
Hell x Paradise

My name is Van. And I wanted to save the world. Not just one world. All the worlds! Why do I want to save all these ingrate humans? We'd get to that later. But right now, the only person that could help me, is currently getting h*ad from a princess!!! Cocky brat! We have come to this world, with their stupid lords and beautiful lewd women, from very far away. What we seek is a secret between the two of us, and we hold the power to shatter mountains and split the seas. But here, there's no action. No powerful being unlike the other worlds we've been. I'm bored. I wish we could just find what we came here for and get the hell out. I still have to find the love of my life!!! But Bran is a bastard, all he wants is to get down with women... And he's already had like 4 women under his beck and call in just two days of being here in this castle. The bastard really knows his way with women. Pfftt... Read more...

lammiereborn_xxiv · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

She Made A Fool Of Death(III)

Van had felt insulted!

For a man who is a legend in some worlds and a notorious scum in other worlds.

His reputation is so precious that he will not let any local Lord ridicule him just to earn the admiration of some guards.

Deep inside, he is fuming hard, but on the surface, he kept a really composed look.

"My Lord, this brawl would only be fair if both parties use similar weapons... I won't want a situation whereby a party would blame their loss on the weapon and not skill."

In truth, even if the Lord and unsheathed that his strange looking sword, Van would rather borrow one of the guards sword rather than unleashing The Goldfang here and now.

It would cause a whole lot of commotion.

The Lord laughed, a nobles laughter.

"You seemed to know your way with words, young man. But sadly, your words won't save you now. And it'd be really boring if this spar ended before it even started. Right?"

He asked the crowd of men who had now formed around them to witness what would later be the highlight of the day.

They murmured in reply.

The crowd were tense. They all wanted to see the outcome of this battle.

Van had earned the recognition of the Lord of this castle three days ago when he and Bran had saved them from an attack in the Valley of Two Crowns.

The lord had already lost a troop of guards. The bandits were multiplying by the seconds. News of free plunder always travel fast in the valley. And the high Lord was with a lot of gold. Only his elite sentry were left to protect him.

The man must have lost all hopes until Van and Bran arrived.

Even then, as they cut through the thieves and lowlifes like butter, Van had not unsheathed Goldfang. And Bran did not have a sword even though he's half as good as Van at using it.

Since then, news had travelled through the palace about the mastery of swordsmanship of the two of them.

And Van knew many in the elite sentry are itching to test their reputable skills.

He picked up the wooden sword he had just used on Yaito and said with a smile.

"Be my guest, honored one."

The fancy noble man stood straight, one hand behind him... A magnificent stance, Van scoffed. This man excelled in Braggadocio.

Van knew the Noble man will not attack first. And normally, Van do not like attacking first either. But then, time is wasting away.

And so, with a casual yet calculated pace. He moved towards the noble man, his wooden sword pointed straight at him.

This is a provocative move and he knew the Noble man won't tolerate a sword getting closer to his eyes for long.

Van was right.

He was only few metres away when he lunged. With a slash. Faster than what Van would have expected from any one in this world. But still not fast enough for him tho.

Van sidestepped and slapped the side of his wooden sword against the failed attack, then shot his kick towards the Lord's face.

The lord dogded and attacked again with an horizontal slash, faster than the first. Van met it with his own slash.

This man is good.

Van smiled and decided to be more serious. He lunged to the side and made for the man's neck. Swords connected. Attack got canceled. The man could not counter the attack before Van attacked again. This time using both his wooden sword and his leg.

The noble man got faster and dodged both attacks at the last minute, backing away two steps.

Van is not one to give an opponent a breather tho. So he lunged again, with a mild leap and slashed down with a speed as fast as lightening.

To quick even for any of the men to follow.

The noble man countered the attack.

And that really surprised Van.

This man is not ordinary.

Like us, he is hiding something.

The fight got faster and faster and in few seconds, they had both exchanged more than fifty blows but neither had succeed in scoring a point on the other.

Suddenly, the noble man backed out with a swift backward somersault, earning some distance between them.

Van, at that point was actually enjoying the confrontation and is getting better with his left hand.

"I just remembered that I have somewhere to be..." The noble said with a spat and threw his wooden sword towards the rack absentmindedly.

It was an accurate throw. "I think I have entertained these local men enough. And young man... You are quite good. You should want to be my student. You will learn quite alot from me with your potentials. "

The noble man said as he dusted his clothes again while approaching the entrance to the sparring ground.

"Honored one, I would not wish to bother you. And you are quite good too. I did not expect that. "

The noble Lord scuffed. " Arrogant bastard!" And he stormed off. Van threw an imaginary "f*ck you* sign at the man as he scurried out of sight.

The men at the grounds were all dazed.

"Oh my God!!" Yaito bursted in amazement. "You are so good!!! I could not even follow the fight!!"

" Seriously...!"

" I thought it was only me!!"

" To think I was thinking of challenging him.."

" The two of them are monsters!!"

" I wish he'd take me as his student. I want to learn too..."

" Ahh..." Van faked embarrassment. " I think I'd be leaving now."

As he made to leave, Yaito followed him.

"You said something about taking me as your student earlier uhh?"

" Yeah... But I really didn't mean that..."

" What??!! I already took you as my teacher, you brat! I didn't know you were so good!"

" Me? Your teache? When is that?"

" Shut up! Young man! I'm your student as from now!"

Ahh. Van laughed.

" You'd have to respect me as your teacher tho..."

"Teach me first, that one can come later. And I'm older than you, remember?"

" Aii... I have heard!" Van said already tired of the man. "See you later..."

"Class is starting tomorrow, teacher!"

Van did not answer and kept on walking instead.


Alina stumbled up on his mother while going back to her chamber.

That made her heart skip.

What's worse, she's in the company of Delia and two of her friends. Both wives of some high lords. Behind them were like 6 handsmaidens.

Whenever Mother is in that kind of company, Alina always expect getting disgraced by her.

As the group noticed her presence, she bowed out of instinct.

"Mother." She greeted.

"Alina..."Mother said with a smile. She had stopped and so had the women following her. All their attentions are on her now.

Alina hated that.

"How has your day been going?" Mother asked with a smile. That question took her by surprise. She has never asked about that before.

"Fine Mother. It has been fine." She said bowing and making sure not to make eye contact with the fiery woman.

Mother scuffed.

"Well it should be, since it seems like you have started enjoying the company of men by your side. What do elders say about Children always taking after their mother."

Mother laughed, and the women with her chuckled.

Alina's cheeks burned red in shame.

She knew someone had been spying on her. Or worst still, that young man had been used as a trap just to shame her even more.

She could not even say a word.

She felt so much violated. And helpless. She grabbed tight at her dress in silent rage, her knuckles hard and tight.

Mother walked past her and she thought they will be going now but after some paces, she stopped and turned back to Alina.

"Just be careful, daughter. My husband placed so much hope on you. Desist from acts that would tarnish the image of this family. It won't do well to ruin his trust in you."

And even though, that seemed like an advice, it's the worst insult she's ever received from the woman.

Considering that Alina had caught her daughter doing immoral stuffs with different guys at many times.

Who needed the advice more???

I am so much tired here.

Alina sighed as her anger dissipated with the departure of the woman.

I will have to be more careful. She thought in resignation.

And then she kept on walking, deciding to head for Father's Private study instead of the kitchens where she was meaning to go before.

Her encounter with the woman she call Mother just now had made her lose all appetite.

Only books could take his thoughts away from the events.


Van watched as the young beautiful princess disappeared to some other doors inside the Lord's hall.

Of course, he had heard the conversation.

And he had noticed how pure the rage of that young lady was when the woman said those words to her.

He tried to think of how painful it could have been, but he really can't relate.

It must be very painful tho.

For one, Van regretted that he had been the reason why the princess got insulted unjustly.

Secondly, his hope of being friends with the young beautiful princess just diminished as he knew for sure that the young woman would be even more scared of relating with her now.

Van sighed.

We really should be done with our works here and get the hell out.

It's too formal and political for my liking.

And what the hell is Bran doing in that room until now?!!!!

That bastard!!!

I will have to go and drag in out of there by myself!!!


Right then, in one of the locked rooms high up in the castle was Bran. Totally undressed. Naked in all his glory. Kneeing down on the floor before him was a princess. The eldest princess. Nina is her name. And it's a name that always reminds Bran of Nirvana.

Nina was on her knees. Both hands grabbing at his throbbing golden rod. She looked like the most submissive woman Bran had ever seen. Of course, all of them always have that look. She is busy jerking him up and down at a slow sensual rate and it is seriously getting at him. Her eyes were fixed on his, even though she looked extremely shy. It was as if she hungers for what he'd look like when he finally burst.

Cute lady.

Every now and then, Nina will trace her tongue around his cap and that would send a shudder through him.

This lady is definitely good at it.

Bran relaxed and decided to let her have her way.

We don't have all day long.

When Nina noticed that he had started moaning, she thought her attempts are finally succeding and so she started taking in his golden rod.

Of course it's too big and it'd only gag her before she could even swallow half of it.

But that thought of gagging only made the pleasure get to him quicker and quicker.

And suddenly, he bursted his whole load in her mouth.

She didn't expect it and almost got choked as she took it off her mouth. The remaining splashed about.

And surely, Bran can see the satisfaction on her face.

This one is now mine too. Hahahaha. This is so easy!

He smiled. A slight devish smile.

To be continued.