And the way he wave his hand seemed like it was his first time doing it . Making Y/n smiled even brighter .

She then raised her other hand and waved both of her hands at him and the man also did the same . Adding more cuteness to his already overflowing adorable gestures .

Until finally, he entered the car and the car's door closed . It immediately began speeding away like a released arrow and in no time, the car disappeared in front of her eyes .

Port Red, Country H . . .

Numerous soldiers were standing still, saluting in every corner the moment Jin walk passed them . He was like a formidable king respected and honored by everyone, and to the people of Country H, he was indeed their king hidden in the shadows .

Namjoon who was already waiting inside hastily approached him with a smile . However, as soon as Jin saw his shoulder wrapped with bandages, the man's face darkened .

Noticing his expression, Namjoon put his hand around him and he grinned mischievously .

"This is just a scratch . A scratch, okay? Anyway, I hope you didn't exhaust your wife again last night and left her sleeping . "

He said and Jin's ears reddened .

"I . . . I didn't exhaust her . "

He replied and Namjoon's grin widened even more .

"Ohhh . . . don't tell me you only did it just once last night . " He teased as they continued walking .

"No, we did it more than once and . . . " he answered but he paused midway . He looked at Namjoon and as soon as he saw him grinning wide, he removed his hand on him .

"Shut up . Stop asking . " He added firmly before he continued walking away and Namjoon just laughed as he hastily followed him .

By the time they finally meet the military intelligence corps Jin himself founded, the serious talk began .

As they both listened to the endless reports, Namjoon could only crease his forehead . It was because just by listening with all the mysterious and almost senseless reports, he could already tell that this will be a real long war .

"Sir, these are the list of suspects that we think are connected to the town of Zames . "

A man said and the moment Jin scanned the list, he paused at the last page and his expression drastically turned darker than ever .

Namjoon immediately followed his line of sight and as soon as he saw the name and the picture of a young girl Jin was looking at, he stiffened a bit .

The girl in picture was no other than his wife, the young Y/n .

However, Namjoon wasn't that shocked anymore . Truth be told, ever since that night they met her in that place ten years ago, he already knew that she was connected to that hellish town . And he was sure that deep within Jin, he was already aware that she was, the moment he heard her played that song

Back then, their mother, Hanna, played that music as her gift to his son's birthday . She played it in the hospital where she was confined back in that town . And she said that the piece was her own creation .

Supposedly, nobody should have known that song other than her, considering that she only played it once in front of just the two of them .

That was why Namjoon already knew it all along . That Y/n was more than mysterious . As mysterious as the case they will trying to solve . And the only explanation was that she was there, that time, in that hellish town .

The two of them never said a word about it . Namjoon never mentioned anything, he was waiting for Jin to speak about it but he didn't .

"What made you include this girl in the list?" Namjoon was the one who asked .

"We found that the day before the blast, this girl along with a woman left that town . We manage to trace that she came from that town because of the report about a car accident near that place where you both stayed that night of your escape . She was with a woman and that woman was among the scientists in that town . We think that the girl too is a citizen of Zames . "

The man explained and Namjoon nodded . He glanced at Jin and an inferno was burning in his eyes . And he understands why he's like that . He understand that it was really hard to believe that Y/n might be just like them .

"Do you think the IB agents knew this already?"

Namjoon asked again and thankfully the man shook his head.

"I don't think they knew sir. There was no record of her in Country J's police databases. We manage to discover this coincidentally because one of our people met the who found her during the accident. " He answered and Namjoon immediately looked at Jin.

"You're the one who destroyed any records about her?" He asked and just by looking at him, he didn't even need to answer anymore.

"Namjoon . . . We will fly to Country X tonight. " Jin finally spoke and everyone looked at him with surprise

The military general beside him also looks shocked by his sudden decision

"B-but sir, we still need to secure the---"

"There's no need. Tonight, I will start a war. " Jin said.

His voice was powerful, terrifyingly deadly, looking as though the sleeping dragon finally lifted his massive wings to fly and start burning the world. With those few words, he awakened the spirit of a warrior inside his men and Namjoon could only smile with extreme excitement.