
Men's talk

The next morning ....

The curtains glowed yellow as the sun rose, enveloping the room with warm lights. It was a bright and lovely morning.

Among the three people sleeping soundly on the bed, Y/n was the first to open her eyes. Her eyelids moved and shut again as the light piercing through the curtains cast shadows on her eyes.

She didn't move for a while, then after a few seconds she again slowly opened her eyes.

Y/n blinked as she stared at the ceiling when her brows creased a bit. She remembered that she slept with Little Yoon last night so she was about to tilt her head and look at her son when she realized that there were two hands wrapped around her stomach coming from both sides.

She immediately but carefully tilted her head towards her left and right sides and her eyes went wide. She was surprised to find out that she was actually in the middle of two adorable Squirrels, one big and one small.

Y/n couldn't help but gasp. It's not only because of the surprise but also because her heart instantly fluttered warmly as she realized that she was like a sandwich between two adorable fluffy Squirrels.

In that instant, Y/n felt a warm glow enveloping her. She turned her head towards Little Yoon and she couldn't resist the urge to kiss his adorable cheek.

Her son was just so cute. His thick beautiful lashes, red lips, and his facial features were exactly akin to Jin's. He was Jin's mini version and him sleeping so soundly like this makes her feel that she can watch over him for eternity.

For the second time, Y/n kissed Little Yoon's forehead before she slowly turned towards Jin.  Y/n somehow felt nervous but the instant her eyes laid on his gorgeous face, Y/n couldn't help but feel her heart jumping like crazy.

Back then, she always found him cute while he was soundly asleep like this even though he wore his mask. But now that there was no mask on his face anymore, Y/n couldn't resist the urge to gently caress his face.

He was handsome. His flawless face and drop-dead gorgeous appearance were simply beyond words to define that Y/n was left out speechless.

However, now that Jin was sleeping so vulnerably like this, Y/n couldn't help but imagine him in his chibi version and she felt her nose about bleed.

It was because she thought that the innocent and adorable Jin she knew five years ago was nowhere to be found. Despite that, she was happy that he was still this cute when he was asleep like this.

Y/n's heart was dancing with happiness as she savors every second of them being in this state. She felt like she was dreaming.

Her two fluffy buns were right here beside her and she couldn't ask for more. She felt like her world which was once dark and gray now turned into rainbows, full of flowers and love.

For a long while,  Y/n never got tired alternately looking at her big and small squirrels with stars in her eyes. Until Jin finally opened his eyes.

Jin blinked and his eyes immediately fell onto the woman beside him. That instant, Y/n turned her head towards him and their eyes met.

Y/n was taken aback seeing that Jin was already awake. The good morning she was thinking about just now didn't come out of her mouth.

"Good morning. " Jin was the first to greet with a warm smile.

Seeing him greet her with a smile felt heavenly that Y/n felt like she saw an angel when suddenly, Jin's lips reached her mouth.

The kiss lasted for a few seconds but Y/n was completely shocked by the sudden attack. Her eyes were wide when Jin let go of her lips.

The two of them stared at each other for a while when Jin kissed her again. Y/n felt like Jin just sucked every bit of energy inside her that she couldn't even react.

Until Jin finally let go of her lips again.

Y/n's face was now so red like a tomato and yet she still couldn't speak, while Jin on the other hand seemed not satisfied and hungry for more.

He moved again to kiss when Y/n heard little Yoon's moan, causing her to instantly turn her back from him.

"M-mommy..." Little Yoon uttered as he opened his eyes and Y/n who was red like a tomato forced herself to speak.

"M-mm. Mommy is here. " She said as she held him while she was trying so hard to calm herself from Jin's overtures.

Y/n couldn't believe that innocent sleeping Jin will suddenly turn shameless as soon as he opens his eyes without a second of transition.

Meanwhile, Jin who just realized that Little Yoon was actually beside her, raised his hand and tugged his messy hair.

Well, he was lost in thought as soon as he saw her. He just couldn't resist but kiss her even though he was still half asleep.

Jin rose and leaned on the headboard when Little Yoon saw him.

The little guy also rose immediately and glared at his father.

"Dad, why are you sleeping in my bed?" He asked, looking grumpily.

"I won't let you monopolize her alone. " Jin nonchalantly replied and Y/n choked.

She coughed multiple times and both the father and son instantly moved and looked at her worriedly.

"Y/n, are you alright?!"

"Mom, are you alright?!"

The two spoke simultaneously, almost the same words and almost the same expressions and Y/n could only cough again.

She suddenly felt like these father and son were giving her a heart attack.

"I-I'm fine. " Y/n said as she tried her best to calm down.

The father and son also helped her sit up as their hands were now caressing her back.

Afterward, they both suddenly jumped out of bed as they spoke.

"I'll go get water. "

"I'll go get water. "

Again, the two spoke the same words at the same time, causing them both to pause and looked at each other.

That instant, Y/n couldn't help but cough again.

"Little Yoon, stay with your mom. "

Jin said as he looked towards his little son meaningfully before he strode towards the door like flash, as though he was showing his son that he can't compete with him yet.

"Wait. I'm alright---"

Before Y/n could even finish her statement, Jin already left the room. Leaving her without a choice but sigh. She then moved to leave the bed when Little Yoon returned to her.

Looking at him, Y/n's eyes widen and she halted as she looked at her son. It was because Little Yoon's face looks so disappointed, as though he just lost a certain important battle.

"Mommy... I'm sorry I'm not being useful. But don't worry, I will grow up fast and have long legs too like dad so I can run fast, even faster than him, and be a big help to you. "

The little guy said with lots of wishful thinking as he pouts while his eyes were wandering around.

At that moment, Y/n's nose almost bled with the overflowing cuteness of her little prince.

'God... my baby is so cute when he pouts. '

She could only scream within her before she knelt on the floor and embraced the adorably irresistible little prince as tight as she could.

She couldn't believe that he was this adorable even though he looks dejected. At the same time, Y/n was even in awe that Little Yoon felt defeated by his dad and was thinking he was not useful.

"What are you saying? You're already a big, big help to mommy just by staying here with me, so don't say sorry, okay? Little Yoon is like medicine to mommy's heart so don't ever say you're not being useful, you understand?"

Y/n assured Little Yoon as she gently rubbed his son's head. Hearing her words, little Yoon nodded and his grip on her tightened.

After a while, the little guy loosened up and his gloomy feeling seemed to finally dissipate Y/n then held his shoulders and made him look at her.

"Also, you don't have to be in a rush growing up, okay?" She said and little Yoon slightly tilted his head.

"Why?" he curiously and innocently asked and  Y/n fell silent for a while.

"Mm... b-because if you grow up fast... then, you will also quickly lose your cuteness. You will become just like your dad who wasn't cute anymore and turn handsome. " She answered.

Well, Y/n was simply spouting the best reason she could think of. She does not wish her baby to grow up just yet. She wanted him to stay this cute and small a little bit longer.

"So, mommy prefers cute over handsome?"

Little Yoon continued and Y/n's eyes widen for a bit. The little guy looked at her with such intensity as though he was eager and anticipating her answer.

Causing Y/n to immediately give him her answer.

"Of course. I love my cute baby the most. Because Little Yoon is the cutest in the whole wide world. "

She replied and Little Yoon's mouth opened as the stars in his adorable eyes blasted one after another.

He looked extremely ecstatic as he embraced his mother lovingly.

Meanwhile, the gorgeous and drop-dead handsome man who happened to hear Little Yoon's last question and Y/n's heartfelt answer remained rooted on the floor just beside the door.

A glass of water was in his hand while his gaze was locked onto the mother and son embracing before him. He knew that Y/n's attention was no longer for him exclusively, however, witnessing himself being dethroned by his very own son from being Y/n's most beloved somehow made him feel this tingling sour feeling.

Gladly, the two finally separated so Jin walked toward them.

"I brought water. You should drink this. "

Jin said and the two raised their heads and looked at him before Y/n slowly stood.

"Thank you. " She said gratefully before she gulped the water.

Later on, Y/n entered the bathroom, leaving the father and son sitting quietly on the sofa. They were silent and unmoving.

They both have those same stoic expressions that will only change once their sun appeared. There was a huge gap between them as though they were in a cold war. Until Jin was the first to break the silence.

"Little Yoon, I have something to tell you. "

Jin said and Little Yoon immediately turned his head towards his dad.

He could tell in one glance that his dad was serious so Little Yoon could only look at him intently as though he was telling him he was ready to listen.

"Let's go talk to the study. " Jin said as he stood and Little Yoon could only crease his brows.