
Her Eternal Mr. Right

"You are just a gold digger to me. Do you understand? Just a gold digger! You have literally sold yourself to me for your Father's company. You are just here as my wife for my daughter. That's it!" Asher said with an anger as he pushed her to the wall. "What? Just... a gold digger?" Ivy asked with tears in her eyes. "Yes. Gold digger like you just need money right? I will give you. Just tell me how much you wanted to enjoy your life?" Asher asked with anger. Her heart has broken into pieces as she heard, what he just said about what he is thinking about her! She never thought that he think of her as a gold digger all these while... She had thought that... He is her Mr. Right as they are very happy with each other. They were in love. Aren't they really? But she believed that... He is the one. He is her prince Charming. He is a person who entered her life out of nowhere and suddenly means the world to her but now, he thinks, she is a gold digger. How can he has no idea that she had sacrificed her happiness because of her father? Till yesterday, he is the one that loved her the most... But now, the same man calls her a gold digger. This made her confusing. He's both good and bad. Her brightest moments and darkest Hours is him. He made her laugh but now, he is the one that made her cry. She is having a hard time understanding him, because on the one hand, she loves him for the happiness he gives her but on the other hand, she despise him right now because of the pain he gives her. And she has no idea where she is at fault?

Mairaisra · สมัยใหม่
143 Chs


"Asher..." Asher looked at her sternly making her shut her mouth.

"I have repeated so good to you last time that don't you dare try to take my daughter away from me. Didn't I?" Asher asked with anger.

"And I will repeat it again and again that she is my daughter as well. Yes. I did few wrong mistakes. But that doesn't mean that she isn't my daughter!" Sophia answered.

"Listen... You better stay away from my daughter. What I had with you was enough. I don't want my daughter to suffer anymore. So, back off and stop doing silly thing. Don't you dare visit my daughter again behind my back. You really think so low of me. Do you really think that I don't have any people looking at my daughter even if i am away?" Asher asked making Sophia take a deep breath.

"So, You are in love with your new bride now?" Sophia asked and Asher chuckled.

"Why do you care about me still? Huh? Isn't it you who left me? Why do you care if i am in love with Ivy or not?" Asher asked.

"She didn't even have a ring on her finger... Did you see mine?" Sophia asked as she showed him his ring making Asher scouts seeing the huge diamond ring on her finger which shines so well but it didn't really suit her finger at all.

"Here... This is my ring which my fiance gave me. What have you given to your fiancee? Huh? She is ashamed of you. She couldn't even show to the world that she is engaged with you!" Sophia said as she chuckled making Asher raise his eyebrows at him.

"Do you think, a girl like her will be with you forever? No. She will not. Even you know that she is just behind you for your money. She trapped you with the help of Lily. She is making you a fool by taking advantage of Lily." Sophia said and Asher sighed.

"Don't you dare talk about my soon to be wife! And it's you who is taking advantage of my daughter. Ivy did well by slapping you. You really deserve that slap. You don't even know how to behave in front of your daughter! How will you even care about her then?" Asher asked making Sophia grit her teeth.

"Ivy is not like you who takes advantage of people and leave the one she is with and go for another just because, she is tired of living with the one. She knows her responsibilities unlike you! She will become a better mom to Lily than you! I am sure of this." Asher said making Sophia stare at him with anger.

"She might not wore the ring. But, she really loves me and as she said, I am hers. What's mine is hers. Even Lily, who is mine is hers too! So, remember that and Don't you dare... Come closer to Ivy or Lily ever!" Asher said sternly and turned around.

"You will regret it, Asher. You will regret saying all these to me. You will regret Loving your so called new love! You will regret having Lily call her mom. You will regret her having take acre of Lily. You will regret everything!" Sophia replied and Asher smiled turning around towards her.

"I am not sure if I will regret it or not. But, I am sure regretting loving you. Marrying you. Because, you are worth it, Sophia. You are not worth of my love. Just because, I couldn't give you something at that time and was struggling. You gave up on me without any second thought. You Abounded your own child that you gave birth." Asher said as he took a deep breath.

"I regret everything that I did with you but... The most happiest thing that ever happened to me with you was Lily. I will never regret her. She is the only one that gave me happiness when you had left me. If not her, I would have hate you to death. Thanks to her, just because of you being her mother, I can't kill you." Asher said with a smile.

"Asher..." Asher cut off Sophia again.

"So, Stay away from my daughter and wife. You better Don't talk like that ever again with Ivy. She is not someone who works under you. She is my wife. So, You better watch what you are talking. Because, The next time I see you talking to her like this, I won't tolerate it." Asher said angrily and turned around walking away leaving Sophia alone there.

"How dare you, Asher? Just because of someone... You are looking down on me... I will make sure you regret everything that you said to me right now. I will show you who I am. You shouldn't be happy. You deserve to suffer." Sophia murmured to herself as he looked at Asher's disappearing figure from her sight.