
Hell x Paradise

My name is Van. And I wanted to save the world. Not just one world. All the worlds! Why do I want to save all these ingrate humans? We'd get to that later. But right now, the only person that could help me, is currently getting h*ad from a princess!!! Cocky brat! We have come to this world, with their stupid lords and beautiful lewd women, from very far away. What we seek is a secret between the two of us, and we hold the power to shatter mountains and split the seas. But here, there's no action. No powerful being unlike the other worlds we've been. I'm bored. I wish we could just find what we came here for and get the hell out. I still have to find the love of my life!!! But Bran is a bastard, all he wants is to get down with women... And he's already had like 4 women under his beck and call in just two days of being here in this castle. The bastard really knows his way with women. Pfftt... Read more...

lammiereborn_xxiv · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Ambush! (Ch. 4)

General Tujek's instinct were never wrong.

He knew something is wrong... Or rather, something would go awfully wrong soon enough.

His long years in the military has made him develop an acute sense of danger

He brought the convoy to a stop on the open plains. The golden glow of the setting sun casted a surreal look on his men. All brave knights with their armour glittering in gold and their glomming spear blades glowed in the light like miniature stars.

Only stars don't shine during the day.

His convoy consisted of 50 men and two caravan, each with two Royal envoys inside. A total of four envoys had been sent by the King's Council and General Tujek had been appointed to ensure the protection of these fat spoilt noble men who's constant chatters and complaint had stalled their progress further than he had expected.

The envoys were scheming spoilt folks, and a pain to be around; especially for a general like Tujek who has been so used to being around men that are disciplined, strong and won't chatter endlessly or complain like women.

Comfort and peace, it always turn men to literal women. Especially men like those envoys who had grown so used to luxury and peace that the only working part of their body now is brain. And even that holds no more than just blatant deciet and political games.

General Tujek spat.

And those fools would always think they can command anyone around as they wish!


"We shall camp here!" He called out to his men. Going through the Valley of two Crowns is a risk he doesn't want to put himself and his men through.

"Inform the Counsellors. We should be in the castle by this time tomorrow if we start out at early Dawn."

General Tujek climbed down from his horse and removed his helmet, hanging it by one side of the saddles.

One of the envoy's messangers approached.

Now we go again.

Things never go well whenever those envoys send their messangers.

The messanger is a woman, scantily claded. With just a strip of red cloth tied around her succulent chest to cover the area of her nipples and a transparent white breech. Tujek is sure that the woman did not wear any undercloth beneath the breeches. Over all these outfit is a long red robe.

The woman bowed.

"General...The counselor wish to have words with you." She said. Her voice broke General Tujek's heart. He could not get over the fact that such an innocent voice could come out of a lady like her.

And to think of what she'd have been experiencing inside that caravan with the counselor who owned her.

"Which of them?" Tujek asked, surprised that he could sound soft to the woman.

"High Lord Dirrham." The woman said with a bow again.

Most troublesome of the lot! General Tujek hissed. Dirrham is a man who always thinks he's the leader whenever he's with a group of men of equal stature.

Always wanting to talk first and wanting to sound like the wisest. He is not the most annoying tho, but Tujek hated him for one fact. Dirrham always like controlling him.

A whole General for that matter!

To think I'd suffer this kind of disrespect from a mere noble!!

Tujek forced a smile and followed the lady as she walked back towards the caravan where the said Dirrham was. It was a large caravan on six huge wheels. The caravan is pulled by 12 horses, 3 on each rows. It was bright red and rimmed with gold engravings and decorations.

The second caravan is of similar size, but this one is white instead of red...also decorated in similar yet magnificent engravings and decorations.

These nobles! Always wanted to proclaim their wealth wherever they go.

And the King did not prohibit it.

The general knew part of the reasons why.

The king has always wanted the people to know of his power and wealth.

And such a loud company is enough to remind the common people of why the royal family are powerful. Even though the poor ones will obviously not be happy with such loud display of wealth.

The psychology of common men is always to believe their rulers as omnipotent and all powerful, that way it is easier for said rulers to control them.

General Tujek stepped inside of the caravan and it was smoking hot! He started sweating immediately. Inside of the caravan, it was smoky and dimly lit. And half a dozen young ladies are partially or fully naked, entertaining the amusements of two elderly men who seemed to be in their late fifties. The two men were smoking godleaves, and a quality one at that.

No wonder the ladies seemed drowsy and careless. The scent is enough to intoxicate them.

The caravan was high enough that Tujek could stand, but it is not so high, so he had to stoop to avoid his head from scratching the ceiling.

"You requested my presence." Tujek said in a strong voice.

Dirrham took a long draught of wine from his golden chalice before answering the general.

"General... Why have we stopped." The councilor asked after belching.

"The Valley of two Crowns lay right in front of us. It would be unwise to proceed the journey at this time of the day."

" Why general? Tell us more." The second councilor puts in. He's Aram Mirko. Another annoying bastard.

General kept a calm face.

"The valley is a den of thieves, lowlives and bandits. Some of the most notorious bandits in the kingdom have their base here inside this valley. To proceed at this time is foolishness as it'd be harder for my men to scout around. I would not want to risk an attack that is likely. This convoy looks attractive enough to pique the interest of those bandits."

" So, General, you are saying you are scared of fighting against some petty thieves? Right? You do not look like a coward tho..." Aram spat.

" Ahhhh, our general is truly getting old and paranoid." Dirrham laughed mockingly. " Perhaps you should retire when we get to the capital. I'd put forth good words to the king on your behalf. Maybe he'd gift you an estate on the greens. Haha. Surely, his highness is benevolent."

The general said nothing in reply to the insults.

The sweats and smoke is already getting him mad enough.

"General." Dirrham said, after realizing that the general would not react to his insults.

"We would not camp here tonight. We have already wasted much time on this journey. His highness would expect us back before The Virgins festival. We are already four days late from getting to Jaime's Castle. I can't afford to waste more time. The king's duty is important above all else."

Fool! You fools were the one who caused the delay in the first place!!! If you had not been complaining of body pain all along or other stupid things, we would have been at Lord Jaime's castle by now!

But General Tujek is one that is adept at controlling his anger. And so he breathed out.

"It would be dangerous to proceed now. We'd risk having to camp inside the Valley and that's a prospect I'm sure you would not like." He earned.

" You think I'm scared of some lowly thieves? General? What use is your armoured knights if their presence could not even chase off some ill-equipped dummies. Heck! Give me a sword and I'd tell you why I'm named Dirrham!"

The two noble men bursted into laughter at this.

In Truth "Dirrham" is a name that meant "the brave one" but Tujek knew, if there's anything brave about this man. It's banana dangling under his breeches. It's the only thing that is brave about him as it could enter any hole!

Tujeck sighed. He is tired of these men already. He started to talk but then stopped at the entrance of two other men into the caravan.

They are also councilors.

"Why have we stopped?" The two asked in unison. These ones are twins, still in their early forties... this means they are not as fat as Dirrham and Mirko but that did not make them less annoying.

"The general is scared of thieves. Petty bandits! Ahh!!!" Mirko jested.

" Seriously?! What use are you then if you can not protect us?! " One of the twins said in a furious tone, his attempt at sounding intimidating pitifully unsuccessful.

"I am doing my duty, councilors. And I knew better than all of you when it comes to matter of safety. I do not care for your insults, but you will not command me as you are not above me in the command chain. If you wish to proceed, we shall continue the journey ; majority always wins but then I would not take any responsibility if something goes wrong along the way."

With that, General Tujek stormed out of the caravan. The heat and the stink of godleaves is unbearable enough. Tujek will not be able to cope with four stupid men in that kind of atmosphere.

Tujek wanted to be done with this company already. He longed to be back at the Edge where men with minds like his own can be found.

His old friends in the military.

And he missed his family too.

Damn the king's duty! This is not the task for a general!

In a loud voice, he commanded his men. And they saddled up in minutes.

Soon enough, they are all heading into the valley of two Crowns.

The general and twenty mounted knights at the head.

The two caravans in the middle, and a wagon holding the company's supply behind, with ten men guarding it. The remaining men flanked the caravans and wagon at both sides.

It's not like Tujek is scared of some bandits, in fact, he itched for a fight...even though thieves won't offer the kind of challenge he seek.

His fear however is, while Tujek can easily protect himself, In encounters and robbery attacks... He is bound to lose some of these good men. Even if it's only one... Tujek did not want that.

But what to do? The noble men are adamant.

And they are closer to the king than himself.

It's even a well known rumour at the Edge that these Councilors are the true ruler of the kingdom; that the king only prants and growl about on the throne over whatever the council feels he should know about.

The way of rulers... Tujek spat. Dirty games of politics.

The sun witnessed with dull light as the convoy slips into the valley.Soon enough the valley was empty.... And safe for the little rabbits running in the grasses.


It is dark now. Has been dark for some hours and so far, Tujek's scouts had not report of any suspicious sightings. Not even the slightest trace of anything similar to human.

It's like they are the only ones in this deep forest that is the valley; that really worried the general.

Why? Cause he had picked the scouts and he knew they are really good at it.

If these bandits can hide themselves so well from his best scouts, perhaps he should not underestimate them then.

He raised a signal for his men to keep their guards up, that would send worry across the company but Tujek only cared for the safety of everyone. Funnily enough, the councilors are all in their caravans as if there's no risk of impending attack any time soon.

The convoy pressed on.

Tujek had made up his mind not to stop until they are out of this forest and the whole of the valley.

A rider from behind the line rode closer towards the general.

"What?" He said when the Knight got near.

"Councilor Mirko asked if we are stopping soon."

" No." The general said." And bring me no more nonsense from them. You are a knight, not some foolish noble men's messanger.

The Knight saluted and rode back in line.

Tujek sighed and shifted his sword closer.

He heard a whistle and instinctive dodged. Something flew over his head at light speed.

He knew right then that the thieves had made their move.

Tujek threw a knife towards the direction the arrow had come from. A grunt and he heard a thud some distance away. His swords is already in his hands, and only then did his knights knew they are under attack.

"Shields!" Tujek bellowed as more arrows whistle over his head. "The enemies are in the shadows!!" He threw two more knives at different direction and he knew that they had connect.

How many are they? Tujek can not tell. There's activities all around, and not even one of their attackers is making any sound.

He heard a Chuck and a grunt behind him.

"Damn it!" His men are getting hit. And it seemed that these thieves had encircled them.

How did they get hold of so many arrows tho.

He could see some silhouette moving through the distant trees and he knew they were baits to separate his soldiers from him.

Some of the brave ones are already charging towards the shadows.

"Do not Chase!!!!! Charge through! Single Line. Do Not Chase!!!!!" He commanded. And his men start galloping, breaking out the encirclement would be his only option now.

He can't afford to have his men separated. It would only make them far easier preys.

The general threw three more knives as his soldiers starts to gallop down the only path way In this forest. He could see some of his men bodies on the ground and roaming horses.

How many men have I lost? I don't know.

He wished the fucking cowards would show themselves and stop shooting arrows. He started to gallop too, and dodged two more arrows.

One of the councilors snuck out his head from the caravan.

"Are we being attacked? This caravan is rocking too much for my liki-!"

The foolish noble man did not get to complete his words tho, an arrow passed through his eyes and stuck on the hard wood of the window behind his head.

Tujek did not even give it a second glance to see which of the noble men had died.


He knew these theives would try to chase them. That way, their enemies would have a front and it would be a clash of blade and not them snuffing his men out like rodents.

Tujek was right. Some pace behind, he could see some of the men chasing his convoy.

On their own horses.

Oh good lord! How could so many thieves afford horses?! And their blade gleams. These ones are well armed.

Tujek knew they'd soon run him and his men down if he kept on running. The horses were all tired from the journey already... And the more he ran, the more his knight would lose their course.

"Halt!" He commanded and stirred his horse to face the pursuing thieves.

I love you, Sara. May the heavens be with you.

"Attack!" He shouted and he charged head-on towards the incoming thieves.

His men followed suit with their battle cries.

To be continued...